Kofi Kingston Needs To Turn Heel

Sometimes I think if the IWC had its way, there'd be no faces at all.

Kofi needs a biit more intensity and a bit of a push, and he'll be fine. He's a good mid-card wrestler, and he's a good fit for another tag title run with the right partner.
Just because he is showing intensity doesn't mean he should be a villain. I do find myself being drawn to Kofi and his mean streak. Whether with Randy or with Jericho or Ziggler, he is someone who is damn entertaining.

I do hope instead of being a goody goody like Rey, they make him a mean worker and incorporate that into his gimmick. Because he doesn't have one, decisive one at the moment.

And the funny thing is he doesn't even talk much, and he's pretty good at the mic. The upper midcard needs a face.
There are a few things I'd like to point out about Kofi. I've been keeping them close to my chest for a while now - this'll definitely be a catharsis of sorts.

First and foremost, his pecs creep me the fuck out. They're too far apart. It's like they're trying to run away from each other. I can only assume - as nobody else on the roster has cross-eyed pecs - that he's either been working out wrong or has a rare genetic abnormality.

Secondly, I like his trunks. Anything that distracts from his pecs is good, but his Robin trunks looked, ahem, hell of cool. Why he has to wear another pair of trunks underneath befuddles me. Perhaps his ass cheeks do the same thing that his pecs do, so it becomes hard to wear any sort of clothing on his lower body.

Otherwise, he's decent. Competent. For my money, I'd still rather watch John Morrison.
I jut can't see Kofi turning heel without Kofi changing everything he is. I said the same thing about John Morrison. His move set his a babyface move set. He hits the big jaw dropping spot to pop the crowd. Just like his royal rumble spot. He couldn't do anything like that as a heel. I think he need to go back to less dancing and more fierce attitude like his feud with Randy Orton.
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He needs to learn how to wrestle without botching 87 moves a match, first.

That said, I really can't see a scenario where Kofi could be a credible heel.
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First off, NO. This is just a stupid idea and reasoning. When did Kofi get chants you Suck. I have no ideas. I think there might be something wrong with your TV or your watching the wrong channel. I mean he like everyone elese on the roster if your not the top 4 or 5 people your gonna get lost in hte shuffle has nothing to do with his gimmick being stale. I mean maybe he needs more Promos, but thats it. His ring work in up there. Dont you read the news on this website he was praised at MITB, the Royal Rumble, and apperently over the weekend at live events. Him and jericho. I do think he needs to get away from the tag team divison.
He does not need to turn heel. Perhaps he would be better as a hell, which i doubt he would be, but even if he was the amount of top quality heels in the WWE right now is amazing.

There are very few quality faces in the WWE. Besides Punk, Cena, Orton and Sheamus there is no one who can be seen as a World Champ. This is why Kofi should stay face. He is more likely to get a chance at a championship as a face as there are too many heels and he would be completely overshadowed, relegated to superstars and fired.
Kofi needs time off, so that WWE can come up with better gimmick for him. The current one is stale.

How so? I mean, firstly, why does he need to take time off to get a better gimmick? It's not like he'd write himself a better character if only all his time weren't taken up by that blasted wrestling. Writing isn't exactly his responsibility. Unless we're talking a Jamal to Umaga sort of transformation. If we are, my suggestion - angry militant black man.

Secondly, I don't see what's so stale about his current gimmick. It's hardly a gimmick. It's definitely not a character. It's background noise; nicey nice babyface #24,951. Just add something ontop of that, a layer or a hook and you might have something to work with. Maybe. People seemed pretty high on him when he was jumping on Randy Orton's car.
Kofi doesn't need to change that much, all he needs is a chance to show what he can do. Give him a program where he gets to show another side of himself, let us in his world. We know absolutely nothing about him, or any of the mid-carders actually. It takes more than a heel turn or a title to make a character, we love wrestling because of the stories, its a male soap opera. So they need to get off of their asses and give him something to work with, i sure he is not as bland as he seems, its just the way he is presented. With the right push anybody can be a star so i've learned to never say never.

I've also never heard the Kofi sucks chant either, but i have been hearing some Kofi chants lately, at the Rumble after the handstand, at the debate when he said he was being overlooked, at the chamber a few times too after some cool spots. I also don't understand why people think that being jamaican is some type of soft label, have you guys ever met some real rastas? But i'm glad he dropped that accent and is claiming Ghana, i saw on his twitter page that he calls himself the Shogun of African and the Magnificent Black, maybe the "E" should let him try some of his own ideas.
Great idea, let's give the already heel-heavy WWE yet another generic bland stale and boring heel, Kofi is one of the few mid-card faces the WWE has on Raw, turning him heel would be pants on head ******ed. Sorry OP, but you are just plain wrong on this one.
Man, here we have a community of people whom if not for the fact that most of them weren't even born yet would have demanded a heel turn / gimmick change for Junk Yard Dog. They would have hated Ricky Steamboat because he was "too nice". Ric Flair would have been "Hogging the belt" and poor Hacksaw Jim Duggan would be "A comedy jobber who needs to be future endevored!". Tough crowd these days.
He'll never be heel, because just like Zack Ryder, he's the guy that kids tend to really enjoy.

Zack Ryder was originally a heel with Edge...

I don't like Kofi one bit, he is boring and I just hate his character alltogether.

I tend to like heels a lot more than face, so if he went heel, I might like him more.
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Why are you all hating on kofi? he is the perfect mid carder in the PG era! the kids love him! Why does he need to turn heel? he will not be taken serious as a heel so he would get no where near the main event heel scene. its stacked as it is (bryan, jericho, kane, henry, christian, del rio, miz etc.)

What a fucking pointless discussion. Kofi can keep doing his thing and hopefully one day he'll get his chance!
I love the idea of him ressurecting the Nation faction, possibly wth R-truth, Mark Henry and Teddy Long, just an idea to help kick his career off, it worked for people like HHH and the Rock
The thing is, he sucks on the mic. To be a good heel, you have to be good on the mic. If he were to suddenly "come out of his shell" and reveal himself as a heel personality, then that could work. He could do the typical heel thing and say when he got to this country and in the WWE he thought he had to cater to the masses but look where that's got him, or something like that.

Again, I'm just not sure, because I haven't heard him talk all that much and what I have heard, has not been great.

Kofi is one of those guys that has talent but I don't really care about because his character has no depth.
The heel midcard scene is stacked with Swagger, Ziggler, Barrett, Rhodes, etc. Kofi needs to stay face and the only thing he needs is to develop his mic skills. Even though I'm indifferent to him, he's over with the crowd and I am still amazed by how athletic he is. He's a good hand for the midcard and the tag team division. I don't think he's main-event material and that's not a bad thing. He's fine as a face but can get better.
LMAO this is one of the 5 or 6 IWC cliches that I legitimately snicker at EVERY TIME.

"turn so and so HEEL" "give them an EDGE" shut the fuck up.

Seriously, you guys are more predictable than you think the WWE is. ANY good guy babyface you want to turn heel or "give an edge". The only think Kofi needs is better mic work and more character traits.
One thing I also "snicker" at is the idea of bringing back the Nation or a faction like it. As for Kofi, well heel turn may work but I also think that Kofi just plain ol needs a character or a gimmick. The guy who has alot of flashy moves and is from Ghana that goes Boom Boom Boom is not really a character nor a gimmick.
IWC's solution to just about everything - turn 'em heel!

No. It's unnecessary, and I'm not sure he could even pull it off. Kofi is... Kofi. I don't see much more to him than what's on my screen each week. He's a mid card guy, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Maybe he has more range than I'm giving him credit for, but I've yet to see it. He seems like a robot - set in motion, never changing, etc. I don't care, as long as I don't have to deal with him holding one of the major titles and working major programs. He's not good enough for that. Period.

If they change every single thing about him, maybe it can work. Can he make it work? I don't think so.

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