The Complaint Thread

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Long time viewer of Wrestlezone, but there was something that showed up on WZ that really made me to "step on the soapbox"...

How pathetic does WZ have to be to make an update about the Great Khali shopping at Walmart?

Matt Boone, blows my mind that you got to make a special about a pro-wrestler -- even though he's a tall S.O.B. -- shopping at a mega-retail store. For crying out loud, even if a reader sent it to you, you automatically think it's a big F'N deal. I find it REALLY pathetic that it's a major deal the Great Khali was shopping at Walmart.
Long time viewer of Wrestlezone, but there was something that showed up on WZ that really made me to "step on the soapbox"...

How pathetic does WZ have to be to make an update about the Great Khali shopping at Walmart?

Matt Boone, blows my mind that you got to make a special about a pro-wrestler -- even though he's a tall S.O.B. -- shopping at a mega-retail store. For crying out loud, even if a reader sent it to you, you automatically think it's a big F'N deal. I find it REALLY pathetic that it's a major deal the Great Khali was shopping at Walmart.

Talk to the main page if you don't like it. This thread is for any complaints with the forum. We have nothing to do with Matt Boone's reporting.
My apologies. I just found that piece to be insulting for someone who been following WZ for quite awhile (1999 to be exact). I hope it doesn't lead the way to other frontpage news like "PHOTOS OF RANDY ORTON AT MCDONALDS" and etc. I thought the complaint thread was for the site itself. Sorry for being a dick, but my annoyance was so high that I ignored the instructions and went straight for the grief.
Earlier today, I received an infraction for using "prejudiced language". Normally, upon getting a warning or infraction I would suck it up, move on, and try and learn from it. However, this time, I believe my infraction was a little unfair. In the post I was infracted for, I used a slur for gay people. However, the slur was not directed towards anyone, and was intended to be a joke on people who believe that insulting the higher-ups is the way to go. It made sense in context.
Let it be known that I am against prejudiced language and particularly dislike that term.
If the staff would please review this infraction, I would greatly appreciate it. I feel that it is undeserved as I my use of the word was not directed towards anyone and was meant as a parody.
Yours sincerely,
I received an infraction the other day for stating a harmless opinion about preferring to watch an old Hogan as TNA Champion than a young John Cena as WWE Champ.

Apparently, not liking John Cena is against the forum rules.

I'd like Crave Online to release some of the forum administrators who abuse their status and assign administrators who are fair and reasonable.

Also, the moderator who gave me the silly infraction is apparently 11 years old according to his profile. If this is indeed the case, we need moderators to be at least 18 years old or older.

Although I doubt it, I hope these forums can be reformed.
The post that you made was spam simply because you didn't give a reason for why you thought that. We don't ask for a novel on the subject: just a response and some reasoning. That's why you got your warning, which means nothing at all really.

Also while he age may indeed be listed as 11, he's a bright young man.
You received a warning, not an infraction, which means it doesn't mean anything in the long term. These forums simply state that, instead of only stating an opinion, you need to give a reason as well - WHY do you like Hogan more? It's only a few words extra but greatly increases the quality of the forum.

All moderators are chosen carefully and none are actually 11 years old. You actually got a warning from an administrator, and he isn't biased in any way. Please read the rules to refresh your memory of them and enjoy posting :)
No, an opinion is an opinion and I did receive an infraction. Why do I need to give a reason why I like Hogan better than Cena? Why does that even need to be backed up? I simply like Hogan better than Cena. Period. That is not spam. It's an opinion. Spam is saying some thing completely irrelevant to the actual topic or soliciting a product.

Infarct or ban people for common sense stuff. Things like: Racial slurs, abuse, harrassment, etc.

Abuse of power will only drive those to spit in the face of it.
No, you received a warning. Trust me, I can see it. You're required to give a reason because it helps to enhance the levels of discussion here. SOmeone might agree or disagree with you and talk about it, thereby making more people talk which is the point of this place. By not listing a reason, according to our rules, yes, that is spam. Soliciting a product would be considered advertising actaully.

Hogan over Cena is your opinion not common sense. Why is it your opinion.

Odd that you think that about the majority of the people here. Most can follow our rules very well.
I received an infraction the other day for stating a harmless opinion about preferring to watch an old Hogan as TNA Champion than a young John Cena as WWE Champ.
No, you received a WARNING the other day because you didn't tell why you'd rather see Hogan as champion. It's in the rules that I directed you to in the warning.

Apparently, not liking John Cena is against the forum rules.
If it was, then there would be a lot of people no longer posting on this forum.

I'd like Crave Online to release some of the forum administrators who abuse their status and assign administrators who are fair and reasonable.
And I'd like to see Crave Online release some of WZ's posters who don't bother to read the rules, even when directed to.

But, I guess we can't all get our way, now can we?

Also, the moderator who gave me the silly infraction is apparently 11 years old according to his profile. If this is indeed the case, we need moderators to be at least 18 years old or older.
I'm actually an Administrator, not a moderator. And I really don't see what age has to do with anything.

Although I doubt it, I hope these forums can be reformed.
They have. Three years ago, you probably would have been banned by now. Thanks to strong efforts by people like me, you only have 1 warning, instead of a permanent ban.

I'm expecting your thanks anytime now.

No, an opinion is an opinion
And spam is spam.

and I did receive an infraction.
No, you received a warning.

If you go to your UserCP, you'll see the warning has a little yellow box beside it. Additionally under the heading where it says "Points", there are 0 points assigned. If it had been an infraction, it would have been a red box, and would have been worth 1 point.

Why do I need to give a reason why I like Hogan better than Cena?
Because it's the rules. Even an 11 year old can understand that.

Why does that even need to be backed up?
Because the people who run the WrestleZone Forums says it needs to. You know, the people who you were appealing to in your last post?

I simply like Hogan better than Cena. Period.
No problem, I do too. I like Hogan better because he was a childhood hero of mine, plus I'm impressed with his ability to constantly re-invent himself.

See, we agree that we like Hogan better than Cena. And with the addition of one extra sentence that took 10 seconds to write, now my post isn't spam. It's that easy.

That is not spam.
According to the rules of WZ, which you have been directed to read, it is. Please refer back to the rules, and the FAQs to see why. Both the Rules and FAQs can be found in this forum in the stickied thread.

Spam is saying some thing completely irrelevant to the actual topic or soliciting a product.
Spam is content that is undesirable upon a web space. Your post is undesirable on WZ Forums, because you do not explain why you like Hogan more.

Infarct or ban people for common sense stuff. Things like: Racial slurs, abuse, harrassment, etc.
We do.

Abuse of power will only drive those to spit in the face of it.
Well, while I assure you the post you got infracted for was far from abuse of power, I will say that if you want to "spit in the face of [power]", I will have to respond in kind.

And I assure you, I will not be kind. I'm a very fair and even Administrator, I have probably been the most influential in the relaxing of the spam rule around here, I will sometimes allow people to flame me in debates (because I understand that I can be irritating) even though flaming is not allowed here...but the one thing I will not tolerate are people trying to act like their tough shit on the Internet and threaten to do bad things.

I assure you, my response would not be kind.
I made on a post on the jeff hardy thread and it was deleted, why is this?
You haven't been warned for it so it's not big deal. As Slyfox said, if you have a question you can use the Ask a Question threads.
I Just mad my account on 11/07 2:20 PM EST and i tried to post a new thread on the Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Section it says that you don't have permission from the Admin and like your account might still be awaiting activation ,or it might be banned CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP
You need 10 non-spam posts before you are allowed to create your own threads.
Ok. Some random stranger gave me a warning for posting

"A match that will never happen? Cena vs Austin"

in a thread asking you what match you think will never happen.

Thanks NightshiftLoser. Your name suits you well.
Hey there.

Before I address your complaint, may I ask that you refrain from flaming our members of staff? They're doing a job to help keep this forum clean with good discussion, and don't deserve to be spoken about as such.

Now, on to the warning. First of all, warnings don't mean anything at all. It's not going to affect you in any way and you can still post as often as you want. If you refer back to the PM the moderator sent you, he explained that,and also offered you a link to our rules, which are slightly stricter than most forums on the internet.

Our spamming rule is simple - you must give an opinion, and also a reason for it. I agree with you that Cena vs. Austin will never happen, but why is that? Why do you think it's won't happen. A simple "Austin won't step foot in a wrestling ring again" would have sufficed - an essay isn't needed.

I hope this answers your question.

Ok. Some random stranger gave me a warning for posting

"A match that will never happen? Cena vs Austin"

in a thread asking you what match you think will never happen.

Thanks NightshiftLoser. Your name suits you well.

1.) It's only a warning.

2.) You need to read through the rules, and see that you need to post something supporting your opinion.

3.) Sassing a mod is also against the rules.
Thanks for the reply. I know warnings mean nothing, but I don't see the point of it.

Also I can't believe spamming here is considered "short condensed answers".

This forum is truly unique.

"Sassing a mod is also against the rules."

lol I apologize if your offended, but i'm ticked.
I'm not complaining for receiving an infraction warning for having my signature graphic be too long. It actually was too long, and I fixed that, so I do appreciate the warning, but I'm curious as to why the width of the graphic matters v. the height? Wouldn't you really be looking to curb the height more than anything, to prevent those who don't turn signatures off from having a significant portion of the page load come from large scale graphics?

Just curious.
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