**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

It'll probably have been some minor guy scared that if his opinion gets out there to a wide audience he'll be fired so insisted on the anonymity.

Lets face it, top guys like Orton/Punk etc know they'll be on the card and not worry too much about it... sounds just like The Miz to me, in limbo at the minute, being blamed for Survivor Series buyrates, so is trying to shift some of the blame here..
It'll probably have been some minor guy scared that if his opinion gets out there to a wide audience he'll be fired so insisted on the anonymity.

Lets face it, top guys like Orton/Punk etc know they'll be on the card and not worry too much about it... sounds just like The Miz to me, in limbo at the minute, being blamed for Survivor Series buyrates, so is trying to shift some of the blame here..
That makes alot of sense actually. Given his position with the company, Miz would absolutely have to insist on being anonymous if it was indeed him. Miz is unfortunately at a point in his career currently where one wrong step will make him the next TNA world champion.
It doesn't matter who made the comments. The face is, Cena was right and the person who made these comments is right. I can't root for The Rock anymore. He doesn't give a damn about the wrestling fans. I wanted to punch my TV when he said he was back and never going away. I hope Cena destroys The Rock at wrestlemania.
I'm sure all of these 'leaks' are planned... just like Cena's promo last night (it was great, but don't think he'd be out there saying all that if he didn't have the green light to say it all). Just like the tweets complaining about where's Rocky. Just like the interviews with the press where guys like Punk complain where's Rocky.

There's some validity to all that's being said, but at the same time, it just comes off as petty and jealous, and it's a disappointment if this is how they're selling the main event for the 'biggest WrestleMania of all time'.

Let's face facts. For the past year, Rock's been filming. First GI Joe, and now he's filming something else (I can't remember the name and don't feel like looking it up). The one time, he even got permission to leave the set, fly across the country to be on RAW, then had to fly right back across the country so as not to disrupt filming on GI Joe. Yet in all these 'where's Rocky' comments, this type of stuff is conveniently ignored. It would be nice if the Cena's, Punk's and anonymous locker room guys complaining about the Rock (and from the sounds of things, making an uncomfortable work environment for the guy... really if this is all how the boys feel, is it any wonder that Rock keeps to himself)... it would be nice if they would at least mention the other side of the story on their own to provide some counterbalance.

Because all Rock has to do next Monday to counter all this, is to remind everyone that he has had obligations that have prevented him from being on RAW more than he has. Whether they like it or not, he does have another career that he simply cannot walk away from at a whim. He says that, and boom... Rock's just made the WWE lockerrrom look like a bunch of petty, jealous, bitches.

Is that what they want?

I tweeted this to Cena before I decided to unfollow him because I was getting annoyed by his constant 'where's Rocky' tweets... play to a guys strengths, not his weaknesses. This is how Heyman made ECW one of the most influential feds in history with a bunch of castoffs that no other promoter wanted, and it's a concept that's sorely been lacking in the WWE in general, and this Cena/Rock feud in particular.
It might not be Miz-zzzz(get it? he's a boring over-actor with no real talent). Miz already stated in the past his admiration for Rock. I think Rock is what Miz wants to be, being that he's always looking for outside attention from media outlets. He wants to be a crossover star. The annonymous rant is just as mysterious as the annonymous RAW general manager(remember that?). I would hate to think that everything being said about the Rock is true. Things like, he isolates himself from the boys, he doesn't offer advise to younger talent,or he's just there to win back old fans and go back to hollywood.
I can 100% guarantee that the pussy that chose to remain anonymous will never, ever reach the level the Rock reached in WWE nor will he even attain half of it.

Rock paid his dues, and despite what John Cena is leading you little Jimmies to believe, Rock is one of the all-time legends that, in a short career, skyrocketed to the top. He sold out arenas, main evented wrestlemanias.

Anyone that thinks the Rock is "using" us is a complete moron and this wrestler is probably jealous. Dwayne Johnson makes millions of dollars as a movie star, if he didn't care about wrestling or the WWE universe, why come back? His movies were successful before he came back, it's not like the movies started to tank and he needed the WWE fans back. He's taking time out of his schedule to come back and entertain us and you people are so blinded by Superman that you can't realize this. If Rock didn't care about you or I, he wouldn't be back, it's that simple. He's doing it for us, NOT for the those crybabies in the locker room.

Stop using the via satellite or "part time" joke. HE'S NOT ON THE ACTIVE ROSTER AND NEVER CLAIMED HE WAS. (Neither is Trips, Undertaker, even Jericho who leaves and comes back). The Rock paid his dues, 99% of the clowns in the WWE locker room have not.
I can 100% guarantee that the pussy that chose to remain anonymous will never, ever reach the level the Rock reached in WWE nor will he even attain half of it.

Rock paid his dues, and despite what John Cena is leading you little Jimmies to believe, Rock is one of the all-time legends that, in a short career, skyrocketed to the top. He sold out arenas, main evented wrestlemanias.

Anyone that thinks the Rock is "using" us is a complete moron and this wrestler is probably jealous. Dwayne Johnson makes millions of dollars as a movie star, if he didn't care about wrestling or the WWE universe, why come back? His movies were successful before he came back, it's not like the movies started to tank and he needed the WWE fans back. He's taking time out of his schedule to come back and entertain us and you people are so blinded by Superman that you can't realize this. If Rock didn't care about you or I, he wouldn't be back, it's that simple. He's doing it for us, NOT for the those crybabies in the locker room.

Stop using the via satellite or "part time" joke. HE'S NOT ON THE ACTIVE ROSTER AND NEVER CLAIMED HE WAS. (Neither is Trips, Undertaker, even Jericho who leaves and comes back). The Rock paid his dues, 99% of the clowns in the WWE locker room have not.

You said it perfectly.U know the Rock was still involved with the WWE in some cspacity all along all his movies were advertised on WWE they released a DVd n more. The Rock has a busy schedule from movies to his family n now he has started squeezing wrestling back into it give the guy a break. Cena eoulda gone Hollywood also if The Marine woulda been successful like the Scorpion King. I'm Just Saying
I can 100% guarantee that the pussy that chose to remain anonymous will never, ever reach the level the Rock reached in WWE nor will he even attain half of it.

Rock paid his dues, and despite what John Cena is leading you little Jimmies to believe, Rock is one of the all-time legends that, in a short career, skyrocketed to the top. He sold out arenas, main evented wrestlemanias.

Anyone that thinks the Rock is "using" us is a complete moron and this wrestler is probably jealous. Dwayne Johnson makes millions of dollars as a movie star, if he didn't care about wrestling or the WWE universe, why come back? His movies were successful before he came back, it's not like the movies started to tank and he needed the WWE fans back. He's taking time out of his schedule to come back and entertain us and you people are so blinded by Superman that you can't realize this. If Rock didn't care about you or I, he wouldn't be back, it's that simple. He's doing it for us, NOT for the those crybabies in the locker room.

Stop using the via satellite or "part time" joke. HE'S NOT ON THE ACTIVE ROSTER AND NEVER CLAIMED HE WAS. (Neither is Trips, Undertaker, even Jericho who leaves and comes back). The Rock paid his dues, 99% of the clowns in the WWE locker room have not.

So Cena hasn't paid his dues? What about Kane, CM Punk, Randy Orton? I agree with most of what you said except that last part. Alot of stars have paid their dues so if they feel as if the rock is in it for himself then there could be something to it. The rant sounds like a CM Punk rant to me but he's made it very clear he doesn't like the Rock so that makes obvious sense to me. You act like the rock is better than everybody else and that he is the only one who paid his dues and earned his spot. The rock is a 3rd generation superstar a large part of what he got was given because of his family history. I agree the rock has other obligations that he can't just walk away from but don't act as if he's the only one who has ever paid his dues. I like the rock but you cant tell me the low survivor series buyrate was all the miz's fault. Just saying.
Much Respect to Cena but to me he seems jealous that the Rock made it in Hollywood whereas he failed hell even Kanes movie See no Evil did good. We all know if The Marine woulda did hlgood Cena would gone Hollywood also. I mean The Rock is the greatest entertainer not greatest wrestler n he continues to entertain us thru movies now he never changed that fact! Cena wants to be the best wrestler cause he failed at movies but if he woulda succeeded he woulda succumbed to the Hollywood schedule n been like The Rock. Hell the Rock did movies n wrestle but it was beginning to be too much the demand n schedule is brutal n unhealthy if we woulda exhausted all his energy on wrestling n moviees so he left n in avoided bring anoyher statistic who was eoung too much that he got sick or something cause of lack of rest remember fat ass Rick Ross
If what is said about the guys in the back are bitching about The Rock being back and never talking to them, I think they sound jealous and whining because they won't and can't ever reach the heights that Rock did back in the day.

John Cena would defo do the exact same thing and I can't wait for The Rock to rip him a new one next week. Lets see if Cena is calling The Rock a bitch when he is there live next week
So Cena hasn't paid his dues? What about Kane, CM Punk, Randy Orton? I agree with most of what you said except that last part. Alot of stars have paid their dues so if they feel as if the rock is in it for himself then there could be something to it. The rant sounds like a CM Punk rant to me but he's made it very clear he doesn't like the Rock so that makes obvious sense to me. You act like the rock is better than everybody else and that he is the only one who paid his dues and earned his spot. The rock is a 3rd generation superstar a large part of what he got was given because of his family history. I agree the rock has other obligations that he can't just walk away from but don't act as if he's the only one who has ever paid his dues. I like the rock but you cant tell me the low survivor series buyrate was all the miz's fault. Just saying.

What I'm saying is that all the detractors are acting like he's some bum that came in off the street and is now in the main event of Wrestlemania. Like some random celebrity, Shaq, Snoop, David Arquette, etc. It can be argued that Rock is taking up one person's spot on the WM card but that's it. Guys like Miz, Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, aren't even involved in WM and it's not Rock's fault. Cena HAS paid his dues but he should give The Rock credit for paying his dues as well.

If the Rock was a talentless bum, then I'd agree that everything he got in WWE was given to him but he has personality, charisma, physique, some wrestling ability (he's not Bret Hart in terms of ring skills, no one ever said he was). All of those things combined are what got him over. Natalya is from a legendary family and so is DH Smith, how's that working out?
Does Rock care about WWE though? So far he has been the main man at WM and will be again this year and had that stupid birthday bash, oh and that Survivor Series match. I like Rock and mark out when he comes on but for people to 'gurentee' that Cena and company would leave if they had the chance are talking rubbish. I'm not saying they wouldn't (I don't think he would) but how can you know for sure, many people stick with something because they love it.

Going into the soccer world Alan Shearer rejected Manchester United to play for Newcastle United despite being offered less and winning less, why? He loved them and supported them as a boy, and there are many of other examples in sport, and every other career path.

So unless you know them personally don't make comments you don't know for sure, makes you look petty. Back to the topic at hand I suspect that Miz could well be the man in question, if not someone who obviously hoped Rock would put them over so someone in the mid-card.
So Cena hasn't paid his dues? What about Kane, CM Punk, Randy Orton? I agree with most of what you said except that last part. Alot of stars have paid their dues so if they feel as if the rock is in it for himself then there could be something to it. The rant sounds like a CM Punk rant to me but he's made it very clear he doesn't like the Rock so that makes obvious sense to me. You act like the rock is better than everybody else and that he is the only one who paid his dues and earned his spot. The rock is a 3rd generation superstar a large part of what he got was given because of his family history. I agree the rock has other obligations that he can't just walk away from but don't act as if he's the only one who has ever paid his dues. I like the rock but you cant tell me the low survivor series buyrate was all the miz's fault. Just saying.

No it wasn't the Miz's fault, and it's ridiculous for anyone to say so (including the suits at Titan Towers that scapegoated him).

It wasn't Rock's fault either. Or Cena. Or Truth.

It was this stupid, illogical booking going on in the WWE. First you have Cena beat down both Miz and Truth single handedly right before the PPV, negating the whole need of him even needing a partner like the Rock as he claimed.

Then you have the whole 'where's Rocky' theme that 'creative' has had guys like Cena use the past year. It's already turned some people off of the Rock (witness this board as a perfect example). It's reminded everyone that even if he's there one night, not to get too excited because he won't be there the next. Why pay to see the Rock, when you know he won't be around after, because the WWE tells you he won't be around... and the guy that desperately needed the Rock's help turns out to not need it one bit.

Honestly the only hook for that PPV after everything the WWE did to bury it was seeing what type of ring shape the Rock was in... and to me personally, that really wasn't worth $50 or whatever the price was.
I have heard a lot of superstars bad mouth The Rock already. I'm not sure how much of it is real and what isn't. I'm sure there is general frustration with his temporary return. As people have stated i think the most realistic choice is The Miz. They already exchanged words in the past and had their tag team match. It only makes sense. With this being said i would not want to see that match. I'm not like most people who find the Miz boring but i definitely don't find him believable against many opponents let alone The Rock. It would be very hard to get The Miz over enough for this match. I wouldn't mind seeing CM Punk vs The Rock. This is the only guy who i see fit right now to face The Rock. I would love to see a feud of [Face] CM Punk vs [Heel] Rock. I doubt they would do much that could bring any negative attention towards The Rock but this would be perfect for The Rock to go all out heel. Bash the WWE. Bash the fans. Bash Wrestling as a whole. Then who comes out? "The best in the world". CM Punk could be the defender of WWE basically. Have some good heated arguments. The Rock could say and show that he is better on the mic and Punk's pipebomb means nothing. CM Punk could call Rock a disgrace to his family or something. I don't know. I just see more potential in that feud than any other possibilities.
It's been said the WWE is worried about a lack of star power. This is why The Rock is even headlining "The Biggest Wrestlemania Ever". If the current (lack of) talent had even half the appeal to the casual/mainstream fanbase of The Rock, Vince would have never brought him back.

Instead of bitching, they should be working on refining their character/image and getting over. Period. Nobody cares that they feel slighted. They just want to be entertained, and, uh, sorry, they currently aren't very entertained. The ratings prove it.

I'd harbor a guess The Rock isn't so friendly backstage because, uh, he doesn't know most of these guys.They weren't even around when he was full time. And they spend a large amount of time talking shit.

I'm sorry, if I don't know somebody and they're talking shit about me, I'm not going to go out of my way to talk to them.

As far as The Rock going over, Vince doesn't give a flying fuck about backlash. In fact, he'll probably put The Rock over as a giant fuck you if these guys continue to bitch. He's big on flexing his muscle when the natives get out of line.
I realllllyyy hope the rock buries cena and the rest of the locker room. All he has to say is that he's main eventing wrestlemania because after 7 years he's still the biggest draw and the rest of the locker room should look in the mirror not at him as to why he's main eventing and they're not. Fact is fact, Rock gets the loudest pops, Rock is head and shoulders the most entertaining on the mic, and Rock draws.The Rock also needs to inform cena and these other suoerstars that he did not come back to please them, but to please his fans.Guys like orton, punk and cena act like the rock owes them something. Like the rock HAS to put them over because they can't get over like the rock themselves.

Imagine if Micheal Jordan came back to the NBA and was still the best and got chosen to the all star game. Is it Jordans fault he's an all star or should the other players realize its time to step up?
These young crybabies could be learning from The Rock. They should be watching his promos, in-ring interaction, how he controls the crowd. They don't need to be in the ring from him, they can be in the back studying his promos while he's on live, instead of crying about how great they are and that they're not in the main event at WM.
What I'm saying is that all the detractors are acting like he's some bum that came in off the street and is now in the main event of Wrestlemania. Like some random celebrity, Shaq, Snoop, David Arquette, etc. It can be argued that Rock is taking up one person's spot on the WM card but that's it. Guys like Miz, Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, aren't even involved in WM and it's not Rock's fault. Cena HAS paid his dues but he should give The Rock credit for that.

If the Rock was a talentless bum, then I'd agree that everything he got in WWE was given to him but he has personality, charisma, physique, some wrestling ability (he's not Bret Hart in terms of ring skills, no one ever said he was). All of those things combined are what got him over. Natalya is from a legendary family and so is DH Smith, how's that working out?

Very true rock is one of the most talented stars ever in my opinion. Like I said I love the rock but hes not in it for anyone in the back. He's in it for the fans that I agree with. He is the total package but because of his power over the crowd they gave him just about everything. He was over the minute he went from Rocky Mavia to The Rock and joined the Nation of Domination. But in the eyes of the other stars in the back they see him as some wrestler gone hollywood jackass who's in it for himself not to get anyone over but I gotta ask do you wanna see Cena go over Rock? Hell no I don't. Bottom line is the rock is in it for us. Natalya is being poorly booked you can't blame her for for that.
OH COME ON, GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK! So what? Boo hoo, "I'm not good enough to be better than the Rock was". Thats what I just read. "Rock is still better than me now" Boo freaking hoo. The fact of the matter is that THE ROCK is STILL a draw, no matter how you slice it.

Yeah, Survivor Series had a low buyrate, and it was in NO WAY the Miz's fault. It was creative's fault. Cena DESTROYED Awesome-Truth all by his lonesome on the go home show to SS, and in fact I think a few before that as well. Cena NEVER looked like he couldn't do it by himself, so the show suffered. (Not to mention a lack-luster card, a "traditional" Survivor Series match set up with no story, about a week before, that left you not giving a damn).

And all you whiny people on here who are buying into John Cena's rants, though they may sound like he has a point, and hell last year I even agreed with him, well, I found it impossible to disagree, think about this. Lets go back 1 year and a month ago. Before the Rock was announced as host of WM27. I never saw ONE post, thought, rant, whatever, about how The Rock should NEVER come back, and how he would be STEALING the spotlight from other people, and you wouldn't want that. NEVER SAW ONE. Now he's back and its bandwagon (apparently) to jump over him. You don't care he's stealing the screen time from others, you care that he's not giving up Hollywood to come risk his life and limb and go back on the road. The fact is that if Dolph Ziggler or whoever was a big draw (I love the guy, really, and one day I think he will be), Vince McMahon wouldn't NEED the Rock. You never had this when Austin and Rock were mainstays in WWE. Eventually you had Rock/Hogan, but that happened more natrually when Vince bought WCW.

No one said John Cena hasn't paid his dues. He sure has hell has, a lot of other people too! Therefore, if John Cena was talented enough, and he went to Hollywood to make movies, and he was successful OUTSIDE of "WWE FILMS", I would never, EVER, fault him for leaving. I'm not saying make WWE a stepping stone, but this over all feeling I'm getting is that people are thinking thats what the Rock ALWAYS had in mind, which he so obviously didn't. And NO ONE is arguing against the point of "Why did Rock come back?"
Sure, WWE can help market his movie, but its not like he needed any help. He wasn't a struggling actor who was having trouble getting a job, who barely had any money and no fans. Sure he made Disney movies, he also made FAST FIVE and signed for GI JOE before he came back (I'm pretty sure on that last one).

The fact is, The Rock is here for us, The MILLIONS, he's back because I'm sure he misses the business, and it sure as hell is fun when he's on my tv. Vince wanted Rock because he wanted a draw, because his roster is currently (and I think only temporarily) lacking real draw power after John Cena, who even then I think is not near the draw The Rock was and is. And this is the high profile rub/match that John Cena needs. I don't know whats going to happen at WM 28, but after its all said and done, rematches, best of 3, whatever, John Cena will come out looking better because even Rock knows thats the only logical outcome unless he intends to sign a long term contract as a WWE superstar.
Very true rock is one of the most talented stars ever in my opinion. Like I said I love the rock but hes not in it for anyone in the back. He's in it for the fans that I agree with. He is the total package but because of his power over the crowd they gave him just about everything. He was over the minute he went from Rocky Mavia to The Rock and joined the Nation of Domination. But in the eyes of the other stars in the back they see him as some wrestler gone hollywood jackass who's in it for himself not to get anyone over but I gotta ask do you wanna see Cena go over Rock? Hell no I don't. Bottom line is the rock is in it for us. Natalya is being poorly booked you can't blame her for for that.

I do agree that The Rock is not in it for the guys in the back and that is a little bit of a shame because helping those guys get over, helps us. BUT, because he's part time, he's it's extremely difficult for him to be mentoring these guys. If he does stick around sporadically, I think he'll get to know a lot more of them in the back and they'll like him more. Part of it is probably intimidation. Many of the younger guys are probably intimidated by The Rock and that certainly doesn't help.
I wonder if all this "backstage heat on The Rock" might be a new tactic WWE is using to get support for Cena in this match. I mean think about it, Punk has came out and trashed the Rock, lots of anti-Cena fans love punk. Now all these "reports" keep popping up about how Rock is in it for himself...yadda yadda, and now I see lots of people I never dreamed would pull for Cena in the matching doing so....

But, to say all of this is legit, my question is who cares? My true belief is Rock came back as a way to give back to the wrestling fans who have made both is wrestling and acting careers a success. I do not believe it is "for the money" I mean heck, he couldn't possibly need the money. But...that is all just my opinion anyway....
Bottom line of it all is that Rock will not in at mania anyway. It would be really bad for business if he did. Thet've spent 7 years building Cena up as the man of the company. He's beaten everyone there is too beat so having the Rock come back and win makes the company look very weak. Cena will win but only in the way Rock beat Hogan. probably with 2 or 3 AA's
You say that the shoot style is an unfair advantage, but isn't cussing, dick jokes, and catchphrases also an unfair advantage? Take the vulgarity out of Rock's promos and they go from already corny to unbelievably corny. You say Flair is annoying, but isn't Rock basically doing the SAME goddamn thing every promo annoying too?

Obviously it's all a matter of opinion, my point is, as good as Rock is, he's not as good as his biggest marks think. They (you) act like he's the greatest mic worker of all time. Rock was not flawless on the mic. Nothing he said ever had any substance and it was all pretty contrived and corny. It worked, and he did it with a lot of energy, but he's not hands down the greatest mic worker ever.

"You say that the shoot style is an unfair advantage, but isn't cussing, dick jokes, and catchphrases also an unfair advantage?"

In this era? Yes, but the shoot style is a whole different story. mostly, superstars go shoot when they have no response(As kayfabe) for insults he's gettin from the other superstar. HHH, HBK, Vince McMahon, Bret Hart, are great examples. Hell even taker during his transition to the ABA gimmick, back in late 1999, used to do the same(Jericho incident, when he told y2J that he have more shower time than jericho's TV time, or something like that..). The bottom line is, they shoot because they don't have enough mic skills to respond. ANYONE is capeable of cutting a shoot promo and get a good response from the crowd, ANYONE. Do you remember X-Pac when he made his return back in 1998? When he grabbed the mic and start cutting a shoot promo on WCW, and the crowd went absolutly crazy? That's another example, x-pac is not known for being a good mic worker, but breaking kayfabe made it seems other wise.

"Take the vulgarity out of Rock's promos and they go from already corny to unbelievably corny."

It depends on which form of Rock you'tr talking about. If you're talking about the current rock(PG Rock), then I'm the first one to tell you that I'm really not a big fan of his mic work.

"You say Flair is annoying, but isn't Rock basically doing the SAME goddamn thing every promo annoying too?"

Sometimes, yes, but atleast I understand the words that's coming out of his mouth.

"Rock was not flawless on the mic"

No one's flawless.

"Nothing he said ever had any substance and it was all pretty contrived and corny. It worked, and he did it with a lot of energy"

That's what the character "The Rock" is all about. It's about entertaining the fans, giving them what they want, and saying what they want to hear, which is the trash talk and the phrases that you been complaining about. That doesn't mean don't know how to cut a promo without using those phrases. His hollywood gimmick is a great example. He barely use any of his phrases, why? because he's a heel and he's not supposed to give the people what they want. His days with the nation is another example. I don't know about the energy, I mean 90's Rock was alot more calm, so energy is not a factor, but it is a factor with Mr.Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect, though








Like I said, it's not like he really need those catchphrases to cut a decent promo.
I do agree that The Rock is not in it for the guys in the back and that is a little bit of a shame because helping those guys get over, helps us. BUT, because he's part time, he's it's extremely difficult for him to be mentoring these guys. If he does stick around sporadically, I think he'll get to know a lot more of them in the back and they'll like him more. Part of it is probably intimidation. Many of the younger guys are probably intimidated by The Rock and that certainly doesn't help.

Very true. The Rock is a freaking mega star and he could be a huge help in getting over guys that really need it. I think once he's done with his movies he'll be there more to help some guys improve and get over. But right now he has other obligations to fullfill.
I realllllyyy hope the rock buries cena and the rest of the locker room. All he has to say is that he's main eventing wrestlemania because after 7 years he's still the biggest draw and the rest of the locker room should look in the mirror not at him as to why he's main eventing and they're not. Fact is fact, Rock gets the loudest pops, Rock is head and shoulders the most entertaining on the mic, and Rock draws.The Rock also needs to inform cena and these other suoerstars that he did not come back to please them, but to please his fans.Guys like orton, punk and cena act like the rock owes them something. Like the rock HAS to put them over because they can't get over like the rock themselves.

Imagine if Micheal Jordan came back to the NBA and was still the best and got chosen to the all star game. Is it Jordans fault he's an all star or should the other players realize its time to step up?

I agree 110%! This is what I have been trying to say all along. People complained that The Rock was never around any more,then people complain when he is that he is going to be in the main event...where the heck do you expect him to be? In the opener against some NXT rookies?!? If it wasn't for guys like The Rock and Austin and the era that they lead through the WWE, who knows, WCW might be our only wrestling choice these days, and that is quite frankly scary to me!

Bottom line is The Rock is back for this match, I hope he is in more in the future, and as a FAN of his I LOVE IT!

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