Rumor: Kofi Kingston Heel Turn

How would this be done? That's the only question I have. Because I see Kofi as a cartoon character... with his hair and all. If he were to go heel... he'd have to cut his hair, and tweak his character quite a bit, IMO.

What kind of idea do you guys have for a heel Kofi?
How would this be done? That's the only question I have. Because I see Kofi as a cartoon character... with his hair and all. If he were to go heel... he'd have to cut his hair, and tweak his character quite a bit, IMO.

What kind of idea do you guys have for a heel Kofi?

I think you partially answered your question. A haircut and character tweak would definitely help things along.

I'm not much of a fantasy booker, but I pretty much imagine him taking a complete 180. Slow turn or quick and unexpected, he can't even have an ounce of the Kofi we've become accustomed to left when all is said and done. There was rumor some time ago of turning Ziggler face; maybe Kofi could team with Big E and jack up Dolph. Just a quick, easy take.
I'd be worried if he turns to join the Ziggler team that he'd be lost in the shuffle rather than have the impact he needs. Similar to Tatanka with the million dollar team (Tatanka was a sack of shit though, Kofi is miles better but I just wanna make an oldschool reference :) ). I mean it could work - Ziggler soon to be champion, Big E as the enforcer with Kofi as the midcard champion. I just don't think starting a stable is the best approach for him and keeping just Big E and AJ will be better.

For me - re-start Truth + Kingston temporarily, put the straps on PTP at or around Mania. Book Bryan Vs Kane in a gimmick match at Extreme Rules to finally get the pay off there, allow Kingston+Truth to win a #1 contender match and have a ladder match or something for the tag straps at extreme rules. Give Kingston a career defining performance to gain some attention (we know he can deliver in this gimmick so it works well) before they lose. Kingston heel turn that night on Truth.

It works fairly well as R-Truth is a believable level for Kingston to instantly be feuding with, and I don't think many would object to seeing them on PPV. Truth has got some momentum going atm so it would be a genuine rub for Kofi.

bwahaha I was about to suggest bringing back King of the Ring and giving him the win there to cement his momentum before I realised that would make him King Kofi Kingston. Not the best initials :)
How would this be done? That's the only question I have. Because I see Kofi as a cartoon character... with his hair and all. If he were to go heel... he'd have to cut his hair, and tweak his character quite a bit, IMO.

What kind of idea do you guys have for a heel Kofi?
I guess WWE would probably use the standard "frustated Babyface" approach to his turn, and it would probably fit well, as already pointed out.

Kofi has pretty much been an exemplar babyface. Always smiling, always supporting the good guys, always playing by the rules. And where did it got him? Not to he main events. I guess this could be basic, unoriginal but kinda proven to work, fuel for a heel turn promo.
I guess WWE would probably use the standard "frustated Babyface" approach to his turn, and it would probably fit well, as already pointed out.

Kofi has pretty much been an exemplar babyface. Always smiling, always supporting the good guys, always playing by the rules. And where did it got him? Not to he main events. I guess this could be basic, unoriginal but kinda proven to work, fuel for a heel turn promo.

So he'd come out to his music... and no boom drop, just frustrated? I don't know if that could work. I'd change music to something pompous and grand and completely get rid of old Kofi. If he keeps the same look and music, but does heel things, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.
So he'd come out to his music... and no boom drop, just frustrated? I don't know if that could work. I'd change music to something pompous and grand and completely get rid of old Kofi. If he keeps the same look and music, but does heel things, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.

Yeah, I'm actually glad you asked because it got me thinking. A gimmick perhaps? A manager? He and CM Punk are buddies and, according to Punk, Kofi is his "road wife." Maybe a short-lived allegiance with WWE's top heel would drive home the fact that Kofi is a bad guy.
So he'd come out to his music... and no boom drop, just frustrated? I don't know if that could work. I'd change music to something pompous and grand and completely get rid of old Kofi. If he keeps the same look and music, but does heel things, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.
Oh, I was imagining him delivering his heel-turning-promo after interrupting and clearing the ring of some undercard match or something like that, entering without music at all.
And then debut a new look and theme the next time we see him.

I mean, I don't think this is the best way to turn him heel. Just the way I imagine WWE would default to.
Kofi deserved a main event push years ago. His feud with Orton showed that he's comfortable on the mic and just doesn't get enough time to talk. He should be getting Del Rio's babyface Title push, since he's already more over jobbing in opening matches.
I don't know about a full blown heel turn, his wrestling style just doesn't fit and he is one of the best high-flyers in the WWE. He just needs an attitude change, more aggression, more character development...............just more........attitude.
There has been a strong rumor going around that "the wildcat" Kofi Kingston will indeed be finally turning heel. We just saw Kofi on RAW this past monday taking on Fandango when all of a sudden Chris Jericho got involved in the match. Right then I thought that Kofi was going to attack Jericho for getting involved in his match setting up the heel turn. But that wasn't the case.

I think if Kofi Kingston does eventully turn heel he should have a good reason to do so then explaining his actions to the WWE universe. Kofi Kingston should turn heel because of the fact that nice guys finish last. Pure and simple! Kofi has been in the WWE for 5 years now, and has never been to the main event scene. He's been the face of the mid-card guys ever since. Going back & forth winning the WWE IC title or U.S. title before winning the WWE tag team title with Evan Bourne and R-Truth.

Kofi Kingston like Rey Mysterio has been a face for all his WWE career and yet doesn't look like a heel apperance wise. But played a heel in other wrestling promotions. So in your own opinion, how will Kofi Kingston turn heel?
I'm very much looking forward to this. It's the only thing that's going to save him from losing his job, which would be a travesty. I'd like to think it will happen by the end of the year, possibly in the summer. I can't see him going another 12 months doing the same stuff he's been doing for the past 4-5 years. Him attacking a face would be a good way.. If Team Hell No is still together after this apparent new Shield feud, I can see him and Truth teaming up against them and losing, which would cause Kofi to go ballistic on Truth. From then on, we would see a much meaner side of Kofi which could possibly lead to him winning MITB (wishful thinking). As long as they give him mic time, he can make it work.
I'm very much looking forward to this. It's the only thing that's going to save him from losing his job, which would be a travesty. I'd like to think it will happen by the end of the year, possibly in the summer. I can't see him going another 12 months doing the same stuff he's been doing for the past 4-5 years. Him attacking a face would be a good way.. If Team Hell No is still together after this apparent new Shield feud, I can see him and Truth teaming up against them and losing, which would cause Kofi to go ballistic on Truth. From then on, we would see a much meaner side of Kofi which could possibly lead to him winning MITB (wishful thinking). As long as they give him mic time, he can make it work.

Where is Kofi Kingston in danger of losing his job? Not everyone is going to be a main event guy. He puts on good matches week in and week out, gets a good pop from the crowd, moves merchandise, and is one of their goodwill ambassadors. He's not going anywhere, heel turn or not.

Why does everyone have to be turned? Save for some muck in WCW, Mysterio's always been a face. Steamboat was a face. Let the the guy stay a face. His career doesn't need saved.
Kofi will turn heel the same way as most superstars and that's turning his back on a friend. He'll attack R-Truth and verbally attack little Jimmy.
If Kofi turns heel, it's hard to say how WWE will go with him. We've seen Kofi in the midst of significant pushes in the past only for Vince to lose interest somewhere in the middle of things. As a result, it's hard to really get a firm grip on where WWE would come from. After all, Kofi has spent his entire career in WWE as, basically, just a generally happy & energetic babyface.

At this point in time, Kofi's biggest ally is R-Truth. The age old means of turning someone heel is to have them betray their closest friends and stab them in the back. The downside to this is that, at least for me personally, I have no desire to see Kofi Kingston waste his time feuding with R-Truth. I'm not saying that he should immediately be bumped up and going after a World Champion, but a feud with Truth isn't going to elevate Kofi all that much.

To elevate Kofi, a good feud to put him in would be against Chris Jericho. Jericho excels and putting over other wrestlers while still looking like a million bucks himself. Kofi is someone whose shown ability on the mic but if he still needs work, which I imagine he does, then Jericho can easily carry his own weight & much of Kofi's during promos. As for the matches, I think it's safe to say that Kofi vs. Jericho as part of a real feud is a potential show stealer.

Another potential path would be to reignite his feud with The Miz. They had some great matches on Main Event for the IC title. At the same time, Miz is someone that crowds love & hate. Depending on where they go at it, Kofi would be massively cheered as a face while Miz was booed. Again, part of the trouble with smarky crowds.

Maybe Kofi could feud with Antonio Cesaro for a bit, take the US title from him and then ultimately go heel. Cesaro has worked his ass off for WWE but I have a feeling that Vince has ultimately lost interest in him.

Other potential feuds leading to a heel turn, or coming about as a result of one, could be Orton or Sheamus, possibly even Triple H. The last one is the most unlikely, but would certainly be a show of proof that WWE is seriously behind Kofi as a heel.
I think the best way for him to turn heel is to win the Money in the Bank Briefcase and immediately cash it in on Cena.
I like thedancingheel's idea of having Kofi "attack" Little Jimmy.

Given his African roots, they should exploit common African stereotypes. Maybe they could get Slick to launch a "Hakim" v. 2.0 for a new millenium! ... but darker (no pun intended).

Maybe Papa Shango could be brought in to mesmerize him in some voodoo gimmick. R-Truth could intervene backstage to try to snap him out of it, leading to a Kofi attack on Little Jimmy. At the end of Kofi's heel run, he could simply snap out of it, and return as a face.

Or they could go with the route of African warlord. Anyone remember the "Kofi 2012" scam? WWE could have mocked the movement by having Kofi (Kingston) play an over-the-top warlord. He could have even borrowed some of Zeb Colter's khaki outfits! (j/k)

Speaking of Zeb ... why not have him go total racist and have him pulling the puppet strings as Kofi's overlord?

Now I'm just rambling. Anyway, those are my ideas for a Kofi heel turn.
I think the best way for him to turn heel is to win the Money in the Bank Briefcase and immediately cash it in on Cena.

I'm not sure if that will turn the people against him. Frankly, if he were to do that this summer, I'd make a small shrine to him in my home with one of those Mexican saint candles burning 24/7 in front of a picture of him with the title.

I'd want Kofi to do more and more heelish things over time; explaining them away or apologizing for them at first but eventually making the full turn. Once the crowd has turned against him enough, then he can explode and turn on an ally or give a scathing promo. Kofi is just too much of a face to try and turn overnight, though. I think it has to be a slow turn, where the fans want to boo him by the time it's obvious he's a heel rather than being told to boo him because all of sudden he's angry. Also, if he does a "you people," promo, then creative can get bent.
Kofi used to get a pretty good pop, even when he wasn't doing much. Nowadays you don't even know if he's getting one because his entrance is done during commercials... He's died down that much. The point is, if no one cares about him now, no one will if he were to turn heel.

Kofi is stuck in a bad spot. His character is easily face material. He genuinely looks like a nice guy. He's not very "scary," so that aspect of heelism is out the window. Also, his moveset would have to completely change. No one wants to boo the guy doing a plethora of high flying moves because they're fun to watch.

His best option is to stay face and become very aggressive, like they've teased before. You can't say you weren't excited briefly when he started that program with Randy Orton. I don't know why they're afraid to push forward with him. Orton's feud wasn't the only time they started a Kofi push and stopped it abruptly. It makes me wonder if he's too bad on the mic. From what I've heard, which admittedly is very brief, he doesn't sound too bad. Very scripted, but he still manages.

It's a shame really because I'd like to see how he would do given the proper push.

But really, I don't see a heel turn as the answer for him. He doesn't scream heel at all to me, or anyone in the WWE Universe I think. That doesn't mean they won't do it, but I don't see it working, or even lasting long.
Here's an idea: African King Kofi. And I don't mean like a King Booker, I mean like a straight up badass no nonsense totalitarian Idi Amin type monster of a heel. Imagine:

King of the Ring is set up for 2013. Kofi beats his friend Evan Bourne or Truth in the semi-final
Kofi beats a high-on-the-card heel (Swagger, Dolph, Henry) with help from Evan/Truth and becomes KoTR
He embraces the honor and "finds his African roots", slowly transitioning into the African King
He gets a world title shot that he wins thanks to Evan/Truth again, but sees him as a subject and treats him like crap until they snap on each other and feud with Kofi bringing in the also African Justin Gabriel or even an NXT upstart as a new subject (Xavier Woods?) and holds the title hostage as a tyrant.
If it means they are getting serious about Kofi, FUCKIN' DO IT!

Kofi is one of my perennial favorites since his debut in ECW. A heel turn would give him some edge. They had a cool thing going with the Wild Cat stuff a few months ago on Main Event but it never really went anywhere. I want him to be WWE champion one day.

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