[OFFICIAL] Kane Is The New World Heavyweight Champion Thread

I've hardly ever seen moments in wrestling where everyone is in full agreement that something is either good or bad. Kane winning the WHC is great for us the fans, as we've wanted this for years. He deserves it after all of his years of hard work. He is credible enough to carry it for MONTHS, and since it's Smackdown, he can take the strap all the way to WM, since it doesn't have to close the show.

Congrats Kane. I'm very happy, and marked out completely when he won. The WWE has been so fun to watch lately.
Kane has always been my favourite wrestler, although he really hasn't done much in a looong time. Watching him and then cash in right then make me go crazy like never before when watching wwe.
Kane deserves this title run more than anyone else in the match and if wwe ruin it with a short reign or just building it straight back to undertaker i will be horribly dissapointed.
If undertaker does come back and face him for the title kane should win, that would build him up so much more and help solidify him as a real champion and show his old dominance. Hopefully this will help bring the real kane back.
Congratulations to Kane he really deserves this after all of the Shit he has had to put up with for the last 7-8 years. Now hopefully he can fued with taker and get a couple of wins over him I just hope taker dosent Squash him.
i'm not really a fan of Kane's but he deserved this more than any of them in the MITB match, i feel that this is his last shot at the title. He has waited a long time for a big title like this but i just hope that Kane doesn't lose it at Summerslam or the PPV after that.
I have been a Kane fan for a long time, I always thought that we forgot about him and finally he gets his chance again.While this may be years to late it raelly is to reward him for putting over talent for years and being a hard working.I hope he gets a dominate run as the moster to show that even years after his first run he is still one hell of a moster.
Man I am so happy Kane is finally champion, he deserves it more than anyone for all the years hes busted his ass, put countless people over and delt with stupid storylines.
I was in the other room, as i was streaming the ppv on the computer, and my brother starts yelling "Kane is cashing in!" i ran into the room thinking he was fuckin with me, but he wasnt and we both marked out that kane finally got what he deserves. Anyone notice the fans in the arena? they were cheering for kane cashing in, cuz they know too.

I hope Kane gets a real Title reign, obviously he wont win the culmination of the storyline with undertaker but hopefully Kane can get at least a win or 2 defending the title against taker
when kane won i was watching it at midnight and man i screamed so loud i was worried to wake up my parents, absolutely best booking of the night , kane better hold the title for awhile then later drop it to taker
I will admit I did not think Kane had any chance at winning the Money In The Bank match. When he took Cody down the isle and threw him into that brinks truck, I thought that's how Kane was going to be taking out of the finish. When Kane pulled down the briefcase I about shit myself. Like I said he was the last person I thought was going to win.

After the World Championship match, when Kane came down to help Rey, I thought that's all he was doing, chasing Swagger away. Then when his music hit and he came back with the ref and his briefcase, I jumped out of my chair and started yelling. It has been awhile since I have marked out like that. Kane put the Heavyweight back in the World Heavyweight Championship.

I hope Kane is not the one who attacked Undertaker, just so we can see him in a couple feuds where he defends his belt once or twice before dropping it.
I didn't order Money In The Bank, therefore I didn't see Kane's World Heavyweight Championship win. I don't know what you guys think, but I was REALLY impressed with Kane's promo on Smackdown just now. I think that Kane will be a great champion and will have a long and interesting title reign, especially with the added "Who put The Undertaker in a vegetative state?" thing going on. I'm glad that this has finally happened to Kane. For years and years, he has been a consistent performer, often putting other guys over at his expense. Finally, he has achieved the big one and this will be so much better than his previous (24 hour) title reign. I personally would like to see Kane feud with Swagger next for the title.

What are your thoughts?
At money and the bank, Kane won the money in the bank. Then later that night, he cashed it in on Rey Mysterio and became world champion and what I think is that Kane sucks he can't win a championship belt without doing a easy way to do it. Kane will be facing Rey at summerslam for the world heavyweight championship and and I am hope Rey Mysterio wins!
I'm going to make a non spam post while I'm here for the afternoon. Those of you who have been here a while will recognize me as a huge Kane mark.

From what I have seen of Kane's angle about the search for Taker, he, as always, conducted himself as a realistic badass. He has been the ultimate company man, filling every role on the card for years. His last few years as an enhancement talent had hurt his credibility, not only hurting him, but also hurting those he put over. It no longer meant as much to defeat Kane.

Now, in one sudden move, WWE has it's top JTTS back. WWE also rewarded loyalty and hard work. Kane is never hurt and still capable in the ring. Nearly two decades of solid work have finally culminated in a real reign as world champ.

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