I don't see why anyone would want to
They certainly are. Does an abortion not involve a woman's body now or something?
It's not the main issue.
Well, I think we disagree here.
They don't exist. They aren't citizens. I find it humorous how many right-wingers love to talk about being "advocates for those without a voice"
I thought I made that up.
and then talk about how illegal immigrants are scum sucking off the life of America.[/quote]
I'm sorry...did I ever say that? I think we should make them citizens and give them rights and charge them taxes. But that is a different debate.
So real people who are alive and breathing don't deserve any rights in this country, but embryos in a woman's stomach do? That doesn't make much sense to me.
I'm sorry, did I say I was taking away the right to vote? The right to drive? I never said they don't deserve any rights. I just think that less abortions is better than more.
And the law is always right is it FTS? You should probably stop smoking pot then my good friend.
I don't smoke fetuses. But I am smoking some KC-33, and it is excellent.
Too easy? Again, any law that tells a person how they can or can't use their own body absolutely disgusts me.
See, once again, I feel that she is doing something to someone else's body. We can argue back and forth about whether or not it is alive, and cite doctors who agree with us. Just assume for a second it is alive, not viable, but living, then how would you feel? I know your answer here will be, "But it's not.", but humor me.
It's her body, she can do whatever the fuck with it that she wants as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, and abortion doesn't hurt anyone else BECAUSE THERE IS NO LIVING PERSON TO HURT.
To tell me it's not a person, you always have to attach a qualifier. It isn't a living person. It's not a citizen. Anything you want to say. It doesn't matter, because the fact is that there is something living, cells dividing, forming the builiding blocks of a person. I know an egg isn't a chicken, but you don't eat eggs once they've incubated. Once a fertilized egg has started dividing, incubating, I feel, and always will, that it is a person. No qualifiers there, that is a life.
I don't however, disagree with RU-486, because that kills an egg before it starts dividing. So, maybe the little harlots should stock up.
And all life is sacred, right? What about when a person takes a drug to flush a virus out of their system? Why aren't you against that? That's a life form right there being destroyed.
I just want to read this again and make sure you just called babies harmful parasites. OK, checking now...Yeah. I don't think that a virus and a baby are analagous, so I will move on.
The person doesn't exist yet. I'm sorry, but a few cells and embryos aren't a life. At all. They are meat, and nothing else. They have no consciousness. This is no different from a family pulling the plug on a family member who has become braindead. No consciousness = No life.
UMM, well, you see, it's not the same. One has the potential, and the likelihood of progress, while the other has a higher likelihood of regression. There is a huge difference there. I'm not a Kantian scholar who universalizes everything. I understand exception. If someone was raped, or impregnated by a family member, or had an ectopic pregnancy, or who's life was in danger, I see abortion as a perfectly viable medical procedure. I just don't think, "I didn't mean too" or "I was drunk" is a good enough reason to destroy a living being.
The sanctity of life...sounds like a religious/moral term to me. Which means it should have absolutely nothing to do with federal law.
Most laws come from religious teaching, get used to it. But the sanctity of life is something that John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, and other revolutionary social theorists sought to have government protect as an object of the social contract. Go look it up. We were put here for a reason, and protecting the sanctity of life allows to fulfill that purpose, no matter what it is.
I'm confused FTS...are you for abortion or not? You said you are, but you think there should be restrictions?
Once again, life has gray area. Embrace it. You don't have to be hardline, yes or no, on everything. Slow it down, that's all.
Why is the life of a child that's resulted from a rape any less important than the life of another?
You're right, let's outlaw those too. Seriously, it's a matter of degrees. If someone goes out and gets drunk and gets knocked up, they should face consequences. A rape victim has faced far worse consequences and having the product of that horrifying event as a daily reminder. That's not healthy for the mother, and will, in all probability, be detrimental to the child as well.
You can't support some cases and oppose others, it doesn't work like that. It's either okay, or it isn't.
You are so wrong. Is killing to protect my self not different than killing in cold blood? There are gray areas in the world. If you want my answer, the procedure is repulsive. If you want my common logical sense, some cases warrant it, most don't.