RAW LD remix ft. Timbaland

Not really taking shots as much as I was surprised to see you here. Always good to have a different perspective once in a while.

But to be frank, you are the absolute epitome of a "WWE Shareholder". And you know it.

I call it the way it is.

Why is it so bad to support a company? Is it really that terrible?
I wish my monitor could do picture in picture or splitscreen so I could see both streams without flipping between the two.
Next week's Raw looks really awesome.

I think they've done a good job in ruining any chance TNA had of being successful.

And why would you want TNA to be unsuccessful, out of curiosity?

Do you not feel that the more successful TNA is, the more effort WWE puts into their shows?

If anything, you should be cheering TNA on and hope it becomes as successful WCW did.
Not really taking shots as much as I was surprised to see you here. Always good to have a different perspective once in a while.

But to be frank, you are the absolute epitome of a "WWE Shareholder". And you know it.
I am a WWE fan who puts forth logical arguments based on a combination of what I feel is the right decision and what I would like to see. Nothing more, nothing less. And there's no reason for you to look down on me or anyone else because they differ from you in opinion. The label itself is extremely condescending.
I call it the way it is.
The ending was abysmal, but TNA is going to get creamed next week.

They really aren't. Do you all of you think that TNA fans prefer the WWE or something? TNA is going to get the usual average rating they always do.

What? Giving a fresh face who is super over and has captured all midcard titles the bump to the main event is a bad idea?

When he's not even close to ready for the main event, yeah Doc, that's a terrible idea. The guy is barely an upper-midcarder right now and you want him winning the fucking Royal Rumble? Yes, that's a terrible, terrible idea. Kofi in the main event would flop massively right now, he's not ready.

X, you've been really fucking negative and smarktacular lately. I know I hate the word "smark" and how it is currently used, but right now I think it fits your attitude.

I have to be negative to cancel out all of the bullshit I read in these LDs from you guys, you're all so fucking easily pleased it's absurd to me, Bret Hart could come out next week, take a shit in the ring, leave, and you guys would be jumping up and down crying and hysterically screaming about how the WWE is God. I guess just after years of so much shit programming some of you just mark out for absolutely anything that happens.
I am a WWE fan who puts forth logical arguments based on a combination of what I feel is the right decision and what I would like to see. Nothing more, nothing less. And there's no reason for you to look down on me or anyone else because they differ from you in opinion. The label itself is extremely condescending.


Oh well. Then it's condescending then. Deal with it.
Yeah, sorry, I'm just pissed at a lot of stuff and I blew my problems I've been having with X out of proportion. Sorry.

He's gonna be a terrible ring announcer, but I don't care!!

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