The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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what happened to the post about britney and k-fed divorcing?

if it's news enough to be on wrestlezone, it should be up for discussion on the WZ forum.

seems the MODS or whatever do more telling people not to spam than actualy posting
nahbrah said:
what happened to the post about britney and k-fed divorcing?

if it's news enough to be on wrestlezone, it should be up for discussion on the WZ forum.

seems the MODS or whatever do more telling people not to spam than actualy posting
One was made in the Entertainment forum. One of the reasons the other thread was closed, because the person who created the thread left nothing to discuss. (Spam) Here's the link the active thread.
Hey Fellow Fan's I Was Wondering If Anyone Knew If Any Of The Wwe Wrestlers Or Divas Will Be Making Apperances While Doing There Annual Uk Tour, If Anyone Has Any Dates Could You Let Us Know, Especially In Manchester On 13th And 14th Of November, Cheers:
Mr.SmackDown said:
Does anyone know why John Cena was drafted to RAW and Batista was drafted to SMACKDOWN?

I don't know for sure, but I would guess that it was because Vince McMahon wanted to have the WWE's top star on the top brand - John Cena on Raw. Neither are any worse for wear after the draft - Cena is the WWE Champ and they are clearly setting up Batista to win back the WHC.
Me and my mate have been having this discussion for ages now, can you bet on wrestling matches? I'm guessing not because it's pre-determined
Has Mitch of the SS actually wrestled in a match?

Yes.. The most recent match he wrestled was with Mikey I believe against Cryme Time..

Me and my mate have been having this discussion for ages now, can you bet on wrestling matches? I'm guessing not because it's pre-determined

Why wouldnt you be able to? I used to bet my friend on matches all the time.. The WWE knows whos going to win, but we dont.
PauLwaLL said:
Yes.. The most recent match he wrestled was with Mikey I believe against Cryme Time..

Why wouldnt you be able to? I used to bet my friend on matches all the time.. The WWE knows whos going to win, but we dont.

sorry, i meant betting at proper betting agents, surely you can't though, i mean it's like betting on soap operas or whatever.
Luther_Hull said:
Me and my mate have been having this discussion for ages now, can you bet on wrestling matches? I'm guessing not because it's pre-determined

About 4 years ago a bookies (I forget which one) were taking bets at who was going to be World champion come the end of the year.
Last I heard he was haveing legal troubles, I can't remember exactly what happened, but I think it had something to do with him no showing for a show or something

here you go:

Former WWE Superstar Rikishi Speaks On Being Arrested
09/28/2006 by Ryan Gray

Solofa Fatu Jr. (aka Rikishi) Issued The Following Statement To

"I am dealing with a private matter at this time that I am unable to discuss in detail, however, I am confident my name will be cleared in a court of law soon. Additionally, I will say, make sure to have all business affairs in order and up to date and do not trust anyone to handle for you, even if that person is your wife. I thank everyone
for their continue support."


NWE Press Office
September 28th 2006
Does anyone know if there is going to be a draft lotters soon?

From rumours, its looking like sometime after the next WrestleMania.. There really hasnt been much info on it, but I remember reading it will be in the middle of 07.
alrite thanks for the help guys, i appreciate it. also, i heard somewhere sensational sherri died. is it true?
does any1 kno why raw is always main eventing wrestlemania now?the last time smackdown main evented was at wrestlemania 19. kurt angle vs. brock lesnar.
^the reason is probably because raws main event is a bigger draw, unlike wm19, people wanted to see brock vs angle more than HHH vs booker
is there any difference between a tv title and a regular one.

The only difference is, back in wCw, the TV Title was defended every weak.. Other then that, nope.
im sure Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch called themselves something like "Redneck Recking Crew" but i cant find no evidence of this on or wikipedia. can any1 confimr his or not?
The Boogeyman said:
im sure Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch called themselves something like "Redneck Recking Crew" but i cant find no evidence of this on or wikipedia. can any1 confimr his or not?

As far as I know I think it's just something J.R. made up. Similar to what he does with HHH when he calls him the Cerebral Assassin.
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