The NEW Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Why does the TNA section only have one mod while the WWE has three and the WWE v. TNA has two? Not an indictment of The Lariat at all – I think he does a great job, for what it's worth – juts curious as to why the TNA section only has one?
I got a kinda odd question, I was wondering, whether a thread about food (favorite dish) would be something appropriate to put in the cigar lounge? or just something for regular bar room conversations?
I am new to this forum and i have a question in regards to spam, if a thread asks more than 1 question do you have to answer each question to aviod being infracted for spam. Thanks for the help in adavance
As long as you back up all of your answers with a good explanation of your reasoning, it will not be spam. Even if you answer one out of three questions asked in the thread, just stay on subject and back up all of your thoughts with explanations and you will be just fine.

If you're unsure of your reply, please consult a mod or admin before posting. We're always here to help and guide you.
ok so i was looking at some of the forums and i saw a forum about fantasy wrestling league(the one with North-Cal)and i thought that was preety cool and i was wondering how i could get into one
You can delete your own post by clicking the "EDIT" button on the bottom of your post.

As for deleting threads, you need to request it through the section's moderator or one of the admins.
I guessed you missed the part where I stated that you need to ask the SECTION'S moderator(s). I do not moderate that section.
Actually, I'm not sure regular users can delete their own posts. Unless this was added, I don't recall being able to do that until I was made mod.
I forgot my email adress to my regualar account Implaer, Can someone please send me that email account name because I have multiple adresses so ya just send me a PM, it feel odd on this account. I wasn't sure where to put this :|
I forgot my email adress to my regualar account Implaer, Can someone please send me that email account name because I have multiple adresses so ya just send me a PM, it feel odd on this account. I wasn't sure where to put this :|
No, we will not. You may try a Password Reset, and then check all the e-mail accounts you have and see which it is.

Also, please note that Alternate Accounts are not allowed. So when you read this, the RatedREdge account will be banned.
We are all familiar with the word "kayfabe," a term which is used frequently in discussions in these forums. I am clear on what it means and do not require a definition, I was just wondering, how is this word pronounced? I would feel comfortable using the term in a post, but not verbally as I would be unsure how to pronounce it properly.
rep points.... anyway to tell who hit you with points (good\bad) besides just the last one left?
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