The Abortion Thread

What difference does that make what he said was still true sometimes you can't help but laugh at the stupidity of a pro-lifer George Carlin was a comedian for the intelligent people. He's a funny guy but at the same time he is a smart person who spoke the truth. I don't get it if you said your pro-choice then why are arguing with me over abortions.
What difference does that make sometimes you can't help but laugh at the stupidity of a pro-lifer George Carlin was a comedian for the intelligent people. He's a funny guy but at the same time he is a smart person who spoke the truth. I don't get it if you said your pro-choice then why are arguing with me over abortions.

I'm simply questioning why you believe in abortions. I have my reasons for what I believe in, you simply choose to believe something a stand-up comedian said once.
I told you why I believe in abortions in my very first post I'm starting to think you don't read what I say before you send replies. If you say your pro-choice wouldn't you agree with everything I have to say?
I'm incredibly pro-choice, and I've argued why many times on this forum. Being pro-choice means you believe abortion should be legally available to women. It does not mean being pro-abortion. You can be pro-choice but think abortion is wrong. You can be pro-choice and say, under no circumstances, would you ever be able to have an abortion yourself. You can detest abortions while being pro-choice. You simply have to believe it should be legal.

Todd, I'm glad the people on this forum are smart enough to realise that not everyone who claims to be pro-choice is as pro-abortion as you are. You're doing the cause more harm than good.

Your response was the best i got I thought it made the most sense I see where your going with what your trying to say. Personally for me I just think if you are pro choice then you are also pro abortion even if you would never get one. Thats kind of like the vegetarian that eats fish. but if I got more replies like yours I wouldn't be leaving the replies that I'm leaving
Seems to me that being able to survive on your own outside of the womb is an awfully large grey area to consider someone "alive" or not. How about someone who is born with quadriplegia? They could never survive on their own, they are incapable of moving to be able to feed themselves. How about someone with severe mental ******ation? They are incapable of survival left to their own devices too. I guess they aren't alive either. If you kill a 46 year old quadriplegic, that isn't murder, it's abortion, because that person couldn't survive on his or her own?

How about a baby inside the womb, who is developed enough so that they could survive? IE, what's the difference between a baby born after 7 months and a baby still in the womb 7 months, developmentally? Location? A baby inside the womb is not a baby, but move that same baby a foot to the right, so that it's outside of the womb, suddenly it's a baby, and alive? It's the exact same baby, with the exact same development, with the only difference being a foot's worth of space.

Fuck, even a normal healthy baby lacks the skills to survive, it is entirely, 100% completely dependent on help to survive. Babies need someone to feed them or they starve to death.

So, a baby getting it's nutrients via an umbilical cord is not alive because it can't survive it's own, but a baby getting it's nutrients via breast milk or formula is alive, even though it can't survive on it's own either?

Using the ability to survive outside of the womb as your measuring stick is patently ridiculous.

Todd said:
Thats kind of like the vegetarian that eats fish.

There is no such thing as a vegetarian who eats fish. Anyone who claims to be a vegetarian but eats fish is a hypocrite. Fish meat is meat, just like poultry, pork and beef. Eat fish, you eat meat, therefore you are not a vegetarian.
Ok so instead of a abortion you can just take care of the unwanted children

Or you can give the child to a family that can not produce a child of their own. That is what people were doing long before abortions were as safe and available as they are now.
Ok so instead of a abortion you can just take care of the unwanted children

Or, you can take some fucking responsibility for the sexual decisions you make in life. Children are a known possible consequence to engaging in unprotected sex. People have known this simple fact for what, 150,000 years, give or take? If you don't want to have children, don't have unprotected sex.

By the way, this way also prevents you from getting any STDs, so its beneficial in more than one way.

Problem solved.
Thats for the women to decide not you

That is not the point I am trying to make, you're saying that every unwanted child should be aborted. I am simply suggesting that their are people in this world that might find that a baby someone is about to abort is wanted and will have a home in loving hands. I believe in Pro-Choice but I also believe people should see the options before they terminate a life.
I can cope with people who are in favour of abortion but what you just argued there was that it should be used as a contraceptive.

Get pregnant, don't want it, abort. That's just....

Good fucking grief man sort your head out.
I told you why I believe in abortions in my very first post I'm starting to think you don't read what I say before you send replies. If you say your pro-choice wouldn't you agree with everything I have to say?

I'm pro-choice and I don't agree with you much at all. I find myself shaking my head reading your idiocy even though we are both pro-choice. You're making me forget what side I'm actually on because I don't usually side with idiots. I could easily argue against your points but doing so would be arguing against my own beliefs. You're like a bizzaro debater. You've got someone who is already on your side questioning himself because of your terrible arguments. I can't imagine anyone who was originally against you coming to your side. Ok I'm not really questioning myself but like Becca said, you're doing more harm than good here.

Did you really graduate five years ago? I would have guessed that at some point during your time in school you would have learned how to construct a paragraph. People may say grammar doesn't matter on the internet but when you're arguing about an important issue it would behoove you not to sound like a moron.

Your response was the best i got I thought it made the most sense I see where your going with what your trying to say. Personally for me I just think if you are pro choice then you are also pro abortion even if you would never get one. Thats kind of like the vegetarian that eats fish. but if I got more replies like yours I wouldn't be leaving the replies that I'm leaving

I'm not FOR abortions though. I wish they were never necessary, and I wish no woman ever has to make that choice. Unfortunately, it's not the world we live in.

Or you can give the child to a family that can not produce a child of their own. That is what people were doing long before abortions were as safe and available as they are now.

There simply isn't enough families who want to adopt a child. Between the lack of families, the complexity of adoption rules and lack of funding, this isn't always a viable option. I wish it was, of course, but if we added every child aborted in the last 10 years into the care system, it would crumble.
Having an abortion is the choice of the woman in question. Everyone else can fuck off.

Now that's done, are there any other issues you want me to tackle?

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