**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Now THAT'S the John Cena I like. He pulled no punches and brought out the Dr. of Thuganomics. He killed it on the mic twice and he came out as a likeable persona. I still believe he has to turn heel at Mania but if he keeps up the same intensity and bluntness like last night this buildup could be epic.

Which brings me to the Rock. I'm a Rocky fan but next week he can not come out with his typical schtick. No fruity pebbles, no ladyparts, no manginas, no Twitter crap. He needs to completely own Cena shoot-style. Address Cena's beef he has with him. The Facebook promo over the summer should be like that when he's live and in person next Monday, only twice as scathing and more serious. He can still be "The People's Champion" but the comedy HAS to be kept at bay. Because if not fans are gonna start turning on him and siding with Cena, as evidenced by last night's crowd despite the typical boos Cena got. WWE can't handcuff Rock by telling him what or what not to say or they'll risk being screwed; it's up to Rock himself to bring it(pardon the pun). The hell with being professional and ethical, it's time to get real.
i find it funny that people say The Rock has "paid his dues", when all the while he was a blue chipper 2nd generation wrestler. Cena had to work from the ground up, going through the indie scene. THAT RIGHT THERE IS PAYING YOUR DUES. PUTTING UP WITH THE CHANTS "ROCKY SUCKS" IS NOT PAYING YOUR DUES
To the people who say "Cena tried making movies, but sucks at it. The Rock was actually successful":

You do realize Cena admitted that in the segment last night, right?

And anyways, I just want to point out that even though The Rock is considered one of the best on the mic, John Cena has definitely looked stronger in all their encounters thus far. Next week will certainly be exciting, and I can't believe I'm saying that. Wrestlemania has instantly got so much more attention. Hell, Undertaker/HHH now looks promising.

Good work WWE, for the first time since CM Punk's push...and for the second time in many, many years.
It is funny because now John Cena will have nothing to look forward to before retiring. His body will have wear and tear like Hogan, Taker, Flair, and HHH. He has basically sold his soul to WWE. And now if he does anything similar to leaving then he is nothing but a hypocrite. The Rock never said that he would always be in the WWE when he first started so there is no reason to bash him. Big fucking deal. You know yes Cena did a nice promo but it was filled with holes and so much contradiction. He mentions that he should have Brian write him some better stuff, but excuse Cena rehashes the same shit week in and week out. At least Taker, Austin, The Rock, HHH, and HBK said different things. When Brian was writing his stuff at least it was entertaining. Cena really hates The Rock for no reason and didn't even know the guy. You are such a good guy Cena. I wish they would let me cut promos for The Rock fuck it. Cena has taken it tooo far.

As The Rock said,

Fuck John Cena lolololol

I ask again, how do Cena's promos remain original when he's feuding with a guy on a titantron or not even there most of the time? Regardless of how many times he says it and how tired you are of hearing it, he has a point. If this was a conventional feud where Rock was a full time superstar and Cena was cutting the same promo over and over again I would agree with you, but I don't for the simple reason that Rock is almost never around and thus he's not giving Cena anything to work with.
Cena cut a great promo last night. One of the best promos he has cut in a very long time. It reminded me of old school Cena. He killed Rock with facts. I laughed when he mentioned Rock's joke writers. Hopefully, they come up with better stuff than "Cena ladyparts" next week.

If Punk cut the same exact promo the IWC would be blowing its load for the guy. I'm not even a Cena fan but you have to admit he killed Rock last night.
I don't know if WWE is trying to get the crowd to think twice about The Rock by having John Cena accuse him of being a hypocrite and a user, or if they're actually trying to turn John Cena heel at WrestleMania. However, as I was watching Cena's promo against The Rock of RAW, I started thinking to myself that there's really no reason to hate The Rock.

1st of all The Rock isn't the 1st one to leave WWE several times and make comeback appearances. Sure, he's by far the most successful outside of WWE, but what's wrong with someone advancing themselves beyond what they have done on a regular basis? I think what John Cena's problem might be his self righteous cause of trying to prove & show to everyone that he's WWE true & true and that it's just wrong for Rock to come & go as he pleases. The Rock understands business, he understands brand and he understands the way to move himself forward for the betterment of himself and his family. If you are doing a job for several years and were given an opportunity to be make more money & become a bigger brand, would you not do it? What The Rock has done is take his name as "professional wrestler" and helped to not only make himself larger outside the socpe of the business but he also helped to make wrestling a more mainstream business.

I see why Cena is who he is in this feud and why The Rock is who he is, but let's face it, without The Rock doing what he's done as far as making movies and being recongized even if it's on the smallest means as a wrestler outside the ring, men like John Cena, Ted DiBiase, Jr. and others wouldn't have had the opportunities to make the movies they made. Even IF most of The Rock's movies sucked. That's not the point. The Rock is a businessman 1st, a wrestler second, and maybe not even second. John Cena is a wrestler 1st and so on. That's great for Cena, but let's not hate on The Rock because he's doing what he's doing. Because I bet some of the guys in the back who wanna send their texts messages about Rock would give their right arm to be him.

My question boils down to this: Is there really a valid reason to hate The Rock for what he's done? He could've played WWE by treating it as some sideshow but he didn't. He could have turned down an appearance at WrestleMania and left the WWE to fend for itself this year WITHOUT him. Certainly the WWE doesn't need him and he doesn't need WWE. But mutually they have come together to do BUSINESS which is what The Rock has become. Again, Cena is who he is. He's the poserboy for PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. There's nothing wrong with that, but goodness stop hating on the Rock. Or is it that John Cena wishes he too could make that transition but he can't because he feels trapped a bit by WWE?
There is a monday after Mania

What that means is that after Mania, Rock is gone and Cena is carrying the company once again. Thus they want fans to like Cena and they will do anything to achieve that (which has failed).

They want this to be Warrior vs Hogan (the WWF version, not the crappy WCW version) but its folly, it just wont happen. That Miami crowd will not boo Rock, especially against Cena, there is no chance in hell of that happening.

Im sure Cena likes Rocky, especially since this will be the biggest match Cena has ever been in (by far) and i am 99% sure he is going over aswell. When you look at it on paper, it couldnt be better for John Cena, biggest show, biggest star, most likely winning, its perfect for him. Yet there is this weird feeling that in Miami he will be treated like **** by the crowd and they will expose him for what he is, a phony, company created yes-man, who cares more about doing what Vince tells him rather than sticking up and for once saying that perhaps some creativly wasent good enough. Like Austin and Rock did in their days. I can understand his frustration, he has been working his ass off, for longer time now than this guy who "left for Hollywood" and the fans still rather cheer for the guy who left than him. Its like your GF who treats her ex who she hasent seen for 10 years better than you, and youve done just about anything for her.

I think its more WWE that is frustrated that they havent been able to get a guy like the Rock ever since him and Austin left around the same period and bussiness in general is down on a yearly basis.

As for why the fans should hate him? They shouldnt, they can carry on their lives knowing that the man who entertained them for years has gone to bigger and better things, he looks good, healthy and seems happy. That is rare in the world of proffesional wrestling when so many broken down or even dead stars are revealed, its depressing to think about it.

The most important thing to remember is that The Rock wasent just some charismatic, catch phrase throwing guy. He clearly is more intelligent than 99.99% of people who have been in WWE with the way he presents himself and how his life has gone up, whilest guys like Hunter are still stuck doing the same shtick, in a industry that has been on a downward spiral since Rock and Austin left.
If people want to hate the Rock for jumping ship and going to make movies, that's their choice and their right. I personally don't, but it's up to everyone individually to decide that.

What Cena is saying is what he logically has to say. When Cena is there night in and night out, and the Rock drops in for a few guest appearances and has a main event spot at Wrestlemania guaranteed a year in advance, what is he supposed to say? I'm not saying Cena really feels this way, but what other way could it be realistically portrayed in the storyline? If they made it seem like Cena is jealous of the Rock, it would make Cena seem like more of a heel. And if all he did was kiss up to the Rock, there's no reason for the match. Cena saying the things he's saying makes perfect sense and is the right way to go.

As for how people are going to feel about it and if they hate the Rock, that's their choice. Plenty of people hate Cena. I'm sure a good number hate the Rock, whether it be because he left or for some other reason.

Personally, I don't hate the Rock, and I will say I'm a Cena fan. I don't really care for the some of the things the Rock has said since coming back, a lot of things Cena mentioned in his promo last night. Let's be honest, the Rock is using the WWE and it's fans, and yes, the WWE is using him as well. But the Rock coming back is not for altruistic reasons. Then he says things like he's "never leaving again". Of course, I didn't take that to mean he was going back on the road for 300 days a year and appearing at every show, but when you know that you have no intention of giving anything more than the smallest possible commitment to a fanbase that has loved and supported you so much, then you shouldn't say things like that. Again, it was absolutely his right to leave and make movies and most people would probably make the same decision in his place. But if that's your decision, then that's what it is. I don't care for the drop ins every few months with a hundred titantron videos to promote this feud. Just my opinion, and again, I do like the Rock. Just don't like the way he's gone about his "return".

As far as if everyone or no one should hate him, again, it's just a personal choice.
Firstly although Rock may be the most successful to leave wrestling and become an actor it was done before him by Hulk Hogan which would show that people like John Cena would have been able to get parts in films anyway, and correct me if I am wrong but the films Cena has starred in were all produced by WWE weren't they? If not all the first few were.

Yes many people have left professional wrestling and then made returns at later stages and many have gone off and done other things Jericho, Foley, Brock hell even Austin is off making films now. The problem people have with the Rock doing so is that he left and then he came back and left again and then he stopped using the moniker of The Rock and said that the Rock is dead he is now Dwayne Johnson. That is the big issue people had with him. He left wrestling and then destroyed the last thing that tied him to it, the name The Rock. This was a bit of a slap in the face to wrestling fans, and quite possibly some wrestlers. The guy was made into a star through the business and then left it all behind and basically said forget I did that it's over now.

Was he wrong to do so?--> Can't say it was the smartest move to make but hell everyone (fans) still loves him and accepts him back with open arms whenever he wants so it didn't seem to do much damage.

As for this
He could have turned down an appearance at WrestleMania and left the WWE to fend for itself this year WITHOUT him
. Wrestlemania would have been fine without The Rock. If they hadn't mentioned the idea then people wouldn't expect it to happen and they would have just done something else, simple as.

And no it is not because John Cena doesn't think he can make the transition because he is tied down by WWE. If Cena let his contract expire and went off to act in films he would be just as successful as Rocky, may even a little more successful seeing as if he did kids films they would sell like crazy as kids love the guy. I'm not a massive Cena supporter but that is the truth of it, he is loved more than the Rock by kids (this isn't a Rock is better than Cena or Cena is better than Rock comment I just think that would be the general view on who kids like more).
Cena cut a great promo last night. One of the best promos he has cut in a very long time. It reminded me of old school Cena. He killed Rock with facts. I laughed when he mentioned Rock's joke writers. Hopefully, they come up with better stuff than "Cena ladyparts" next week.

If Punk cut the same exact promo the IWC would be blowing its load for the guy. I'm not even a Cena fan but you have to admit he killed Rock last night.

How did he killed the rock by mentioning shit that was being said for the past 7 years?? Even when the rock was there for his last run they were saying he "sold out". Hence "Hollywood Rock"..
As always with cena Same Old Shit. just this time with some emotion. He was even a little scared cuz he fucked up egomaniac. And rushed his words.
"The most important thing to remember is that The Rock wasent just some charismatic, catch phrase throwing guy. He clearly is more intelligent than 99.99% of people who have been in WWE with the way he presents himself and how his life has gone up, whilest guys like Hunter are still stuck doing the same shtick, in a industry that has been on a downward spiral since Rock and Austin left."

Maybe guys like Hunter are happy where they're at and wouldn't want the path that Rock took. Just because Rock makes more money or has been in better movies doesn't mean he's "better" or "smarter" than anyone else. If sticking with the company is what HHH or Cena or anyone wants to do, they don't deserve any more ridicule than Rock does for leaving.
Ok I'm going to chime in here with this;

Firstly, Rock brought this on himself when he said he home and never leaving again. I realize it may have been a scripted line to give a guy like Cena something to work with, and I understood that it meant he wasn't coming back full time, but if it wasn't a scripted line then it was a terrible choice of words. I know some will hate that but there it is.

Secondly, I hate that people use the line "Cena would jump to movies in a heartbeat if he had the talent The Rock has and he's just jealous." Nobody truly knows that. Call me naive or whatever, but there are plenty of athletes out there who would keep doing something they loved as long as it kept them well off enough money wise, as opposed to going after more money and working at a job they hated. Now I realize Rock loves making movies, but my point was that the argument that Cena is jealous because his movies have not made as much money as the Rock's is not neccessarily true and I've seen a lot of people use this argument.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Feel free to agree/disagree.
I think that it is the only angle they could take for this match ... and it definitely has some legs.

Lets be honest ... MANY MANY wrestling stars have come back for sporadic appearances in the past ... but outside of Hulk Hogan, none had the star power outside of the ring like The Rock does.

The major difference in The Rock and Hulk Hogan ... Hogan never disappeared from wrestling for a really long time like The Rock did. The Rock pretty much got pinned at WrestleMania XX and then was just gone. He did not want to give any credit to wrestling or wrestlers. He did not want to have ANYTHING to do with the WWE other than when he could come around and promote his crappy movies.

This is a tough topic. I marked out just like everyone when The Rock came out as the guest host last year. I was thrilled to get promos from him and know we were getting a match this year from him. But I was not thrilled with the way he has been presented. He flat out said he would never leave again ... and then was gone. He keeps harping on what the WWE has become without him, but does NOTHING to help it become anything else.

I would have no problem with him showing up as guest host. Saying he was going to be at WM 28, coming back just to do the build up for this month and a half and then being gone. But telling us he was never going to leave. Doing crappy ass promos via satellite (where he can do multiple takes mind you). Doing dumb catch phrases like Boots to Asses while in fact putting no boot to no ass ... it just makes him look fake.

That is my impression at least.

Love him or hate him ... John Cena leaves it all in the ring. He won't leave wrestling. He won't use the fans and the platform to get where he wants to go and then basically turn his back on everything that made him what he is.
My problem with The Rock is that he is two faced. EVERYTIME he comes back, he starts off saying "Finally the Rock has come Home and is never leaving again" and that he is doing it for his fans. Except the only time he comes back is to promote a new movie and leaves again. He is selfish PERIOD. At least this time he is doing more then talking via satellite. If he would just be open about and not lie. Come back promote your movie and maybe do a match. Quit lying by saying you are not leaving. Quit hiding behind a satellite and promote your movies in person just like all the other guest stars. I appreciate what you did a decade ago but quit being two faced.
I think you guys are trying too hard. It's not about the WWE trying to get the crowd on Cena's side by turning them against the Rock. All that's happening here is Cena giving his character's side of the story. He's filling us in on his character's motivation for his match with the Rock. It doesn't matter if the fans agree with him or not. Some of them will, some of them won't. But what is important is that things heat up before WM, and Cena's promo did that. And things will get even more heated as the weeks go on.
I'll tell you why to hate the Rock, because of everything John Cena has said. Does it mean you should like Cena? No, that's your call, but everything he says about the Rock is true. How do you claim you "love" wrestling only to leave for greener Hollywood pastures? Nobody would blame Dwayne if he'd come out and say "hey I did it to spend more time with my family and it was an opportunity to do that and make a better living." Nobody would've ever faulted him for that given that even the average fan knows the length of the WWE travel schedule, but he never even did that. The only thing he did was abandon the fans of an industry that he and Stone Cold put at heights of popularity not seen since the 80's. He was like a jailed drug dealer, got people hooked and then he's nowhere to be found. Wrestling fans don't care about the money, the fame, and everything that goes with it because they don't live that. All they live is the 2-5 hours a week watching those guys on tv every week. The average fan doesn't understand why Rock left, they just know he left. Cena was, at one time, that little kid who was a Rock fan. You can tell by the interview dialogue. Cena doesn't just do shoot interviews all the time. Yet, anytime the Rock is mentioned it gets personal and quickly. Am I saying you should hate the Rock and like Cena? No, that's your call, but Cena's points are valid. If there's one good thing I can say about John Cena it's that he speaks from the heart.
Cena has been saying it for 7 years. The Rock left the people behind and went to fill his wallet. Cena is one of the superstars that have moved WWE foward along with the likes of CM Punk, The Big Show, Mark Henry(Yes I said it) Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett and even Zack Ryder. The Rock returned and suddenly Cena went from a good guy to a stepping stone for the Rock to return on. Cena has not stated anything that has been a lie. The Rock doesn't like the fact he was spoken against. Cena said he was sorry for attacking the Rocks family when The Rock said it but somehow with the Rock being gone for 7 years and leaving the WWE universe behind somehow Cena became the bad guy. Crowds booed Cena for what? Segments via sattlite from the Rock? He came back afew and did one PPV, which they blamed the Miz for the low numbers. With all this and all the comments on TV and twitter it's about time that Cena came out and said what he needed to say. all the joking and everything aside he spoke from the heart. I hate twitter and I even asked Cena and said some of the things he said last night, why won't he just say it. Cena said it wasn't time. Remember this?

'THE ROCK HAS FINALLY, COME HOME!' comming home means you come back every day and enjoy it. No Rock said that then hopped on a plane and headed right back to Hollywood to laugh at his stunt double. Cena said that would happen after WM but honestly I think it already happens. I don't hate 'The Rock' 2005, I have hate for the Rock 2012.
I just think that the Rock comes across as a narcissistic macho, misogynist homophobic dick in the types of jokes he spews out. Cena is guilty of some of that too, but Cena seems to me to be more humble, selfless and just less dickish and egotistical than The Rock.
When are some people going to realize that when the Rock said he was home and never leaving, it meant he would pop up here and there to give back to the fans. Just like Austin does. If people really expected him to come back full time, you're delusional.

If you want to hate him for leaving to pursue another goal and chapter in his life, go for it, but it's immature as fuck. Why is it okay for others to venture off and try new things, but not Rocky?

To me, the only reason Cena is even still with the WWE is because he can't do anything else. He can't act and his singing (or rapping which isn't music) is terrible. He has no choice, but to stay. JMO and I stand by it.

But of course, neither hate each other and it's all for fun to build up to WM.
I personally do not give a damn if the Rock is there for himself. He is still THE ROCK. 10x better then cena ever will be. I dont care if hes in it for the money. When hes out there, he entertains the FANS. Sounds like a bunch of jealously to me when Cena says those things about Rock. Rock comes back and gets the fans to turn on Cena so easy and gets a much bigger reaction then Cena ever has gotten on his best night. Cena can say whatever he wants. EVERYONE in the back busts there ass like Cena. Cena isnt better then anyone in the WWE in that respect. Cena gets PAID. It is his JOB to do the things he does. Cena is in it for the money just as much as the Rock. Cena does not work for free.

In the end, The Rock is the reason WWE is even in the movie business today

I think Cena needs to come up with something new to say during this fued, cuz its all he has been doing since before mania last year. People can hate on the Rock if they want 2, but when he comes back next week, he will do an amazing promo and get nothing but praise and love.
The biggest reason to not like the Rock is so that you don't look foolish when bashing Cena for doing the exact same stuff. You know, 5 moves of Doom, super man comebacks, saying the same thing all the time, having too many title reigns. Everything you people say about Cena can be applied to the Rock. Only the Rock takes you back in time to the late 90's when life was easier and all you had to worry about was making it home in time for wrestling and making sure your mom didn't find your used tissues under your bed.

Here's why I don't care for the Rock. I didn't like him back in the 90's. I respected how popular he was and never complained when he had the belt because it makes sense to have your most popular guy as champion. I respect him for his crossover appeal aswell. It's not easy shaking the wrestling stink off of you so you can be taken semi seriously in Hollywood. Granted, the Rock still does crap movies but they're still big budget crap. Here's where the dislike part comes into play. I see him as a comedy wrestler. He doesn't do serious angles well. He turns everything into a joke and nothing really ever affects him on a personal level. Austin turns on him, it's a joke the next night. It's monkey ass this and pancake that. Cena makes jokes, but atleast he gets mad. Of course I'd like to see him get mad more often. But Cena wasn't out there making a joke out of Kane. He wasn't saying Kane was mad because he had a crispy critter penis (Of course I think HHH said that one) or something stupid like that. The Rock did this sort of thing all the time and for me that's a turn off.
I just think that the Rock comes across as a narcissistic macho, misogynist homophobic dick in the types of jokes he spews out. Cena is guilty of some of that too, but Cena seems to me to be more humble, selfless and just less dickish and egotistical than The Rock.

Then he is doing everything right. He is a cocky SOB and that's the character he does and has been doing for years. Cena's character is supposed to be more humble and selfless. Way to follow those characters well. lol
I think people are beginning to not like cRock because of the first thing he said when he "returned" almost a year ago......"Finally, The Rock has come........home." And he said he was back to stay, then disappeared for a month or so, then began his via satellite interviews and promos. When he's been around he repeats his same old catchphrase loaded promo and pretty much just changes the name of the other person.
I see why Cena is who he is in this feud and why The Rock is who he is, but let's face it, without The Rock doing what he's done as far as making movies and being recongized even if it's on the smallest means as a wrestler outside the ring, men like John Cena, Ted DiBiase, Jr. and others wouldn't have had the opportunities to make the movies they made.

Okay fuck it...

I am SICK TO DEATH of that quote right there. People ALWAYS falsely associate WWE's Hollywood success with Dwayne Johnson and that is the biggest crock of shit I've ever seen. Dwayne Johnson wasn't around when Cindy Lauper put WWF superstars in her videos in the 80s. Dwayne Johnson wasn't around when Mr. T teamed with Hogan at WrestleMania 1. Dwayne Johnson wasn't around when Hogan starred/co-starred in 8 big time Hollywood movies, including the successful Rocky III. All of these stupid and dumbass attitude era fans need to do research before giving Rock credit for shit he didn't do. Mark Madden recently did an interview with Chyna, and afterwards he said how Chyna was on drugs for taking credit for "selling out high school gyms"... if he's wise enough to point that out, then everyone here should be wise enough to know that before Rock came along, Hogan had already won a damn Oscar. Hell, Bret Hart had already appeared on Saturday Night Live long before the Rock was even casted for The Mummy 2. Booker T guest starred on Charmed as a demon that wrestled people for their souls before Rock made his silver screen debut. Rock didn't open the door for anybody... all he did was pack his bags and head out to Hollywood.

Everything Cena said last night on Raw, about The Rock, is a fact. Yes there have been others in the past who left WWE and never came back, unless for an occasional appearance. But those same people didn't care if fans called them by their ring names, because they knew that the wrestling world made them who they were. Ric Flair is criticized for "staying in the business too long", but at the end of the day Flair sticks around and gives help to people like Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, Undertaker, Edge, Jericho, AJ Styles, Beer Money, Kazarian, Austin Aries, All Night Express... and he continues to pass down knowledge, experience, and give the younger guys a better chance of becoming something in this business... The Rock? He doesn't do shit but show up and raise an eyebrow. CM Punk even reported that Rock does nothing more than stay in a separate dressing room. Rock is nothing more than a sell out, and that's why the hate is there.

Nobody has a problem with him being an actor. If he wants to do that, that's fine... but at the same time, you don't see Michael Strahan not giving Ray Lewis advice on how to be a better defensive player. You don't see actors like Vin Diesel tell someone like Shia La Buffe to go stuff it... Every time while he was gone and didn't want to be addressed as The Rock, that's essentially what Dwayne did.

You asked the question, and it was answered.
When are some people going to realize that when the Rock said he was home and never leaving, it meant he would pop up here and there to give back to the fans. Just like Austin does. If people really expected him to come back full time, you're delusional.

If you want to hate him for leaving to pursue another goal and chapter in his life, go for it, but it's immature as fuck. Why is it okay for others to venture off and try new things, but not Rocky?

To me, the only reason Cena is even still with the WWE is because he can't do anything else. He can't act and his singing (or rapping which isn't music) is terrible. He has no choice, but to stay. JMO and I stand by it.

But of course, neither hate each other and it's all for fun to build up to WM.

I think nearly everyone understood that when he said he was back and was never leaving again that he didn't mean he was going to come back to a full schedule, but a few more apparences would have been nice and made the statement seem more meaningful don't you think?

Did you read anyone's comments before you posted this? People (myself included) explained why they had a problem with the Rock going off to try new things and not others.

The reason Cena is still with the WWE is because he loves wrestling. If you could get paid to do the thing you loved the most would you do it? I would. It is not however because it couldn't succeed outside of wrestling because he would be successful in films and I honestly believe that. You put Cena in a kids film and release it in the cinema, promote it on WWE and it will be a hit.

As for rapping not being music. That is pure opinion and although everyone is entitled to their own that is a fairly bad statement to make. You may not like rap (it's not my biggest preference either) but there is millions of people out there who do love it. If rap isn't music then what is Eminem and why are his tracks on music channels?

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