The NEW Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Just keep hitting F5. But If you keep posting when you want to it will update it and bing up the posts between the last post you made and the most recent one. I change it to ten posts per page when I'm in a LD to make it easier.
At the right of your pm there will be a square box, click it then scroll down to delete

How can I begin to post threads? I already have more then 10 posts, what else do I need?

At the top right of the screen of which ever forum you're in you'll see the words Forum Tools. Click on that, and then click on post a new thread. Everything else is up to you from there, and once you're done with your thread, then click on submit new thread.
At the top right of the screen of which ever forum you're in you'll see the words Forum Tools. Click on that, and then click on post a new thread. Everything else is up to you from there, and once you're done with your thread, then click on submit new thread.

Thank you, kind sir.
Are you linking an image within out
img] vb codes
at the bottom of the screen on the sig page it says

Allow Basic BBCode Yes
Allow Color BBCode Yes
Allow Size BBCode Yes
Allow Font BBCode Yes
Allow Alignment BBCode Yes
Allow List BBCode Yes
Allow Link BBCode Yes
Allow HTML No Allow Code Yes
Allow Code BBCode Yes
Allow PHP BBCode No
Allow HTML BBCode No
Allow Quote BBCode Yes
Allow Smilies Yes
Can Upload Images for Signature No
Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature No
Those are just setting for the way you view the forum pages.

Please read the section in our rules about vb codes and putting images in posts and sigs.
Your signature can not be longer than 200 characters excluding BB Code markup.

I get this message whenever I try to add another quote to my sig, and I'm technologically ******ed, so could someone explain what I'm doing wrong? I see people with way more quotes than me in their signatures.
Including the bb code that's required for the picture in your signature, you can only have up to 200 characters in your sig. People have more quotes than you because they either don't have a picture included in their sig or they cheat the program by enclosing their quotes in spoiler tags, like I did.
I was having the same issue. Is this something new? I tried changing the picture in my sig and it gave me the message until I deleted some quotes. The spoiler tag didn't help either.
Nate, I'm going to PM you with code that you can use. It should work just fine.

Try to look through it to see where you went wrong when trying to do it yourself.
I was having the same issue. Is this something new? I tried changing the picture in my sig and it gave me the message until I deleted some quotes. The spoiler tag didn't help either.

PM me with the image code and quote codes that you want to use. Put some spaces in between so I can see the code when you send it.
Actually, yes, this is something new, I changed it the other day. Regular members can include only 200 characters in their signature now, to help provent Signature spamming.

This is just a test number, I have no idea how much or how little this is. If someone would like to post a Signature which is 200 characters, I'll look into changing it.
Actually, yes, this is something new, I changed it the other day. Regular members can include only 200 characters in their signature now, to help provent Signature spamming.

This is just a test number, I have no idea how much or how little this is. If someone would like to post a Signature which is 200 characters, I'll look into changing it.

My current one is under the limit. This is what I got (minus spaces, of course):

[CEN TER][I MG][/IMG][SPO ILER] [QU OTE=Mighty NorCal;1173614] Very proud. Your a NorCal protege. I take pride in my protege's. [/quote]

I want this, but it tells me no:

[CEN TER][I MG][/IMG][SPO ILER] [QU OTE=Mighty NorCal;1173614] Very proud. Your a NorCal protege. I take pride in my protege's. [/quote][QU OTE=Lee;2169878] You said you were never Ghana give him up, never Ghana let him down, never Ghana run around or desert him :'( [/quote] [/spoiler] [/center]
What I would recommend is using something like tinyurl for your sigs as that would pretty much take a huge chunk of your characters out
What Lee said. I don't like having to scroll on my monitor to get past one person's signature. I think 200 will be fine. It allows for a sig image and a quote, or a couple of quotes.
I have both a ps3 and a wii that i go on the intenet with my question is does the wii and Ps3 share a Ip number or is it seprate And also Jhow come i have to enter pass in cage everytime i switch between wii and Ps3?
I have both a ps3 and a wii that i go on the intenet with my question is does the wii and Ps3 share a Ip number or is it seprate And also Jhow come i have to enter pass in cage everytime i switch between wii and Ps3?

Both you PS3, Wii and PC will share the same IP because IPs are unique to your access ports and in this case your house. Anything that is hooked up to the access point in your house will share the same IP.

As for the password, I think it generally ranges from access terminal to access terminal. Even though you have put the password in on your PS3, you will need to do it again on your Wii. Nothing can change that.
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