**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Well if Rock is to "destroy" Cena he'll have to stop being Rock for a second and be himself because saying candy ass and smackdown hotel a thousand times won't get it done. Truthfully, in all Rock's years in WWF/E I can count on one hand the amount of times the Rock really "owned" someone without just spitting out the same catchphrases.

Those catchphrses are hilarious. They even named a show after one of his catchphrases: Smackdown. All the top wrestlers have catchphrases.

Look at cena's cathcphrases: HLR, champ is here!, 5 knuckle... LAME.

But again, I fear Rock is too loyal to Vince to bury cena, which he can do easily. It's up to us, the WWEverse, to shock them at WM28 when we boo cena out of Miami. Because you can tell now that WWE is on a mission to have that crowd be 50/50. Screw them.
HOLLYWOOD: :2ar15smilie:
Let's look at it from this angle shall we? The Rock leaves the WWE and moves on to Hollywood. He attempts to drop the name and separate himself from a FICTIONAL CHARACTER in order to be taken seriously as Dwayne Johnson, the actor.

Let's put John Cena in that same exact position...oh wait that's right John Cena's real name IS John Cena...so he wouldn't need to drop the name John Cena in order to be taken seriously now would he? Of course not, because John Cena IS John Cena through and through.

Unlike, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who came from an era :wwf: where CHARACTERS reigned the ring. John Cena is in an era where using your real name and your personality are the PREFERRED method in developing a WWE superstar.

PHONY FANS: :disappointed:

I can't stand the transparent fans who were once fans of The Rock in the Attitude Era, but now are like "I hate you Rock for controlling your own life and making decisions for your own life." "Waaah!" I cannot stand these puppet-master fans who want to string superstars along and control their every move.

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE... :shrug:
I truly believe that alongside the paycheck, opportunity, physical safety, and family solidarity The Rock knew it was time to move on. It was time to move out of the way and allow new breeds of superstars to elevate to greatness. The man was gone for 7 years which was more than enough time for others to become a marquee name. The problem is since Cena's defection from the Chain Gang, no one has appealed to the fans in the way The Rock and Austin had. Rock was not forcefully fed to us like Cena's current character has been.

Furthermore, the praise that The Rock has received from many established WWE superstars has been extremely positive about who he is as a person. Big Show, Austin, Macho Man Randy Savage, Chris Jericho, and even recently Randy Orton.

:worship: ROCKY'S HISTORY: :worship:
People seem to forget that The Rock was doing the Make-A-Wish foundations and appearances while working a heftier schedule than what Cena works. The "I'm never leaving again" argument is as welcome as the idea of having Michael Cole defeat the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak. It's absurd. Nobody in their RIGHT mind honestly thought that The Rock was back on a full-time WWE schedule. At least The Rock didn't disappear entirely after WM XXVII.

He showed up at Survivor Series and WRESTLED...not cut promos all night and Rock Bottom Mick Foley...he WRESTLED! Oh, and guess why he wrestled.........I'll wait.......time is up, because he's physically able to do so. "Oh man, darn him for staying healthy."

Cena and R-Truth can be blamed for the low Survivor Series buyrates just as much as Miz. Why? Because those three WWE superstars do not generate versatile drawing power. Cena's demographic is mainly children. The Miz has about as much value as a loaf of white bread. They can't make up their mind with what they want to do with R-Truth. Apparently Triple H refusese the idea of making him a legitimate threat alone. The way the storyline was put together was beyond atrocious. They just threw The Rock in without any thought. Nobody wanted to see Cena and Rock team up, much less have them team up against the likes of The Miz and R-Truth!

I digress...The Rock is money, ratings, and has drawing skills to create a masterpiece. Get over it already. :rolleyes:
"[The Rock] comes in to use WWE to get back the audience he lost doing Disney movies, which is fine but he's been back over a year and name one person he helped make a bigger star since then? No one.

"He's here for himself, he keeps to himself, and he keeps someone who's actually touring here all year from making a bigger payday at the bigger shows. It's all about making this the "biggest" Mania of all time. OK, then what do we do the rest of the year? Who's been made? You think he took ANY blame for Survivor [Series] not drawing? Of course not, but how do you feud with a guy on the Titantron? Cena nailed the guy dead on tonight.

"Say anything about HHH, Taker, etc. still being in the top spot but if they were needed to work the road, they would and they would still work their asses off as much as they needed to. Rock is out for Rock and the idea he's here to better anything but his own wallet is the biggest work of 2012."

What ever anonymous superstar sent this hit the nail on the head. Im on #teamcenation going into WM28 because Dwayne is now movie star not a wrestler. He smelt a big pay day and went for it. IMO ofcourse.
I suppose I'll answer points 1 and 2 in the same paragraph saying as they are quite similar. I see what your saying and I think these points are the most subjective but in my opinion there was nothing wrong with wanting to distance himself from the Rock character. The preconceptions which follow him through his acting career are and always will be for the majority of us that he is the Rock, youl watch a movie that hes in and if the role differs from what the Rock character was like you won't really be able to take it seriously. This happens a lot when essentially a character becomes bigger than the person examples might include all the cast of Friends minus Jennifer Aniston, Seann William Scott never being able to get past the Stiffler character, Dan Radcliffe as Harry Potter the list goes on. What I think Dwayne Johnson was trying to do was in a sense to escape this so that he could be more diverse and be taken seriously in a wider range of roles in Hollywood , which after all he had to prioritise as his prime career path at that point. While I can completely understand why fans viewed this as abandoning the and the profession which was so good to him I personally think that he repaid us with th entertainment which he provided in his 7 year stint in the company, I don't believe he owes WWE anything.

3. Yeah of course you don't need to lose to someone clean to put them over, my point there got a little blurred by me throwing a little personal aggro at cena apologies. But what I mean is there is the argument that purely by working with up and coming superstars like Cena did with Barrett like you referenced and allowing them small if temporary victories Cena is putting people over. Yet not to the same extent as Rock who often lost not only matches but actual fueds as a whole eg Lesnar, Goldberg, Austin, HHH, Shamrock etc this makes his counterparts look an awful lot better than Cena's who to my recollection hasn't actually lost a fued in years. In any case that is all beside the point the fact is that Rock has put plenty of people over in his career, many superstars are actually on record praising him for it and for his understanding of the business. He will probably put Cena over at mania or subsequently anyway.

4. Yeah maybe in Journey 2's case a small percentage but when you consider the decreasing demographic that actually follow wrestling and the amount that would actually go and see it just because of the Rock his involvement isn't going to have that big of an impact on the success of his movie. I completely agree that the success of stuff like the Scorpion King was largely down to his popularity but that was at a time when wrestling was still huge and there was a novelty vaue which has long since worn off of actually seeing a WWE superstar in a big hollywood movie.

5. Yeah I think the difference between Rock's return promo and Austin's returns though is that people were questioning Rock's commitment to the fans and he was aware of this so he had to address it directly. In my view Rock makes plenty of money from his movies more than he will be getting for reappearing in the WWE. He's doing it for the fans, as a thank you and as an acknowledgement that their continued support as you mentioned helped elevate him as an actor. I don't see any other reason why he would need to return to WWE, his most recent movies have done very well, if anything his stock is rising in Hollywood and he is clearly financially secure.

6. Again I can see where your coming from but at the end of the day the Rock is taking up one spot on the card how many of the people in the dark battle royal would actually make the show even if he wasn't there? None would make the upper card anyway he's perhaps taking a spot form someone like Ziggler who's in the MITB but then he's still going to get increased exposure to a new audience along with all the other talent that makes the show.

All valid points and I understand where you are coming from and respect your opinions. However I'll always just feel like he left and forgot a little bit (just a little bit) of where he came from in the process, again just personal opinion that is all.
Well Jericho has been out for ages and now His wrestling in a title match and will leave straight after for his tour with Fozzy are we calling him a Sellout! NO, are we bitching about Undertaker being out all year and returning for one match at Wrestlemania like last year! NO, are we slatting Triple H for only returning to in ring action to better himself and hog the spot light! NO,

Rock did it all from 1997-2004 he made appearances throughout the years either through via satellite or speacial appearances in person, are we as fans just plain selfish for bashing guys who leaves to better themselfs, who pursue other interests, people need to face facts if the superstars of today were able to entertain us in the way Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Triple H did we wouldnt need them to return to boost ratings and to gett the fans excited, WM 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001 did the WWE need to get stars of yesterday to make speacial returns for one night only to sell their Wrestlemanias?NO because the guys who were involved in these WM's were able to get over with the fans and Entertain us so they never needed the Hogan's, Randy Savages and Ultimate Warriors to return to sell tickets.

I think the WWE superstars of today cant seem to accept the fact that the WWE needs guys like The Rock to return to get people interested in the product and are jealous of that fact, Last years Wrestlemania said it all before the Rock retuned I remember reading on this forum that people didnt know if they want to buy the PPV because of the lackluster matches on the card and that it didnt interest them but as soon as the Rock retuned and ripped the piss out of Cena everyone couldnt wait to see Wrestlemania, so when you have guys like Cena, Orton, Punk saying it wasnt just The Rock who made 1 million buy rates...well sorry kids I hate to see what the Buy rates would of been if he didnt!

so instead of bitching about the Rock for returning how about enjoy it and save your engery for the current Roster of today who need people like the rock to get fans interested in the product again and boost their ratings because they sure cant do it without him.
Lol I just got done watching Cena's promo. Whoever wrote it, very impressive I got to admit it.

But let's actually look at the bigger picture. Cena sounds like a bitter ex, his partner promise they'll never leave and yet he just can't let it go.

he also sounds bitter, because he was the man in the WWE, no one was giving him competition, but when The Great One came back, it literally turned this man's career upside down just like that. So now he's portraying this underdog persona. Bullshit. We, well at least the smart fans see right through it. You're still wrestling Cena, because this is your JOB, you do it for a paycheck, you don't do it for free. That's why you're still wrestling my friend. That's it. If you succeeded in movies like Dwayne did, you'd be his clone.

With all of that said, great promo, but Dwayne is going to tear his ass up, like I really can't believe the WWE is doing this to this boy. Lmao.

And to the people who complains about catchphrases, go read a dictionary lmao like wth that's a point of a catchphrase to be repetitive and for people to still all these years ride for Dwayne and his catchphrases, you MUST be mad huh? That's too much swag.
First of all John Cena and Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson do not like each other in real life. Cena has gone on record saying as much. What you saw on RAW last night wasn't really a promo because everything Cena said last night he ment every SINGLE word. Yeah WWE is going to play it up like it was a promo and It was scripted but it wasn't scripted. In a normal promo you would say whatever you have to say to push the storyline along but this thing with Rock and Cena is the exception to the rule because Cena truly dislikes Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson. This is the problem I have with the WWE Universe because John Cena is there every day and is on Every single RAW and goes to alot of the house shows when most of the other megastars don't go to as many as Cena does. I will agree Cena has had the same moves since like ever and that is why people are so against him but in that respect dosen't every WWE superstar have the same set of moves they use over and over and over again. Like it or not Cena has put the company on his back and has done a damn good job of it. In the past 30 or so years I can only think of a few people who have done that. In the 80's it was Hogan who put the WWE on his back and carried it towards the future. In the 90's during the attitude Era it was Stone Cold who put the WWE on his back and carried it toward the future. Now it's Cena who is carrying the WWE towards the future and after Cena is gone somebody else is going to step up and put the company on thier back but until then it's Cena and yet the WWE universe boo's him. On the other hand the WWE Universe cheers for "The Rock" and yet all he has done is lie to the people. Cena said it best last night that the only reason "The Rock" came back last year was to promote Fast Five and launch his twitter and facebook accounts. All the time last year when Cena and Johnson were having their "war of words" Cena said what he had to say in the ring and Dawyne "Live Via Satellite" Johnson filmed his promos instead of coming to RAW and doing it in front of the fans that paid good money to see him. Johnson was on RAW a grand total of 4 times last year. As Cena pointed out yesterday the first time was to promote Fast Five and both his facebook and twitter accounts, the second time was the RAW before mania so he could promote himself being the guest host of mania then at mania he cut a few more promos that came off as self serving. After mania he was on RAW a couple of weeks later when RAW was in Miami for his birthday and that whole show was about him and I honestly didn't care and finally he came back on the RAW before Survivor Series to accept Cena's "offer" to be his tag team partner at Survivor Series, he hasn't been back on RAW since but last year wasn't he the one who said "I'm back and I'm not leaving again" only to leave again. Johnson is going to be on RAW next week to cut another self serving promo and then he won't be back until Mania and after that he won't come back until he has another movie or something else to promote so as far as I'm concerned everything he has said since he showed up last year has been nothing but crap. So the only thing I wonder is since those two really don't like each other are we going to see a wrestling match at mania or are we actually going to see a fight between these two.
First of all John Cena and Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson do not like each other in real life. Cena has gone on record saying as much. What you saw on RAW last night wasn't really a promo because everything Cena said last night he ment every SINGLE word. Yeah WWE is going to play it up like it was a promo and It was scripted but it wasn't scripted. In a normal promo you would say whatever you have to say to push the storyline along but this thing with Rock and Cena is the exception to the rule because Cena truly dislikes Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson. This is the problem I have with the WWE Universe because John Cena is there every day and is on Every single RAW and goes to alot of the house shows when most of the other megastars don't go to as many as Cena does. I will agree Cena has had the same moves since like ever and that is why people are so against him but in that respect dosen't every WWE superstar have the same set of moves they use over and over and over again. Like it or not Cena has put the company on his back and has done a damn good job of it. In the past 30 or so years I can only think of a few people who have done that. In the 80's it was Hogan who put the WWE on his back and carried it towards the future. In the 90's during the attitude Era it was Stone Cold who put the WWE on his back and carried it toward the future. Now it's Cena who is carrying the WWE towards the future and after Cena is gone somebody else is going to step up and put the company on thier back but until then it's Cena and yet the WWE universe boo's him. On the other hand the WWE Universe cheers for "The Rock" and yet all he has done is lie to the people. Cena said it best last night that the only reason "The Rock" came back last year was to promote Fast Five and launch his twitter and facebook accounts. All the time last year when Cena and Johnson were having their "war of words" Cena said what he had to say in the ring and Dawyne "Live Via Satellite" Johnson filmed his promos instead of coming to RAW and doing it in front of the fans that paid good money to see him. Johnson was on RAW a grand total of 4 times last year. As Cena pointed out yesterday the first time was to promote Fast Five and both his facebook and twitter accounts, the second time was the RAW before mania so he could promote himself being the guest host of mania then at mania he cut a few more promos that came off as self serving. After mania he was on RAW a couple of weeks later when RAW was in Miami for his birthday and that whole show was about him and I honestly didn't care and finally he came back on the RAW before Survivor Series to accept Cena's "offer" to be his tag team partner at Survivor Series, he hasn't been back on RAW since but last year wasn't he the one who said "I'm back and I'm not leaving again" only to leave again. Johnson is going to be on RAW next week to cut another self serving promo and then he won't be back until Mania and after that he won't come back until he has another movie or something else to promote so as far as I'm concerned everything he has said since he showed up last year has been nothing but crap. So the only thing I wonder is since those two really don't like each other are we going to see a wrestling match at mania or are we actually going to see a fight between these two.
This post here shows the typical intelligence level of cena fans.

Rock is signed for 3 Raw appearances before Mania. He is also confirmed for Summerslam and Mania 29.

They may not be friends IRL, but there really isn't bad blood between them. They will be coworkers in a huge event. They don't dislike each other. Don't confuse kayfabe with reality.

And learn what a paragraph is. I doubt you're getting an A in English.

When you are done with your homework, watch Rock promos on Youtube. I doubt you were alive when Rock was wrestling. After you see what Rock was, you will see he is worthy of cheers, not cena. cena is 1/10 the entertainer Rock is. Rock is way better.
I actually have to agree with "I hate Cena" here simply because cenationseattle has to learn what a paragraph is and is confusing kayfabe with reality, but there are lots of "Rocky" idiots out there as well let's not pretend like there isn't. It's simply the case of one bad apple runing other people's rep.
The Rock never wanted to be a wrestler in the first place. He wanted to play football. And when he couldn't even hack it in the CFL it was then he decided to become a wrestler to elevate himself into a star. The first chance he had he was gone to Hollywood. It wouldn't be such a big deal if he didn't repeatedly come back and talk his BS about how he's never gonna leave but he does. People can argue that Cena would do the same but I disagree. Cenas dream is to be a wrestler. Not to be in corny Disney movies. I agree with JR about that being Cenas best promo last night. Cena> Rock. Just saying:)
If Cena was offered real movies instead of WWE garbage he would leave at the drop of a hat. He isn't. Rock lived the dream in WWE. He wrestled with the best during the last boom period of wrestling. What's in it for him to stick around with the scraps and low ratings they have today? He can't put anyone over now just like HHH or Austin or Undertaker or Shawn can't. They can only have a program with other legends or the top guy in the company (any only a handful of times a year at best). Would you rather he stick around and be like super cena destroying and no selling every week? The roster isn't strong enough for one superman let alone two. So after his blowoff with Cena who's he there for? Punk? Sheamus? Bryan? HHH? There's very little to nothing left in the WWE for Rock. As much as I'd like to see him there every night cutting promos and kicking ass or even as a gm or something it's just not realistic to expect him to sacrifice lucrative paychecks and making movies (which he loves doing) to be bumbling around RAW doing Vince's bidding.
If Cena was offered real movies instead of WWE garbage he would leave at the drop of a hat. He isn't. Rock lived the dream in WWE. He wrestled with the best during the last boom period of wrestling. What's in it for him to stick around with the scraps and low ratings they have today? He can't put anyone over now just like HHH or Austin or Undertaker or Shawn can't. They can only have a program with other legends or the top guy in the company (any only a handful of times a year at best). Would you rather he stick around and be like super cena destroying and no selling every week? The roster isn't strong enough for one superman let alone two. So after his blowoff with Cena who's he there for? Punk? Sheamus? Bryan? HHH? There's very little to nothing left in the WWE for Rock. As much as I'd like to see him there every night cutting promos and kicking ass or even as a gm or something it's just not realistic to expect him to sacrifice lucrative paychecks and making movies (which he loves doing) to be bumbling around RAW doing Vince's bidding.
You keep saying that you think Cena would leave but where is your proof? Just because that's what you would do? Most people who hate Cena don't seem to believe that the company-man selfless good guy exists. They do exists, I see them everyday in other jobs.

Cena slept in cars on the indy circuit before becoming a wrestler, nothing was handed to him. Rock tried to become a football star, failed, had a wrestling career handed to him and luckily was super talented.

Two totally different paths to stardom. Because Cena made so much sacrifice early on, I don't believe that Cena wouldn't. Not only that, but there is no way you can prove Cena would leave. You CAN prove that wrestling isn't the most important thing to Rock because it obviously isn't and probably never has been.

Cena doesn't destroy guys an no sell every week. He wrestles like the top face, he's no different than anyone else. You're letting generational nostaliga cloud your judgment. I've been a fan since before the 'tude era, saw the same thing when it came along. Believe it or not, the incumbent fans HATED the attitude era. They lost a lot of fans who thought it was too crude and vulgar and too much soap opera and not enough wrestling. Now you're the incumbent hating on the modern era. When to me, I feel like their current roster is super talented. They are incredibly young for as good as they are.

Finally, it's not that no one expects Rock to stick around and make half the money for 10 times the work. It's that it pisses people off when he says he love it. Wrestling fans are some of the most passionate people in the world. Rock saying "I love this" and then leaving is like someone cheating on your sister and breaking her heart. It pisses you off.

Although does anyone else not think this whole thing is an elaborate work? Rock has ALWAYS been about working the fans. He pulled the whole "I'm a hollywood douche" character before, I just think that now it's a lot more sophisticated because he's legitimately pissing some people off. I think it's brilliant.

I don't think most of you realize how amazing this is. Cena is legitimately one fo the best ever at working an audience. Don't be a ******ed and say 'HE GOTZ ALL BOOZ WHEN IS IS DA FACE DUR DUR DUR", he's wanted a mix reaction for a while because he realizes the audience isn't uniform. He gets 100% of them to make a reaction.

Rock, obviously, is one of the best ever at working an audience.

These two together is something special and has been for a while. I can't remember the last time I've looked foreward to match this much.
Listening to Labars show right now and callers and even wrestlers are saying Rock didn't keep his word when he said he wasn't leaving.

It's a total logical fallacy and I'm going to tell you why.

-ROCK IS A SPECIAL ATTRACTION, if he's on TV every week it DIMINISHES the attraction value. When Rock is supposed to be on RAW, it's "MUST WATCH" well if he's there every week, it's not long before it loses luster, and he's in some stupid storyline with Vickie Guerrero.

-Alot of people are JEALOUS Rock has succeeded outside wrestling, this includes fans, and wrestlers. Rock is an A-List star, he doesn't even need to be wrestling! He is set financially for the rest of his life, he's come back because he WANTS to, unlike Cena/HHH etc, he has succeeded outside the wrestling business.

-If you were THE ROCK, Would you want to wrestle full time? LOL of course not.

He's not a liar, he hasn't broken any promises. He didn't need to wrestle at Survivor Series, he looked great, as if he never lost a step, he is not NEEDED weekly, Does anyone remember when Stone Cold was the GM? He lost some of his specialness, by being on TV every week, but never wrestling. I don't see any fans ripping on Stone Cold for not being around. I think alot of people are bitter Rocky succeeded outside of Pro Wrestling, we wanted him to come back, he has, so stop whining with illogical arguments
I do agree with you to the fullest extent, however this whole "Rock is NOT a liar!" argument is starting to get redundant. Yeah yea yeah. We all know WHY he's not wrestling full-time(honestly, if anybody thought he would then you're an idiot).

Though, to argue your point about Stone Cold. The reason people aren't ripping him is because he retired due to injury, whereas Rocky "retired" to make movies. Not ripping Rocky(alltime favorite wrestler), just stating why nobody is ripping Stone Cold(at least to the best of my knowledge).
He's not a liar, he hasn't broken any promises. He didn't need to wrestle at Survivor Series, he looked great, as if he never lost a step, he is not NEEDED weekly, Does anyone remember when Stone Cold was the GM? He lost some of his specialness, by being on TV every week, but never wrestling. I don't see any fans ripping on Stone Cold for not being around. I think alot of people are bitter Rocky succeeded outside of Pro Wrestling, we wanted him to come back, he has, so stop whining with illogical arguments
"Finally... The Rock has come home... and he is never, ever leaving..."
"...until the next week, when I leave again and don't return for 2 weeks!
Then I'll say I'll never leave, then, when I do return, I'll only be back via Satellite!"

Stone Cold has been around often over the past few years. Just recently, he hosted the 2-3 month Tough Enough program, and he appeared at several WrestleManias. For fucks sake, dude - Stone Cold was a special referee at WrestleMania 20 and 23, was involved in a Piper's Pit at WrestleMania 21, appeared at WrestleMania 25 for a great induction to the HoF and appeared at WrestleMania 27 and had an intense and surprising stare-off with The Rock.

You know what Rock did when he left for good?
Came back at WrestleMania 27. He only ever appeared on screen for a pre-WrestleMania clip for the Hall of Fame.
It's not an illogical fallacy because it's true...

ROCK IS A SPECIAL ATTRACTION, if he's on TV every week it DIMINISHES the attraction value. When Rock is supposed to be on RAW, it's "MUST WATCH" well if he's there every week, it's not long before it loses luster, and he's in some stupid storyline with Vickie Guerrero.

So your saying him appearing in the ring about thrice a year will further his feud? All him and Cena do is take shots at one another either in-ring promo (Cena) or Bringing It - Via Satellite!

-Alot of people are JEALOUS Rock has succeeded outside wrestling, this includes fans, and wrestlers. Rock is an A-List star, he doesn't even need to be wrestling! He is set financially for the rest of his life, he's come back because he WANTS to, unlike Cena/HHH etc, he has succeeded outside the wrestling business.
Technically, so has Cena. How many movies has he made that have made quite its fair share of money, regardless of quality?
The only reason Rock is an A-List star is because of the popularity he had during his WWE time. Rock, as an actor, is quite terrible - just like Cena is. They are both involved in the acting or production of atrocious movies.
The Rock came back because he wants to?
So Rock coming back had nothing to do with the fact that 1) he had launched his Twitter account 1 week prior (originally under "@DwayneJohnson", later changed in time for his WWE return), 2) he received a $2.2 million paycheck for February - WrestleMania (source: WrestleZone.com, LordsofPain.net, and PWMania.com after Rock's return in 2011) and 3) that Fast Five would be released shortly after.

-If you were THE ROCK, Would you want to wrestle full time? LOL of course not.
Why? Because Rock is in movies? You know what: John Cena still appeared weekly or bi-weekly while he was filming some of his movies. You know what Rock did? Left. You know what he did when he came back? Cut the same, although now overused catchphrases he did before he left. Oh, he also promoted his Twitter account and upcoming movies - every time. Oh, and for his own Birthday Party.
people are just basing there opinion on facts. the rock said he would never leave thats why he is a lire, thats fact you cant argue that. I have no problem him making moves and not wrestling there is more money in movies.
"Finally... The Rock has come home... and he is never, ever leaving..."
"...until the next week, when I leave again and don't return for 2 weeks!
Then I'll say I'll never leave, then, when I do return, I'll only be back via Satellite!"

Stone Cold has been around often over the past few years. Just recently, he hosted the 2-3 month Tough Enough program, and he appeared at several WrestleManias. For fucks sake, dude - Stone Cold was a special referee at WrestleMania 20 and 23, was involved in a Piper's Pit at WrestleMania 21, appeared at WrestleMania 25 for a great induction to the HoF and appeared at WrestleMania 27 and had an intense and surprising stare-off with The Rock.

You know what Rock did when he left for good?
Came back at WrestleMania 27. He only ever appeared on screen for a pre-WrestleMania clip for the Hall of Fame.
It's not an illogical fallacy because it's true...

ROCK IS A SPECIAL ATTRACTION, if he's on TV every week it DIMINISHES the attraction value. When Rock is supposed to be on RAW, it's "MUST WATCH" well if he's there every week, it's not long before it loses luster, and he's in some stupid storyline with Vickie Guerrero.

So your saying him appearing in the ring about thrice a year will further his feud? All him and Cena do is take shots at one another either in-ring promo (Cena) or Bringing It - Via Satellite!

-Alot of people are JEALOUS Rock has succeeded outside wrestling, this includes fans, and wrestlers. Rock is an A-List star, he doesn't even need to be wrestling! He is set financially for the rest of his life, he's come back because he WANTS to, unlike Cena/HHH etc, he has succeeded outside the wrestling business.
Technically, so has Cena. How many movies has he made that have made quite its fair share of money, regardless of quality?
The only reason Rock is an A-List star is because of the popularity he had during his WWE time. Rock, as an actor, is quite terrible - just like Cena is. They are both involved in the acting or production of atrocious movies.
The Rock came back because he wants to?
So Rock coming back had nothing to do with the fact that 1) he had launched his Twitter account 1 week prior (originally under "@DwayneJohnson", later changed in time for his WWE return), 2) he received a $2.2 million paycheck for February - WrestleMania (source: WrestleZone.com, LordsofPain.net, and PWMania.com after Rock's return in 2011) and 3) that Fast Five would be released shortly after.

-If you were THE ROCK, Would you want to wrestle full time? LOL of course not.
Why? Because Rock is in movies? You know what: John Cena still appeared weekly or bi-weekly while he was filming some of his movies. You know what Rock did? Left. You know what he did when he came back? Cut the same, although now overused catchphrases he did before he left. Oh, he also promoted his Twitter account and upcoming movies - every time. Oh, and for his own Birthday Party.

I agree with every single word in this post.

I honestly think that if this fued was against anyone else apart from Cena, the majority would still be giving Dwayne the same heat as when he first left. Because its against Cena all is forgiven.
rock said he was never going to leave- he left

but as another person said if you really thought rock was going to stick around weekly or monthly your stupid rock has moved past wrestling and onto movies he will have this match then he will leave. i think the fans that are pissed are massive rock fans that want him wrestling full time as i said he has left full time wrestling behind him. its all about the youth movement now so i didnt think rock would fit into that full time
Austin only comes back for a paycheck or to promote his new dvd. Watch and see when his new dvd is releasing he will be back!!

U guys just jealous and hate the rock cuz he not white! HAters
The day Cena wrestles for free or doesn't star in movies is the day i will believe him. He is in The new marine 3, He was in Fred and Fred 2?? WHY??

It is funny though that a guy who claims to be a professional wrestler gets "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chants!!
Austin only comes back for a paycheck or to promote his new dvd. Watch and see when his new dvd is releasing he will be back!!

U guys just jealous and hate the rock cuz he not white! HAters

The Iron Shiekh says," FACKEN BOOLSHIT!"

:wtf: is your point? Racism? Do you think the people are ripping on The Rock because of Racism? :lmao: You need to get a reality check dude because they're wrestlers darker than him and I don't see the people hating on them. Wow...Racism in 2012..Wow!

I don't think The Rock has left. He's in that intro. Commentators keep on talking about him vs John Cena. They're showing the promos hyping The Rock vs John Cena. Do you know why the OP is right? Because if The Rock would have been appearing on Raw every week, he'd have nothing to do. He'd just be involved in a promising storyline which would fail badly like that "Embrace the Hate" one. Cena is looking weak because of that stupid storyline. He'd have nothing to do rather than ripping on Cena with his old catchphrases. Would anyone like that? No.

The people in the back are jealous because The Rock is in the main event. Why? Vince is doing the right thing because it is good for business. Rock draws and that is why that match was booked in advance. Wrestlemania 28 is in his hometown. Don't ya'll think people will turn up to see him wrestle at the grandest stage after 7 years? Hell Yeah! That is why I am sold on the match. Rock Vs Cena draws unlike Cena vs Miz did. They needed The Rock to make that match meaningful. If anyone could have that drawing power, Vince would put him in the main event. So that putting over guys, going for movies, not being on the road 24/7 is just BS. At last what matters is $$$ and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson brings $$$ to Vincent Kennedy McMahon. That's it.

Just my 2 cents.
The day Cena wrestles for free or doesn't star in movies is the day i will believe him. He is in The new marine 3, He was in Fred and Fred 2?? WHY??

It is funny though that a guy who claims to be a professional wrestler gets "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chants!!

You know, there's a saying in this world and it's "Innocent until proven guilty" and not the other way around as so many people seem to want to believe when it comes to Cena making movies.
Watch The Rock's new bluray and you'll understand a lot more. Chris Jericho says it perfectly. Jericho says something like, "The Rock and wrestler in front of 1500 fans here and 1200 fans there. The Rock has nothing left to prove to anyone" I think people that bash The Rock do it blindly because of CM Punk's punk ass. They think they're "kewl" for doing so....they're not.
The issue is leaving would insinuate one never returns. Since he returns he in fact hasn't "left"

You can either take it that way or take it the way most people are when he says he isn't leaving people expect to see him each week which I think isn't what he is saying. He is saying he is always going to be a part of the WWE.

And who really gives a crap? lol Its not like all the other wrestlers tell the truth. Each one of them is spieling off promo after promo written by someone else. I mean is Kanes talk of hate really true? The Undertakers really true? CM Punks best in the world really true? etc etc Every promo is like the presidential race. Its a pile of BS.

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