*MERGED* The [Official] Kofi Kingston Thread

Before they put McIntyre in and made it 9 men for the MITB match I had an idea about what they'd do with him. But now there's 9 there surely has to be a tenth and that's clearly going to be Kofi Kingston, and he instantly becomes second favourite to win the match behind Christian.

My idea for before this was that he'd end up tagging with Randy Orton against Legacy. Randy's turned on his only two allies and although he's clearly better than both of them, a 2 on 1 advantage is difficult to overcome, so who would he turn to? Someone he's become familiar with through beating the hell out of each other, Kofi Kingston. The whole "he earned my respect" angle. On paper Kofi and Randy would be the clear favourites, but then you'd have the story of whether they can trust each other against an in-sync Legacy. It could lead to a re-ignited feud between the two if one or both turned on each other at the end, causing a loss, and giving Legacy a rub in the process. Randy could even turn on Kofi and re-unite with Legacy, saying it was all an elaborate plan to get revenge on Kofi. Who knows where else it could go.

But yeah, I'd say it's a foregone conclusion that he will qualify for MITB and be one of the favourites to win it and cash in.
I have to say I am not a Kofi Kingston fan but I do respect his in-ring ability and work ethic. I got a few boys who are Kofi fans but for some reason I just never liked him...I don't know why. But it's real messed up if he isn't on the WM card. He probably is one of the wrestlers who works the most in the WWE locker room between RAW and all the house shows they do....and seeing how he's not that known of a guy he gets treated like a workhorse. The least they could do is throw him in Money in the Bank. I'd rather see him in it then Kane.
I personally hate the kofi kingston entering the legacy match idea. The legacy match is meant to be building up legacy, not building up a guy that is unrelated to them in any way. Also, it's a triple threat match, not a tag match. It would ruin the build of dibiase and rhodes where one of them will break with the other to try and beat randy at wrestlemania.
Thus the only logical match for kofi is mitb. But there's only 1 more raw to go...
Maybe he'll run in on the mitb match and take the briefcase even though he isn't in the match, with the idea that he was never given the chance to be in the match so he just entered himself into it. You never know...
WWE Alters The Money in the Bank Participants Yet Again
by Nick Paglino

Mar 16, 2010

WWE.com is reporting that Drew McIntyre has been removed from the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 26 and the company plans on going with only 8 superstars for the bout as opposed to 10.

that blows the idea of Kofi being in the MITB as the #10 entrant out of the water. unless creative change their mind again within a week, which isnt unlikely due to them being idiots :D

now, back to Kofi. with one week to go before 'mania, i really cant see him being in a match. yes he jobbed on RAW to batista, but that kinda was goin nowhere anywhere, as i see batista/cena being resolved at backlash(or whatever the name is now). so he is stuck in limbo atm with nowhere to go.
there just isnt anything for Kofi to work on right now, it seems that the stint against orton almost was too early for the guy in that WWE were always going to do the legacy angle for Wrestlemania, had Kofi worked the orton programme after wrestlemania im sure he would have got a bigger push especially with some of the big boys taking some time out after the PPV.

does anyone else fear kofi may end up the way of Burke?
That report about McIntyre being removed is total BS from what I can tell. He's still listed in the match on WWE.com, and was never announced as being removed. I see Kofi staying off the actual card this year and being involved in some kind of pre-show match if they have one again this year. Poor guy. He was just starting to gain some serious steam. He must have really pissed someone off to see his push halted so fast.
I'd have to that Kingston go to MITB match and Christian and Kofi duke it out. But I doubt that'll happen because I think Kofi really fucked up w/ Roidtista. Honestly, I think it was Batista's fault that he bled so badly. I mean the fucker doesn't understand the meaning of "slow down, you'll get hurt." Kofi was justified in reversing that move but the idiot ape got himself hurt and Kofi literally gave Batista the match when he jumped saying "DESTROY ME WITHOUT GETTING HURT"

Forget WM, I think that when his contract comes up, he should flip the WWE and go to TNA, he'll have a better run there.
He will be the tenth man in Money in the Bank im confident in that. They made it an odd number when adding McIntyre making it nine spots. I don't see why it can't be ten. Even if he is in though I still see Christian winning it. Have all year not gonna change my mind now. They won't leave Kofi off Wrestlemania he was arguably superstar of the year last year. Also he didn't job to Batista he lost. Wrestling the WWE champion and putting on a good showing is still somewhat of a push. Although I thought Cena would help Kofi like Batista did Big Show.
I'd have to that Kingston go to MITB match and Christian and Kofi duke it out. But I doubt that'll happen because I think Kofi really fucked up w/ Roidtista. Honestly, I think it was Batista's fault that he bled so badly. I mean the fucker doesn't understand the meaning of "slow down, you'll get hurt." Kofi was justified in reversing that move but the idiot ape got himself hurt and Kofi literally gave Batista the match when he jumped saying "DESTROY ME WITHOUT GETTING HURT"

Forget WM, I think that when his contract comes up, he should flip the WWE and go to TNA, he'll have a better run there.

I don't really think anyone is to blame for the blood being spilt. It's a physical sport and despite any smart alecs claims that wrestling is fake... they do still touch each other and with moves like backflip kicks and any other acrobatic move there is always risk of injury. To say that Batista ran in to quick or Kofi dodged the attack to late is not relevant. What we should take note from is that both Batista and Kofi realised what had happened and allowed Batista to take on the roll of the animal seeing his own blood. It was almost like it was the scripted finish (In fact, I have suspicions that it was... Batista does move his hand across his face after it happened in a blading like motion).

In regards to the drop off in Kofi's appearances... I've said it before. Who could he feud with? He's not high profile enough to do a Raw Vs Smackdown feud and there is noone on Raw, even with the newly acquired ECW guys, nobody that makes me thing "Wrestlemania: Kofi Vs... Koslov? Regal? All due respect to them guys but it just doesn't do it for me. I really would like a Kofi/Miz feud but they seem to have forgotten all about the US Title and are just concentrating on the Tag Titles for the moment. I'd personally like to see a Kofi Vs Zach Ryder feud as I highly rate Ryder but would that really get over with the WWE Universe... hardly.

Over on Smackdown, the picture slightly changes. Mcintyre, Jericho, Punk, Edge, Ziggler, The Harts, Kane and The Undertaker... give either Kofi or one of these fellows a heel turn and put Mysterio, Benjamin, Morrison, Truth and Hardy in there. Smackdown is made for guys like Kingston. I think it has to happen!

I truly think that Kofi isn't being punished. I haven't read anywhere anything that confirms the Orton 'Stupid Stupid Stupid' incident was anything worth noting. I just saw it, at the time and still today, as storyline. I think the point people were suggesting was that Kofi stood up instead of taking a punt and so he had to be given an RKO instead... Could he not have gone for the punt after that? Did he? Case rested.

It's not punishment that Kofi is experiencing now... it's a lack of options. I'm sure he'll appear on the card in some way or another, hopefully in the MITB match and if he does, I'd possibly give him the nod for the win over Christian, as much as I want Christian to win.
Sorry guys Kofi Kingston can't make this years WM MitB because they changed the participants back to 8, WWE is stupid why push Kofi Kingston to the moon and then just leave him off the biggest ppv of the year while he still pretty over witht he crowd i know i am. For Kofi Kingston it looks like a draft to Smackdown for him unfortunately in my opinion i think its all backstage politics after Randy chanted that "stupid" crap in that match they botched itz all been downhill for Kofi
He will be the tenth man in Money in the Bank im confident in that. They made it an odd number when adding McIntyre making it nine spots. I don't see why it can't be ten. Even if he is in though I still see Christian winning it. Have all year not gonna change my mind now. They won't leave Kofi off Wrestlemania he was arguably superstar of the year last year. Also he didn't job to Batista he lost. Wrestling the WWE champion and putting on a good showing is still somewhat of a push. Although I thought Cena would help Kofi like Batista did Big Show.
God I hope he is the tenth man in the MITB but what I'm saying w/ Kofi and Batista is that Kofi is a great wrestler but at times he wants to be over the top and people get pissed (Orton) or hurt (Batista) and I give him full credit for going over the top. I just hate the fact that people (backstage) don't like it when shit happens when you have a dumass facing a good wrestler.
This is my first post in over a year...

I think its possible that the pre-show dark match battle royal will be a Last Chance Battle Royal with the winner getting a final spot in MITB. And your winner (hopefully) is Mr. Kingston.

..... just a thought :)
This really pisses me off. Why would you push someone so hard to beat Randy Orton, the top heel of the company for years to come, only to shut him down and possibly out of Wrestle Mania? This makes no sense what so ever and it's a damn shame on Kofi's part and it's just embarrassing on WWE's part. Creative dropped the ball. I'm a WWE fan, but stuff like this wants me to watch TNA and hope they beat out WWE someday. That won't ever happen in my opinion, but WWE has done this so many times over the years, it's just gotten to a point where it's just ridiculous and sad and needs to simply change!
I'm going to give the WWE the benefit of the doubt and not rush to judgment until we see what Kofi does at Mania. If he does get left off the card then people can have a legit beef but we have to wait and see.

And for those people who are saying Kofi isn't getting pushed anymore, that is bullshit. He interfered in the main event of RAW two weeks ago and then last Monday he put up a valiant effort against the WWE's current top heel in Batista.
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Hmm... Lets take a look:

Intensity Check

Showmanship Check

Mic Skills Meh...

Able to tell a story and have a totally awesome match with the most surprising endings Check

Able to create good feuds Check

Able to hold titles and pull off impossible odds w/out pulling a Cena Check

Unique and diverse moveset Check

Well. Kofi seems to have most of them down. Not the best worker as we've seen him botch a few times, but so has roidtista and they gave him a championship for a month. What I don't seem to understand is his ridiculous halt at his push. Hey I'm all for slow pushes. I'm cool with that, I prefer it rather than "BOOM OMG HE'S THE CHAMPION!!" but seriously what exactly do they see in Jack that they do not see in Kofi? I don't care if he NEVER wins the WWE championship. There have been SOO MANY legends that have barely touched a championship but became legends. I just want to see him in a feud with a top guy. Yeah, we got to see Randy but come on challenge someone already! I'm tired of him mid carding to friggin Carlito. He loses a feud? That's fine, you need reality. He wins a feud? Great. I just want him to be in the picture and not be in a match and just hi and run all the damn time.
Now, we're going to take the same checklist you created and apply it to Jack Swagger:

Intensity Check

Showmanship Check

Mic Skills Good, other than the slight lisp, which suits him because it shows his inperfection

Able to tell a story and have a totally awesome match with the most surprising endings Check (See vs John Cena)

Able to create good feuds Check. I thought his feud with Christian last year was one of the best in WWE for '09. His feud with MVP could have seen similar success, but was prohibited due to lack of support from creative.

Able to hold titles and pull off impossible odds w/out pulling a Cena Check. Best WWECW champion in its existence, plus we all saw MITB (even though he had a fail in bringing the briefcase down).

Unique and diverse moveset Check.

Jack Swagger at least matches Kofi Kingston on this checklist. He also has a more favorable look than Kofi. Kofi is very slim, and while I like him a lot, combining his physique with his ever increasingly long dreads, I am beginning to find him annoying. And sure Swagger has a lisp, but its not terribly bad to the point where he sounds like Donald Duck or something like that. He is what he says he is. He is the All-American American. As corny as that sounds, the gimmick suits him without question. I also liked how for MITB he came out wearing a Kurt Angle esque attire, hooded jacket and everything. I'd like to see more of that because in my opinion, Swagger is a hybrid of Triple H and Kurt Angle. He's got the Game's size, and to a degree has the amateur wrestling skills of Angle. Plus, I think its really easy to get the fans to buy into him. They did when he was ECW champ anyway, and although it has already been established how short the memory of the WWE Universe is,I am sure they'll have no trouble into giving him the heel heat he deserves. At least he'd get more than Sheamus anyway, but thats just my opinion.
I forgot an entire paragraph

I think Kofi's push will come in due time, he does however need to work on perfecting his move set, he has botched alot of moves, but really who hasn't. Thats why I agree with him being on smackdown, because I've been to several smackdown tapings and his matches are heavily edited. I think WWE fears putting him into that main even light due to the fact that at live PPV's as the champ, he has to constantly up his game and they dont' want the mistakes on live TV.

Oh and this is going to sound bad, really bad, but what I think it comes down to at the end of the day is the color of his skin......Vince has never really pushed anybody but whites to the top, the rock is not fully black and came from a wrestling lineage, he had a pre-determined future for the most part. Look at how they did Ezekial Jackson, are you serious? Congrats your the ECW champ, now its a retired belt....Mark Henry.....Look at how many times Crime Time should've had been in the tag team championship chase but have been screwed over, THEY ARE AN ACTUAL TAG TEAM, unlike showmiz...last but not least...

Bad News Brown, was told personaly told, he would be the first black champ and at the time he was being pushed it should've happened but it didn't.......

On a side not to reply to 4-real, swagger is not ready for that light either IMO. honestly, I think things could've been shaken up if Kane had won that match, here's another guy who is always on his game and at this point in his career could really use the push. Let's face it his one and only title reign was a joke, creative needs to find a way to make him hated and feared once again and that could've been one of the ways to do it.
Now, we're going to take the same checklist you created and apply it to Jack Swagger:

Intensity Check

Showmanship Check

Mic Skills Good, other than the slight lisp, which suits him because it shows his inperfection

Able to tell a story and have a totally awesome match with the most surprising endings Check (See vs John Cena)

Able to create good feuds Check. I thought his feud with Christian last year was one of the best in WWE for '09. His feud with MVP could have seen similar success, but was prohibited due to lack of support from creative.

Able to hold titles and pull off impossible odds w/out pulling a Cena Check. Best WWECW champion in its existence, plus we all saw MITB (even though he had a fail in bringing the briefcase down).

Unique and diverse moveset Check.

Jack Swagger at least matches Kofi Kingston on this checklist. He also has a more favorable look than Kofi. Kofi is very slim, and while I like him a lot, combining his physique with his ever increasingly long dreads, I am beginning to find him annoying. And sure Swagger has a lisp, but its not terribly bad to the point where he sounds like Donald Duck or something like that. He is what he says he is. He is the All-American American. As corny as that sounds, the gimmick suits him without question. I also liked how for MITB he came out wearing a Kurt Angle esque attire, hooded jacket and everything. I'd like to see more of that because in my opinion, Swagger is a hybrid of Triple H and Kurt Angle. He's got the Game's size, and to a degree has the amateur wrestling skills of Angle. Plus, I think its really easy to get the fans to buy into him. They did when he was ECW champ anyway, and although it has already been established how short the memory of the WWE Universe is,I am sure they'll have no trouble into giving him the heel heat he deserves. At least he'd get more than Sheamus anyway, but thats just my opinion.

Everyone needs to remember that gimmicks are different than the actual person. While Swagger may be a decent wrestler, his gimmick is a huge limitation.

Intensity Nope!! Intensity comes with passion, something Jack Swagger has little of. The Miz has intensity.

Showmanship Check

Mic Skills Check

Able to tell a story and have a totally awesome match with the most surprising endings Check

Able to create good feuds No. Jack Swagger has no levels. Other than the fact that he is the All-American American wrestler (a gimmick Kurt Angle perfected), what else does he have? Kofi Kingston's small physique, background, and on-screen friendships can easily make for plenty of different storyline scenarios.

Able to hold titles and pull off impossible odds w/out pulling a Cena
No!!! His ECW title was not the best in WWECW. Big Show, RVD, John Morrison, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, Christian....heck, everyone other than Ezekiel Jackson (for obvious reasons) had a better ECW title run.

Unique and diverse moveset
Hardly unique!! Do you remember Kurt Angle? Chris Benoit? Bobby Lashley?
As for diversity...it's diverse, but doing the same splash from the turnbuckle makes it not seem so. Kofi Kingston is unique and diverse...

Kofi Kingston has all of those qualities.
I'm fine with Kofi losing MiTB as there supposedly another one down the road this year. And even then, the question is what do they do with Kofi now? I think I'm going to throw into him going to Smackdown, a show that seems more his speed right now. I feel he's pretty good on a mic when he isn't forcing the Jamaican gimmick, but that in the shuffle of Cena, Sheamus, and then Legacy, Orton didn't have the time to let the Kofi feud develop beyond what time they had in ring (which was still damn good).

So again, with Orton getting the seeming face push, Cena as champ, and Triple H fending off Sheamus, there is little room for Kofi to break in at the top on Raw (as a face, anyways). His best luck at this moment is likely on Smackdown.
So it seems like Kofi may be getting a DEpush right now.... Granted i could be wrong but it just seems that way (he wasnt even on raw on monday) i believe kofi is an awesome wrestler and a great entertainer all together, his mic work seemed ok even tho i have only heard him talk like 3 times.

SO on to my question..... What if the E turned him heel???

I know hes the "smiling all the time happy guy" but that could work very well with a heel turn! Imagine kofi coming out with some random object (preferably not a chair cuz i want to see him swing for the head) and just beats Cena with it after a match with that same smile on his face?!

I mean come on how many heels smile ALL the time?! that could be awesome! And it could be the change that Kofi needs to propel his career to the stars. And i know alot of you are going to say that his moveset is a moveset of a face, which is true, BUT that can always change, he can develop alot more in the ring with a heel turn and it could possibly make him an even better wrestler.

So what do you guys think of a heel Kofi? yes or no? give me a reason for your opinion

thanks for reading
I was misguided to think they couldn't make CM Punk a good heel. I was WrOnG. He is one of the best heels I have ever seen. To think they could take such a Babyface and make him such a believable bad guy tells us that WWE, if anything, can do believable Face/Heel turns.

If Khofi stays with WWE for plenty-of-odd-years, odds are they are going to turn him heel. In fact, 99% of the WWE Roster has been a heel or face before turning to their respected characters. We might one day see Khofi do something unprecedented that could give him a boost and make th fans boo him.

I will definitely say yes it can be done.

On a minor note: They won't allow headshots with anything now, but I'll save that for the right topic. (relevent because the topic creator mentioned it with Khofi)
Its really tough to say if Kofi could pull off a good heel or not for a couple reasons. The first one being that we really have no clue how good (or bad) he is on the mic. In order for a babyface as popular as Kofi to turn into a believeable heel, he needs to be able to talk. The mic is what allowed Jericho and CM Punk to make very successful heel turns when they were very popular faces. The second reason being that I can't really see much of a heel gimmick or a reason for him to turn heel. Jericho became extremely smug because he hated that people cheered for someone like Shawn Michaels. CM Punk used his straight-edge ways to appear better than everyone else because he lives a clean life. I'm not sure what gimmick Kofi could go with in order to get over. I would like to see Kofi do something because in the ring he is one of the more enjoyable wrestlers to watch. Do I think he can turn heel successfully? Perhaps, but until he is given significant mic time, its tough to say.
Well when his promo vids first started in ECW for some reason I thought he was heel, but obviously not. I can't really see Kofi as a heel, to me that would almost be on the level of Rey being heel just without all the merch sales.

I wouldnt want to see another guy who is a great face be moved to heel, kinda like how Orton is the perfect heel yet is face right now, makes no sense to me.
I will honestly like to see kofi as a heel and im pretty sure that he could work well as a heel. Now that Randy is creating his face turn, RAW will need a major heel and I could easily see Kofi taking that spot, He will not be as good as Orton, But I say why not? If WWE turn Cm punk heel, Why can't they give it a try with Kofi?

Kofi needs a major push and his major push will be by turning heel. Give him a psychotic gimmick, Let him attack John cena out of the nowhere. Make him Feud with Cena for a couple of weeks for the WWE heavyweight championship. I'm not sayingto give him he WWE championship because IMO, he is not ready to become WWE champion. By feuding with Cena that will create a new beggining for Kofi, And I'm sure that cena will put Kofi over as a heel.
I think he could with the help of Primo (I know, I know. Hear me out) and MVP. I've always pictured a Nation of Domination 2.0 of sorts with Kofi as the leader, Primo and MVP. You could probably even add in R-Truth if you wanted to turn him heel. They would bond because they feel that they've been discriminated against by Vince/The WWE because of their race (whatever it may be).

Have them come out after a John Cena title defense and beat him within an inch of his life. BUT make sure Kofi comes out last. Everyone would think Kofi is there to help but he cracks John Cena over the head with a chair or hits him with the T.I.P. The next week on RAW, he goes into a spiel (sp?) about them banding together because they've been held down due to their races. Maybe have Abraham Washington as their mouthpiece. You could maybe throw in Yoshi Tatsu if you wanted.

All in all, that would honestly be the only scenario in which Kofi could be a heel. He's WAY too talented and wouldn't be able to pull it off by himself. He would need some sort of stable. Thoughts?

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