The Complaint Thread

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What is considered flamming?

I think the rules are messed up here.

You allow someone to call other posters a idiot and fucken brain dead, which is offensive to a lot of posters considering that they do have family with illness that has to do with the brain, but you don’t allow a poster who clearly apologized for the confusion and posting a post in the right section, just in the wrong thread and give them a warning?

That does not seem screwed up to anyone?

What’s the point of having a flaming rule, if you are just going to allow posters to flame others?
As I have already tried to explain to you Cenafan, the thread was created in the right section, but it's discussing a subject that is already being discussed in a stickied thread just above, which contains the most, if not all discussion concerning The Nexus and the faction as a whole, therefore it would be considered a duplicate post.
You were neither warned nor infracted for flaming, you were warned for spamming and posting a thread in a completely wrong section, which are very different things from flaming. Not sure what you're talking about to be honest.

Our flaming rules here are incredibly lenient, the only time we'll infract for flaming is when something has seriously crossed a line, like racial/prejudicial remarks or personal attacks on other members personal lives or family members. It's pretty hard to be infracted for flaming here.

Not sure why you thought you were infracted for flaming, but you weren't, I assure you, you were warned for spamming. Very different thing.
Yea and NXT season 1 does not want to be referred to as NXT anymore they want to be referred to as NEXUS.

soo? Should there not be a topic now that is in discussion for NEXUS since that is what they want to be referred as?

Yet I was not spamming. So what does that say?
X, the infraction / warning for spamming was a fellow poster that quoted CenaFan.

So Cenafan, tell me, if I go change the thread title on the NXT season 1 faction general discussion thread to The Nexus general discussion thread, which is what it is, does that make more sense to you?
You posted a duplicate thread. That would be spam. Are you seriously trying to inform us of how our own rules work? I assure you, we understand them better than you do.

You weren't even infracted. You were warned, which means there are no infraction points on your profile, which means you're nowhere close to being banned or are in any kind of trouble or hazard. Why are you complaining? Everyone on this forum has received a warning at some point, from the admins to the freshest newbs.
I didn't post a duplicate thread.

NXT rookies season 1 and NEXUS are 2 different groups of people.

How is that duplicate?
No, they are not two different groups of people. The NXT Season 1 rookies are now the group called the Nexus. Before we knew the official name of the group, we referred to them as the NXTWO, or NXT Season 1.

They are the same group under a different name. All discussion of said group, including the name change, was to go in that thread.
They are 2 different groups of people, they are not rookies anymore and have nothing to do with NXT anymore.

They do not want to be referred to as anything to do with NXT.

so yes they are different.
No they bloody well are not.

They underwent a name change. The thread has now been renamed to reflect that.

You received a warning. Nothing more. Not a big deal.

It was a duplicate topic because the thread about the NXT Rookies was about the group now calling themselves Nexus. Same group, different name.

Your complaint has been answered. Please stop spamming up this thread or you will receive an infraction. And that IS a big deal.
It wasn't about the NXT rookies, it was about NEXUS.

But you accusing me of doing things that I didn't do.

Why can't people admit to doing something wrong?

NEXUS does want to be associated to NXT anymore. So I'm still wondering how i'm duplicating threads, when I was talking about something different.
Your complaint has been addressed and frankly you have nothing to complain about. Stop wasting our time, or we will start handing out infractions. You have been warned.
My complaint is that in your quest for "conversation" you alienate people who don't want to leave page long diatribes about WWE topics. you really need to get on board with what real spam is before classifying a small post as spam. this is a discussion board and if I only have a sentence to chime in, that is on topic, then it should be respected the same as johnny longpost's 15 page essay on, "why Eugene was the best thing to happen to WWE in 2004"

Your mods are also very condescending, which is a very unattractive feature here on wrestlezone. You are not the elite, you are not better than us. This is something that needs to be repeated, again. Until you wake up, smell the coffee and get your heads out of your monkey asses I will not respect you because you do not respect me, my opinion and my 1st amendment right.

The Mods on Wrestlezone are the best. They look for excellence when it comes to people posting and there is nothing wrong with that.
My complaint is that in your quest for "conversation" you alienate people who don't want to leave page long diatribes about WWE topics. you really need to get on board with what real spam is before classifying a small post as spam. this is a discussion board and if I only have a sentence to chime in, that is on topic, then it should be respected the same as johnny longpost's 15 page essay on, "why Eugene was the best thing to happen to WWE in 2004"

Your mods are also very condescending, which is a very unattractive feature here on wrestlezone. You are not the elite, you are not better than us. This is something that needs to be repeated, again. Until you wake up, smell the coffee and get your heads out of your monkey asses I will not respect you because you do not respect me, my opinion and my 1st amendment right.


FYI guys, he's talking about me.

I tried to tell you what the rules were. Wrestlezone has a different definition of spamming than the one you copy-pasted from Wikipedia. It isn't hard to follow. We don't ask for a paragraph, merely an opinion and an explanation, one that is on-topic.

Spam: John Cena is the best!
Non-spam: John Cena is the best! He outs on good matches with almost everyone.

As you can see, that is hardly five pages.

Wrestlezone strives to be the best wrestling forum on the web, and that involves having some rules that some may deem strict. But's not that hard to read and follow our rules.

If you feel like only stating opinions without reasons, there are spam sections called "The Forum formerly Known As The Bar Room" (A section where everything not related to wrestling can be discussed), "Long Live 'The Cage'" (A no-holds-barred forum), and the "Wrestling Spam Zone" (a place for wrestling discussion).

As for condescending, it's hard not to be when confronted with people who don't respect me. I just ask for some basic human politeness; it goes a long way.

actually doc I wasn't. It was directed at Ferbian. I don't appreciate your false accusations (politeness Doc, politeness ). Never assume, it makes an ass out of you and me
actually doc I wasn't. It was directed at Ferbian. I don't appreciate your false accusations. Never assume, it makes an ass out of you and me

And using tired cliches from decades past just makes an ass out of you.

Incidentally, read up on what the 1st amendment means, jackass. It applies to GOVERNMENT. We're not a government, punk, we're a privately owned discussion forum. Before you start spouting off about your freedom of speech, do a little research and speak intelligently on the topic.

All right, I assumed, but I was also in a PM argument over what you considered spamming and what WE consider spamming. You also seemed to think that we are under Constitutional law and that our rules are infringing on your rights.

Wrestlezone Forums is not under Constituional law. We are free to make any law regarding what constitutes spam and what isn't.

Anyway, I hope your complaint has been dealt with and all your questions answered. Wrestlezone is supposed to be fun, after all, so let's make it that way.

EDIT: Also, what IC said.
it was fun, until you pissed in my cereal about not giving a reason for not liking goldust. I only responded in the same manner that you contacted me
it was fun, until you pissed in my cereal about not giving a reason for not liking goldust. I only responded in the same manner that you contacted me

I happen to love Goldust. I was just trying to explain to you what constituted spam and what didn't.

Your post: "Goldust was routinely the most entertaining thing on a WWE program".

You never explained WHY. The WHY is all we ask for.

This conversation is over. Please enjoy the rest of your time on WZ, and try and follow the rules lest you wish to receive some actual infractions.
My complaint is that in your quest for "conversation" you alienate people who don't want to leave page long diatribes about WWE topics. you really need to get on board with what real spam is before classifying a small post as spam.
No, I know perfectly what real spam is, and it's not found in a Wikipedia link.

Real spam is any unwanted item (whether it be text, file, e-mail, etc.) that finds its way on the Internet. Unsolicited e-mails are not the only type of spam that exists. Here at the WrestleZone Forums we do not want posts which do not contribute in a meaningful way to the discussion of a thread. Thus, since we find posts which don't make both a point and support that point to be spam, it is.

Everyone has a different definition of spam, and this is ours. You have had every opportunity in the world to understand our definition of spam, and your inability to do so speaks to your intelligence, not our understanding of the concept of spam. We have the Rules listed in an Announcement at the top of every forum, as well as in this Site Administration forum. We also have a FAQ thread which further defines spam. Any time you receive a Warning or an Infraction, our mods help you to understand why your post was spam.

If you can't figure out what is spam here, it's probably best that you leave. We can only provide so many different opportunities to teach you what is spam and what is not. 5 times is more than enough times for anyone who is not stupid or not being an ass.

Furthermore, he have 5 different forums which DON'T have the Spam rule, 4 of which you are allowed to talk about wrestling in. If you don't feel like you can be hassled to write a non-spam post, then you have 4 different spam forums you can talk wrestling in without worrying about it.

The problem here is not us, the problem is you. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you will enjoy this place.

this is a discussion board and if I only have a sentence to chime in, that is on topic, then it should be respected the same as johnny longpost's 15 page essay on, "why Eugene was the best thing to happen to WWE in 2004"
No, it shouldn't be. A post which contributes and furthers discussion on the topic is what should be respected, not a one line statement that no one cares about. If you say "I like Eugene", who gives a damn? How does that help our conversation on topic? It doesn't, it's just you putting a worthless spam post in a thread. If you put "I like Eugene because I think it was the best character the WWE put out in the last 5 years", then that is something that can be discussed. See the difference?

Your input alone does not need to be respected in any way. We never asked for you to write on our forums. If you wish to post here, then you do it our way.

Your mods are also very condescending, which is a very unattractive feature here on wrestlezone.
The moderators here are actually very helpful, far more than I ask them to be. But when someone like you continues to be an ass and thinks he knows better than we do about the way our forum should be run, they tend to lose patience. As would I.

You are not the elite, you are not better than us.
Perhaps not, but at least we understand the rules. You don't.

This is something that needs to be repeated, again. Until you wake up, smell the coffee and get your heads out of your monkey asses I will not respect you because you do not respect me,
I don't give a fuck if you respect me or not. You're some random person on the Internet I will never meet, why should I bother trying to curry your respect? I don't give a fuck if you respect me, and I don't give a damn if you respect or like our rules. Of course, if you don't respect our rules, you'll lose your privilege of posting here, but that's certainly your decision. There are currently 16,000 active members on the WrestleZone Forums, and over the last two years, over 50,000 inactive members have been deleted. If you want to post here, great, if not, I really don't care. But if you ARE going to post here, amongst some of the best posters on the Internet, then you need to follow the rules.

my opinion and my 1st amendment right.
Have you ever read the First Amendment? Here, I'll provide it for you:

First Amendment said:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I'm not Congress. The WrestleZone Forums is not Congress. You have no First Amendment rights here, because we are not Congress, nor are we affiliated with any branch of the United States government. We CAN make rules on what speech you post, and we do, in order to protect our own interests.

Again, if you don't like it, I suggest you leave. If you think you can be a big person and play by the rules, you are certainly welcome to stay.

No problem. In the future, your best bet is to try and understand rules before you complain about them.
I posted a thread about the last bloody match in wwe and asked everybody to share their views and opinions about which was the last bloody match in wwe. I also shared examples and scenarios about the logic behind my post. But it has been moved to spam zone. The reason, I dont know. You can check the post at this link
Please check it and give your feed that why it has been moved there. I dont see any spam in there. It was about an opinion and to share views on what we dont see these days in wwe(bloody match)
I moved it there as a thread like that is more than likely to have only spam answers possible. It's hard to go into detail about which match was the bloodiest as that's not really something open to debate. Your thread was fine, but the responses weren't going to be able to work in a non-spam area more than likely.
The Cigar Lounge
A spam-free forum to discuss important issues like politics, ethical and moral debates, and whatever comes to mind. Grab a juice drink, sit back, and let the debates begin...

who names a section "The Cigar Lounge" and tells people to grab a juice drink? that is just fucking pathetic.
It's simply a phrase for the description of the section, no need to take the "grab a juice drink" part serious.
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