The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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how do i put my custom avatar as mine? no where to load it on my profile?can someone help !!!

how do i put my custom avatar as mine? no where to load it on my profile?can someone help !!!

You cant and this is the WWE Ask a Question Thread.. Next time if you have a question like this.. Ask it in feedback, but its been explained many of times.
Ok so i was wacthing Raw monday and they showed a old WCW steel cage macth with a Chair does anyone know where i can find that? or what PPV it was at Cakest jack was in it
Edge-number1 fan said:
Ok so i was wacthing Raw monday and they showed a old WCW steel cage macth with a Chair does anyone know where i can find that? or what PPV it was at Cakest jack was in it

It was Halloween Havoc 1991
It was the Chamber of Horros match from Halloween Havoc, 1991.

Did the WWF/E ever use the death of Owen Hart like they have used the death of Eddie?
jefferson411 said:
It was the Chamber of Horros match from Halloween Havoc, 1991.

Did the WWF/E ever use the death of Owen Hart like they have used the death of Eddie?

No because Owen wife and the hart family took WWE to court and won so Vince and the WWE are not allowed to use owen name or put him in the hall of fame
Edge-number1 fan said:
No because Owen wife and the hart family took WWE to court and won so Vince and the WWE are not allowed to use owen name or put him in the hall of fame
so does that mean we will never see an Owen Hart DVD?
Edge-number1 fan said:
No because Owen wife and the hart family took WWE to court and won so Vince and the WWE are not allowed to use owen name or put him in the hall of fame

That's actually not true. Owen Hart's wife Martha did take WWE to court...but it really wasn't about that. Martha won a case that prohibited any information getting out to the public about the safety harness that Owen was attached to. It was settled out of court. WWE paid Martha $18 million to settle their wrongful death suit....which I believe was used to set up a charity of some kind in Owen's name.

That has NOTHING to do with his trademarks....or using the "Owen Hart" name on WWE television. The fact of the matter is that we probably would have seen Owen Hart's name being exploited all the time back then on television IF the Hart family gave them the "okay" to go ahead with it. That's nothing though that they would do without taking it up with the family first.

The only reason why Eddie's name is used as much as it is now on WWE television is because the Guerrero family gave them the "okay" for it. The difference is that there's no chance in hell that we would have seen Martha Hart on WWE television like we're seeing Vickie Guerrero's mug every week on Smackdown.

WWE CAN make a DVD if they wanted to for Owen.....and they CAN put him in the Hall of Fame if they want to. Of course though, that's something they'd consult his family about first......just as WWE did for Eddie. So to answer justinsayne's question, we'll probably see an Owen Hart DVD eventually, it's just a matter of when.

Since this is the "Ask a question" thread, I guess i'll contribute and ask a question. In regards to Owen Hart, Triple H openly admitted that "The Game" moniker was going to be originally used for Owen. As for Eddie Guerrero, he was booked in a WWE Championship Triple Threat Match with Randy Orton and Batista for Smackdown on the Supershow that week(Remember that Daivari talked about in his goodbye video to Eddie that he was looking forward to seeing him at the supershow cuz he hadn't seen him in a while). At the time, there was alot of talk about Batista dropping the title to take time off for his injuries. After Eddie's death, Batista didn't wind up dropping the title until a while later when he forfeited it. My question is that if Eddie would have lived at the least a few more days and wrestled in that supershow, do you think they were going to put the title on him?
Prolly Not they would of Given it to randy and have him and eddie face each other until Batista came back but i don't really know for sure i guess that something we will never know

here my Question

when Edge won the MITB he was to cash it in at summmerslam but when Matt was resign that change that I want to know is if Matt ever resign with WWE and edge did win the title at Summerslam would he of had a Longer WWE title Run.
I read somewhere that Eddie was set to win the World Heavyweight Championship a few days after he died (if that makes sense), and this would lead to Smackdown's team questioning Batsita's captaincy, and bring fights among there team, making it more maraculous when they won.
since where explaining what letters in wrestling moves mean can anyone tell me what DDT stands for?

this has been bugging me for years now
justinsayne said:
since where explaining what letters in wrestling moves mean can anyone tell me what DDT stands for?

this has been bugging me for years now

DDT is a poisonous substance, probably what the move is named after
The ring wasn´t supposed to collapse. They just thought it was a good ideia to superplex big show. It never crossed their minds that the ring wouldn't hang on.
Luther_Hull said:
DDT is a poisonous substance, probably what the move is named after

Actually that is what DDT is, but when Jake Roberts started using the "DDT", it stood for Damien's Dinner Time. Damien was Roberts' snake obviously and this move would end the match so he could let Damien out of the bag. The fact that DDT is actually a poisonous substance also as you said made the name that much better.
I went to wikipedia to see what it said there about the DDT this is what it gave me-

In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler falls down or backwards to drive a held opponent's head into the mat. The classic DDT is performed by putting the opponent in a front facelock and falling backwards so that the opponent is forced to dive forward onto his or her head. The DDT is often prefaced with a kick to the stomach in order to drive the head of the opponent downwards; a kick and a DDT in quick succession is referred to as a Flowing DDT.

The move was named and accidentally created by Jake "The Snake" Roberts. The move spawned as the result of a botched front facelock on Robert's part, which soon became his trademark finishing move. Rumors abound as to what the letters DDT supposedly stood for, including Drop Dead Twice, Demonic Death Trap and Damien's Dinner Time after Jake's pet python Damien. When asked what DDT meant, Jake once famously replied "The End." The abbreviation itself originally came from the chemical dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, a notorious pesticide, as stated during shoot interviews and on his "Pick Your Poison" DVD. Many think the term DDT was appropriated because the chemical DDT is something "bad" that is buried in the ground and causes extreme danger when there; similarly, a DDT is bad in that it buries an opponent's head into the mat, causing extreme danger to the brain and spinal cord

it's pretty interesting, apperently thier are several different names that have been given, my favorite that they listed is "Demonic Death Trap" that just sounds fuckin sick
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