This is not that big in the UK(where I'm from) but from what I understand it's a big thing in the US.
Here are my problems withe "pro life" group. First the name. It's a minipulation and it makes no sense! I mean who isn't pro life?Life is good death is bad,pretty much everyone agrees with this!
Right, and pro=choice is less of a manipulation of the term. Everyone wants choices. Choices are good. The word abortion doesn't appear in either sides "name." What is your point here?
Let's look at the most famous "pro life" guy George W Bush.He cut aid to countries that allowed abortion.As Aid is sent to starving people with poor medical care then it's a safe bet people died because of this. Just to repeat that

eople died becuase George was "pro life"!Please someone explain to me in what world that makes anything even remotley resembleing common sense!
You are so badly misinformed that I actually had to stop laughing before I typed. Bush cut aid to international family planning groups that performed abortions. He didn't cut aid to the Red Cross or Amnesty Internation or the Sudan. He cut it to Planned Parenthood. Boo fucking hoo. Planned parenthood is an organization that encourages teen age girls to lie to get around parental notification laws, thereby perpetrating a fraud. These aren't public health groups, they are roving death squads in favor of nothing more than population control.
Also good old George W signed(as govener of Texas) 26 death warrents,including 3 people who were offically ******ed.[/quote]
So, what you're saying is that he didn't break any laws. Good. I like how it is President Bush's fault, when nine levels of the court system all determined them all to be mentally competent while committing their murders. Bill Clinton stopped along the campaign trail in 1992 to watch the execution of a mentally handicapped criminal.
Whatever your views on capital punishment you must agree that doesn't exactly scream "pro Life" does it? More like before your born I'll protect you but once your born well fuck you!
So, let's see here. You put living people on an equal plane with fetuses throughout your argument. Your best argument (which is still terrible) says that we should abort because we kill criminals. So, why are you in favor of killing one type of living being (by your definition) and not another? Are you another population control advocate? Why don't we flip it, and not kill either of them? What makes you so sure you can define who gets to die and who doesn't?
But that's just semantics(Although btw the way the reason they are "pro life as opposed to being "anti abortion" is a mind trick,if you can't work out why I'll be happy to let you know)
Right. Because pro-choice is less vague.
I think you meant at hand.
If the state found out someone was having a baby with say downs and said to the mother "we order you to have an abortion" The mother would(quite rightly) say "I'm the person who has to raise it not you. So the choice is mine! And sorry you can't have freedom of choice one way and not another.
I agree. But here's your problem. Contextually, in the death penalty rant, you put living beings and fetuses on the same level. Therefore, abortion equals murder, according to you. And since you are so against executing handicapped criminals, then you must be against executing handicapped babies. But you're not. So, this makes you a hypocrite. This makes all of your arguments invalid.
Also if the "pro lifers" had there way women who had been raped would be fro
forced to give birth to the child of the man who raped them. I'll repeat that women who have been raped would be FORCED to give give birth to the child of the man who raped them. Does this sound resonable to anyone. I'm not saying they shouldn't have a child by a rapeist,but it is only right to give them that choice, as after all we live in a free world. Any thoughts?
They aren't forced to raise it. There are safe harbor laws where she could just drop the baby off at a police station. The child would have no way of ever finding her. It would be gone forever. Furthermore, is it baby's fault that it is a product of rape?
Look, this debate never has an answer, as it always turns into name calling and violence. I think abortion is a deplorable act, and I hope that everyone who has had one lives with the stigma forever. I hope not one of them sleeps free and easily knowing that they killed a child.
That being said, I don't think it should be illegal. I equate it to gun control. Guns aren't for everyone, but the freedom to have one is part of the basis of American culture. We live in a society where the choices about our lives are intrinsic to our way of living. Making abortion illegal undermines everything we have fought for around the world. I hate the procedure, but love freedom to much to argue against its legality.