**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Yeah. . . . I have hated Cena since before hating Cena was cool. Back when i first started watching wrestling in 2005, i noticed Cena was on the rise. Everyone i knew fell in love with Cena and I immediately wanted to be different.

After last nights promo, Cena has converted me on his side, on CeNation going into WM28.
Since when does a legend have to go to a young upcoming star to give advice, Young buck if you want a rub or to learn anything go and ask. The Rock owes nobody anything ( except maybe VKM ). The guys in the back need to stop whining. Im sure Rock talks with HHH, Christian, Mark Henry and others who was around when he was.

Undertaker comes around once a year for the big show and none of the guys in the back complain that he is taking someones spot. AND HE IS JUST SITTING AROUND AT HOME THE WHOLE TIME NOT BUSY LIKE THE ROCK.

Rock has already signed on I believe for summerslam so that has me leaning to a Rock victory. I would rather see a Rock heel turn than Cena because that is the only way to really get Cena some crowd back moving forward. And the Rock is so good on the mic it is an easy transition for him.

As all people say if you have to say something anonymously then its usually a small portion of the locker room that feel that way.
I think it is a bit like Micheal Tarver having a rant about John Cena. Someone completely insignificant in the WWE trying to look and sound important. I think it will be someone stuck on superstars trying to blame the Rock for why they have not yet become a world champion when it is just envy.

I completely agree with what was said though. The rock is definitely looking for another pay day and will promote his twitter and crap films as he collects a nice salary in the process.
"I completely agree with what was said though. The rock is definitely looking for another pay day.... "

Yeah, lord knows he needs it...

And if he was really needing another payday, why not also get it by doing something physical and body-threatening and film making-threatening (for upcoming films he has signed up for, not forever) like a wrestling match, which is sure to be very physical and at times dangerous. Sounds like the "holy crap I need money cuz Hollywood is broke" route. First guy in history to use film making as a stepping stone to WWE.
I think it is a bit like Micheal Tarver having a rant about John Cena. Someone completely insignificant in the WWE trying to look and sound important. I think it will be someone stuck on superstars trying to blame the Rock for why they have not yet become a world champion when it is just envy.

I completely agree with what was said though. The rock is definitely looking for another pay day and will promote his twitter and crap films as he collects a nice salary in the process.

Rock needs the money?? So he would put his acting career at risk where he can get a serious injury for what? A wwe paycheck in comparison to a hollywood paycheck?

If it is true, then why the f*** should the rock not come to promote his movies and get a paycheck? What did all the "guest hosts" do? Rock was a wwe superstar who helped make wwe a mega company and VKM a millionaire. He deserves it.

Does any wrestler wrestle for free?? It's all about the money so don't be an ignoramus. I'm sure cena would leave his "beloved" careeer in the morning if vince said he is not paying him anymore.

I am going to say that Vince would be willing to pay The rock a lot of money, maybe more then what he would get for doing a crap film. Anyway for the next month he can be involved in the WWE as well as promoting an upcoming film so he can get the best of both worlds.

I'm not saying he needs the money but who in their right mind wouldn't like a little bit more.
I'm not sure there's enough clues to decide who really said the comment but this is so hilarious. All of the wrestlers who are butthurt over The Rock plus Cena making claims that he would never leave the business when in fact he's never been successful enough anywhere outside of wrestling to have a choice! Jealousy is always so easy to spot from the outside looking in.

Cena pretty much said that most of the guys in the locker room ONLY want to be in the WWE ring. For those who outside of kayfabe actually buy into that, I call bullshit. In an alternate universe where The Marine is a blockbuster hit, I have no reason to believe that John Cena would not be accepting more movie roles instead of wrestling for far less money in comparison. Lest we forget, he and everyone else there is already an actor in some capacity.

I am going to say that Vince would be willing to pay The rock a lot of money, maybe more then what he would get for doing a crap film. Anyway for the next month he can be involved in the WWE as well as promoting an upcoming film so he can get the best of both worlds.

I'm not saying he needs the money but who in their right mind wouldn't like a little bit more.

I am sure he's getting paid brilliantly, but if he didn't care about the business then why come back, really for money? I worked at McDonalds once, and I wouldn't go back there for a day if they offered to pay me a little more for a day than what I am making now. Especially if that day involved the potential for me getting seriously injured to where I couldn't continue my current job when my special guest day was over with..... I really just said "day" a lot.

However I agree with the first part of your original post, that its just some superstar who is upset that he's not WHC, this thing reeks of jealousy.
but if he didn't care about the business then why come back

To promote his acting career. Boost his ego. Get some more followers on twitter. He hates John Cena.

And maybe he could get some money in the process if that is not so impossible to imagine.
Had they not announced this match a year in advance none of this wouldn't be important or relevant.

However they did. This causes problems.

The superstars on the roster should have been pissed because there was no reason to bust your ass for the next year, the main event and sub main events were already locked in.

Fans will want to see the Rock in action before WM, and honestly he should have returned after the new year to put some people over at least 2 raws a months.

People haven't forgotten how Rock left the business and his empty promises.

It's obvious the WWE was looking for a payday, not the Rock. It's guaranteed Rocky is going to make more for his one night stand than he probably made in his last WWE contract if they actually got him back into the ring again. It's a match people want to see because they hate everything Cena represents and the Rock is a throwback to what the people really want.

Honestly, this is all a waste of time. This should have happened at the last PPV because it was terribad. WM is going to sell this year regardless because of the taker match alone

But what..60 a person or so for that PPV brings in way more revenue than a throw away ppv like.. well pretty much the rest of them.
To promote his acting career. Boost his ego. Get some more followers on twitter. He hates John Cena.

And maybe he could get some money in the process if that is not so impossible to imagine.

I'm not saying he's not getting paid, or that he won't cash that check. Thats not my point, my point was to the people who assume thats WHY he came back. Also he doesn't need his ego boosted, he was more loved before he came back, as well as he didn't need to promote his acting career. Does he or you think anyone else is gonna see Journey 2 or GI Joe who WASN'T already going to see it? GI Joe is GI Joe, and Journey 2 was marketted extremely well without any WWE involvement, parents take their kids to anything.
And whats up with the twitter thing. I'm not on twitter, never have been, never looked at it, but do you get paid if you're famous and have a lot of followers? Or is it like facebook for rich people? The more you have the better you are? (honestly that sounds sarcastic but I really don't know why people keep saying he wants more followers, or anyone for that matter, other than "Vince likes twitter")
Name 1 crap film that THE ROCK made all of them grossed 100's of millions, So he gets bagged on for a couple Disney movies lol you guys are jokers and just sheep listening to what WWE wants you to think. Tooth fairy was a hit with the kids oh yeah Disney makes movies for kids My kids loved it. Then he has Fast Five, Scorpion King, Walking Tall so all you people saying he makes crap movies your just trying to be cool but in reality you look as dumb as the locker room in the back.

Watch when Rock comes back next week, watch the pop. That is the reason he comes back, not for money but for the instant gratification he gets in that ring that you dont get on a screen. ( Yeah I would miss it too if I was as big as he got). Or look at it this way do you think HE went to VKM and asked for all this OR do you think VKM saw he needed star power and asked the Rock to do this program with Cena. And when Cena heard he got this program he busted a nut because no matter what he says on Twitter or on the mic he is getting in the ring with his Idol ( and will also be getting a bigger paycheck) Yeah you forgot about Cenas raise in pay just by doing this with the Rock and the big PPV payouts
The twitter thing kinda ties with having a massive ego. A lot of people having big egos and likes them to be boosted every so often.

I'm sure the Rock is not sitting there trying to enhance the mind of his followers and every follower is another person who the rock can reach through his wisdom. Each new follower is just another number for the rock who can say he has x amount of followers which is more than everyone else in the wwe (except Cena).

And all publicity is good publicity so of course his movies will benefit.
What would be awesome is if Rock EMBRACED THE HATE and took on all of the character flaws that have been thrown at him. Imagine if Rock, not Cena, was the one to turn heel for WM. This wouldnt be a stretch for him as he did portray the cocky, gone-Hollywood heel back in 2003. After Cena's comments last night and the anonymous comments, the only thing Rock can do is either repeat himself for the next four weeks that he returned for "the people" and that he achieved all he could as an active wrestler, or he can come off as being legitimately offended by the comments and almost insecure about his image being tarnished.
I'm sure all of these 'leaks' are planned... just like Cena's promo last night (it was great, but don't think he'd be out there saying all that if he didn't have the green light to say it all). Just like the tweets complaining about where's Rocky. Just like the interviews with the press where guys like Punk complain where's Rocky.

There's some validity to all that's being said, but at the same time, it just comes off as petty and jealous, and it's a disappointment if this is how they're selling the main event for the 'biggest WrestleMania of all time'.

Let's face facts. For the past year, Rock's been filming. First GI Joe, and now he's filming something else (I can't remember the name and don't feel like looking it up). The one time, he even got permission to leave the set, fly across the country to be on RAW, then had to fly right back across the country so as not to disrupt filming on GI Joe. Yet in all these 'where's Rocky' comments, this type of stuff is conveniently ignored. It would be nice if the Cena's, Punk's and anonymous locker room guys complaining about the Rock (and from the sounds of things, making an uncomfortable work environment for the guy... really if this is all how the boys feel, is it any wonder that Rock keeps to himself)... it would be nice if they would at least mention the other side of the story on their own to provide some counterbalance.

Because all Rock has to do next Monday to counter all this, is to remind everyone that he has had obligations that have prevented him from being on RAW more than he has. Whether they like it or not, he does have another career that he simply cannot walk away from at a whim. He says that, and boom... Rock's just made the WWE lockerrrom look like a bunch of petty, jealous, bitches.

Is that what they want?

I tweeted this to Cena before I decided to unfollow him because I was getting annoyed by his constant 'where's Rocky' tweets... play to a guys strengths, not his weaknesses. This is how Heyman made ECW one of the most influential feds in history with a bunch of castoffs that no other promoter wanted, and it's a concept that's sorely been lacking in the WWE in general, and this Cena/Rock feud in particular.

I was thinking the same thing. Punk is supposed to be sick of rock coming back and taking the main event spot, but for some reasons he was praising him for his new G.I joe movie?!WTF?! Not to mention the nice comments he said about rock in austin's DVD, hell, he's in rock's new DVD.

I think the main point of this is to get some fans behind Cena(Since Rock has been clearly the fan's favourite through the whole damn fued), and so far they've done a great job. Alot of people are siding with Cena. IMO it's a great move. In order to pass the torch, Cena MUST be over with the fans first.

P.S I don't think miz is the one, since Rock was his idol growing up.
Cena has done a good job yesterday and I'm glad to hear that 2The king is back" he may finally start being interesting again, but I'll still side with The Rock on this one.

The guy has more money than Ric Flair can ever hope to see in his bank account. The Rock doesn't NEED wrestling, his movies are doing just fine. He came back because he wanted to and wanted to give back to fans and make no mistake he probably came back for himself too, to hear the roar of the crowd and wrestle a couple more matches, but he the notion that he's trying to fool us into going to see his movies his dumb. EVERYBODY knows that WWE fans don't go see a movie because a wrestler is in it.

Like someone says, The Rock can just say he has obligations that he can't get out of because he has a contract.

He should have also brushed the "Back and never leaving again" comment the first time someone made mention of it as meaning he was back in the WWE family and wouldn't leave for 7 years ever again.

Anyway of course Cena made me doubt the Rock yesterday but when I think about ti this morning I see why it's a bunch of crap. Of course Rock could had taken a year off from filming and comeback to the WWE full time for a year but it wasn't his intentions.

And saying that the Rock hasn't made anyone or put anyone over is dumb. The Rock can't put anyone over because even if he's popular he's considered as an actor now and that's why I've been saying that The Rock needs to win at Mania, Cena could then win 2 others matches between the two.

Let's be honest, if Cena beat The Rock clean... big deal he beated an ex wrestler turned into a movie star.

If The Rock win, he takes back the torch from Cena and then he can pass it again to Cena.

Only way I can see Cena winning is a cheap win where he would say he couldn't allow The Rock to win, Rock would then challenge him at SummerSlam and win. Then at Mania Cena win.

But back to the claim that Rocky hasn't put anyone over, like I said he doesn't have anything to pass to them, but before he really left he was coming back to feud with Hurricane and other small wrestlers, The Rock is not against putting someone over, but you can't have The Rock losing when he's supposed to look credible as Cena's opponnent at Mania.
I said it earlier this year, but I'd crossed the line where I prefer to see The Rock in movies now than in WWE.

Honestly, why would any wrestling fan who watches every week care about this match? Rock will be gone, it means nothing longterm, determines nothing as we all know...just my opinion but I feel pretty apathetic about the match.

I never hated or booed Cena, although I would like to see a change in his stale character, but if you're a real wrestling fan and listened to what he said last night, I can't see how you'd cheer for Rock over Cena at Wrestlemania.
And all publicity is good publicity so of course his movies will benefit.

Hugh Jackman promoted Real Steel by punching Dolph Ziggler, not a full on match with build up that involves flying to and from arena's during filming and putting his bodily health at risk which may prevent him from receiving other upcoming paydays if it just so happens he injures himself in a match. The Rock coming back for WM 27? possibly a pay day and to promote a movie. Coming back for a match at WM 28 where "generations collide" and a reported follow up match at Summer Slam? He loves the business.
What would be awesome is if Rock EMBRACED THE HATE and took on all of the character flaws that have been thrown at him. Imagine if Rock, not Cena, was the one to turn heel for WM. This wouldnt be a stretch for him as he did portray the cocky, gone-Hollywood heel back in 2003. After Cena's comments last night and the anonymous comments, the only thing Rock can do is either repeat himself for the next four weeks that he returned for "the people" and that he achieved all he could as an active wrestler, or he can come off as being legitimately offended by the comments and almost insecure about his image being tarnished.

Even though, I prefer rock as a heel, I think it's far from possible for rock to turn heel, because no one will buy it. Rock is a point in his career where it really won't make a difference whether he's a heel or a face, the fans will still cheer for him. Hell, he got cheered most of his last heel run, back in 2003.
Even though, I prefer rock as a heel, I think it's far from possible for rock to turn heel, because no one will buy it. Rock is a point in his career where it really won't make a difference whether he's a heel or a face, the fans will still cheer for him. Hell, he got cheered most of his last heel run, back in 2003.

Yeah youre right he can still be the heel who gets cheered, WWE cant control that, but I tell you what, Cena's promo did leave a huge impression with me about Rock as being a self-centered DBag. They should roll with that.
Why do people post anonymous quotes all the time. They have no merit without a name. Stop being a chicken s*** and put your name on it. I truly don't no how this will go. Only way this benefits Rock is if he stays around which has yet to happen in a decade, and what would it benefit Cena if he wins and Rock still leaves? Far as survivor series, it's not Rock or Cena's fault. Think about it, it's WWE's fault. What normal person actually thought Truth and Miz would beat them. So what the hell would have been the point of ordering it?
Let's not forget that The Rock trained with R-Truth and The Miz before the Survivor Series match. That's right, he took time off of his schedule to train with these young guys. Yes, the match was a squash match but my point is that he's not just blowing this stuff off. He cared enough about not only training for the match, but training with Miz and Truth (which undoubtedly helped them).
For all those saying Rock loves wrestling he just took the better opportunity to make more money here's the hole in your argument.

Kofi Kingston,Dolph Ziggler, David Otunga. Those guys with their degrees can make more money in the corporate world than the Rock makes doing movies just on bonuses alone. JBL did make millions in the stock market at the same time entertaining us. He could've quit at any time before his big push but he really did love wrestling.

Rock no matter how accomplished he is will forever be no. 2 behind Austin and I've said it once and I'll say it again, this has nothing to do with Cena. This is Austin vs Rock. The second Austin passed the torch to Cena that's when the hate really started. The next year when Rock called out Cena for not knowing what it's like to have thousands boo you that moment right there is the beginning of the hate we see today.

This is Austin fans vs Rock fans. Most Rock fans don't even acknowledge that Austin passe Cena the torch already. The no. 1 guy from one era passes it to the no. 1 guy in the current era.
Don't even bring up Hogan v Rock. Hogan left before the torch could be passed to Bret or Shawn. They had to take it, and they both passed it to Austin at back to back Wrestlemanias.

Not Cena vs Rock. It's Austin vs Rock.
Name 1 crap film that THE ROCK made all of them grossed 100's of millions, So he gets bagged on for a couple Disney movies lol you guys are jokers and just sheep listening to what WWE wants you to think. Tooth fairy was a hit with the kids oh yeah Disney makes movies for kids My kids loved it. Then he has Fast Five, Scorpion King, Walking Tall so all you people saying he makes crap movies your just trying to be cool but in reality you look as dumb as the locker room in the back.

Watch when Rock comes back next week, watch the pop. That is the reason he comes back, not for money but for the instant gratification he gets in that ring that you dont get on a screen. ( Yeah I would miss it too if I was as big as he got). Or look at it this way do you think HE went to VKM and asked for all this OR do you think VKM saw he needed star power and asked the Rock to do this program with Cena. And when Cena heard he got this program he busted a nut because no matter what he says on Twitter or on the mic he is getting in the ring with his Idol ( and will also be getting a bigger paycheck) Yeah you forgot about Cenas raise in pay just by doing this with the Rock and the big PPV payouts


However, in hopes to beat any of the haters who only dwell on the negative: The Rock did have at least two movies that didn't gross over 100mil in DOOM and Faster (which by promotional standards was probably not looking to do that well and still grossed more than the production cost anyway.)

So yes, Cena in real life is probably excited as hell to even be doing this program with someone he admires so much and was inspired from. Which is the hilarity of the so-called Cena supporters who bash The Rock and purposely put blinders on to misconstrue what he meant by "never leaving again". The Rock has proven that he is a nice guy and that he does love acting (which is what professional wrestling is at its core) In pro wrestling, one is submersed in creating a character, acting that character out on a microphone in front of a crowd, choreographed fights, etc. The Rock only took advantage of the opportunity to do what he was already doing to a grander more financially beneficial scale. Cena doesn't really dislike The Rock because of this. Hell he's tried acting outside of wrestling..however popular directors weren't impressed enough to pursue him for larger Hollywood projects. He failed where The Rock succeeded in that department. There's no shame in not being better than someone in one area. And I'm sure he's accepted it and has learned to be content with where he is in life regardless of not reaching that plateau.

As for any of other wrestlers who bash The Rock and are actually serious, they are jealous and come across as sourpusses who cannot accept that because of The WWE continuing on a downward spiral annually, they need to take desperate measures. That's the real truth behind The Rock returning. Sure it might not help much but it's better than nothing.
I know Cena's promo from last night was used to have more people jump on Cen's side, but it just might have turned me more against him. Really, you could just see the BS dripping from his mouth. (and I couldn't have been the only one who chuckled when he called himself a professional wrestler)

This whole "ROCK"S NEVER HERE, HE DOESN"T CARE ABOUT THE WWE OR THE FANS!!" stuff is hyperbole at it's best and it's getting old. Anyone with half a brain would understand why the Rock "isn't here" and what he meant by never leaving again. He isn't a full time wrestler anymore, but when he was, he busted his ass as hard as Cena claims he does. Yeah, he left for greener pastures, but anyone in his position would've done the exact same thing. Hell, Cena and the rest of the anonymous whiners in the locker room wished they could do what the Rock did, but they haven't the talent range. "I love this business! That's why I will never walk away from it!! Blah, blah, blah" Uh huh, that and you couldn't if you wanted to because you' wouldn't be anything without it.

But what all this is doing is convincing me more and more that the Rock is going to win at Wrestlemania. Think about it, it's clear that Mr. Dwayne has a lot of pull here and I just can't imagine him signing on to lose, in his hometown, to a guy that's legitimately talking BS (and I mean BS) about him. I just can't wrap my head around it.

The Rock's going to win at WM and they're going to have a couple more rematches which Cena's going to win. That's the best way to end this.

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