What is the point of a "wrestling forum?"

future admin

Getting Noticed By Management
Now this is not a complaint thread, what this thread is asking, is what is the point of a wrestling forum?
I know, it is about stating your opinions, or debating about wrestling. But seriously?!? Is that really what wrestlezone is about. If that was, we wouldn't have "the Bar room", we wouldnt have The Non wrestling, non spam areas. Now, don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy Wrestlezone Forums, I have enjoyed my 2 months I have been there, you guys are all so nice. But should we be talking to eachother about things other than wrestling, unless we are life friends?

and also, do you get glory from rep? I mean, it is good to be respected, but how many of the 14,000 members at wrestlezone forums do you know, I can tell you that I know 0 personally. But, I have to contradict myself, I do enjoy my rep!

But my question is, why do you go on a wrestling forum, which isnt really that much about wrestling.
Frankly, this place would be boring without places like general discussion and spam-zones. Think class electives. Acting classes don't have anything to do with your academic path in life unless you plan on acting, or public communications, but people take it anyway because they're interested in the subject, or to get away from purely academic settings. The same concept applies here. People want to talk with there friends here about things other than wrestling, so they created forums to do so. The majority of the posts, aside from the Bar Room, are with the wrestling forums, as this is primarily a wrestling forum, but what's wrong with making and interacting with people on the forums in a non-wrestling setting?

But my question is, why do you go on a wrestling forum, which isnt really that much about wrestling.

To put it simply, you don't have to use the non-wrestling forums. They're there for people who wish to talk about other things than wrestling. The wrestling boards ARE the primary boards.

To answer your question about rep, there's no real use for it. It's there to symbolize your reputation. For instance, if a lot of your posts are good, you'll be repped, thus raising your rep power. If you have 0 rep, you reps won't affect anyone else's rep, but if YOU get repped by someone with at least one rep power, your rep power will begin to grow. It just means that a lot of people like your posts, and you've earned a reputation as a good poster.

If someone reps you and they have 5 rep power, you'll earn 5 rep points. If that person red-reps you, you'll lose 5 rep points. There's a scale somewhere that shows the rep point to rep power conversion rate, it's somewhere on the admin board, you can check that out if you want.
I come to WZ to find people who are enthusiatic about wrestling. A lot of the people i used to watch wrestling with have stopped watching or have moved house so i don't see them anymore.

The people i do see are somewhat embarrassed to discuss it in social circles, and try to get out of wrestling conversations pretty quickly, even if it means sitting in silence, they simply don't want people to know they watch wrestling.

So i look for like minded people to discuss/debate wrestling with.

The other forums are there so that you can get to know the other posters better. You've seen pictures of some of the guys having met up, how many of them had actually met face to face, before signing up to WZ do you think?

Every now and i post in a movies thread, and if it's a movie about comic books, then there's a chance i may get into a comic book discussion with LigerBomb or someone else. Thanks to the Music section, i know that anytime i'm in Cali, i should give Smoothe Sexual Chocolate a buzz, and we can hook up for a smoke, and i've never even met the guy!

I don't spend time in the bar room a lot. Nor do i take part in the tournies etc, which is why The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh goes unrecognised sometimes.

Everyone knows who i am: I'm the Batman obsessed, sarcastic Taker mark from the UK. However, because i tend to stick to the wrestling forums only, I'm still kind of an obscure poster on WZ.

Hey, i'm not here to win popularity contests, i know why i'm not regarded highly by most, but i get what i want out of WZ. Conversation with like-minded people, primarily about wrestling, with the option to have a chat about anything.
What's the point of a wrestling forum? I'll tell you what its point is. The MAIN purpose of a wrestling forum is, quite simply, a place for wrestling fans to come together and discuss wrestling with each other. That's the purpose of wrestling forums themselves, but our forum is different.

What sets the Wrestlezone Forum apart from other forums (wrestling or not) is that we have something for everybody. Want to debate wrestling with other hardcore WWE fans? The WWE section is for you. Like TNA more than WWE? Debate with someone about it over in the "WWE VS TNA and General Wrestling" section. Want to discuss the most random things imaginable while making fun of each other? Then the spam friendly sections are right up your alley. Finally there's my personal favorite sections, the non-spam non-wrestling sections. They are there for us to interact with each other when it comes to movies, TV, video games, sports, MMA, and the deep thinking of the Cigar Lounge.

The point of wrestling forums in general is to discuss/debate about WWE/TNA with other wrestling fans, but the point of Wrestlezone is to discuss/debate virtually ANYTHING, with an emphasis on the wrestling sections. That is what makes our forum awesome. I came here to discuss wrestling in 2008, I keep returning daily in 2010 to discuss virtually anything with the friends I have made on here.

That, Beast Delap, is what the point of a wrestling forum is.
Now this is not a complaint thread, what this thread is asking, is what is the point of a wrestling forum?
I know, it is about stating your opinions, or debating about wrestling. But seriously?!? Is that really what wrestlezone is about. If that was, we wouldn't have "the Bar room", we wouldnt have The Non wrestling, non spam areas. Now, don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy Wrestlezone Forums, I have enjoyed my 2 months I have been there, you guys are all so nice. But should we be talking to eachother about things other than wrestling, unless we are life friends?

and also, do you get glory from rep? I mean, it is good to be respected, but how many of the 14,000 members at wrestlezone forums do you know, I can tell you that I know 0 personally. But, I have to contradict myself, I do enjoy my rep!

But my question is, why do you go on a wrestling forum, which isnt really that much about wrestling.

Well, I can't speak from experience since I've never posted on a non-wrestling forum here on WrestleZone (I just realized: until now). But I think the point of this whole idea is that we, as wrestling fans, can interact with other wrestling fans all around the world. We can talk about wrestling with other people who like wrestling, whereas in the "real world," talking about wrestling around non-wrestling fans is somewhat taboo. I have a couple friends who enjoy wrestling and can talk about the industry with me. But I really enjoy some of the repartee that happens on WrestleZone, even when I'm talking with people I respectfully couldn't disagree with more.

And in forums like this, The Cigar Lounge, we can talk about our personal likes, dislikes, and philosophies with others without the baggage of personal knowledge of each other. They seem to me to be about us not just as wrestling fans but as actual people. You can be pretty blunt on here without having the baggage of someone you know saying "___________ said blah blah blah." I just recently discovered this whole new universe of non-wrestling forums the other day, and they definitely seem interesting. Personally, I'm looking forward to discussing some of these topics.
I think it's just the variety, come for the wrestling, stay for the chit chat :P.

Like any forum it's okay to specialise, but a little diversity never hurt anyone.

Just My Opinion
Wrestling forums, are my most favorite forum to comment about wrestling, On the other part of this forum. I think it's great to have a chit chat room to talk about what ever you like.
The fact it's a "wrestling" forum is just the catalyst – the fact is that it's a forum, which in most cases garners interest from a myriad of folks looking to either (a) join a community online or (b) debate opinion on things they can't actually change as a means for some type of cathartic release of stress.

Forums allow you to construct arguments using statistical analysis, data and gift you with the concept of anonymity to boot – three things you often can't reproduce in a face-to-face argument/debate. Thats' the real crux here.

The fact it's over wrestling becomes an ancillary point once the user has joined and rooted himself/herself into the concept of being a contributing member to an online community.

I'm a member of four forums, this one included, one of which I've amassed 53,445 posts on. I have a life, I have a job and I have a girlfriend – and a hot one at that – so it's not as though this is my only way to find "friends", or that I'm some unemployed virgin living in my mom's basement – I've just been using forums for over a decade now, and the appreciation for being a part of them never left me.
Forums are a place where I can find people with similar interests, and talk about things that are fun to talk about. It's a great place to talk to people and even make friends. I enjoy coming here for the companionship (yes, I have a social life, but it wasn't until recently that I made a friend who likes wrestling, and he's not really into discussing it deeper like people on here) and because I like to share my ideas to the world. It's a medium for people to interact with each other, and it's fun.
You know, just like a lot of the guys have already said, we all have social lives but most of us don't have many friends interested in wrestling. I literally have no other friends interested in wrestling, we talk about all kinds of other things but everybody else dislikes wrestling, so I come here to discuss wrestling with other fans.
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with the mass majority on here. Even though most of us to like wrestling, it doesn't have to dominate our lives. I have other friends aside from WZ, but we don't talk about wrestling all the time. I may want to talk to them about other things sometimes. This is just an outlet for people who can understand 'inside' sayings or references for those who happen to be a bit more familiar to the layout of this neighborhood. I mean rep is fine and dandy, but I'm more in this just for fun and to see what all is new and exciting and what others' opinions about the wrestling world is. Because as exciting as I think I may be, I've seen some others who are even WAY more entertaining than me and provide more insight as well.
I think Norcs puts it best when two people get extra bitchy in the Bar Room:


Shut up and go post some wrestling.

It's what we're here for, isn't it? We all enjoy wrestling. And we wish to meet others that are like minded. So we gather like African Fire Ants to a decomposing water bull carcass.

As far as what I come here for, it was the wrestling discussion. But now that I've been disconnected from wrestling for a few months (getting back in with MITB, hopefully) I'm mainly here for teh people and teh Cigar Lounge. It's what I made my "stomping grounds" when I first started a year ago, and it's where I've made my home for now.

And that's just fine, because that's what Wrestlezone forums is for. To bring people with a common thread in common, Wrestling, and have them talk about all kinds of stuff. Making wrestling fans only talk about wrestling is going to be about as interesting as having school teachers only talk about those little, annoying snots they are forced to baby-sit and somehow "teach" when the kids won't even sit still for longer than 5 minutes. Those teachers will end up blowing up a government building, and people would leave in droves when Cena retires or some angle is completely fucked up.
In my opinion, a wrestling forum, is a place where people should be able to state there opinions and views without being criticized. This is suppose to be a place where we can all come together and discuss WWE. I do feel that people sometimes come here for the wrong reasons and are not here to discuss WWE.

I think we can still have a decent discussion without these strict rules. This website can be a awesome forum, but it’s way to strict.. Some mod’s just need to lighten up and realize that we are here to discuss WWE.

Posters should not have to worry or be afraid of creating a topic because they may get warned that is not what a forum is suppose to be about, it’s suppose to be about having fun and discussing WWE.

Also, if someone is in a topic, and you replied to that poster, as long as they are somewhat on topic I feel the mod’s should not have a “Freak attack”. We should not have to be forced to talk about things that we don’t want to talk about. This isn’t kindergarten.

I go on wrestling forums, because I want to be able to have “Free” discussions about anything that I want. I shouldn’t have to worry about getting a infraction. It’s the internet, I don’t think the web should be taken this seriously.
As a moderator of a site other than this one, I'm here to tell you that your idea sounds great in theory. Unfortunately, it's not this clear cut. Many people do have their opinions and they're able to articulate them positively and clearly. There are those, however, that are unable to follow the guidelines that have been laid down by those that CREATED the site and not the Mods. You have to remember, it's not the Mods that are fucking up your fun. There are rules in place which, often, have been decided since the site was created. Mods are appointed based on their ability to adhere to the website designers' wishes.

At the end of the day, no Mod wants to hand out infractions or warnings. It's not something we, as mods, on any forum, enjoy doing. I'm not a moderator of this site, but I am a moderator of a site and it's beyond the most stressful task. You wind up having to warn people that you, would otherwise, rather not wish to warn. You have to regulate conversations that, you otherwise, believe could be positive conversations amongst quality members, but you know if you let them go much further it will end negatively.

I promise you all, try moderating a forum board, or an intellectual debate before you assume that these people don't do their job. I got warned by a good friend on this site. He had to do his job and I respect him for it. it's a lot harder than you'd believe.
I disagree, I am sure a lot of us didn't come on a forum to follow "Guidelines" that isn't what a WWE forum is all about.

This forum is more of a school forum, you don't follow the rules, you get suspened.
In my opinion, a wrestling forum, is a place where people should be able to state there opinions and views without being criticized. This is suppose to be a place where we can all come together and discuss WWE. I do feel that people sometimes come here for the wrong reasons and are not here to discuss WWE.
You can discuss your opinions any way you want. Hell, you're currently arguing with the most powerful active member of the site, and you haven't received any repercussions for it, have you?

But you have to follow the our rules, which really aren't that difficult to do.

I think we can still have a decent discussion without these strict rules.
Well, you're wrong. That was tried before and failed. Before I was Administrator, the rules used to be much stricter here. We've lightened up on the rules a lot. If you go into the Wrestling Archives, and look at the oldest threads on the board, you can see how terrible this place was without the rules.

Also, if someone is in a topic, and you replied to that poster, as long as they are somewhat on topic I feel the mod’s should not have a “Freak attack”. We should not have to be forced to talk about things that we don’t want to talk about. This isn’t kindergarten.
You're right, it isn't kindergarten. We expect that our posters can read the rules and follow them of their own accord.

Like the Gay guy says, we don't like giving out Warnings/Infractions, it means extra work for us. We come to this site to enjoy ourselves to, and when we hand out Infractions, we can't do that as well. If everyone would follow the rules, we'd be much happier. But, since some people can't, we have to take time out of our enjoyment and remind them.
Sly, do we have to refer to me as the "Gay guy?" :lol:

Also, Canadian, despite the fact that you claim you DIDN'T come to a WWE forum to follow guidelines, look at the rules you agreed to when you signed up.

That's a binding contract between you and the people that created the site. ANY forum is going to have something similar. So, YES, you did come to a forum to follow guidelines.

You are, however, free to start your own forum FREE of guidelines and rules. All you need is the website, bandwidth, server, knowledge of designing a website, and time. Did I also mention that you'll be devoting your time to your website for a minimal, if any, profit?

Do it up, dude.
To me, the point of this forum is to chat about our mutual passion- professional wrestling. Being in the UK, most of my friends have "grown out of" wrestling and it is quite difficult to ever really chat about the business with anyone. I know a handful who are into it, but I enjoy discussing the Attitude era, and the current events with like minded people on this forum, and learning new opinions and new things.

I also enjoy the music forum, as music is a passion of mine and I enjoy getting recomendations and discovering new bands/songs to d/l.

As for rep, I am not totally sure how it all works yet, I undestand the rep power thing, where a guy positive repping you who has 5 rep power points means I gain 5 points, but the green squares under the rep power bar on your post confuses me. I have seen guys with 2 rep power have 2 green squares, but others with 2 rep power have more. How does this work?

Thanks in advance!
Ok like i stated. I am entittled to view about what this forum is about.

If people don't like my opinion about what I think a forum should be about then that really is not my problem.

Sure there should be some guidelines and then there rules that people simply are not needed.

The thread is asking people there opinions and views on what a forum should be like and I stated mine. So deal with it.

The rep is stupid, it's just for popularity contest which is what this board is all about. This board isn't about wrestling it's about "Im more popular then you are". It's a high school forum.
I find that this is a nice open place to discuss everything from wrestling, religion, politics, music, movies, games, technology, etc. There are some people on here that have been here for years that have even made friendships. Some have even met each other at one point in time. Overall I enjoy talking about different wrestling companies and genres of wrestling. I have very few friends that actually still watch wrestling now. Most of my friends either have watched it when they were younger or teenagers and have now totally turned wrestling off.

It is nice to express your opinions here about wrestling without feeling embarrassed about being a wrestling fan.
I disagree, I am sure a lot of us didn't come on a forum to follow "Guidelines" that isn't what a WWE forum is all about.

This forum is more of a school forum, you don't follow the rules, you get suspened.

Think about it like this.

You go to someone's house. The person that owns the house doesn't want you yelling at other people, interrupting peoples' conversations, and being a general ********. If you do, you get kicked out. With the logic you're using, you're saying, "I was just talking to people! That's what people do at get-togethers!" And it's true - you were talking to people. But not in a way that went with the flow of the environment, and you rubbed people the wrong way. So at this point, one of two things could happen:

  • You get kicked out until the person that owns the house thinks you've calmed down
  • You leave because you don't like the guy who owns the house's rules.
Do you think the owner of the house goes to the person that is visiting “Ok before you come in, I need you to sit down and go over the rules of the house if you don’t you will get thrown out of the house and be bashed lmao”.

No what I said is that this is a internet forum, meaning that people take this to seriously and don’t know what it is to have a discussion.

Mod’s here just love having “Power” and think they are superior to others and then get pissed cause people don’t respect them when respect is a 2 way street.

I’ve seen how they act around people and act around me and I’m sorry but they don’t deserve respect.

How would you react if you went into a house, and a person just attacked you for your opinion? Or try and dismiss your opinions and views because it’s not exactly how they wanted it to be?

I’m sure you would not like it.

This forum is suppose to be a place where people can feel free to discuss WWE without mod's being obsessed.

Watch this post be removed even though it's on topic and people say they are not obsessed with power.
Do you think the owner of the house goes to the person that is visiting “Ok before you come in, I need you to sit down and go over the rules of the house if you don’t you will get thrown out of the house and be bashed lmao”.

No what I said is that this is a internet forum, meaning that people take this to seriously and don’t know what it is to have a discussion.

Mod’s here just love having “Power” and think they are superior to others and then get pissed cause people don’t respect them when respect is a 2 way street.

I’ve seen how they act around people and act around me and I’m sorry but they don’t deserve respect.

How would you react if you went into a house, and a person just attacked you for your opinion? Or try and dismiss your opinions and views because it’s not exactly how they wanted it to be?

I’m sure you would not like it.

This forum is suppose to be a place where people can feel free to discuss WWE without mod's being obsessed.

Watch this post be removed even though it's on topic and people say they are not obsessed with power.

I've really tried to sit back and watch you ramble on having no clear-cut argument, but this is getting kind of painful.

First, I don't allow smoking in my apartment. I don't care how whomever feels about it, if you want to smoke you GTFO. People don't normally need to list rules before one enters their home because most people are respectful enough to inquire about them before crossing a line. In this scenario, the "house rules" were clearly posted for you to see (if you cared) and you chose to ignore them. Hence, the treatment you've received.

The rules that are in place are in place for a reason, to improve the overall quality of this internet community. The mod's are "obsessed" with the rules because they know exactly what happens when the rules aren't enforced. There are plenty of internet forums that you can go join, why don't you try one without so many rules? Personally, I've been there before, and I don't want to go back.

You and I have both been here for the same amount of time and I've never had a post deleted, never had a thread deleted, and have only been warned once (for a moving sig). If you follow the rules and post in a manner that is intelligent and thought-through the majority of people here will almost always respect your opinion, even if they don't agree with you. I'm not saying that they won't argue with you, but your opinion will almost always be respected.
Post intelligently and you will be well received, not by everyone (that's life), but by a number of people. (It would certainly get you more fans than you have now)
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CanadianFan, you've gone past the point where people care what you have to say. I'm generally the most tolerant individual I know of when it comes to people's opinions. Like Soapguy mentioned, this doesn't mean I won't debate with them, but me feeling the need to debate with them means that they have something to say that was intelligent enough to illicit a response from me.

You, ma'am, do not. You're being petulant, argumentative, and close-minded. It would not shock me in the least to find out that you don't really have too many friends. I would honestly say that you remind me of myself because you have something to say about everyone, but you haven't made on intelligent point while arguing your litany of problems with WrestleZone.

It would be great if, somehow, you were able to check your attitude at the door and realize that EVERYWHERE has rules. There is no FREE forum for expressing yourself. You cannot do this in the real world, you cannot do it in jail, you cannot do it in a professional setting, either. About the only place you can do that is on an island that you inhabit by yourself with nobody there to listen to you. This might not be a bad option for you.

Let me explain something to you about rules. There aren't always penal consequences for violating rules. Society has different forms of rules. Laws, norms, mores, values...etc. These all fall under the rule category. If you violate them, you'll see some consequences. Allow me to illustrate some examples for you:

-You're standing in line to check out from the grocery store and your cell phone rings. You answer it and carry on a conversation with the person on the other end while completely ignoring the cashier as they're trying to complete your transaction. You have a line of people behind you eager to check out and get on with the rest of their errands, what do you think is going to happen? You're going to get bitched at, made fun of, and probably called names.

-You go to step onto an elevator with a group of people. Instead of facing forward with everyone else, you decide to stand with your back to the door facing the people facing the door. Someone could get upset that you're invading their personal space and punch you, they could have a panic attack and start screaming at you, or they could do nothing and just think you're an impolite asshole.

-Someone is at your house watching a WWE PPV and they keep walking in front of the TV during the Main Events, they drink your last soda/beer, and they piss with the bathroom door open so they can hear the TV. What do you do?

-Would any of these people be obsessed with the "rules" because they weren't be followed, even though they were never listed anywhere. I'm willing to bet that you don't have a sign in your house telling people not to do those things. The elevator doesn't have a sign telling you which way to face, and most stores cannot refuse to serve you if you're chatting on your cell. These are all places where the rules aren't listed and people can/do break the rules because nobody is there to stop them.

Of course, were this real life, people get arrested, ditched, get their asses kicked, and their friends stop talking to them. Unfortunately, the internet doesn't allow people to do anything of those things.

So, think about it like this. WrestleZone is your group of friends. After saying enough stupid shit, we decided we are going to tell you that it's hurting the group (infraction), and then we're going to stop talking to you for a little (ban), and if these haven't you a lesson about being part of the group then we'll permanently stop talking to you and find new friends to take your place (permanent ban). Does that make more sense? Can you dig that?

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