**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

The problem with this hate for Dwayne is your looking at it as Dwayne benefiting. However this recent return coming off a hugely successful box office hit and what not will no doubt benefit WWE just as much if not more then Dwayne.
Everythin Headman said is BINGO FUCKING BINGO!
Why hate the Rock,it's not about the movies, it's not about the money, it's what myself others and Cena said. The only time in 7 years we seen him was to plug one of his movies. Whenever a Rock movie was coming out you seen the commercial on WWE programing. Another reason is Bret Hart. Who would have known that Bret who left on very bad terms would make more appereances than Rock who left on great terms.
I'll tell you exactly 'why people hate The Rock'. It's as simple as this, the IWC are an extremely fickle bunch. One minute they are for The Rock and hate Cena, next minute they are for Cena and hate The Rock. Same with Y2J/CM Punk etc. Some people do have legitimate gripes with him, and to be honest I think it's pretty pathetic. I think the only people who genuinely have the right to 'hate The Rock' are the mid-card talent who won't get a Wrestlemania match because he has the spotlight - but oh well, that's the way business goes, they're not as talented as The Rock, they won't sell Wrestlemania like The Rock, so therefore they don't get the spotlight. Tough shit. But people who have a problem with him because he went to Hollywood blah blah blah: fuck off, move on and get a life. The guys pretty intelligent, I would of left WWE for Hollywood if it was me. He opened himself up to a bigger audience, more money, a better lifestyle. Smart man. Cena would of done it, I'm pretty sure he tried, but attempt failed. Now he's a hypocrite and a phonie sucking the cock of Vince McMahon.

But yeah, the majority of the people who hate The Rock are the fickle bandwagoners known as the IWC. A pathetic group of virgins who I tend to completely ignore.
Everythin Headman said is BINGO FUCKING BINGO!
Why hate the Rock,it's not about the movies, it's not about the money, it's what myself others and Cena said. The only time in 7 years we seen him was to plug one of his movies. Whenever a Rock movie was coming out you seen the commercial on WWE programing. Another reason is Bret Hart. Who would have known that Bret who left on very bad terms would make more appereances than Rock who left on great terms.
I dont begrudge the rock for leaving making movies is sure safer than wrestling!! People hate the rock well because the rock is kind of a hypocrite!! The rock left eight years ago and denounced himself as the rock!! He wanted to be called dewayne johnson and wanted nothing to do with wrestling at all. The rock claimed he loves wrestling the fans but yet ran away faster than the baltimore colts did in 84!! Cena on the other hand busts his ass night in and night out doesnt ever wanna leave and people still boo him why i dont know!

Again i dont hate the rock but when you say FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME HOME and then you leave as fast as that sentence came out then your a hypocrite IMO!! Also i heard the rock is quite a asshole backstage and only in this for himself which wouldnt surprise me at all!! Cena on the other hand has opened his gym to the FCW talent and works with everyone!! Its peoples call to boo Cena or the rock just my two cents
Theres no hate for the rock, hes one of the greatest. It's all more just you facing the honest truth and the truth aint nice nor what you wanna hear. Truth is your cheering a guy who abandoned you, the fan, for a job in cinema and tried to distance him self as much from the industry as possible by stating he wouldn't go back to prowrestling and even dropping "The Rock" title. He is now back on the dates that will pay him the most so that he can get back in with an audience that would flock to his movies at the beginning of his carear but now have moved on. He takes up a spot on the show from guys who want more than any thing in the world to be wrestling(guys like Cena, Punk, Kingston, Bryan, Barrett, Rhodes, Ziggler, and especially ones unnamed who are in the undercard who work so hard and barely get any spotlight) and when hes there doen't even share a locker room with them. Truth is he will wrestle this years Wrestlemania and than disappear until Summerslam while Cena stays behind to work his ass off to carry the show and perform for all of us. It has nothing to do with hating either The Rock or Cena nor being a fan of either but thats just the way it is. When this dawns on you, though, it hurts.
Here's the thing: The Rock can do whatever the heck he wants. Go to Hollywood? Sure. I like some of his movies. I'd probably rather watch his than Cena's. Though I'll be honest and say that I like 12 Rounds, despite what Cena said about it last night. So no hate from me for Rock living his life the way he wants to.

But as far as the WWE and professional wrestling goes? There's no way I'm not rooting for Cena.
He opened himself up to a bigger audience, more money, a better lifestyle. Smart man. Cena would of done it, I'm pretty sure he tried, but attempt failed. Now he's a hypocrite and a phonie sucking the cock of Vince McMahon.

When was that, exactly?

Most of the posters on here (myself included) have said they don't blame the Rock for his choice in itself. It's the way he conducted himself (denouncing his wrestling background), and the things he said during his return that rub people the wrong way.
I cant speak for everyone else but I know why I hate the rock and it's simple. He turned his back on what made him a star in the first place. Yes he has doe a lot as an actor but lets be honest, the WWE fans put him there.

We went to his movies when critics were ready to right him off as another Hulk Hogan in movies. Who here would have watched Scorpion King or the Mumy 2 if the rock wasn't in it. It was that following that rock had that made other directors and and movie studios take a chance on him. The WWE fans showed Hollywood if you put the Dwayne in a tutu we will watch him because we knew eventually he would come back to the ring and hell it was the Rock.

I know for me personally it hurt when the movies became more and more and the wrestling became less and less. To top it off the worst fact was when he didn't even want to be called the Rock any more. He wanted to be known as Dwayne Johnson.

I understand that people come in and out all the time but they don't lie about it. I wouldn't have minded his return if he didn't over exaggerate it by saying he would never leave. And to be honest he has been lazy and rushed on the mic as if he just goes out and just hits the bullet points and throws in catch phrases.

As far as I'm concerned I don't expect much form this match because Dwayne is not an active wrestler he is an actor and judging from Survivor Series he will be protected just like any other celebrity at Wrestlemania.
People kill me with this "JOHN CENA BUSTS HIS ASS EVERY NIGHT WHILE THE ROCK DOESN"T!!" stuff. Newsflash, it's Cena's job to bust his ass every night, IT'S HIS F*CKING JOB. It's not anything special, that's what he's supposed to do, he's a full time wrestler. The Rock isn't a full time wrestler anymore, so he's not obligated to do that, but when he was, you better believe he busted his ass just as hard as Cena claims he does.

If Cena and a lot of these whiners were offered the same opportunities as the Rocks, they'd be gone faster than you can say mangina. But they won't be because they haven't the talent range. So of course he won't ever leave because he doesn't have a choice. Quit trying to spin it like Cena's doing everyone a favor by being there and people should stop booing him and start bowing to his nobility
Why hate The Rock?

Because since 2003, all he's ever done is use the WWE. He comes back for about one match per year, if that, sometimes being absent for years at at time, just to collect a hefty paycheck and use the WWE platform (commercials, promotion, hype) to promote his current "5-Star" movie, whatever shit he's currently pushing at the time. And, for the most part, fans eat it up. Now, I respect The Rock for his WWE career. He was a huge part of the Attitude Era and was a truly entertaining and deserving champion. One of the best promo cutters ever, no doubt about it. But that ended after he semi-retired. Once he left for Hollywood, he left the WWE behind like an ugly child, only to come back every once in a great while when it would suit him. If it didn't suit him, he wouldn't come back, and didn't. But now that Rock's movie career has hit its peak (if you can even call it that), he's involving himself more with the WWE. And by more, I mean by appearing on a Raw every few months, if that. And since the WWE is desperate at the moment, they hype him returning as the second coming of Jesus Christ himself.

Look, I've always liked the Rock. I want to like the Rock. But you can't deny that he only uses WWE anymore, and he doesn't "love" it anymore for certain. Otherwise he'd make a point to be around more. What he loves is making "great" movies. Which is fine. But let's call it what it is, at least. Because when the Rock (and others) make these sporadic appearances, it's fun for the moment, but other full-time wrestlers are hurt directly (losing a spot on the card at PPV's) and indirectly (the WWE puts too much into "returns" of older guys- that sure can't help the younger guys who can't get over in the first place). And after the moment is over, the Rock will be gone. Long gone. Like the storyline never existed gone. Like anonymous GM gone.

I want to root for Rock over Cena, but in terms of that feud, forget about the overblown heel/face garbage- who has the better point? Let's take a look:

Rock- "Cena wears bright, fruity-pebble shirts, all his fans are kids, he's boring."

Cena- "I'm here, and you're not."

At first glance, it's easy to support the Rock, because he's yelling, screaming, and being a typical bully making fun of Cena. And I loved it at first- I don't like Cena. But then when you look at it, the Rock is just being a sad bully. Making fun of physical appearance and taking easy shots at the other kids because really, at the end of the day, his dad is a drunk and beats the shit out of him at night. When you take a closer look, Cena's not attacking the Rock. He's pointing out the truth, nothing more or less. So take another look at the argument:

Rock- "Cena wears bright, fruity-pebble shirts, all his fans are kids, he's boring."

Cena- "I'm here, and you're not."

Why hate The Rock?

I don't think he deserves "hate" for his career as a whole- but right now in this matchup, how can you like the Rock and root for him? There's no point to his problems with Cena. I never thought I'd say this, but Cena's right, and I'm actually rooting for him. 10 years ago, it's the Rock in a heartbeat. But now the Rock represents being ashamed of the WWE, against the current face of the WWE. I'm a WWE fan, not a Rock diehard. Don't hate the Rock. Just don't feed into his garbage and the shell of what he once was. If you do, you're just feeding into him using the WWE.
This is definitly a great discussion, is one of those that can have different opinions and every single one can be right, but i agree with a lot of you, he shouldn't have said that he is back and never leaving again, because of that comment people had expectations that he was actually back, but that was not the case, and a lot of you mention that people cheer when Stone Cold apears as a guest host or a random aperiance, but unlike the Rock, he never says that he's not going anywhere, he does what he's suppose to do, and that's it, and like a lot of you said, he's entitled to do what makes him happy, and if he decided to go leave the WWE and go to Hollywood to pursue a dream, it's ok, but to come back and act like the WWE and/or the superstars owe him, that's a different story, it's kind of like in 2002 when Hulk Hogan came back to the WWE and basicly did with the Rock what he's doing to Cena, people chanted Hogan's name, and in some way i felt bad for The Rock because at the time he was loyal to the WWE, and now is exactly the same with the Rock and Cena, the Rock left, Cena is loyal to the WWE and all of a sudden people cheer for the Rock more than for Cena, and it's fine, people can cheer or boo whoever they want, but remember, this is entertainment, this might be part of an angle leading to the match at Wrestlemania, or it might actually be personal between them, and if that's the case, then i agree with Cena, but fans are not fools, if the Rock is actually full of it, then sooner or later fans might see through him and that won't be pretty.......
I agree with almost everything the OP has had to say.
For me when The Rock left I was disappointed but at the same time always knew while watching The Rock in the ring that he was probably destined for bigger things.
I remember reading Rockys first autobiography back in 2000 and he made it quite clear in his life story to that point that although a mark for the business, growing up around it, he was still more interested in pursuing a football career.

It would take a string of injuries playing for Miami that would ultimately end his time playing college ball and a failed stint in the Canadian league that had him finally turn to the art of wrestling, those were his words.
That and the fact he had heritage in the business, and was being courted by his family and Gerald Brisco helped to cement his decision to make a go of it.
So Rocks true love of not just the business but also of 'working' in it grew over time and wasn't as John Cena puts it, 'A dream to become a WWE superstar, and STAY a WWE Superstar." but rather a desire that grew out of a different upbringing and philosophy to Cena himself, that Cena is angry at that seems petty to me.

I see that alot of people feel slighted by the words Rock used on his returns or rather his 'cameos' back in the WWE, words like 'Finally The Rock has come back...Home/to the WWE" and so on. And to be honest I cant argue with that point, that one of the best if not THE best worker of the mic and the crowd in the history of the business would slip up with his choice of wording is a bit of a slap to the face of those who grew up watching the guy. This I can understand.

Don't get me wrong I personally have got massive respect for both these guys for everything they have achieved, but yes I think it is unfair to judge The Rock on his career choices just because they don't fit with what other guys have dreamed there lives could be.


Just my humble opinion
i think i agree with most of what cena said about the rock this past monday. I was waiting for someone to finally say those things.

I just think he is either a sellout or a ******. If he left wwe for the money of being a movie star then he is a sellout, if he left it to make great products and great movies, then he is a ******. Cause as much as he likes to say he is a movie star, he is a shitty movie star, relegated to shitty action movies, and shitty kidddie movies. Thats why he will always be called a movie star, and never award winning actor, or even good actor.

Now he is playing a hogan card and just appearing at the big events. Oh hes to good to put anyone over. He cant even say a good word about anyone on the roster. He hasn't done anything that was that good. At best his survivor series match was ok. He hogged up time on wm that could have been more time for a match(and if you found that bullshit entertaining then your crazy.) He says he was main draw of wm when i doubt alot of people bought wm just to see someone host(i personally think that snookie got more buys, but everyone will disagree.) He just has done nothing that i found entertaining in the past 8 years. Now if thats not a reason to not like him, then i don't know what is.
Hate the Rock? Why?

People seem to have short memories,The Rock and his family have done so much for this business,back in the Attitude Era the Rock was huge he busted his gut,entertained the fans and no one could hold a candle to him on the mike,he was part of some awesome storylines and feuds.

Then he left because he had the chance to Become a star on the big screen,and were supposed to hate him because of that? Please.

Cena may come out week in week out and bust his gut, but come on he is a terrible Wrestler,he never sells a move and were being given this Super hero Character who after taking a beating and looks down and out suddenly makes a full recovery and wins :wtf:,hes been rammed down out throats for far to long,every week the crowds seem to hate him more,and is it any wonder?he Sucks.

Now there is without doubt real heat between Cena and Rocky,and i can sort of see where Cena is coming from but its nothing more imo than Jealousy,Cena comes out every week gets booed,the Rock comes back to a hero's welcome,sorry but the Rocks a bigger star people love him,and if anyone thinks for one moment the Miami crowd are going to be pro Cena think again they will hate him,i don't blame Rocky for one bit for wanting to further his career,Cena is stale,dull,boring and fast losing his popularity,the Rock came back and has generated a buzz again.

Mania 27 wouldnt have done so well without the Rock thats fact,as soon as people knew he was going to be at the show tickets flew out,did they pay to see the lame ass main event of Cena v The Miz? hell know it sucked and Miz carried Cena through that match.

so what im basically trying to say is don't hate the rock for being back,hes put a spark back into the wwe,Cenas promos have been good but hes basically said the same junk over and over again and theres only so long you can listen to that and weather Cena likes it or not the Rock is back and is way more popular than he will ever be Period,i fully expect Rocky to go over Cena at Mania, i'd love to see Cena disappear for a while but is that asking to much?
How Dare The Rock use his actual name to be respected as an Actor. How dare The Rock not feed off the wrestling name and feed off his own name. How dare The Rock have other aspirations and goals in life and not want to become a Hulk Hogan or Mick Foley that can't even walk a straight line. How dare The Rock come back to wrestling even though he was suppose to never come back. How dare The Rock give a damn about entertaining the fans and give The People a match that they will be remember for years to come. How dare The Rock even commit to next year's WM 29. How dare The Rock actually prove he is not leaving us because he's appearing at Wrestlemanias. How dare The Rock come back at all for some fans that have no appreciation that at-least we will get a few more big matches from one of the greatest wwe performers of all time when you already done everything there is to do in this business......HOW DARE YOU ROCK!
I find it funny that all these performers (including Cena) wonder what The Rock has done to "make anyone a bigger star", I guess they never watched wrestling back when the Rock was doing exactly what they're doing, busting his ass every night in the ring. Everyone suddenly forgets all the jobs he did for Austin back in the day? And Triple H? And Goldberg? And some rookie named Brock Lesnar? I mean, c'mon, this isn't Kevin Nash we're talking about here...

I think this all stems from jealousy for most of the performers. Obviously, Cena and Rock have some level of respect for one another, or else they wouldn't be working a program together. I think The Rock will do the job as he may feel he owes it to Vince, which is ridiculous as he owes nothing to the WWE at this point. He helped them as much as they helped him. People forget though, at one point there was legit heat between Cena and Rock when Cena ran his mouth in an interview about The Rock and his love for the business. Who is Cena to question that? The Rock grew up in the business and for Cena to question that is wrong and insulting to the whole Johnson/Maivia family.

In the end, the guys who feel Rock is just taking a spot from someone else should all line up and do what they do for every other legend in the business, say "thank you".

I read today that some wrestler wanted to remain anonymous when reporting something about the Cena promo tonight.

With The Rock making his much anticipated return to Raw next Monday, John Cena had harsh words for "The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment" on this week's show, saying he's no longer The People's Champion, but he's a champion with people (referring to the entourage around him). After strongly criticizing The Rock for returning, but not sticking around WWE, Cena vowed to beat the iconic grappler in his hometown of Miami, Florida at WrestleMania XXVIII.

A number of WWE performers appeared giddy backstage over Cena's remarks as they legitimately feel that way over the actor/wrestler. One talent commented via text to PWInsider.com (with permission to be quoted under the condition of anonymity): "[The Rock] comes in to use WWE to get back the audience he lost doing Disney movies, which is fine but he's been back over a year and name one person he helped make a bigger star since then? No one.

"He's here for himself, he keeps to himself, and he keeps someone who's actually touring here all year from making a bigger payday at the bigger shows. It's all about making this the "biggest" Mania of all time. OK, then what do we do the rest of the year? Who's been made? You think he took ANY blame for Survivor [Series] not drawing? Of course not, but how do you feud with a guy on the Titantron? Cena nailed the guy dead on tonight.

"Say anything about HHH, Taker, etc. still being in the top spot but if they were needed to work the road, they would and they would still work their asses off as much as they needed to. Rock is out for Rock and the idea he's here to better anything but his own wallet is the biggest work of 2012."

What happened to respecting the guys who came before you, the guys who allowed you to make a living? Rock is being crapped on. (Although, I doubt he cares.) He doesn't have to do this, period. I do agree he used the WWE to restart his acting career...but everyone benfited. What these guys need to worry about is getting themselves over and putting asses in the seats like Rock did for years. As for the text message....it was probably Punk, Orton, Cena, or Ziggler. The usual suspects. This shooting BS has gone too far...there's a real danger in hurting the main event of Rock and Cena by doing this crap, and that hurts EVERYONE'S paycheck. I don't get this. You don't like Rock, that's great. Take it up with him like a man, not e-mailng a dirt sheet.

Rock put over Lesnar when Austin wouldn't.
Rock put over Goldberg huge when others wouldn't.
Rock ever put over Hurricane Helms which nobody ever did again.

None of us have any idea what Rock is like backstage, but I do agree, it's tough to promote this feud from the Titantron. I was really excited for it initially, but it's boring now. I love the Rock, and he has given back more by putting over more stars than ANY major star I can think of.

-Austin both with their Wrestlemania battles, but don't forget the time between Survivor Series 97 and Royal Rumble 98 over the IC belt which was an important bridge for Austin until he won the Rumble.
- HHH many times, Summerslam 1998 ladder match comes to mind.
- Hurricane (enough said).
- He let Goldberg DESTROY him when Goldberg debuted
- Lost cleanly to put over Lesnar.
- Was very important in Foley's rise to the main event
- Jericho, Angle, Benoit, the list goes on.....

The way I see it from looking at the stuff I've been reading online from "anonymous" WWE wrestlers ever since Rock returned last year, the current roster are nothing more than a bunch of self important, ignorant, ungrateful bitches.

It's due to people like The Rock that they even have jobs to go to. Along with Austin, he revolutionized the business in the late 90's and early 2000's and actually put wrestling on the map again, on a worldwide scale. Also, as someone else has already pointed out, the reason they need people like Rock to come back in order to sell a PPV is because nobody is interested in seeing this current bunch of halfwits, with the obvious exceptions of Punk, Cena, Orton and Sheamus. It's due to The Rock that they surpassed 1million buys last year and it's due to Rock wrestling that they will surpass 1million buys again this year.

I seem to remember years ago at another time that Rock came back for a short while as a hollywood bigshot heel, he layed down for a clean pin loss to the f'n Hurricane on Smackdown too.

Again this would have been as big as Attitude era, and no doubt where the money would have come from. So there you have it you could have swaped the other pieces of the attitude era but with out Austin/Rock there would be no WWE it would be WCW.
And there is no denying that the Rock is the most entertaining superstar period and is a good wrestler check: Rock/Austin, Rock/Benoit, Rock/Angle, Rock/taker, Rock/Lesnar, Rock/Hogan, Rock/Jericho, Rock/Foley and even Rock/Rikishi.
Then about making stars:

Kurt Angle-Yes angle had feuded with UT and HHH, but The Rock was the one who gave him the belt, and lost to him prior to his title reign, Angle even says they still keep in touch, Rock put angle over in a big way at No Mercy 2000 and even at No Way Out 2001 though Angle lost Rock made him look like a machine.

Chris Jericho-The Rock put over Jericho huge y2j even says so in his book, Rock singled him out as the guy he wanted to put over, and he didn’t just do it once he did it 5x, The Rock really boosted Jericho, and awarded him for his talents unlike Triple H who only puts his friends over properly.

Brock Lesnar-Stone Cold walked out when he was asked to put over Lesnar, The Rock put over lesnar happily before the undertaker, and was made to look like a walk over by Lesnar, when the rock put over lesnar, lesnar became huge, triple h putting over batista was not as big, and Cena had to go through the whole roster.

Chris benoit- Benoit even mentions how great the rock is on his dvd, and though he lost to the rock, he was made to look amazing by the rock in their match, as rock actually did lose the title to him, but not it was reversed this happened twice, and one the rock did actually put benoit over on SD.

The Rock’s put people like RVD and The Big Show over. My God he’s even put the hurricane over, even the hurricane for peaks sake. He has lost all three his wm matches that were last on the card putting over triple h and Austin, Cena has won 2 and lost 1 of the three matches which were last on the card and has won 5 world/wwe title matches and lost 2 at wm…the rock derserves the win at WM in his hometowwnn…especially since he’s most likely going to be at summerslam 2012 and wm 29. He can put Cena over then.
Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper have been in movies but no where near the level of The Rock. The Rock is one of the biggest actors in the world…he has legit made it in Hollywood and is probably earning 20x more than the biggest wwe stars atm, he does not need to come back to wwe at all, there’s nothing in it for him, he is giving back in a big way, its amazing that he’s even come back after having such a big movie career

, by saying he’s back and is never going away, does not mean he needs to be there everyday, that’s stupid why would a movie star of his calibre do that, john cena’s movies are below soap opera level, their wwe movies, you can’t compare. The Rock is schelduled for possibly summerslam 2012 and definitely wm 29 so he probably meant he is going to keep doing big matches. It is great for WWE, Flloyd Mayweather, snooki, Mr T all took ‘superstars spot at WM’ no they helped Wrestlemania be Wrestlemania..the superbowl, it made it feel special, they don’t work the road the rock is in the same place, only its even better as he’s also a legend, they all went over the people they were wrestling, and it only helped the wrestlers Big Shows career was saved by it, so The Rock just wrestling is good for Cena’s career. These superstars need to do something to make themselves valuable enough to mainevent like cm punk otherwise they should be respectful…ratings are down so it shows how great they are. Cena is a great wrestler and a big star, but The Rock just blows him out the water, but like I said it is all just probably a work…

Its all an act, you guys.

The Rock may not have made anyone lately but he sure put a lot of people over in the past... HHH/Foley/Austin/Goldberg/Brock
He used to put everyone over and STAY over (and not in a santino way). He is that good.

Fuck the haters. Rock doesn't need the money. He's not back for himself. Just cause Rock has more talent in his eyebrow than the wwe roster doesn't mean everyone has to be jealous.

The Rock has done it all for the WWE before. For people to even hate on him because he said "Im never leaving again" is outright ridiculous. He worked hard, gave us memorable matches, and hilarious promos.

Remember when Rock had to fight the Cooporation? Went up against Big Boss Man? Caught the club in mid air and hit boss man with it to secure the win.

The sliding peoples elbow. Enough said.

Stone Cold and The Rock, Rock vs Mick Foley, Rock vs Jericho and their amazing promos, Rock vs Triple H(Who tried in real life to put him down in the ranks of the wwe), Rock Vs Angle. Even that bullshit Hogan match was given flair with his presence. He always tried to give us something different.

Meanwhile, I can't remember a legitimate fued with Cena outside of Batista. Thats not to say hes not good, but theres always been an entertainment factor when watching wwe/f. Cena had it early on in his career. Now, hes as stale as ever.
i think i agree with most of what cena said about the rock this past monday. I was waiting for someone to finally say those things.

Now he is playing a hogan card and just appearing at the big events. Oh hes to good to put anyone over. .

He put over bobby roode on twitter. He congratulated Cm punk when he won the title. He put over Ryder on twitter before SS. He is gonna put over cena at WM. In fact all this is making cena's monkey ass famous. He has been begging for this match to cement him in HOF status.

Macho Man on the rock

Dudleyz on the rock

Big show on the rock

Apparently plenty people are forgetting who the rock is.
Cena cut a great promo last night. One of the best promos he has cut in a very long time. It reminded me of old school Cena. He killed Rock with facts. I laughed when he mentioned Rock's joke writers. Hopefully, they come up with better stuff than "Cena ladyparts" next week.

If Punk cut the same exact promo the IWC would be blowing its load for the guy. I'm not even a Cena fan but you have to admit he killed Rock last night.

I will admit no such thing.

If one year prior I say to you,
you're an idiot, and your teeth look like you have an all butter diet.

and then 2 months later I said
you're dumb and your teeth look like you got a mouth full of yellow tic tacs

and then 6 months later I said
Your stupid and you look like your brush your teeth with a can opener

and then last night on Raw I say in a very serious tone
You aren't smart at all and your dental hygiene is sorely lacking

...ultimately, i've said one thing 4 different ways...but at least I tried to make it interesting.
The issue with John Cena is, he's said the same thing, the EXACT same way for a year.
He didn't own the Rock. It wasn't even good.
It was the same old John.
Just a lil mo serious.

I'm not the biggest John Cena fan but Cena is 100% right I've felt that way since Dwanye re-appeared on WWE tv last year.

Dwayne walked away from WWE over 7 years ago albeit for a more luxurious career and living plus less abuse on his body but while he was gone Cena became the face of the company.

During Dwayne's time away during interview he was seperating himself from the business as if it meant nothing and he became too good for it. While away Cena took notice as did a lot of fans.

Now love him or hate him Cena is there every week entertaining fans while Dwayne just waltzes in back as if he actually cared. Guess what guys, he cares about himself he's there to promote his films, his tv appearances all the while he lies to his WWE fans. Now correct me if I'm wrong didn't Dwayne say he's back home and to stay or something to that extent?

This is insulting as Cena mentiond on Raw to the boys in the back that bust their ass daily for the company and Dwayne just walks in steald their time and takes their spot including an undeserved WM main event spot.

I know a lot of fans love Dwayne and that's fine he's very entertaining but how could they drink his kool-aid and believe his BS lies?

I'm pulling for Cena he's never lied to his fans and the man cares about them whether he's booed or cheered. He's not the best worker but he does work hard ever night.

Come Monday after WM where will Dwayne be? Very good question most of us know that answer.
It's quite simple, the type of wrestling fan that hates The Rock is a selfish, possessive type of person. They think that because he got famous wrestling, he should be there every night breaking down his body until he is 50 years old.

They can't stand the fact that he moved on to bigger and better things, because they think he should be theirs for life. It's a very petty and immature way of looking at things.

As for John Cena's whole "I'm here every night blah blah" schtick, well yeah, he's there every night because Hollywood has no interest in him. Nobody is breaking down John Cena's door to get him in their movie because he wouldn't sell out any theaters.
Now love him or hate him Cena is there every week entertaining fans while Dwayne just waltzes in back as if he actually cared.

Again, it's Cena's job to be there every week to "entertain" fans. Why in the hell are people acting like Cena's doing something noble by being here? It's his f*cking job, just like it's every other performer's job to be there every week. Just like it was the Rock's job when he was a full time wrestler (which he's not now. Some people can't seem to grasp this) and he did it.

Going by that flawed logic, there sure as hell shouldn't be any hate for Dwayne. Unlike Cena, he isn't a full time wrestler, he's a big time superstar, he doesn't need the WWE in the least bit, but yet, he's coming back to put on the show for the fans. Vince reached out to Dwayne and he could've easily said no, and nothing would've changed for him. He still would've continued to be one of the hottest commodities in entertainment. I respect what Dwayne's doing far more than Cena.
i find it funny that people say The Rock has "paid his dues", when all the while he was a blue chipper 2nd generation wrestler. Cena had to work from the ground up, going through the indie scene. THAT RIGHT THERE IS PAYING YOUR DUES. PUTTING UP WITH THE CHANTS "ROCKY SUCKS" IS NOT PAYING YOUR DUES

Well actually he was a 3rd generation wrestler, and the big chant was actually "Die Rocky Die"... but that's alright.

Oh yeah, he also worked the territories as Flex Kavana before catching on with the WWF.

He paid his dues.
A point by point response to the numerous arguments by people who hate the Rock.

1. Yes the Rock left wrestling for seven years but surely thats his choice. He was able to leave with his health intact into an alternate career in which he could make money without risking his health.

2. The hate for him abanoding the name 'The Rock', is just ridiculous. Wrestlers nowadays do not live their character is Rock expected to go about for the rest of his life in character and referring to himself as 'The Rock or 'The Great One', of course not. I don't see any issue with him wanting to be known and respected as Dwayne Johnson the man.

3. Do not even get me started on the whole who has the Rock put over since he came back argument. Back in the day the Rock put everybody over Goldberg, HHH, Austin, Lesnar, Foley, Angle, Y2J, Jeff Hardy even Hurricane to name a few. He also put the majority of them over CLEAN, the Rock was never like super Cena he was always vulnerable and capable of losing matches. How people supporting Cena can slander anyone for not putting people over is absolutely beyond me who was the last person Cena put over clean... anyone?

4. The idea that Rock is using WWE to plug his mvies is absolutely ridiculous. Fast Five is already an internationall recognised franchise, perhaps the most popular driving series of all time. I highly doubt the producers needed the Rock to appeal to the WWE universe to promote that. Journey 2 has grossed 3rd highest in its opening two weekends in the US box ofice taking over 20 million dollars each time, ita taken more than the Phantom Menace in 3D for gods sake it seems to be doing just fine.

5.This idea that the Rock 'lied', to the fans by stating that he was never leaving is ridiculous. As has already been acknowledged he never said he was going to be there very week and nor should he, his seven years representing the company have been enough. Movies have to be his first priority as thats where his prime pay check is coming so he is appearing when his shcedule allows. He finished filming for a day took a long flight, did a Raw (last time he appeared), hopped straight back on a plane and was back filming again the next day if thats not commitment I don't now what is. By stating that he was never leaving again he obviously meant never leaving permanently rumours are strong that hes signed up for matches at Summerslam, Survivor Series and WM 29 already. That's more wrestling than Takers gonna do this year and possibly more than even HHH why is it ok for them to appear sporadically and not the Rock?

6. Finally the debate that hes stealing a spot from the current roster is ludicrous. he is the biggest draw in pro wrestling today, his very presence will increae the buy rates massively loads of guys who were fans back in the day will buy WM pretty much purely because the Rock is in it. A lot of my friends did it last year and will do so again this year in spite of not caring about WWE since around 2002. This combined with the mass media exposure which he has granted the company presents a great opportunity to the current roster to impress and makes themselves stars in the eyes of a casual fan base who would not be interested were it not for the Rock.
He put over bobby roode on twitter. He congratulated Cm punk when he won the title. He put over Ryder on twitter before SS. He is gonna put over cena at WM. In fact all this is making cena's monkey ass famous. He has been begging for this match to cement him in HOF status.

Macho Man on the rock

Dudleyz on the rock

Big show on the rock

Apparently plenty people are forgetting who the rock is.
How is tweeting about a wrestler putting them over. I guess him tweeting about wrestlers is him being back in wrestling. So I guess stone cold is back too. I mean the amount of wrestlers he put over on twitter is crazy. Well i think that thats how everyone should put people over.

Seriously though, the rock has done nothing but come to like 5 shows and 2 ppv. And he has done nothing but do is whole rock shtick that he hasn't changed or tried to update. It just seems like he hasn't even tried at all. And if the rock doesn't care, then why should i care about the rock. Its like when tna makes bad shows. If they dont care, then i dont care, and i don't watch. He is essentially hogan in 2005. When shawn michaels had to carry the fued with hogan by himself. And thats what cena is doing.

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