RAW LD remix ft. Timbaland

Is there a problem?

I'm trying to enjoy the show like everybody else.

No. But you are such a mark for the other place, I am just surprised to see you leave it, especially given how you mark out for just starting the Party threads there.

I'm actually complimenting you for branching out a little. Bandwidth is a little frustrating, isn't it?
No. But you are such a mark for the other place, I am just surprised to see you leave it, especially given how you mark out for just starting the Party threads there.

I'm actually complimenting you for branching out a little. Bandwidth is a little frustrating, isn't it?
You got me on the bandwidth, but I don't get why you have to take shots at me as soon as I make a post on your forum.

I also find it rather humorous that you pride yourself on not being a WWE shareholder and proceed to look down on people who enjoy the show as fans.
Yeah, Jerishow getting the belts back next week. That is the way to split DX up and getting Fucking Jericho back on Raw. All the writing is on the wall.

I fucking hate WWE sagas. So predictable.
No, but you must be if you think Kofi belongs anywhere near winning the Rumble or MITB. That would be an absolutely horrendous idea.

What? Giving a fresh face who is super over and has captured all midcard titles the bump to the main event is a bad idea?

X, you've been really fucking negative and dippy lately. BAWWW SHEAMUS SHOULDN'T BE IT. BAWWWW THEY'RE NOT DOING A GOOD JOB BOOKING HIM. Make your mind up! You hate Cena/Orton but dont want new faces? WHAT?
You got me on the bandwidth, but I don't get why you have to take shots at me as soon as I make a post on your forum.

I also find it rather humorous that you pride yourself on not being a WWE shareholder and proceed to look down on people who enjoy the show as fans.

Not really taking shots as much as I was surprised to see you here. Always good to have a different perspective once in a while.

But to be frank, you are the absolute epitome of a "WWE Shareholder". And you know it.

I call it the way it is.
Next week's Raw looks really awesome.

I think they've done a good job in ruining any chance TNA had of being successful.
What? Giving a fresh face who is super over and has captured all midcard titles the bump to the main event is a bad idea?

X, you've been really fucking negative and smarktacular lately. I know I hate the word "smark" and how it is currently used, but right now I think it fits your attitude.


Doc vs X

Temper, temper, Doc.
You guys REALLY overrate the WWE here. Impact's numbers are going to be fine, they'll get around a 0.8-1.1, AKA what they usually get.

They won't get close to that. The WWE has a much better card, is better advertised, and is on in its usual time. The people who watch Impact will, in the most part, watch the WWE too. I reckon there's about 0.7 to be lost from their combined audience, and most of that is coming from Impact.

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