The Complaint Thread

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Then stop being a prick :shrug:


What's funny is I'm probably the reason you're still here. But, fair enough, if I'm going to be referred to as a prick, I might as well do something to make me worthy of it.

For those of you following along, you can now find Safari Man in our Prison. Feel free to come and mock him there.
is there a way to stop those interactive ads from interupting my browsing activities, im going to go postal with ads like that keep appearing and interupting what links i click:banghead::banghead::banghead:
is there a way to stop those interactive ads from interupting my browsing activities, im going to go postal with ads like that keep appearing and interupting what links i click:banghead::banghead::banghead:

If you're using Firefox then there's an addon called "adblock plus". Or something along those lines. It kills all the advertisements on the Internet, Including this side.
Sorry, I am told to post here, I thought in order to get a infraction reversed I would have to go in the reversed infraction.

A request to have my infraction removed please as I feel it was unfair. I created a topic about Cole in the Raw section and in that topic I had mentioned how I wanted WWE to bring Daniel Bryan back to have his feud with Cole.

Someone created a post saying that Daniel Bryan can't be back because of the 90 day contract, (That poster was staying on topic, considering that the topic was about both Cole and Bryan).

Then I responded asking if the contract was a wwe contract meaning that they can bring him back cause they can do what ever the contract wanted.

I was told that I was spamming and off topic.

How can I be off topic, when i'm discussing WWE bringing Daniel Bryan back? Is that not part of his release?

I understand that the topic it self was more about Cole, but it was also about bringing Daniel back, so people will have a opinions about bringing Daniel Back as well..
Your thread is about Michael Cole. It vaguely brings up the storyline between him and Daniel Bryan, but the main subject is about the WWE forgetting about Michael Cole. When you asked about the 90-day contract in your next post, you were referring to Daniel Bryan and his position with the WWE. There was no mention of Cole (which was the original subject of your thread) and the post was focused around Daniel Bryan. This makes your post off-topic.

Even though the poster before you mentioned Daniel Bryan in their post, they followed it up with a few more thoughts on the thread's main topic, Michael Cole.

Since you did not stay on-topic in your post, it is considered to be spam.
Even if the Original Topic is mentioning Daniel Bryan as well?

I can understand if there was no mention of Daniel, but so in order to not have my post removed, I have to talk about every little thing?

I am confused.

Please explain if u can.

Even if the Original Topic is mentioning Daniel Bryan as well?

I can understand if there was no mention of Daniel, but so in order to not have my post removed, I have to talk about every little thing?

I am confused.

Please explain if u can.


The Staff talked it over, and it was decided the Infraction will be Reversed. However, in the future, I recommend you make sure your posts are clear in how they relate to the topic of the thread, and that you make sure you have two parts in your post: the first being the position you take in the post, and the second being why you take that position. If you do those things, you can assure yourself you will not be given a Spam Infraction.

Another reversed infraction please. It seems as if certain mod’s are waiting for me to do something to give me a infraction.

I had created a topic about Hornswoggle being behind the attacks, wasn’t even discussing Nexus attacking Vince or anything like that and I got a infraction because I was being accused of discussing Nexus when Nexus wasn’t even part of my discussion or was even mentioned.

I was discussing the person behind the attacks.

But yet this thread was remained on here.

Oh and here's another topic discussing Nexus

which clearly it's discussing nexus etc...

Why is there favoritism going on?
Another reversed infraction please. It seems as if certain mod’s are waiting for me to do something to give me a infraction.

I had created a topic about Hornswoggle being behind the attacks, wasn’t even discussing Nexus attacking Vince or anything like that and I got a infraction because I was being accused of discussing Nexus when Nexus wasn’t even part of my discussion or was even mentioned.

I was discussing the person behind the attacks.

See this thread:

Now read the initial disclaimer in the thread.

I guess you missed that.

And like I said in your PM, unless you can specify which attacks you're referring to, we're going to consider it to be about Nexus's attacks.
The fact is that you told me I was discussing Nexus. So either we are allowed to discuss Nexus or we are not.

I wasn't discussing Nexus attacking for the last time. What are you not understanding?

However the taker topic is suggesting that Nexus was behind the attacks. They are discussing nexus attacks.

Oh and from my understand the thread about nexus in the raw section is for discussion of ALL NEXUS no matter what the discussion is about.
Then, who were you discussing for attacks taking place where it would outline Hornswoggle getting revenge on Vince for the "Vince's Son" angle?

The only "attacks" going on are being done by the Nexus. Stop trolling. Thanks.
I am not trolling.

I"m discussing the reasoning behind the attacks, meaning that Horswoggle did it probably because of him being Vince is son. I wasn't discussing Nexus attacking Vince or what occurred during the time of the event, I was discussing the reasoning behind the attacks.

My topic isn't about the reasonsing of why nexus attacked vince etc.. My topic plain out stated that i think hornswoggle was behind the attacks.

nexus wasn't even brought up. I am discussing for the last time, Hornswoggle and his involvement with the attacks.

Has nothing to do with Nexus.

It's a pretty simple concept if you ask me. There is a difference in discussing someone behind the attacks and discussing Nexus and the attacks they did.
But, in essence, your thread has something remotely to do with leadership or reasoning behind the attacks that Nexus executed on Raw. As clearly explained in the disclaimer of the [OFFICIAL] Nexus Thread, this is a big no-no. Therefore, you wrote a duplicate topic.

Issue closed.
No actually it didn't. I wasn't discussing nexus or there attacking or even discussing there reasoning for the attacking.

So not sure what your talking about to be honest.

The fact is that you accused me of discussing Nexus which is why my thread was removed and for the last time, that thread was not about Nexus, it was about Hornswoggle and possible reaosns for him being pissed off at WWE.

Which could be a possibility of him pulling the attacks.
A decision has been made and this issue is closed. The infraction will stand. If you keep posting in here about this issue then you'll be infracted for spamming.

Last warning.
Your situation has been addressed. Stop Spamming / twatting up the complaint thread. Move on with life, I assure you, no one here cares about you enough to specifically attack or troll you. Move on.
Ok, see and this is why I think D-man is all about power, he just accused me having alternate accounts and I explained to the mod's along with WWE_Fan who I am, and how this is not a alternate account.

I still would like a explanation as to what we are allowed to discuss in the Raw section regarding nexus.


I'm just getting a different vibe here of what we are allowed and not allowed to discuss.

I just think the rules about that thread are unclear at the moment.
Simply put there's a Nexus thread which is in the Raw section, Nexus talk is to be kept in there.

The alt thing was a mistake, hence the reversing.
Because we have lives and it takes longer than 5 seconds to deal with something.

They now are merged into the official thread and appropriate action taken.
This really isn’t a complaint, just a explanation or whatever.

There was a topic about “Freedom of Speech’ in the thread and there was a post about WIKI

I had posted that “Wiki isn’t a trust worthy site” and then realizing I wasn’t really on topic, I edit the post to make it so that I was on topic by adding that if people would look up what Freedom of Speech is, they will see that somewhere in the definition it does state that attacking others is not part of freedom of speech"

And because of the glitch it did not show the edit but I got an infraction.

It’s not the mod’s fault.

It’s the glitching, it’s really bad here.
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