1. You should only use THAT type of posting, when you're better than the person you're debating. You're not better than me, and thus make yourself look like an idiot.
Oh I beg to differ..
2. Again, what you've just posted has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted. Abortion is not murder - that is a fact. Down the line, if a stupid law was passed putting under the category of murder, then yes, it would be murder. Why? Because murder is a LEGAL term. You use it to emote people into thinking it's something bad and wrong, when in actual fact using the term 'murder' in this debate is wrong or right solely on what the law says. If abortion was suddenly made illegal, I still would think it should be legal, but under the law it would be murder. Currently, you're all wrong for calling it murder. Are we clear?
Again plenty of individuals have faced prosecution for actions that were legal under then-law. The World War II war crimes tribunal and trials at the Hague have shown that in some cases your point is moot. I would never say something was right because it was legal and wrong because it was illega because that is ludicrous. The term is killing as opposed to murder or terminating.
If abortion were made illegal your opinions wouldn't because every law enforcement agency in this country would be there to shut down what you encourage these rogue women to do..
In actual fact, if the foetus can live separately from it's mother - why go through the procedure of abortion? The issue of when abortion should be allowed is not birth, it's viability.
if the fetus is not human why worry about it? If it is in fact not a living thing why not just go about your business and leave it be?
Oh Lord are you kidding me? You're for the death penalty? But we as women can't decide whether we want to continue having cells feed off of us?
For those who have not been wrongly covicted they are facing the grim reaper for two very important reasons, 1. They need to be. 2. They bit off more then they could chew..
Well then why do you care so much about abortion being legal? It has nothing do to with you, it doesn't affect you. Odds are you don't know the women, their families. You don't even know it's happened in some cases.
Abortions will happen, legal or not. But you'll have a women dead as well as the foetus. I love that that's okay with you, it negates any reasons you have for abortion being illegal.
Because its wrong and its picking a fight with something that can't defend itself. You'd think a woman would know all about that concept right there.
If abortions are illegal the penalty will be enough to deter the vast majority of women from terminating their pregnancies. Because I favor capital punishment for capital crimes? What does that negate? I don't think babies can do wrong, they are perfect, a fetus is too. The things that land people on death row a baby or fetus could never ever do... So I don't see how its negating my argument.. I'm not pro-life I am pro-children's rights, pro-chance, pro-opportunity.
And who's going to defend my right to choose what I do with my body?
Its not your body because thats now how HUMANS are set up. You don't lay eggs you dont get to walk away. And I do because I am a male. I know that steams you up. I'm not taunting y'all but that whole setup right there is just how it is. GET OVER IT!
Well there we have it then. You have NO idea what it would feel like yet you assume abortions are undertaken for selfish reasons and all women who get one are awful.
I don't care what it feels like. If I had a kid it might not hurt as much. Any lick a man takes a woman will feel it twice as hard. As the weaker gender everything hurts you more. My bones are harder, we can hold our bladders longer, etc etc. I don't think the baby would hurt for the most part. He's got more room inside of me too. I don't think they are all awful or selfish I think they are treading on human rights to avenge their past lack of rights. I think you are angry we don't have to have children. Quit being bitter about nature.
So just incase everyone didn't realise how much of an idiot you were, the bold part has pretty much made sure it will happen.
I mean seriously all bullshit put aside you kinda fucking are. You trimble at everything, you freeze up, you panic at danger, you do as your told more often then any man i know could fathom. Watch any crime show, talk show, anything, here the stories here how the girl just shuts down. Your essentially scaredy cats. The scaredy cat gender, but sometimes you gotta stand up. If you don't grow a pair people can't help you. The way the system works is fair,you want accommodations that make court lopsided. Everyone has the right to face their accuser. The people who stole my Dodge will be in court, I respect their right to see me and try to argue they did nothing wrong. The jury can't link up to you telepathically, the D.A. can't make evidence out of none, and the judge isn't clairvoyant yet its court's fault the conviction rate is 5%.
It's a very effective scare tactic many attackers use, especially on younger victims. If someone had told a young child they'd be taken away from their family and no one would love them if they admitted what had happened, they shouldn't be scared?
There you go again. I would never speak like this to a child. I am talking about grown women here not kids. That doesn't even make sense to belueve that. Based on what logic would your parents say it was wrong of you to be raped? My next question is if you some how found one why would they not hold your attacker accountable as well? The next question is if everyone WILL BLAME YOU then what does he fear? Why are you being asked to keep a secret if there are no consequences for him? Based on your "logic" that is..

Would you want to relive it?
No. So its your call. Let him go lose or help bring him down. If my daughter was his next victim because some dumb broad wouldn't help the cops, after papa bear a.k.a. me, has to go out and do something to someone who hurt his cub, I might be lookin for that girl who choked on the stand next... At the least,
she will address my kid!
The people who say that are the ones who have gone through court, gone public with the attack. Thousands do not. Mny wonder what the point is - they're not likely to get a conviction, they're very likely to be cross-examined and made out to be a liar, they're going to be scrutinised. Is that something you'd want?
I will keep my cool, my composure, and I will return fire in court. If we tried everything and it fails I'll go to another jurisdiction if need be, I'll testify in another person's trial, whatever it takes.
And people do lie..
Something I learned when I got older is sometimes being right isn't always enough.
Inject rationality?! Are you fucking kidding me? How about the courts stop being so male-orientated? How many female judges do we have in the Supreme Court? 1? How about we stop acting as if you can ask to be raped! How about what you were wearing not even be brought up? So what she had a glass of wine, that suddenly makes it ok to rape her? THESE beliefs need to stop in the court and in society.
As far as law makers are concerned we got like 15 female U.S. senators which is alot. You tlk about male dominated but women are just as likely to ask what the girl was wearing. I don't care if she was wearing a fig leaf and a lot of other people don't view it like that either. There are 3 females on a court with seven justices i think. yeah read a book. How could you not know we had three? thats nearly half..
She's being punished by having to keep a pregnancy she doesn't want, nor ever instigated! What choice did she have in this? None. Not that you care, it's only the rights of foetuses that you give a shit about.
Okay what dynamics are we talking about here? We have no tangible evidence but mere speculation that the number of pregnancies due to rape is higher then the statistics which themselves are somewhat small. Then when we get to the ones have been raped how many in fact had access to emergency contraceptive yet still took none or for some reason did not know it existed? Even if I supported abortions for that minority even that would have criteria to meet and that would almost make abortions nil.
Holy Shit. I know this one isn't mine
your right, you should how you say uh butt out..
but I've got to answer it.
nuh uh
1. Who the fuck are you to say that having to carry around a baby inside you for 9 months against your will isn't a punishment. That's not just a punishment, that's telling that woman that her body no longer belongs to her.
Its always a punishment! Quit being so gotdamn theatrical! If she has a baby planned down the line or if she has one due to rape its goingto be the exact same ride. For her to make major differentiations between 9 months with a baby she planned and one resulting from rape is discrimination. If we allow her to draw that line between two individuals next shes gonna say she doesn't have to treat people with respect her own age because they're the result of rape. There are many people in society who are the result of rape, are we gonna make them an underclass deemed dirty and scandalous?! Is she gonna get a job at a nursery and then pay less attention or neglect the rape seed babies?! I think she'd be fired, don't you? Do you then approve of that?
2. Have you ever given birth you prick?
I have had hemorrhoids i had to pick out when i was a kid. Hard as a fucking rock the size of my 10 year old fist. And that tore my ass up.
It's the worst pain many people ever feel. "Oh, well just have a C Section." Oh, so we'll just have you carry around the fetus until it's a baby, then when it's ready, we'll harvest it from you!
I think the homeless guy who was smashed in the trash compactor would beg to differ. Better examples would include our troops in Iraq who have survived IED blasts..
If its the worst pain anyone feels why does anyone do it? How does anyone survive it? Is she never gonna have kids because of the pain? Oh she will and then say thats worth it because it wasn't forced in her? How the hell can the same exact pains in two different scenarios be tolerated in one because the creation of life in one was intentional?
3. Show some respect you piece of shit.
quit trying to get laid you kiss ass!
The funeral is used for anyone that dies in this country. We even give them to prisoners on Death Row. I agree with you on it being emotional dribble, but suggesting that the dead fetus and the shoe box go together shows you value you it less than any other normal human being.
No it dosn't. Just because one is in lock down and facing execution by the state doesn't men that he did not have an impact or social standing. A funeral is either a tribute to your status or a gesture of respect in assuming you have one when. The latter refers to those anonymous individuals no one claims who still get funerals. How can you get emotional over a fetus? You don't. But I have not made any emotional appeals this whole times nor do i feel my like or dislike of someone voids their right to life. I love the fetus, have contempt for the fetus, no developed bond, it has no bearing what so ever on my views on its protections..
The point was is that you don't care for a fetus the way you care for a baby and there is a reason for it. It's not something we consider human yet.
I don't like old people but I am not going to petition to have them euthanized when they are all through and dependent and feeble.
Oh, and since you didn't bother with last bit, I'm going to plant my little flag of victory there.
What did I miss?
One, no, it's not on the sperm alone. It's also on the man, for being at the right place at the right time. And if you're anything like me, you're genociding quite a few of those little bastards.
Nah nah, I aint nothin like you.. I've never hit it protected and no one is pregnant yet. Why? No clue. My timing does not make me accountable and sperms arent anything.
Or are you one of those crazy people that think Masterbation will send you to hell? Natural and Non-Abnormal have literally absolutely nothing to do with whether or not something is murder.
No I am one of those guys that think only punks and nancy boys do that shit. Harry Potters and Steve Urkels and other such clowns. I stick it, I don't grip it.
Murder always has a component of INTENT. Killing does not..
You're also seem to be forgeting that once it has reached the "finish line" and gotten the gold, and attached itself--- Its still not a baby. It's still 29 weeks before brain processes begin.
It doesn't matter. Once it reaches the point where, pending on a lack of abnormalities or disorders, we can sit back do nothing and it just grows its now entitled to an additional external line of defense, i.e. what should be the law..
1. A sperm has all the major things a fetus does, and it's not considered wrong to kill them. A) It's alive. B) It's a potential human baby. C) It does not have self awareness, or thought process. Something a Fetus does not gain until the 29th week.
Because we don't have the ability to procreate asexually I object to sperm rights. But what your saying about sperm is off topic because you and me are not clones of our respective fathers. We are the combination of them and our mothers. When attachment begins to the mother its in the same manner as a parasite would do. If your trying to say that a sperm is equal to a fertilized egg then i question the means in which life could be developed exclusively from sperm. Also with so many parasitic elements why doesn't the sperm attach itself to the man's body and began to nourish itself?
2. The Fetus has not developed any of the qualities we value in a human life, UNTIL the 29th week (because it's brain has reached full development and simply grows), or unless it the mother does want it from the begining.
what others value in any person thats not them self is irrelevant in every means possible.
Awareness, Reasoning, Communication, and consciousness. You also woudn't if it had social relationships.
A baby technically lacks all of those things. A new born baby is not truly aware of anything. A baby can't reason because it can't talk. Its eyes barely follow the objects in front of it. Crying is as communicative to me as a dog's bark or a wolf's howl.. Its not a farm of communication because its not clear what is needed and things like feeding and changing have to be done for any individual period and often too. Consciousness? A baby is not even aware of what awareness is.. It just is awake..
4. And the most important. It's a woman's right to choose, and not giving her that choice is a violation of her rights.
Wow hell of a speech the Libertarian Party of the United States needs you as its candidate for the 2012 presidential election. I really think you have the potential to unseat Obama..
Look personal rights do not supersede human rights.. Its long been established in international law that no law can impede on that and be valid..