**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

I can question Rock's love because he never fucking wanted to be a wrestler. If he did, he would NOT have tried so hard to make it in the NFL, he wouldn't have left. I went to a pro wrestling school and tried until I almost died, I spent a month in the hospital. I LOVE pro wrestling. I don't want to be a movie star, I wanted to be a pro wrestler.

Listen. You sound like a man who has serious passion, and that is to be commended. I have serious passion as well. When I was a kid, in my heart were two different passions. I wanted to be an architect though i sucked at math so It turned into graphic design, and i loved music. I sought out music for 18 years and was pretty successful at it. Now, that I have a family, I am doing graphic design and through the grace of God, have become pretty successful at that. Why can't a man have more than one thing that they are passionate about? By your logic a man can only have true love at one thing, and only like the others and I think while that is fact for covenant relationships, its not that cut and dry for a mans occupation.

You love wrestling. If you could do it you would do that professionally. Based on your post, you have tried to do it and it didn't happen for you. So that means you had to go to plan B. You're in school right now getting your degree (me too) and working towards the goal of have not just a job, but a career. Due to your passionate nature (based on your post) i'm going to assume that this career you're in school for has something...anything to do with wrestling. Because if its not...
if its not, I have to question your love for the business.

Or is that wrong?
Yes. That's wrong. You know why? Because you tried and at least you went in full force and went to the hospital trying to make it happen. Now, your focus is on something else (maybe). That does not change the FACT that you love this business. That does not change the FACT that its in your blood.
and that more than anything else should open your understanding to the FACT that a man who has succeeded in doing all that they can in one area of their life whether they have tried and won or tried and failed, will and is completely within his rights to move on. The love can still be there, the passion can be just as strong, but when its time to move on, its time.
The Rock went from being a nobody in this business to one of the biggest icons in wrestling HISTORY. Not just a great wrestler, but a wrestling ICON. Something few wrestlers have ever achieved. He's won every major championship, and done ALL that there was to do in wrestling. What is left?
What more can he do? Would you rather him get old and decrepit in the ring? Wrestle till he can do nothing else? Tarnish his legacy by staying past his prime? He's 40 this year. What is a wrestlers shelf life? What SHOULD it be? You tell me. You either get out (Rock) or you're forced out (Edge...and COUNTLESS others). Or...you stay and wrestle until the legacy that makes you immortal is tarnished by the bad legacy you continue to create as a result of not going out on Top. Shawn went out on top. Thats the way you should end it. Rock went out on Top. And theres nothing, wrong with that.
You compare having love for the business to having love for your wife.
Bro, let me tell you something. I know every man says they love their wife, but i LOOOOOOVE my wife. I love my career path. I LOOOOOVE my career path. But if I had to choose between the two, I'd without question choose my wife. Does that mean I don't love my career? No. No it doesnt. It means that there is a level of love that I have for one thing over the other. It means that comparison is moot. It means that is comparing apples and oranges.
It means it should not be in the same category.
As much as I respect your love for your wife, and as much as I get the analogy your attempting to make, it is two different levels of love. Would you choose wrestling over your wife? If you say no, then is your love of wrestling to be questioned? No. cause its different.
The Rock has a passion for entertainment. And I'd garner to say that he LOVES wrestling and the wrestling business because its entertainment. I'd also say he LOVES acting because its ALSO entertainment.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
If you can't see that, then there's nothing I can do to explain it further.

Oh and...
Maybe he wont win an Oscar, but can you guarantee that? No. I didn't think Monique was gonna ever win an Oscar when I watched her on the show "The Parkers" but what she go and do? Win an Oscar.
All it takes is the right role. They don't ask you to come back if you suck. They ask you to come back if you're hot and your right for the role. 18 movies later, i'd say the Rock is hot and right for the roles, supportive or not. (by the way, you DO know you can win an oscar for a supporting role right?)

I think people who relate to Rock don't actually love pro wrestling either. I can't fathom quitting wrestling to be a movie star. It doesn't make sense to me. I LOVE pro wrestling. Movies are okay. The goal isn't to become famous, it's to be remembered as the best pro wrestler (to me).

And I think this statement is total BS. Seriously man, this is the biggest generalization i've ever read. How can you say that? I, (again) have been watching wrestling since I was 8 years old. I'm 36 this year and I'm just as big a fan of it now as I was then! If you don't think the goal in professional wrestling (TODAY) is to become famous then you're fooling yourself. Professional wrestlers who get on the indy circuit are grooming themselves to be in a major wrestling promotion. That promotion today, being the WWE, which is ALL about fame and mainstream exposure. If you think for one moment that every wrestler in any indy spot wouldnt break their necks trying to get into the WWE to be famous you're kidding yourself. Sorry to say it...but FAME is the ultimate goal in the wrestling business today.
I can 100% guarantee that the pussy that chose to remain anonymous will never, ever reach the level the Rock reached in WWE nor will he even attain half of it.

Rock paid his dues, and despite what John Cena is leading you little Jimmies to believe, Rock is one of the all-time legends that, in a short career, skyrocketed to the top. He sold out arenas, main evented wrestlemanias.

Anyone that thinks the Rock is "using" us is a complete moron and this wrestler is probably jealous. Dwayne Johnson makes millions of dollars as a movie star, if he didn't care about wrestling or the WWE universe, why come back? His movies were successful before he came back, it's not like the movies started to tank and he needed the WWE fans back. He's taking time out of his schedule to come back and entertain us and you people are so blinded by Superman that you can't realize this. If Rock didn't care about you or I, he wouldn't be back, it's that simple. He's doing it for us, NOT for the those crybabies in the locker room.

Stop using the via satellite or "part time" joke. HE'S NOT ON THE ACTIVE ROSTER AND NEVER CLAIMED HE WAS. (Neither is Trips, Undertaker, even Jericho who leaves and comes back). The Rock paid his dues, 99% of the clowns in the WWE locker room have not.

You hit the nail on the fraggin head!
Let me say this. All these people in the locker room complaining would crap their pants if the Rock decided to do a program with them to get them over. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
All of these "so called" superstars who can't get over now or are trying to get over now, are mad because they need someone with the star power that Rock has to get them over and their pissed off because he's in a program with their top star to get HIM over. Not that he's not over already, but what does he have to prove to these guys? He paid his dues. Get over ON YOUR OWN. Get some charisma. Get some drive and do what you have to do for yourself and stop all your whining!
freakin pansies.
Ugh this argument again? What don't you people understand? How is the Rock a self centered D-bag? Because he doesn't show up when you feel he should? LOL you marks kill me. Once again he doesn't owe you, the wwe, vince, or the millions anything. He came, he entertained, did the honors for rising AND established superstars, and left to pursue other opportunities in life that are best for his and HIS family. Oh and if you wanna play the blame game on anyone then blame Vince. He let Rocks contract expire because he thought he could make another "Rock" and look what he got. A failure that is Cena. He pushed Cena way too hard on the wwe and/or older fans and now for half of Cenas career he's getting boo'd or hated on when he should be embraced by all. It shows Vince tried and failed to make a superstar of Rocks caliber. Thankfully Dwayne was able to put that sly backhand from Vince aside and come back to not only entertain us once again but to help the wwe as a whole. If you can't see that then you're just to blinded by ignorance and hate.

If Punk or Cena were offered $20 million to make a movie no matter how shitty they would take it in a heart beat. And if they say they wouldn't then someone is either a full fledged fool, or a liar.
Get over yourselves people. If you hate the Rock or "Dwayne" because you just never liked him or his gimmick fine that's one thing as you can't reach them all, but if you're hating on him because you feel that he should be working on a schedule to satisfy your own selfish desires then you need to pull your head outta your ass and grow up. Seriously.
Ugh this argument again? What don't you people understand? How is the Rock a self centered D-bag? Because he doesn't show up when you feel he should? LOL you marks kill me. Once again he doesn't owe you, the wwe, vince, or the millions anything. He came, he entertained, did the honors for rising AND established superstars, and left to pursue other opportunities in life that are best for his and HIS family. Oh and if you wanna play the blame game on anyone then blame Vince. He let Rocks contract expire because he thought he could make another "Rock" and look what he got. A failure that is Cena. He pushed Cena way too hard on the wwe and/or older fans and now for half of Cenas career he's getting boo'd or hated on when he should be embraced by all. It shows Vince tried and failed to make a superstar of Rocks caliber. Thankfully Dwayne was able to put that sly backhand from Vince aside and come back to not only entertain us once again but to help the wwe as a whole. If you can't see that then you're just to blinded by ignorance and hate.

If Punk or Cena were offered $20 million to make a movie no matter how shitty they would take it in a heart beat. And if they say they wouldn't then someone is either a full fledged fool, or a liar.
Get over yourselves people. If you hate the Rock or "Dwayne" because you just never liked him or his gimmick fine that's one thing as you can't reach them all, but if you're hating on him because you feel that he should be working on a schedule to satisfy your own selfish desires then you need to pull your head outta your ass and grow up. Seriously.

You say everything I try to say only way better than me. Except about Cena being a failure, I don't think that one bit, for a time he was over HUGE. They just forgot that Rock adapted and changed somewhat, and didn't do that with Cena. Everything else, spot on perfect.
I don't think the man behind these words is CM Punk. Punk is that sort of guy who likes putting his name behind such statements. If someone told him to say something but that they are not going to name him, he seems like someone who would not speak at all. Also Punk has some credibility, everyone knows he does not really approve of what Rock is doing, so there is no reason why he would hide his name. This sounds like the work of someone lower down the card. R-Truth maybe? I mean some blame may have fallen onto his shoulders as well for the low Survivor Series buyrate. So, maybe he decided to spout off some home truths to alleviate his annoyance.

Whatever has been said has been true though. He never said that Rock's movie's have been failures but that he may have lost some fans from his wrestling days by doing kid friendly movies most of the time. He has really built up no one since he has 'returned' and while it is understandable why he hasn't done that, expectations are bound to be raised when you talk about never leaving again. Again, Rock has my sympathies because I understand why he did that but it was a poor choice of words. He could have easily gone with "I've come back to make WM 27 the greatest show of all time" or something of that sort. Also, it is difficult feuding with the man speaking from the titatron.

All this may be interpreted as Rock not caring for the fans. I'm not asking for him to be on every show but he could have at least appeared every time he wanted to talk down Cena, which hasn't exactly been too many times over the course of the year, mind you.

I'll still be cheering on Rock because he was my childhood hero and means way more to me than Cena does. I find Rock more entertaining and that is pretty much all that matters to me rather than who's there on WWE TV every night and who isn't. I don't hold any grudges towards The Rock for leaving. But it would be equally stupid to say that what this guy is saying is wrong.
Ugh this argument again? What don't you people understand? How is the Rock a self centered D-bag? Because he doesn't show up when you feel he should? LOL you marks kill me. Once again he doesn't owe you, the wwe, vince, or the millions anything. He came, he entertained, did the honors for rising AND established superstars, and left to pursue other opportunities in life that are best for his and HIS family. Oh and if you wanna play the blame game on anyone then blame Vince. He let Rocks contract expire because he thought he could make another "Rock" and look what he got. A failure that is Cena. He pushed Cena way too hard on the wwe and/or older fans and now for half of Cenas career he's getting boo'd or hated on when he should be embraced by all. It shows Vince tried and failed to make a superstar of Rocks caliber. Thankfully Dwayne was able to put that sly backhand from Vince aside and come back to not only entertain us once again but to help the wwe as a whole. If you can't see that then you're just to blinded by ignorance and hate.

If Punk or Cena were offered $20 million to make a movie no matter how shitty they would take it in a heart beat. And if they say they wouldn't then someone is either a full fledged fool, or a liar.
Get over yourselves people. If you hate the Rock or "Dwayne" because you just never liked him or his gimmick fine that's one thing as you can't reach them all, but if you're hating on him because you feel that he should be working on a schedule to satisfy your own selfish desires then you need to pull your head outta your ass and grow up. Seriously.

This is a great post. I think people get so attached to these characters that they forget that they have lives too. All they owe to us is to give it their all and bust their asses, to entertain us at lives shows, PPVs, etc. The Rock did that when he was with WWE. He is probably the best entertainer in WWE history. One of the best ever on the mic. One of the greatest wrestling personalities ever. I truly believe that when he was an active wrestler, he give us his all. That's what we "deserved" and that's what we got. He said pro wrestling was one of his dreams but also making movies was another dream. Who the hell are we to criticize a man for living his dream? He came back for us. I can't believe you little Jimmies can't see that. He makes millions and millions of dollars in Hollywood, far more than he ever made from Vince. Why would he risk injury and jeopardize his current career just for some chump change from Vince? He wouldn't. Vince reached out to him and he decided the time was right to return.

What you have to realize he is that he could have said no. He could have come back to host WM and that's it. He has decided to come back for RAW appearances, Survivor Series, Wrestlemania, possibly Summer Slam and WM next year. You all criticized him for leaving and now he's making as many appearances as he can and now he's getting criticized for that.
Here is a good analogy.
My wife worked at her last empoyer for five years. At that time she worked with her friends and family. She truely "loved" what she did. Early this year someone offered her a position with another firm. This firm has her isolated away from her family, she makes more, and now we can send our kids to Goddard Daycare (google the rates and you will understand).
She isn't as happy as she was at her last job with her family but she did what was best for ou family who she "loves." She still get over there to do little jobs and short contracts when her "real" job allows her to.
Dwanyne left us all too soon I will never argued that. When he left he left a whole in sports entertainment that Cena tried to fill. But Dwayne did whats was bets for his family. Him leaving didnt mean that he he didnt love his fans (or in my wifes case her family) he did what was best for his family. Now he gets back when he can (as in my wifes case her family) to do what he can to comeback to help whehe can. Thanks buddy.
Im just happy to see him in the ring again. Let's be honest here without him Mania would be an after thought in main-stream America. If it wasn't for Rocky do you think Mainia last year would have been as big as it was.
I remember reading that Randy retracted his words about the Rock because he got a nice payday at Mainia last year and this year it will be the same.
the Rock cameback at a time the WWE was in alot of trouble. Last year no one gave a crap about wrestling. They barely give a crap now but he came back and delivered a shot in the arm it needed to make an attempted to be cool again. Because lets be honest its not. Try to get laid at a bar a talk about the WWE and not involving your kid. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
I digress. We should stop the petty bickering and the personal attacks on these artist in their personal lives an stick to whats on tv. Pick a side and run with it. Because truthly this all for show anyway.
expectations are bound to be raised when you talk about never leaving again. Again, Rock has my sympathies because I understand why he did that but it was a poor choice of words. He could have easily gone with "I've come back to make WM 27 the greatest show of all time" or something of that sort.

For the last time, what he meant was that he's never going to distance himself from WWE as he did for the past 7 years. When he first left, he wanted nothing to do with wrestling (not the fans, just the business). He said he'd never come back. When he said he's never going away, he means that. He may be a big Hollywood star but he'll always try to come back for RAW anniversary shows, WMs, random RAW appearances from time to time, WWE media events, etc. He meant, he's back associating with "The Rock" character and his roots. He didn't mean it literally that he'd be there for every RAW.

I thought it was obvious but I guess not.
Personally, I don't blame The Rock for leaving WWE to become a movie star, it was the fact that he went about 7 years without stepping in a WWE ring.

I mean before he was announced as host of WM last year, I believe the last time he stepped foot in a wrestling ring was at RAW in 2004 for some Diva Search contest. Also, before last year's Survivor Series, he hadn't wrestled a match since WM 20. Can't remember the last time he wrestled in a singles match, however.

Had he come back a couple of times between 2005-2010 to NOT promote a movie and wrestled a few times, would many WWE fans or superstars in the back feel the same way like Cena or that anonymous superstar do???
Can't wait for The Rock to rip Cena a new one on Raw. All that Cena said just makes him sound really jealous of what The Rock has done. The Rock is not full time! He has done that already! He doesn't have to be here every single week!
The difference for me as a fan and viewer of the Raw brand, I'd rather watch the Rock come out and get air time...not because he is a bigger name than John Cena, but b/c
the Rock has the ability to electrify a viewing audience by being original...while Cena
bores me to tears with his wannabe rapper/marine persona
For all those saying Rock loves wrestling he just took the better opportunity to make more money here's the hole in your argument.

Kofi Kingston,Dolph Ziggler, David Otunga. Those guys with their degrees can make more money in the corporate world than the Rock makes doing movies just on bonuses alone. JBL did make millions in the stock market at the same time entertaining us. He could've quit at any time before his big push but he really did love wrestling.

Rock no matter how accomplished he is will forever be no. 2 behind Austin and I've said it once and I'll say it again, this has nothing to do with Cena. This is Austin vs Rock. The second Austin passed the torch to Cena that's when the hate really started. The next year when Rock called out Cena for not knowing what it's like to have thousands boo you that moment right there is the beginning of the hate we see today.

This is Austin fans vs Rock fans. Most Rock fans don't even acknowledge that Austin passe Cena the torch already. The no. 1 guy from one era passes it to the no. 1 guy in the current era.
Don't even bring up Hogan v Rock. Hogan left before the torch could be passed to Bret or Shawn. They had to take it, and they both passed it to Austin at back to back Wrestlemanias.

Not Cena vs Rock. It's Austin vs Rock.

Nope - by the time the Attitude Era ended, Rock was number 1, he then beat Hogan and Austin back to back at WM18 and WM19 and that just solidified it.

What would be awesome is if Rock EMBRACED THE HATE and took on all of the character flaws that have been thrown at him. Imagine if Rock, not Cena, was the one to turn heel for WM. This wouldnt be a stretch for him as he did portray the cocky, gone-Hollywood heel back in 2003. After Cena's comments last night and the anonymous comments, the only thing Rock can do is either repeat himself for the next four weeks that he returned for "the people" and that he achieved all he could as an active wrestler, or he can come off as being legitimately offended by the comments and almost insecure about his image being tarnished.

Hollywood Rock was ace!! If small elements of that were put into his return, Rock in concert 3 for example it would be brilliant. Rock could go all Hollywood for a little bit then get all serious on Cena. I don't think there is a real face/heel dynamic here, each fan will choose a side and stick there.

This thread needs a poll though :)
For the last time, what he meant was that he's never going to distance himself from WWE as he did for the past 7 years. When he first left, he wanted nothing to do with wrestling (not the fans, just the business). He said he'd never come back. When he said he's never going away, he means that. He may be a big Hollywood star but he'll always try to come back for RAW anniversary shows, WMs, random RAW appearances from time to time, WWE media events, etc. He meant, he's back associating with "The Rock" character and his roots. He didn't mean it literally that he'd be there for every RAW.

I thought it was obvious but I guess not.

I understand that but at the same time if you have said yes to having a match with John Cena and have announced it one year in advance, then it is your responsibility to hold your end of the bargain. If Rock has to build up his feud with Cena he can do so by confronting Cena in the ring and not on twitter or by the titatron. Again, I'm not saying that Rock has to appear on every single show, just when he feels it is neccesary to say something to Cena or to any other superstar. That would indicate that he actually cares about the fans getting to see him and Cena fight. Talking from twitter makes him seem like a man taking out a personal grudge which frankly makes him look petty. Many a time, the fans need him to be around and he is not there. Again, that too is not "never leaving" in any context of those words. Never leaving might also imply him helping out more than one man on the roster because it would be beneficial for the business. But again, that is not what he is doing either.

I understand that it is difficult for him but it was still a poor choice of words. Never leaving can mean a ton of different things apart from appearing on every show but it is clear that Rock is not doing any of those things. He is just here to feud with Cena.
@ Fisheatppl
I'm not saying Cena is a failure in a disrespectful manner but as a far as getting over he (or Vince really) failed. For the number guy in the company, the torch bearer to be boo'd week after week, and hated on with such passion shows that Vince couldn't make another star like he thought he could. Cena should be loved or embraced by the majority of fans but he isn't. Why? Most likely because Vince has to protect his investment and not only have the entire locker room job to Cena, but to also have Cena play it safe to stay away from injuries or worse. That is why for the past 5 yrs. the IWC and Cena haters have been chanting "same ol' shit". Because it is. Now I don't blame Cena for this really as he is just an employee of Vince and has to do as he's told.
Which is why it makes me laugh when these marks hate on Rock for leaving when he has no more obligations to the wwe. It's people like them who make wrestling have a bad name, not the product themselves. They take everything to heart. It's like "get over yourselves". These wreslters are here to entertain you and that's it. If you are that involved in wrestling to the point were you hate a particular wrestler with a passion then you need to look in the mirror and seriously take a good hard look at your priorities in life.
I understand that but at the same time if you have said yes to having a match with John Cena and have announced it one year in advance, then it is your responsibility to hold your end of the bargain. If Rock has to build up his feud with Cena he can do so by confronting Cena in the ring and not on twitter or by the titatron. Again, I'm not saying that Rock has to appear on every single show, just when he feels it is neccesary to say something to Cena or to any other superstar. That would indicate that he actually cares about the fans getting to see him and Cena fight. Talking from twitter makes him seem like a man taking out a personal grudge which frankly makes him look petty. Many a time, the fans need him to be around and he is not there. Again, that too is not "never leaving" in any context of those words. Never leaving might also imply him helping out more than one man on the roster because it would be beneficial for the business. But again, that is not what he is doing either.

I understand that it is difficult for him but it was still a poor choice of words. Never leaving can mean a ton of different things apart from appearing on every show but it is clear that Rock is not doing any of those things. He is just here to feud with Cena.

You do realize how simple you sound right? Anyone with half a brain knows that Rock wasn't coming back full time so if you or anyone is let down by his "poor choice of words" then you have no one to blame but yourself. Rock is not a wwe superstar anymore. He's bigger than that. He has other obligations to hold plus on top of that feuding with a wrestler beneath his status for a full year. Twitter (no matter how dumb it is) pushes that feud between them as it's the best way to keep this rivalry alive in the modern age. If we were in a time before the internet/twitter then you argument might hold water as then Rock would HAVE to come on raw more and more to keep his beef with Cena alive. But we don't, and this is the best available option for now. So Rock is holding up his responsibility as you said he should. Just because he isn't doing it in the manner in which YOU prefer doesn't mean it isn't being done. Once again take a step back and look and the bigger picture. However if you wanna boo Rock because you're still upset of his choices in life then no matter what logic can be thrown in your direction then you're still blinded by being a mark and words and reasoning will fall upon deaf ears.
[cL];3729956 said:
Tell me this. Why is it so easy for you people to attack Rock for wanting to pursue another dream? Why is it so bad for him to want to be successful in other things.
How many wrestlers, past and present, have successful outside interests? Mick Foley was a NY Times best seller...Chris Jericho leaves every other year to do a tour with his band. JBL made MILLIONS in the stock market. These people have made a life for themselves outside of wrestling because THEY know wrestling is NOT forever...in a moment you could lose it all with the right injury. Wade Barrett may not be out forever, but he wont' be at a major PPV that he was supposed to. I wonder what he would do if he found out, that for whatever reason, God forbid, this injury was connected to something else that put him out forever. Then what? Diversification is a way that people in sports and sports entertainment ensure that if something EVER goes sideways, they'll be able to support their families. Sometimes its a business venture...sometimes its another life long dream. HOW is it that you Cena lovers don't see that?
You cats are ridiculous.
So people can't leave wrestling? Guys can't leave and do something else while they're still healthy enough to actually DO something else? Pursuing another passion of yours is out of the question? If Rock had went into Hollywood and failed as miserably as Cena continues to, no one would even care. Cena is a tried and true company man and thats great. But if you think for one minute he wouldn't have left the company to be a hollywood leading man if his first movie had done exceedingly well, you're lying to yourself. Don't be that guy.

Think about this for just a second. If John Cena was as devoted to wrestling as he says he is, why continue to do movies? Just wrestle. That's his "life" as he keeps saying. He's there every week leaving it all in the ring, yada yada yada...and YET...he continues to accept scripts and do movies? Why?
You know why.

No one has given a legitimate reason, why the Rock should be back in the WWE on a full time schedule. When he said he was back and never leaving again, (and by the way, if you thought for one second that when he said that he was committing to the WWE full time again, you're too dumb to leave posts. I laugh at you.) he committed to a limited schedule of appearances and what I don't understand is how and why people could get upset about him doing what he does outside of the ring and making appearances when he can, and Undertaker was gone for a YEAR and no one said a thing. People are so hypocritical. But...wait....no. If Undertaker had been gone for a year doing movies and things people would have a problem...well wait no...thats not it. IF Undertaker left for a year, and was doing movies and they were SUCCESSFUL and only came back to wrestle one match per year, THEN they'd have a problem. Why? Because its not that he left. Many wrestlers have left. Its not that he left to do movies. Different wrestlers left and did movies.
Its because he left to do movies, and did them successfully, conquering two different genres of entertainment.
Something John Cena has no possible chance of doing.
Yeah Cena we hear you. You keep hollering out "movie star". Acting like its a bad thing. But I see you homie.
You ain't mad cause Rock left.
You mad cause you can't.

Wow. That is one of, if not, the BEST post I've seen on this damn forum since I've been a poster/lurker here for damn near 4 years. You hit the nail right on the coffin, brah man. I agree with EVERY LAST sentence, paragraph, word, EVERYTHING. It's so easy and outright lazy to sit here and spew all this bullshit about how he says he's never leaving, or how he doesn't take blame for the survivor series failure that was, or building guys up, or what have you. Like come on. It's on the same level of LeBron bashing because he left Cleveland. It's utterly lazy.

So what you're saying is, a guy can't pursue other interests? Once you're in the pro wrestling game, you're in it for life? Is that what this is? Huge Undertaker fan but my man right here hit it dead on. Nobody gives Taker shit about coming and going for one stretch a year, doing the exact same thing that you guys blast Rock for. What's that? Taking everyone's 'rightful' spot. It's funny. It really is. Rock has done it all, Rock has done everything that Cena WISHES he could accomplish in his life time. Conquer football at the collegiate level, conquer wrestling and then go off to Hollywood and have much success there! Now sit there and tell me Cena isn't jealous of that? That's bullshit. So what if he leaves. So the fuck what. He doesn't HAVE to come out here and wrestle at WM 28. It's not his obligation to stop making movies to come back to some shit that ain't even popular anymore. It's his choice because he loves this shit. He enjoys the rush. Let him enjoy it.

Just remember that. Wrestling isn't an obligation. He owes nothing to us. Really, he could've gotten roles in Hollywood without Vince's million dollar powerhouse backing him. Would he have this much success? Maybe not. Maybe so. Who are we to say? I respect Cena but these guys have to stop bitching and moaning. Do you. If you think you're doing what's right, then do it, keep your fucking mouth shut. But hey, it's just one man's opinion, right?

Can I rep motherfuckers, though? Because [cL] definitely deserves it. Good shit, man.
I applaud Cena for stoking the fire and for the build-up. There's real emotion involved here.

However, the reason it's so good is because there are true feelings involved, including mine. I literally can not believe the way people treat the Rock and some of the things the fans are saying and it bothers me. The very notion that you have to do something week in and week out to prove how dedicated you are to something you gave so much to literally angers me. I identify with the situation as do people with Cena. Good stuff.
[cL];3729956 said:
Tell me this. Why is it so easy for you people to attack Rock for wanting to pursue another dream? Why is it so bad for him to want to be successful in other things.
How many wrestlers, past and present, have successful outside interests? Mick Foley was a NY Times best seller...Chris Jericho leaves every other year to do a tour with his band. JBL made MILLIONS in the stock market. These people have made a life for themselves outside of wrestling because THEY know wrestling is NOT forever...in a moment you could lose it all with the right injury. Wade Barrett may not be out forever, but he wont' be at a major PPV that he was supposed to. I wonder what he would do if he found out, that for whatever reason, God forbid, this injury was connected to something else that put him out forever. Then what? Diversification is a way that people in sports and sports entertainment ensure that if something EVER goes sideways, they'll be able to support their families. Sometimes its a business venture...sometimes its another life long dream. HOW is it that you Cena lovers don't see that?
You cats are ridiculous.
So people can't leave wrestling? Guys can't leave and do something else while they're still healthy enough to actually DO something else? Pursuing another passion of yours is out of the question? If Rock had went into Hollywood and failed as miserably as Cena continues to, no one would even care. Cena is a tried and true company man and thats great. But if you think for one minute he wouldn't have left the company to be a hollywood leading man if his first movie had done exceedingly well, you're lying to yourself. Don't be that guy.

Think about this for just a second. If John Cena was as devoted to wrestling as he says he is, why continue to do movies? Just wrestle. That's his "life" as he keeps saying. He's there every week leaving it all in the ring, yada yada yada...and YET...he continues to accept scripts and do movies? Why?
You know why.

No one has given a legitimate reason, why the Rock should be back in the WWE on a full time schedule. When he said he was back and never leaving again, (and by the way, if you thought for one second that when he said that he was committing to the WWE full time again, you're too dumb to leave posts. I laugh at you.) he committed to a limited schedule of appearances and what I don't understand is how and why people could get upset about him doing what he does outside of the ring and making appearances when he can, and Undertaker was gone for a YEAR and no one said a thing. People are so hypocritical. But...wait....no. If Undertaker had been gone for a year doing movies and things people would have a problem...well wait no...thats not it. IF Undertaker left for a year, and was doing movies and they were SUCCESSFUL and only came back to wrestle one match per year, THEN they'd have a problem. Why? Because its not that he left. Many wrestlers have left. Its not that he left to do movies. Different wrestlers left and did movies.
Its because he left to do movies, and did them successfully, conquering two different genres of entertainment.
Something John Cena has no possible chance of doing.
Yeah Cena we hear you. You keep hollering out "movie star". Acting like its a bad thing. But I see you homie.
You ain't mad cause Rock left.
You mad cause you can't.

Do I hate the Rock because he left for Hollywood...no. Do I hate Cena because he has an annoying choir boy gimmick that goes beyond stale...no. I respect both guys for what they have done. What you don't realize though is it seemed alot of Cena's problem with him was more than him leaving for Hollywood, it's the fact that his ego became Hollywood.

There has been numerous reports through the years of when the Rock would make his little surprise visits here and there and would isolate himself and not speak with anyone at all. Many people felt snubbed by him with an "I'm better than you" type personality. That is what Cena was saying last night. That the Rock went off an became a big hollywood star and now has fully embraced all the rich, arrogant pleasures that come with it. Sitting on set with a delicious mixed drink with a little umbrella in it. Getting your own trailer. Things to that nature and Cena was making it out like the Rock forgot what put him in that position in the first place.

So do I know if any of thats true...no. However it would fit the bill of many people that do become Hollywood stars then it changes that person's ego for the worst.
The sad fact is that Cena will never get (near) universal credit for a solid promo like the one last night simply because his reputation has been destroyed the past couple years which is partly his fault sure. I'm not a Cena lover either, just tired of people kissing "Dwayne's" ass.

When you get down to the essence that is The Rock he's just a bunch of catchphrases, and yes he's overrated IMHO. I'm not saying I don't like the character The Rock because I always have and I still do, but once you pass the "teenie bopper" stage things like "candy ass" can get old pretty quick. Cena may have recycled some stuff, but he had a good point last year, and he still has a good point, and he'll always have a good point. What else is the guy supposed to say? How can the guy make his promos "original" when he's feuding with a guy that barely shows up and does nothing to further the storyline.

Regardless of what Rock meant when he said he was never leaving it doesn't make Cena wrong to call him out on it. People can talk about Rock's success in movies and how Cena would jump like The Rock if he could, but we honestly don't know that. Call me naive or whatever you want, but believe it or not there are people out there that love wrestling regardless of paychecks or movies, just like professionals in any other sports.

I mean he's not doing it for the paycheck in the grand scheme of things. That's part of it, but Cena could retire tomorrow with enough money to last him and his family the rest of his life.
Do I hate the Rock because he left for Hollywood...no. Do I hate Cena because he has an annoying choir boy gimmick that goes beyond stale...no. I respect both guys for what they have done. What you don't realize though is it seemed alot of Cena's problem with him was more than him leaving for Hollywood, it's the fact that his ego became Hollywood.

There has been numerous reports through the years of when the Rock would make his little surprise visits here and there and would isolate himself and not speak with anyone at all. Many people felt snubbed by him with an "I'm better than you" type personality. That is what Cena was saying last night. That the Rock went off an became a big hollywood star and now has fully embraced all the rich, arrogant pleasures that come with it. Sitting on set with a delicious mixed drink with a little umbrella in it. Getting your own trailer. Things to that nature and Cena was making it out like the Rock forgot what put him in that position in the first place.

So do I know if any of thats true...no. However it would fit the bill of many people that do become Hollywood stars then it changes that person's ego for the worst.
Even if any of these allegations are true no one here especially Cena of all people have any right to speak on reminding people where they come from. Cena is in a position where he can't leave under the wwe banter. He's stuck as a wwe "superstar" for life. So for him to say "oh you left us and now you're all hollywood on us Rock" comes off like a childish little prick who just found out that santa isn't real and now has to spoil it for everyone else because they're upset.
I started watching wrestling again when the Rock came back last year to host Wrestlemania 27. I got so enthralled by everything that was going on I decided to watch the build to Wrestlemania 28 between the Rock and John Cena.

I have to say that I very much dislike John Cena for a multitude of reasons but a few stick out like a sore thumb. I paid money to watch those PPVs with him in it and out of three PPV's(MITB, SummerSlam, and the one he wasn't present in I believe TLC) his matches were not worth the price. The Rock never did me in like that at a PPV.

Cena had to build the feud between himself and The Rock all through out the year, and his promo to start things off finally came out yesterday? After Wrestlemania 28 i'm gonna be do a Rock and split too.
I started watching wrestling again when the Rock came back last year to host Wrestlemania 27. I got so enthralled by everything that was going on I decided to watch the build to Wrestlemania 28 between the Rock and John Cena.

I have to say that I very much dislike John Cena for a multitude of reasons but a few stick out like a sore thumb. I paid money to watch those PPVs with him in it and out of three PPV's(MITB, SummerSlam, and the one he wasn't present in I believe TLC) his matches were not worth the price. The Rock never did me in like that at a PPV.

Cena had to build the feud between himself and The Rock all through out the year, and his promo to start things off finally came out yesterday? After Wrestlemania 28 i'm gonna be do a Rock and split too.

Part of that thing with The Rock is he's not full time. You can't have an all consuming feud with your top star for a solid year. Just bad for business overall. Rock brought it live Via Satellite but he's moved on... the build thus far has been poor. The next 6 weeks will definitely be interesting.

Your dislike for Cena is from watching an entirely different era. The PPVs that aren't the big 4 can sometimes suck (read: a lot of the time). SummerSlam wasn't the best this year either.

If you decide to split after WM28 that's on you but you can't tell me that there's not been one good thing you've seen all year...

and to stay on topic... Cena has begun his war of words. I expect his promos to gain more edge and I feel like Cena might do some raps before too long... Just because that's a throwback that is desperately needed for this match... Rock will be Rock... He will say "FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO (Insert City here)" and then make juvenile jokes about "lady parts" and "fruity pebbles". It is the same rehash. I'll still watch and hang on the words as a fan but part of me feels like it will be redundant. I'd like to see the two banter back and forth for a while instead of separate promos...
Once again, it was Vince speaking through a wrestler/announcer.

Make no mistake, these are Vince's feelings.

If you don't bow under the WWE machine, if you try and make a life for yourself outside his banner, he will try and destroy you if you're important and ignore you if you're not. Cena is Vince's property. He'll never be anything outside the WWE and, like an institutionalized slave, he's defending his master. He's criticizing other slaves for being disloyal and escaping.
Part of that thing with The Rock is he's not full time. You can't have an all consuming feud with your top star for a solid year. Just bad for business overall. Rock brought it live Via Satellite but he's moved on... the build thus far has been poor. The next 6 weeks will definitely be interesting.

Your dislike for Cena is from watching an entirely different era. The PPVs that aren't the big 4 can sometimes suck (read: a lot of the time). SummerSlam wasn't the best this year either.

If you decide to split after WM28 that's on you but you can't tell me that there's not been one good thing you've seen all year...

and to stay on topic... Cena has begun his war of words. I expect his promos to gain more edge and I feel like Cena might do some raps before too long... Just because that's a throwback that is desperately needed for this match... Rock will be Rock... He will say "FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO (Insert City here)" and then make juvenile jokes about "lady parts" and "fruity pebbles". It is the same rehash. I'll still watch and hang on the words as a fan but part of me feels like it will be redundant. I'd like to see the two banter back and forth for a while instead of separate promos...

You nailed. The whole build up for this has been awful. I know it's a year in the making but fruity pebbles and rise above the hate only goes so far. Hopefully in the next 6 weeks they can pick it up. Two extremely talented stars in a heavily promoted "dream match" should do better.

The promo tonight was a step in the right direction but there's a long way to go. I know the Miami crowd will be hot for the Rock, but for the rest of us I'm afraid of a brock/goldberg bust x 10.

The Rock needs to deliver more than catch phrases, and deliver them more often. He's always relied on catch phrases but it seems like that's all he's brought in this feud. Cena needs to hold on to, or fake some, personal animosity and quit with the hustle loyalty respect above the hate say your prayers brother. He doesn't need a heel turn. He doesn't need to stop giving to Make a Wish or showing up on fruity pebbles boxes. He needs to be John Cena instead of a caricature of John Cena.

When they're both on they can nail it. It's time they started.
It is funny because now John Cena will have nothing to look forward to before retiring. His body will have wear and tear like Hogan, Taker, Flair, and HHH. He has basically sold his soul to WWE. And now if he does anything similar to leaving then he is nothing but a hypocrite. The Rock never said that he would always be in the WWE when he first started so there is no reason to bash him. Big fucking deal. You know yes Cena did a nice promo but it was filled with holes and so much contradiction. He mentions that he should have Brian write him some better stuff, but excuse Cena rehashes the same shit week in and week out. At least Taker, Austin, The Rock, HHH, and HBK said different things. When Brian was writing his stuff at least it was entertaining. Cena really hates The Rock for no reason and didn't even know the guy. You are such a good guy Cena. I wish they would let me cut promos for The Rock fuck it. Cena has taken it tooo far.

As The Rock said,

Fuck John Cena lolololol

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