**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

The Rock is more exciting in the ring, he has an enigma about him .. For me personally I love how he sells moves, I don't think I've seen anyone sell a stunner as well as The Rock, His mic skills are way better than Cena.

Cena = Rock = Hogan .. We had Hogan v The Rock ( One era vs another ) and now we're getting Cena v The Rock ( One era vs another again ) in 10 years time we will see Cena v someone else in the same sort of match.

I guess at the end of the day, it comes down to who you grew up watching.

The Rock is more exciting in the ring? Really? Really? Yeah, he had a personality in the ring as does Cena. Comparing the two directly is a fallacy. They weren't in the same generation at all. The fan base has shifted, the demographic has shifted. Rock couldn't be that guy now. Just the difference in Eras has a lot to do with it.

That second part... Cena = Rock = Hogan. I have to FULLY agree. They are the pillars of their generations. In ten years we will see Cena do the same thing. Just a true passing of the torch so to speak.

The last part I can also agree with. I grew up seeing Hogan in the ring then didn't watch a lot of the Attitude Era but knew who the guys were because of my cousin watching it and started up again in 02... So I've seen Cena's whole career in WWE. I respect all three men for what they did. So having a favorite between the three is kinda dumb to be honest... and at Mania 28 we'll see a classic between Cena and Rock.
This thread is borderline laughable..

Lets analyze this point by point:

1) They are both top guys in the WWE at different eras:

The Rock was a top guy in an era where pro wrestling was at its peak. It was considered cool and was entertaining to watch. Cena is a top guy when the product became so monotonous that people started going to other promotions. And while WWE may still be on top it isnt what it used to be. Another point is that Rock was the top guy in an era where there were many credible superstars/wrestlers. Back then u had stone cold, undertaker, hhh, kurt angle, kane, big show, mankind, benoit and many others. Cena is a top guy in an era where the top guys are cm punk, daniel bryan, dolph ziggler, cody rhodes, randy orton, kane and big show( who were present back then so they really dotn count). With the possible exception of cm punk nobody would have given two shits about the rest had they been present back in the day.

2)Rock and Cena both have the same amount of moves. Cena does 5 moves but so does The Rock: The Rock is a variety of suplexes, running lariats, clotheslines, samoan drops, ddts, belly to bellys, armdrags and hiptosses which he has that signature touch of which makes u know that the rock is doing. From his jumping clotheslines, to his kip ups, to his sharpshooter, his 3 strike combo, his taunts, even his lock up, u know its the rock doing that and it tells a story . Cena has the basic moves every pro wrestler has and the only thing unique about him aka the 5moves of doom has been done so many times it weary. Saying that the rock has 5 moves is well just a plain out lie. Technically neither does cena but the rocks moveset is less limited than cenas.

3) Every Rock match is the same just like Cena: Rock vs HHH has been done so many times. Ever look like the same match to u ??? rock vs austin has been done thrice at wrestlemania and several other times on other shows. Ever look like the same match?? Rock vs Benoit, rock vs taker, rock vs kane, rock vs mankind, hell rock vs guerrero. Every match had uniqueness and never looked like the same thing twice.

4) Both are good on the mic. Il just stop u there. No need to look ahead. Firstly cena IS NOT GOOD ON THE MIC. His lame ass raw ending segment is testament to that. How many times have we heard i wont change for anyone bla bla bla rise above hate bla bla bla hustle loyalty respect... Then u said the rock is a little better. Seriously ??? A little better. Iv got over over two thousand videos of pro wrestling ranging from matches, to segments, to backstage interviews to everything. Out of those 2000, 200 + are rock promos and each and everyone of them is interesting to watch, makes me laugh and makes me miss the good days. While u say i am blindly following the rock i have more than a hundred of cena moments as well. And the early ones used to be good. By early i mean up until 2005 and early 2006 i enjoyed cenas work. Then it just felt like Cena himself was bored. So no rock is WAY WAY WAY WAY better than cena on the mic.

5) The rocks fanbase ranges from people from the past and present. Cenas fan base is only the present. The people who say they were rock fans but he lied to the fans when he said he is never going away dont count. They are just sore whiny little people. Technically speaking, has rock ever done something in the public in which he didnt mention the wwe. Something he hasnt done in a long time. From espn, to jimmy kimmel to jimmy fallon to promotion work and even his household videos. One in which he tears cena a new one and one in which he accepts the survivor series match. He in that sense really never did leave. His acceptance of the wwe in public more so than before should be testament to that. Cenas fan base is the present of the wwe. Kids, women and men all like cena but nowadays its become the norm to hate on cena. I however have done extensive research on rock and cenas backgrounds to not hate either of them. From Cenas hand at body building to watching all of the rocks exercise videos i know the type of hard work they do to keep themselves in shape for their respective jobs and careers. Drifting off topic. Anyway fans who hate the rock are plain out stupid and fans who hate cena are also stupid but slightly less than the ones who hate the rock. Simply because cena has given us reason over the years to hate him with his one dimensional characters. During his career in the WWE except the first year the rock never gave the fans reason to hate him face or heel. He was always and is always cheered.

Rock =/= Cena in any way whatsoever.

the only similarity is that they are top guys in two generations and nobody likes anything more than seeing generations collide.

All of this^^^...and i agree with the guy that said you mustve started watching wrestling in 2004

if you need any convincing, you tell me if cena ever has, or ever be able to do this
Some of these comments in this thread have me absolutely baffled. The only similarities between The Rock and John Cena is that they are two different stars of two different generations. They may seem similar. But they simply are just not.

Lets look at the points from #2 as this is where there differences begin.

2. The whole 5 moves of doom thing is dumb. Every wrestler in the history of wrestling, whether it is Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Stone Cold or Ric Flair have there set of 5 finishing moves or less. So this whole 5 moves of doom argument should just stop.

3.Every Rock match was certainly not the same. Just like every Cena match(In the last 2 years) have not been the same. But The Rock has simply had better and more entertaining matches than Cena. And you can't blame it on Cena having no one to face in this era because he and the Rock have had matches with pretty much every big name of the attitude era. I believe the only guy from the attitude era Cena hasn't faced is Stone Cold. Cena has had matches with Kurt Angle, Triple H, Kane, Chris Benoit, Undertaker, Chris Jericho need i go on? Very few of Cena's matches with any of these people were better or more exciting than when they faced The Rock. And Cena faced most of them as veterans or in their prime when there in ring psychology was at its highest. (For proof go to YouTube and watch the matches)

4.The Rock's mic skills are 2nd to none. Mic skills are not being able to talk for 30mins or break kayfabe every 30 secs(like CM Punk). They are about holding a crowds attention and entertaining them. The Rock's return and later visits to the WWE in 2011 are proof of this. For years people kept saying the reason Cena can't get huge crowd reactions is because its not the attitude era. Well people like The Rock and Triple H are able to excite the mosts dead crowds in America in this day and age.

5.Actually i agree on this one. The Rocks fanbase does consist of mostly adults and Cena kids.

Cena goes through the motions he does what people like The Rock and Stone Cold did. But he simply just doesn't have that extra that to me puts him on their level.

And one last thing. The Argument that The Rock doesn't care about wrestling is by far the most ******ed statement concocted. If The Rock did not care, why would he leave hollywood where he is majorly successful to have a match at a sport that is currently on a downward spiral in terms of entertainment, ratings and relevancy if he did not care about it. Cena must show up at every show in the WWE because guess what? Thats his job. If he doesn't he will be fired. People can be extremely ignorant some times.
Cena must show up at every show in the WWE because guess what? Thats his job. If he doesn't he will be fired. People can be extremely ignorant some times.

This is a point I've been trying to make to the Little Jimmies ever since the "via satellite" joke came to the forefront.

Cena is an active wrestler on the active roster. OF COURSE HE HAS TO BE THERE EVERY NIGHT! The Rock is not an active wrestler anymore and never claimed he was. So, of course he's going to show up via Satellite most of the time because he has another job. It's not like he' s a guy on the active roster that just takes nights off and never shows up. That's what all the Lil Jimmies act like.

Let's also not forget that when The Rock was on the active roster, he busted his ass every night and was there at almost every show.
The Rock is more exciting in the ring? Really? Really? Yeah, he had a personality in the ring as does Cena. Comparing the two directly is a fallacy. They weren't in the same generation at all. The fan base has shifted, the demographic has shifted. Rock couldn't be that guy now. Just the difference in Eras has a lot to do with it.

That second part... Cena = Rock = Hogan. I have to FULLY agree. They are the pillars of their generations. In ten years we will see Cena do the same thing. Just a true passing of the torch so to speak.

The last part I can also agree with. I grew up seeing Hogan in the ring then didn't watch a lot of the Attitude Era but knew who the guys were because of my cousin watching it and started up again in 02... So I've seen Cena's whole career in WWE. I respect all three men for what they did. So having a favorite between the three is kinda dumb to be honest... and at Mania 28 we'll see a classic between Cena and Rock.

What fucking torch? The Rock was huge prior to his match with Hogan, that only was another notch in the belt. Now Brock Lesnar beating The Rock was passing the torch.

Cena vs Rock is not a torch passing match at all. What does Cena gain? A shot into stardom? He's undeservedly there already. He's accomplished more (in the way of titles and handed over accolades) than The Rock. Cena already made it. I'm so tired of this stupid misconception held by most of you that this is The Rock returning the favor Hogan did for him. It's something completely different this time. It's a clash of generations, not a gentleman's feud.
The Rock lost matches clean.

The Rock dropped the belt clean.

The Rock was actually funny.

The Rock didnt hold the belt a billion times.

The Rock (not Miavia) gets a positive reaction when face.

The Rock got negative reaction when heel.

The Rock turned heel several times.

I dont blame Cena I blame the writers for making him Superman.
The difference in Rock and Cena is the amount they will put in for fans.
Rock took the smart option and starting doing big time movies. This is the smart thing to do, no risk of injury and more $$$, but he left the wrestling fans in the dust. He left us at a time we need him the most.
Cena is there day in and day out for us. We may not like him, but we have to respect him.

Just my opinion on things.
The difference in Rock and Cena is the amount they will put in for fans.
Rock took the smart option and starting doing big time movies. This is the smart thing to do, no risk of injury and more $$$, but he left the wrestling fans in the dust. He left us at a time we need him the most.
Cena is there day in and day out for us. We may not like him, but we have to respect him.

Just my opinion on things.

The Rock is a much better actor than Cena. Both men have to do what brings in the paychecks. Cena is a good at WWE, but that doesn't translate to the big screen for him. It did for Johnson. I am sure you would see less of Cena the wrestler had he actually been able to carry a movie :)
The difference in Rock and Cena is the amount they will put in for fans.
Rock took the smart option and starting doing big time movies. This is the smart thing to do, no risk of injury and more $$$, but he left the wrestling fans in the dust. He left us at a time we need him the most.
Cena is there day in and day out for us. We may not like him, but we have to respect him.

Just my opinion on things.

7 years isn't enough for you? When Rock was on the active roster, he was "there for us day in and day out." Hey, HBK isn't there day in and day out, you mad at him?

The Rock retired from pro wrestling. He is now coming back from time to time, but is admittedly not on the active roster so of course can't be there day in and day out. You Rock detractors act like he is just some bum who came off the streets and did nothing ever in the ring and now wants all the spotlight.
Straight attack.

The Rock lost matches clean.

So has Cena.

The Rock dropped the belt clean.

So has Cena.

The Rock was actually funny.

So has and is Cena.

The Rock didnt hold the belt a billion times.

Cena has 12 world titles in seven years. Rock had 9 in three and a half. You really want to go there?

The Rock (not Miavia) gets a positive reaction when face.

Has Rock been booed when he was a face? Yes. Has Cena? Yes. Have both gotten positive reactions? Yes.

The Rock got negative reaction when heel.

Has Cena? Yes.

The Rock turned heel several times.

Point being?

I dont blame Cena I blame the writers for making him Superman.

The "Superman" label. Never gets tired, never gets old.
The Rock lost matches clean.

1. The Rock dropped the belt clean.

2. The Rock was actually funny.

3. The Rock didnt hold the belt a billion times.

4. The Rock (not Miavia) gets a positive reaction when face.

5. The Rock got negative reaction when heel.

6. The Rock turned heel several times.

I dont blame Cena I blame the writers for making him Superman.

1. Half the times Cena lost the belt, they were clean losses.

2. This is the only statement you made that makes a good argument.

3. 9 times within 4 years, compared to Cenas 12 times within 7 years.

4. Blame the writers for not freshening up Cenas character.

5. No he didn't, that's the reason he turned face in 1999.

6. So once in 1997-1998 and once in 2003 were several times?
when did cena loose cleanly since being on top? even against punk he didnt really cuz vince distracted him. and cena being funny...thats definitely opinion but by majority vote, the rock blows away cena based on crowd reaction
So is this an argument for Rock or Cena? Let's see.

The Rock lost matches clean.

The Rock dropped the belt clean.

So because Rock lost more than Cena he is better? That makes sense...to a stupid person. Cena doesn't lose clean often because he is the best. When you're the best you win a lot more than you lose. That's how you get to be the best.

The Rock was actually funny.

Strudel, anus, scrotum...he he he. Actually I agree Rock can be pretty funny. He relies a little too much on animal genitalia and shoving various things up people's rectum, but overall Rock is pretty funny. Cena can be funny too though. If Cena had the same freedom on the mic that Rock did I'm sure Cena would rank right there with him.

The Rock didnt hold the belt a billion times.

So like before Rock is better because he hasn't been champion as much as Cena? I guess the Clippers have been better than the Lakers all along. Too bad your memory is bad. Rock actually held the belt quite a bit in his comparably short time on top. He just didn't have many memorable reigns. Score one for Cena.

The Rock (not Miavia) gets a positive reaction when face.

Cena does too. I admit not as much as Rock but he's still pretty damn popular.

The Rock got negative reaction when heel.

Point being?

The Rock turned heel several times.

Why? If he was loved so much shouldn't he have remained face? I guess the fans were starting to turn on him. Cena faces that same adversity yet he continues to be himself and stand by those who do cheer him. Admirable.
The Rock will always be remembered as one of the best ever. So will Cena.

Cena being funny is a matter of opinion I don't think he is but thats just my opinion. It all depends on your sense of humor i guess but I always thought Rock to be pretty funny. Granted he does make some immature jokes sometimes but he makes em funny.

The Rocks always had a huge fanbase and has the uncanny ability to turn the crowd to his side. The only times he got mixed reactions was against Hogan and face Austin. Cena reactions have been mixed for Cena for a while now.

Both have worked their asses of during their respective careers but the rock puts on a better match.

The Rock not loving the fans is the most ******ed thing ive heard. One of them anyway. But if the rock didnt love the fans or the business then why did he come back? He makes a hell of a lot more making movies and is back to put on a great match for the fans.

Overall I pick The Rock over Cena. That's just my opinion though. We all get one afterall.

When John Cena can cut a promo, entertain, work the crowd, and have them chewing out your fingers like that, then you can compare the two. Until then, John Cena can't touch The Rock and IMO he will never be on the same level as The Rock.

Also, the reason The Rock turned heel, is not because the fans didn't love him, but because it was his match with Hogan. The match happened to be in Toronto. It was Hogan's first time back in the WWE, his first Wrestlemania in years. Ofcourse the fans were gonna cheer Hogan. And I am pretty much sure if anyone on the roster at that time faced Hogan (except Austin) they would of been booed out the building.

The Rock got cheered every night at Raw leading up to that match. Same thing with Lesnar.
Cena put on better wrestling matches. Look at the list of The Rock's best matches and look at the list of Cena's best matches. It your opinion which matches are their best but look at your list and then answer this question. How many of those matches are hardcore matches?
Rock/Cena comparison.

1.) They both are top guys of WWE in different eras.

2.) Rock and Cena both have the same amount of moves. Cena does 5 moves but so does The Rock.

3.) Every Rock match is the same just like Cena.

4.) Both are good on the mic,Rock is a little better but still.

5.) Both have same type of fanbases. Some fans completely hate Rock and some completely hate Cena. They are either on Rock's side or Cena's side.

Rock = Cena

My question is what exactly is different between Rock and Cena ?

Are we really having this comparison?! :headscratch:


1- There is a difference btw being the top guy in a generation where you Austin, HHH, Taker, Foley, Jericho, Kane, Show, Angle, Benoit, all in thier prime going neck and neck for that spot, and the top of the generation where you just happen to be in that spot(Lesnar), because there was no other choice.

2- Rock Bottom, People's Elbow, Flying Lariat, Spinebuster, Dragon Screw, Sharpshooter, Samoan Drop, Belly-to-belly overhead throw, arm drag these are just the moves he used regulary, in a 15min matches. You see it's not about how many moves you have in your arsenal, it's about the way you build up the match(quick example: this past SS. Rock starting the match with a headlock, then a leap frog, then an arm drag, and then cena coming in and just do some random stuff and out of nowhere, he did a monkey flip), the in-ring psychology, the technical skills(Austin didn't have that big of a move-set but he was an amazing technical werstler), and the athletic abilities. Rock wasn't that great of a technical wrestler, but he was a great athlete, a great story teller, and he had the ability to build up the match. And two more thing I'd like to add, rock's in-ring work rate is amazing, I've never seen him half-assing a match, he always came out and wrestled like it was his last match, he gave his all every single night, he sold every move as best as he could. That's not the case with cena. The other thing is, rock can also do some highflying moves(Rocky maivia), but because of his character he became a bit more limited in the ring. There is a reason why rock's in everyone's favourite opponent list, Jericho(He said rock is his all time favourite opponent), Austin(said that nobody brought the best outta of him like rock did), Triple H, Angle(Rock made him, according to kurt himself), Lesnar(Rock made him, according to brock), Dudleyz, Foley..

Cena in the other hand, I think he's good against the right opponents. The problem is he's not a great in-ring psychologist. His matches are so predictable, same story (almost) every single night. Get dominated the whole match, meke a comeback, 2 shoulder blocks, spin-out powerbomb, five knuckle shuffle, AA, if the opponent is lucky he'll counter the AA just so he get countered with an STF for the end.

In the ring, Rock is better then Cena, without a doubt.

3- No, their not. Just like the poster above said, Rock-Austin WM matches were completely different.

4- Little?! :suspic: Rock hands down the greatest mic worker of all time.

5- Every superstar have his fans and his haters, so..

"Rock = Cena"

:lol::lmao::lmao:.........OH....that's a good one
They are the same. People who say any different have a bias. I don't. I grew up a WCW guy, became a wrestling fan in 1995, WWF fuckin sucked, I started WCW, which wasn't much better, then the nWo came along, and I stuck with WCW until they died, then watched the WWF until I saw ROH, got sick of WWF, watched ROH mostly until about 2008, then have been mostly WWE ever since.

Rock and Cena are the same.

You can say "so and so is a 5 out of 5 in the ring vs on the mic" but that's all bullshit.

Bottom line is they are/were both top guys. You could say that Rock was a bigger draw. Rock also had less obstacles. WWF had less competition than today's WWE. Don't be a dumbfuck and say "DUR DUR WCW IZ BIGGER THAN TEH TNA". Their competition isn't other wrestling shows, it's ALL of entertainment. So internet, twitter, facebook, youtube, free streams, hulu, all the 900 other channels are their competition now. Plus today's wrestlers have to promote a family-oriented product, remember how successful Rock was at being family-oriented?

So other than those, they're also alike in many other ways.
In 2002, both were edgy, vulgar characters. Then for most of the past 7-10 years they've been playing family-friendly characters and making money that way.

They're really similar, it's just whatever bias you have is who you'll pick. for example, the mark above me who thinks the Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time. He's obviously never actually watched much Roddy Pipper, true old school Flair, or Dusty Rhodes, guys who mixed catchphrases and actually, you know, saying something other than dick jokes and....catchphrases someone from marketing came up with.

IMO though, just for shits, Rock might be slightly better on the mic (not to me, his sing a long shit and over use of catchphrases and coming out drenched in water doesn't do anything for me) and Cena is better in the ring. Cena, because he has more in ring experience than Rock, tells a lot better stories in the ring. Rock was pretty amazing for a guy who basically quit being a full time wrestler before his 30s.

When John Cena can cut a promo, entertain, work the crowd, and have them chewing out your fingers like that, then you can compare the two. Until then, John Cena can't touch The Rock and IMO he will never be on the same level as The Rock.

Also, the reason The Rock turned heel, is not because the fans didn't love him, but because it was his match with Hogan. The match happened to be in Toronto. It was Hogan's first time back in the WWE, his first Wrestlemania in years. Ofcourse the fans were gonna cheer Hogan. And I am pretty much sure if anyone on the roster at that time faced Hogan (except Austin) they would of been booed out the building.

The Rock got cheered every night at Raw leading up to that match. Same thing with Lesnar.
don't be such a simpleton. Cena gets the exact reaction he wants. You don't think Cena works both sides? It's been pretty obvious to me (and many others) that Cena has been working both sides for a while because he realizes the audience isn't homogenus (all the same). Rock had a homogenus audience, the same action got the same reaction from everyone. If Cena REALLY wanted, he could be more ruthless and get the people who boo him now to cheer, but then it'd just be an inverse reaction. The thing is, that's not interesting. Cena is more interesting with a split reaction.

Counting moves is a ******ed way to judge. Most of you don't have a fucking clue about in ring storytelling so that's out the window because Rock basically had a formula too. Punch/kick for a while, spinebuster, maybe miss the people's, maybe reverse the other guys' finish. Also, Cena's matches really arent' all the same, maybe his TV matches but they're supposed to be similar, it's TV, rock's TV matches were too, shit EVEYRONE'S TV matches are similar. Watch Cena vs Khali and then watch Cena vs Mysterio, then watch Cena vs JBL, then watch Cena vs Umaga, then watch Cena vs HBK, then watch Cena vs Punk, then watch Cena vs Batista. All have a completely different story and Cena sells differently and tells a different story in each. The MOVES themself don't matter, it's how and when they are done. Rock didn't really change his style much vs Undertaker or vs Angle or vs Austin. It was a lot of punches and his normal shit. Rock was also a lot less experiences and made up for it in selling and in ring charisma.
They are the same. People who say any different have a bias. I don't. I grew up a WCW guy, became a wrestling fan in 1995, WWF fuckin sucked, I started WCW, which wasn't much better, then the nWo came along, and I stuck with WCW until they died, then watched the WWF until I saw ROH, got sick of WWF, watched ROH mostly until about 2008, then have been mostly WWE ever since.

Rock and Cena are the same.

You can say "so and so is a 5 out of 5 in the ring vs on the mic" but that's all bullshit.

Bottom line is they are/were both top guys. You could say that Rock was a bigger draw. Rock also had less obstacles. WWF had less competition than today's WWE. Don't be a dumbfuck and say "DUR DUR WCW IZ BIGGER THAN TEH TNA". Their competition isn't other wrestling shows, it's ALL of entertainment. So internet, twitter, facebook, youtube, free streams, hulu, all the 900 other channels are their competition now. Plus today's wrestlers have to promote a family-oriented product, remember how successful Rock was at being family-oriented?

So other than those, they're also alike in many other ways.
In 2002, both were edgy, vulgar characters. Then for most of the past 7-10 years they've been playing family-friendly characters and making money that way.

They're really similar, it's just whatever bias you have is who you'll pick. for example, the mark above me who thinks the Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time. He's obviously never actually watched much Roddy Pipper, true old school Flair, or Dusty Rhodes, guys who mixed catchphrases and actually, you know, saying something other than dick jokes and....catchphrases someone from marketing came up with.

IMO though, just for shits, Rock might be slightly better on the mic (not to me, his sing a long shit and over use of catchphrases and coming out drenched in water doesn't do anything for me) and Cena is better in the ring. Cena, because he has more in ring experience than Rock, tells a lot better stories in the ring. Rock was pretty amazing for a guy who basically quit being a full time wrestler before his 30s.

"They are the same. People who say any different have a bias. I don't. I grew up a WCW guy, became a wrestling fan in 1995, WWF fuckin sucked, I started WCW, which wasn't much better, then the nWo came along, and I stuck with WCW until they died, then watched the WWF until I saw ROH, got sick of WWF, watched ROH mostly until about 2008, then have been mostly WWE ever since."

hmmm....First of all, what's the point of your little story?.....Is that supposed to make your points valid?!....and what's up with the "I quit watching WWF from 1995 to 2001(WCW death)"...So that means you're opinion is based on post-AE..you've never watched rock's golden days as a mic worker(1999-early 2000), did you?

"the mark above me who thinks the Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time. He's obviously never actually watched much Roddy Pipper, true old school Flair, or Dusty Rhodes, guys who mixed catchphrases and actually, you know, saying something other than dick jokes and....catchphrases someone from marketing came up with"

LMAO!! So you wanna sound cool by going old school. Alright. There is no doubt that those people are in the top 10 of all times when it comes to mic skills. Piper's style was more of a shoot, IMO that style can turn any good trash talker to great(CM Punk, HHH, HBK), it's like an unfair advantage. Ric flair was amazing in his prime, but the thing is he gets annoying sometimes with all his screaming and woos after every line(Speaking of phrases...). Ath far ath Duth'ty Rhodeth, thorry, he'th no Rock. He was great as a serious talker and that's it.
I'll be honest by saying I don't care for John Cena, never have never will. So my response may be just a little bias. The Rock had an amazing advantage of being in an era where alot of top-notch talent such as Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Undertaker, ect. were in. Where as John is in an era where 96% of the roster is overwhelmingly mediocre. So Cena doesn't have alot to work with, also add in the fact that Vincent K. McMahon has refused to make any new stars in the past 5 or 6 years besides Cena, Bastista and Randy Orton. Now, as for in-ring ability, that's really pointless to bring up since that's not the focus of their characters. As for "talking ability", there's no comparison. How anyone could even try to compare Cena's with The Rock's is crazy. Rock is argueably the most charasmatic wrestler in the history of the industry. John only got to where he is because of the terrible, boring, bland, ect. roster over the past half decade.
Cena and The Rock have similarities but the biggest difference is The Rock is a better storyteller whether inside the ring or on the mic. The Rock makes the audience get emotionally involved in a match no matter who that match may be against. For example, go to youtube and watch The Rock's matches with The Hurricane and Jeff Hardy. The Rock does a great job of selling the others moves and using facial expressions to create the emotional reaction he wants from the audience. In those two matches, the audience felt like The Hurricane and Hardy had a good chance of winning with The Hurricane actually winning. How many times can you say that about Cena?

All wrestlers have the same 4 or 5 moves they constantly use but the great ones tell a great story. That is why HBK, Hulk Hogan, Rick Flair, Stone Cold, and The Rock are considered the best because of the story they told in the ring, not necessarily their wrestling skills as a whole with HBK possibly being the exception.
Completely agree with you the there are definitely major similarities.
Its simple really..
The difference between the two is the difference in Era and generation.
This thread is a Cena thread but it's not to bash or heel change him.

For the first time since before WM27 I am Amazed with the WWE Universe.
Tonight Cena had two segments on Raw tonight, the first part was with Eve. I think they ended that too fast, To help Eve push her into the Heel side they should have made abit of a story out on this. Cena came out to alot of boo's and left with cheers but the first part the people were more into calling Eve a Hoeski. Cena came back out to talk about 'The Rock' and I am so happy that WWE finally let Cena talk. For the first time I 100% agree with Cena. Rock's gonna come to Raw next week, electricy and go back to Hollywood. Rock said he finally came home, then left again. by the end of the segment you could not hear a boo from anyone. The cheers for Cena were like they were before Rock came back and IMO are the way they should be for a Pro Wrestler like Cena should get who busts his butt every week to help put on a great show which is still nothing compared to what he does off camera.

I for one am finally enjoying the road to WM to it's fullest.

Moderator's Note: All things pertaining to The Rock and Cena's feud will go in here. This includes, but is not limited to any discussion about promos on Raw or Smackdown, anything said in interviews, opinions on who is right/wrong, etc. KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!
Haha i wrote yesterday that i was not hyped for the WM but then Cena gave his promo and dang did that change my mind. You are right the fans booed him at first but i think they even know The Rock is not really back.

On a side note raw was good tonight

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