Kofi doesn't need to change that much, all he needs is a chance to show what he can do. Give him a program where he gets to show another side of himself, let us in his world. We know absolutely nothing about him, or any of the mid-carders actually. It takes more than a heel turn or a title to make a character, we love wrestling because of the stories, its a male soap opera. So they need to get off of their asses and give him something to work with, i sure he is not as bland as he seems, its just the way he is presented. With the right push anybody can be a star so i've learned to never say never.
I've also never heard the Kofi sucks chant either, but i have been hearing some Kofi chants lately, at the Rumble after the handstand, at the debate when he said he was being overlooked, at the chamber a few times too after some cool spots. I also don't understand why people think that being jamaican is some type of soft label, have you guys ever met some real rastas? But i'm glad he dropped that accent and is claiming Ghana, i saw on his twitter page that he calls himself the Shogun of African and the Magnificent Black, maybe the "E" should let him try some of his own ideas.