if you want to talk about pot than I'll gladly talk about it in the thread I made on legalizing marijuana The study still says that alcohol still causes more and they have to lied to us before about their marijuana research so I can't put my full trust into this article yet but I'm just getting off topic now
being pro-choice but not pro-abortion makes no sense at the same time the women may think she is doing God's work by no having a baby when she either doesn't want a kid or just isn't ready. Why have a kid if you never planned on having kids or arent ready yet that can potentially cause more damage to the kid. And why should a priest opinion mean more than mine I thought God said we are all equals these priest arent women and either am I so what makes them have the right to say a women cant do what she wants to her body. She is not hurting anyone. Nobody has a problem with eating eggs
No one says it better than George Carlin