**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

People who are saying the rock had everything on a platter for him cuz he is a third generation superstar. Well dwayne was in an interview and spoke about the rocky maivia character and how it bombed. And vince told him they don't know what to do with him. Dwayne then reinvented himself to make a name. Unlike cea who brings the same old shit and have no intentions of bettering himself. Cena has managed to make himself the most hated face in the company after he was liked by all. He doesn't even show interest in getting guys over or help with storylines as evident by the cena kane angle. Cena obviously has pull in the back, and you are telling me he had no problems with how that angle went. He also had no problem getting the credit on tv for Ryder's push where it was because of PUNK ryder got the push. He also has no problem rehashing punk's shoot to get the crowd to like him.
Cena is just a hypocritical bitch of vince mcmahon and the crowd started to see through his bullshit a long time ago.
We say F**k Cena.

What are all retired wrestlers TRYING to do??? ACT!!! Since dwayne became a movie star it seems to be the norm now for retired wrestlers to TRY to act. Cuz WWE is about ACTING anyway. BUT does hollywood want OLD has beens? Dwayne was smart enough to transition into acting EARLY before it was too late.
I busted out laughing reading this...he has made some "great" movies? Really? Which ones? Did the Tooth Fairy win any Oscars? How about the Rundown? Have you read any of the reviews for Journey 2? How about the Gameplan? That was a fanfuckingtastic movie, wasn't it? Who could forget all of the accolades for Race to Witch Mountain either. Let's not forget the greatest action movie of all time, Doom!

Even if I accept that he is an A-list movie star (I dispute that notion, but let's pretend anyway), why did he get those opportunities? Because the WWE made him famous. Were it not for the WWE, Dwayne Johnson would be some unknown jackass living in Miami working as a salesman or something instead of a famous jackass making movies.

How has the Rock returning without actually returning really benefited the WWE? His first in-ring "action" since he returned, the Survivor Series, drew dreadful buy rates. If the Rock really had that beneficial of an effect, shouldn't they have been higher than they were? What tangible benefit has the WWE received in the past year? Their ratings are pretty much right where they were, the Rock hasn't brought any new fans to the WWE. Let me guess, because there is a "buzz" about Wrestlemania? Because other than this year, there has never been any interest in the WWE's biggest PPV of the year, right? Because the only reason anyone ever watches Wrestlemania is because of Dwayne Johnson, not because it's Wrestlefuckingmania, and everyone bitching about how they are only going to order it because the Rock is wrestling is going to still pretend that they weren't going to order it anyway, with or without the Rock...


You may be tired of misguided people ripping the Rock, when in reality, most of the misguided people are cheering him. The Rock is a me first kind of guy, always has been.

In regards to Survivor Series. I started watching WWE (wrestling in general) again about 2 and a half years ago. I haven't bought 1 ppv yet. Not a single one, and I haven't watched any on streaming or anything like that (which is where a good portion of the PPV buys are going, nothing too substantial, but a dent is a dent, money is money). Its been more of a "not having enough money" thing with me than anything else really, because I never felt like I just HAD to see one that i couldn't read online and see the fallout from on Raw the next night. BUT. When Rock came back, I wanted WM 27. Didn't get it, but I wanted it. When he was going to wrestle at Survivor Series, I ALMOST got it. The reason I did not was because "I can find out how well the Rock can still wrestle online tomorrow". I did not get it because the card was absolute horse crap. The SS match was thrown together with no story or passion. Awesome-Truth was DECIMATED by John Cena during the build up, and so I felt that my $50 or whatever was put to better use on bills than on HOPEFULLY 15 minutes of watching the goatee'd Rock wrestle, and then nothing else I gave a crap about. But, because of THE ROCK, I was closer than I had been to any other PPV before it, and because of THE ROCK, I am getting WM 28. (Also for Punk/Jericho). But even w/out Punk/Jericho on the card, I'd still be getting WM 28. If it was Punk/Jericho was on the card, followed by Ziggler vs Cena? I probably wouldn't get it, I'd be close but would probably still end up saving the cash. But because of The Rock, I am definitely getting it. And I'm not the only one. And THAT is how he benefits WWE.

The Rock making good movies is opinion. I happen to enjoy The Rundown. Doom was trash. I haven't seen any of his kids movies, but I hear kids like them, which is who the audience is for, (I think it should go without saying that you, I assume an adult male, should not really care for the tooth fairy). Fast Five was apparently good, I've never seen a single Fast and Furious movie, but a lot of people who like them said it was good. I liked The Other Guys. Get Smart, Grid Iron Gang, Southland Tales, Be Cool, Walking Tall were all pretty good. And he's got a slate of movies that I am very interested in that he is preparing to make. Either way, like them or not, obviously Hollywood does, and thats who is paying him. Just like they would Cena or HHH or whoever else is they could draw people to the theaters like the rock does.
Personally, i couldn'T cares less about THE Rock as a wrestler simply because i never was a huge fan of the guy. I always thought the guy was a Hulk Hogan clone that never had anything original to day outside of finding a way to get all of his catch phrases in his promos. His return didn'T get me interested and i though i pretty much ruin wrestlemania last year. So having sid that, i'm going to be quite happy on april 9th whne this whole thing is done with and Rock leave again and doesn'T return until he's finish promoting whatever movie he's going to be in.

The fact of the matter is that I agree that the Rock is a special attraction but the problem is that when he returned last year, i said he was never leaving again, yet the next week he wasn'T there, and since Survivor Series, he hasn'T been seen at all. Also if Rock was such a big attraction, how comes the buyrates for survivor series were about the same has last year. That'S simple nobody cared to pay 45$ to see The Rock wrestle again, especially in a throwaway tag match.

Dwayne Johnson is a really good actor, i loved everything he did as a actor and i'm glad he was able have success outside the wrestling world but if you decide to comeback to the WWE, say that your never going to leave again, buried most of the top talents in the company in your promos and then disappear for a long period of time because you have to film a movie or you have to do promotion for a movie that just came out, i kinda of understand why people are ripping on the Rock. The fact is that if you listen to the crowd on monday during the Cena promo, everybody was cheering For Cena after that promo because even if it was scripted, it's what most fans are feeling right now about the Rock and it'S not peoples being jealous at the guy, it'S that peoples are just disappointed that The rock promise them something and didn'T delivered.
The day Cena wrestles for free or doesn't star in movies is the day i will believe him. He is in The new marine 3, He was in Fred and Fred 2?? WHY??

It is funny though that a guy who claims to be a professional wrestler gets "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chants!!
How stupid are you? No, that's not a rhetorical question, how stupid are you?

Why in the world would Cena wrestle for free? Since when does doing something for free prove you enjoy what you do? I love my career, but I can damn well guarantee I wouldn't do it if they didn't pay me. You talk like you're a child, who has no concept of the word "responsibility"...responsibility to himself, responsibility to his wife, responsibility to the children he'll some day wish to have. Using your logic, NO ONE has ever had a career they love, because no one does a career for free. No one works without the idea of getting something tangible in return. Seriously, how stupid are you?

As far as starring in movies, look which movies he's starring in. Have you ever taken a look to see which movie studio is producing these movies? It's the WWE who is producing most of these movies. Why WOULDN'T the WWE want their biggest superstar to be in their movies, it's the only way they'll ever have a chance to turn a profit. In fact, I believe the only WWE movie to ever make a significant amount of money was The Marine. John Cena isn't acting in these movies because he doesn't love wrestling, he's acting in these movies to help his wrestling company make money.

You're an idiot. I'm going to keep saying it, because the more I say it, the more you might understand how stupid you sound. Did you really say it's funny that Cena is a pro wrestler and a bunch of idiots chant "you can't wrestle" at him? Do you have any idea how stupid those fans are? Cena wrestles a match with RVD at One Night Stand, and fans chant "you can't wrestle" at Cena. That's how stupid some wrestling fans are. I include you in the "stupid fans" category, by the way.

Anyone who watches John Cena, and takes notice of all the amazing matches he's had over the years, with all the different type of wrestlers and all the different type of match stipulations, knows John Cena is easily the best worker the WWE has right now. It's not even close. He's simply on another level. Cena is on the top level all by himself. On the next level you have guys like Punk and Henry and Big Show and Jericho and Rey Mysterio (if he ever actually works anymore). But Cena is clearly head and shoulders above all of those guys (Jericho and Rey are the only ones who can come close, and neither of them are around very much). But when you look at a Cena match, and you notice all the little things he does, and how amazing he is at what he does, you know he's the best the WWE has.

I don't know who taught you about pro wrestling, but they seriously led you astray. Do yourself a favor and follow me around on the forums for a while, and maybe you can learn something. Because right now you sound like an idiot. If you ever want to actually learn what pro wrestling is about, stick with me. If you want to ramble on and show your ignorance, keep talking the way you have been.
The Rock comes back for money and fame. Not to do the business any good.

Are you 12?

EVERY wrestler does it for the money and fame. That's why it's PROFESSIONAL wrestling.

Doing the business good?

If the ratings, which are abysmal compared to previous standards, spike every time Rock is around, then how is it not good for the business?

If Wresltemania gets >1 milllion buys, and it will, due in large part to The Rock, how is it not good for the business? Oh, and before you come up with some bullshit, look at the figures, 2010 sans Rock did < 1 million. 2011 with Rock did > 1 million. It's not rocket science.

None of you people will or want to admit it, but the Rock is back because the WWE needed something people actually care about to ensure a good buyrate for his biggest show of the year. The current active full time roster is SHIT in terms of star power. Cena is a huge star. but that's literally it. Think about it, fucking Santino gets a bigger reaction than EITHER champ.

Vince needed The Rock a whole shitload more than The Rock needed Vince. The sooner you realize this, the smarter you'll sound.
Someone show me one bit of evidence the Rocks back just to better himself?

quite simply he doesn't need to better himself hes doing quite fine with his movie career.I do not blame Rock one bit for leaving to try and better himself ive done it in past jobs,so does that make me a sell out? hell no.

Cena is without doubt the most boring overrated WWE star ever,hes dull,stale and he couldn't sell a move if his life depended on it,he says the same thing about the rock in every promo its getting tedious now,at least Rocky is creative.

Cena is trying to hard to be liked but its failing big time,he has the cheek to say the Rock doesn't care about the business has he forgot what the Rocks family has done for the business?

the crowd are going to be white hot for Rocky at mania and Cena better get ready for the hostile reception he will get,i cant wait for the Rocks promo next monday in sure we'll get a serious no joking around Rocky who will as always deliver a top quality segment.

Cena dull and boring? Yes, he does repeat stuffs about The Rock but that's the truth. It doesn't matter how many times he tells it because it is correct. But no way John is tedious and boring. And no way Rock is creative at this point. In every promo he goes from his breakfast to his work and the same 1999 catchphrases. Every single time since Feb 2011. Want to argue? I am on. This is what you think. If Cena is tedious Rock is his father on this.
Since there is no way for anyone to prove that John Cena "sucks" or that The Rock isn't passionate about the WWE, most of y'all should stop voicing your opinions as fact. Anyone who truly thinks they have a reason to hate The Rock or John Cena is an idiot. Also, anyone who actually believes that The Rock and John Cena hate each other is an idiot.

They're acting in order to get people worked up for their match. Apparently it's working...too well.
Slyfox. I'm pretty dumb. I am not a wrestling fanboy who jerks off in his momma's basement or gets stiff when cena is on. I just watch for entertainment.

And i am glad you admit people do it for the money. That is what it is about. So why bash dwayne if he is doing something else that pays more and less risky??

WWE films had nothing to do with FRED and FRED 2!! How is starring in those movies helping the wrestling company make money?? as far as i see it, it just helps cena.

I guess me and thousands more who actually make vince money are stupid wrestling fans. But that's ok once you are smart. Like vince, the wwe or even ur boy cena gives a shit about what your wise ass.
I busted out laughing reading this...he has made some "great" movies? Really? Which ones? Did the Tooth Fairy win any Oscars? How about the Rundown? Have you read any of the reviews for Journey 2? How about the Gameplan? That was a fanfuckingtastic movie, wasn't it? Who could forget all of the accolades for Race to Witch Mountain either. Let's not forget the greatest action movie of all time, Doom!

Even if I accept that he is an A-list movie star (I dispute that notion, but let's pretend anyway), why did he get those opportunities? Because the WWE made him famous. Were it not for the WWE, Dwayne Johnson would be some unknown jackass living in Miami working as a salesman or something instead of a famous jackass making movies.

Opinions are like assholes...everybody has one. You are entitled to your own opinion and I wont trash you for it.

I for one like some of his movies and understand WHY he did the majority of them. The disney movies he did because of his kids. He, like a lot of movie stars, wanted to do movies that his kids could watch. I am an aspiring filmmaker and run my own online web show. I look at movies differently than the general audience. Lets look at his movies...

"Gameplan" was a good family movie. Rock was right at home playing a star football player.
"Tooth fairy" was crap.
"gridiron Gang" was a good, wholesome true story. I happen to like those type of movies and I thought he did well in it.
"Walking Tall" was ok.
"Be Cool" showed that comedic side of him. Good for what he was involved in, but the movie sucked.
"The Rundown" was AWESOME. Loved every minute of it. Again, showed his comedic side.
"Doom" I loved. Rock was solid. Not the best script but the way it was shot was good.
"Faster" I skipped because I heard the reason the movie fell flat was lack of story and advertisement.

Loved "Fast Five", "The Other Guys" (his cameo role was amazing), "Get Smart", and "Southland Tales". "Race to witch mountain" was ok.

Im looking forward to "G.I. Joe 2", "Snitch", "Pain and Gain", and "Fast 6 & 7"

Yes Dwayne has made a name for himself. He might not ever win an Oscar for his movies (there are a ton of people that haven't in Hollywood), but he IS an A-list star.
Are you 12?

EVERY wrestler does it for the money and fame. That's why it's PROFESSIONAL wrestling.

:banghead: Like talking to the fucking wall I swear! Why are there so many of you that don't honestly believe that some guys (even most) do it because they LOVE it. It doesn't even have to apply to Cena if you don't want it to, but there are entirely too many people who hold this opinion and I wonder if it's because "Dwayne" is the same way.
You keep saying that you think Cena would leave but where is your proof? Just because that's what you would do? Most people who hate Cena don't seem to believe that the company-man selfless good guy exists. They do exists, I see them everyday in other jobs.

Cena slept in cars on the indy circuit before becoming a wrestler, nothing was handed to him. Rock tried to become a football star, failed, had a wrestling career handed to him and luckily was super talented.

Two totally different paths to stardom. Because Cena made so much sacrifice early on, I don't believe that Cena wouldn't. Not only that, but there is no way you can prove Cena would leave. You CAN prove that wrestling isn't the most important thing to Rock because it obviously isn't and probably never has been.

Also, you cannot prove that Cena wouldn't take on a string of very high paying offers to star in major Hollywood motion pictures. Your major issue seems to be that you do not think someone like Cena can leave and accept something else for a extreme financial gain without it meaning that he's not passionate about wrestling. Sure Cena sacrificed to become a WWE superstar but at the core of that, he sacrificed to become successful. He's already an actor in that he memorizes scripts and performs them in front of an audience. Also, he's already been in movies. Finally, he's accomplished just about everything he set out to do in the WWE in winning multiple championships, helping other stars grow, making meaningful relationships, being over with much of the fanbase etc.

So while you think that Cena's sacrifice makes it less likely that he'd do what The Rock did by focusing on acting for 7 years, I disagree. I honestly think that given that Cena's already an actor in the WWE portraying a character loosely based on himself, he does movies, and has accomplished just about everything currently worthy in the WWE, he would gladly move to the next step in acting for an even larger audience (and for considerably more money). And if he was considered a talented enough actor to be given that chance, I'd argue that he'd sacrificed with the WWE to get to that point too.
Slyfox. I'm pretty dumb.
This I do not doubt.

I am not a wrestling fanboy who jerks off in his momma's basement or gets stiff when cena is on. I just watch for entertainment.
That makes absolutely no sense. I always find it amusing that jerking off in their mother's basement is the first insult wrestling fans resort to, especially considering the homoerotic tones of pro wrestling.

And i am glad you admit people do it for the money. That is what it is about. So why bash dwayne if he is doing something else that pays more and less risky??
I'm not. :shrug:

The point you seem to be missing is that people aren't criticizing him for going to do something for money. That's not the problem people have. Personally, I don't have any problems with what the Rock did, I think it was the smartest move he could have made. But the problem people have, whether I agree with it or not, is the fact Rock claimed to love the business, criticized Austin for leaving, and then promptly left himself for years at a time, and when he comes back, he brings very little in the way of original material and always manages to promote whatever project he has debuting in theaters next. Again, it's not a problem I have, but it's the problem others have.

You need to be able to understand what they're saying. What they're saying about Rock is valid, even if I don't agree with it. And when you compare Rock's actions to Cena's actions, there is no comparison, Cena is here to stay. The Rock is not.

WWE films had nothing to do with FRED and FRED 2!! How is starring in those movies helping the wrestling company make money?? as far as i see it, it just helps cena.
Because it increases his exposure. Do you think Cena was making millions of dollars doing those movies? Of course not. But they were movies targeted towards children, which in case you haven't been paying attention, is a primary demographic for the WWE. The first Fred movie drew 7.6 million people watching on Nickelodeon, and was the second highest rated TV movie in 2010.

It's all about exposure, and exposure to a key demographic. That's how it helps the wrestling company make money.

I guess me and thousands more who actually make vince money are stupid wrestling fans.
Yes, you are. If you think Cena doesn't love pro wrestling, or if you think Cena isn't a good pro wrestler, then you are stupid, ignorant or both.

But that's ok once you are smart. Like vince, the wwe or even ur boy cena gives a shit about what your wise ass.
They don't. They only care that I pay to watch them. They're a business, just like any other business. I understand that and am perfectly okay with it. But that doesn't mean the John Cena doesn't love what he does. Just because Albert Pujols is going to make $250 million over the next ten years playing baseball, doesn't mean he doesn't love the game of baseball. It just means he knows what he does makes his employers money, and he wants some of that money to secure his financial future. Just like everyone else in the world, including Cena and the Rock, want to do.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and just read my posts about wrestling. You'll learn something.
So many things to respond to...

Listening to Labars show right now and callers and even wrestlers are saying Rock didn't keep his word when he said he wasn't leaving.

It's a total logical fallacy and I'm going to tell you why.

You clearly don't understand what a "logical fallacy" is.

-ROCK IS A SPECIAL ATTRACTION, if he's on TV every week it DIMINISHES the attraction value. When Rock is supposed to be on RAW, it's "MUST WATCH" well if he's there every week, it's not long before it loses luster, and he's in some stupid storyline with Vickie Guerrero.

Just like how John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, HBK, HHH, and Undertaker, all in their primes, diminished in value? The Rock isn't a celebrity guest host. This is what he's famous for. You, and everyone else can sit around and complain that he's a movie star, but every single person that knows his name, knows that he's a wrestler.

-Alot of people are JEALOUS Rock has succeeded outside wrestling, this includes fans, and wrestlers. Rock is an A-List star, he doesn't even need to be wrestling! He is set financially for the rest of his life, he's come back because he WANTS to, unlike Cena/HHH etc, he has succeeded outside the wrestling business.

I don't know what this has to do with what Rock said compared to what Rock did.

-If you were THE ROCK, Would you want to wrestle full time? LOL of course not.

No one asked him to come back full time, which is why it was even weird when he said he was never leaving. But he said it, and got everyone's hopes up.

Now, I don't hate him. I didn't expect him back full time when he came back, and I didn't even expect him back full time when he said he was never leaving. But I'm sympathetic to the type of fan that feels lied to, because their hope was unrealistic.

He's not a liar, he hasn't broken any promises.

The guy said he was never leaving. Then he left. This is pretty cut-and-dry, man. It's not like people are playing with and twisting words here.

He didn't need to wrestle at Survivor Series, he looked great, as if he never lost a step

I don't know what this has to do with anything.

he is not NEEDED weekly, Does anyone remember when Stone Cold was the GM? He lost some of his specialness, by being on TV every week, but never wrestling. I don't see any fans ripping on Stone Cold for not being around. I think alot of people are bitter Rocky succeeded outside of Pro Wrestling, we wanted him to come back, he has, so stop whining with illogical arguments

People are upset because he said he was never leaving, and then he left. You need to stop using any form of the word "logic" if you don't understand what it means. You look like a 3rd grader with a "language arts word of the day".

U guys just jealous and hate the rock cuz he not white! HAters

You seem like an extremely intelligent, rational individual.
:banghead: Like talking to the fucking wall I swear! Why are there so many of you that don't honestly believe that some guys (even most) do it because they LOVE it. It doesn't even have to apply to Cena if you don't want it to, but there are entirely too many people who hold this opinion and I wonder if it's because "Dwayne" is the same way.

Of course some (most even) do it because they love it...


They DO get PAID to do it, and the whole business is about getting FAME. Singling out one guy doing it "because of the money and fame" is fucking ridiculous.

NOBODY would be out on the road 4 days a week if there was no money in it. Period.

Levity, you needs it.
Slyfox. So you are gonna judge the man's love for the business because he moved on to other things? I would say that dwayne is a better role model for showing that you work hard toward your dream and you can achieve it. What is cena gonna do when he retires??? Is he going to stay in the wwe forever? and be another hulk hogan and flair??? I'll make a wild guess and say cena is going to make movies. And guess what that is what dwayne did just earlier and succeeded by distancing himself from wrestling. He did NOT USE the wwe to get success. He tried to make it on his own as DWAYNE JOHNSON.

The rock never called out austin for taking his ball and going home, that was part of story line. And austin did that cuz he didn't want to job to lesnar. Dwayne pretty much jobbed to anyone he could. Even the freaking hurricane and young jeff hardy.

Would cena ever job to Santino??

And i don't have time to read your posts, i have a wife to fuck and a kid to raise
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3732668 said:
The guy said he was never leaving. Then he left. This is pretty cut-and-dry, man. It's not like people are playing with and twisting words here.

How is it cut and dry? Is John Cena wrestling a big ball of air at WM? You know, I told my wife I was never leaving her, and then I went to work today. She must be PISSED. The Rock is already set and signed on to do whatever they have planned at LEAST through WM 29. So yeah, he might be doing other things, but he hasn't yet "left" again. Not being on EVERY SINGLE episode of Raw is not "leaving again". He's still here, we still talk about him, he still has an upcoming match or two, and we know to expect something from The Rock in WWE after Summerslam in SOME capacity as well. So someone with some common sense explain to me how "never leaving again" means the same thing as "in your face 24/7", because I love the Rock, and I wish he was returning to WWE in a permanent role as well, but he never said that's what he was doing. Did Stone Cold Steve Austin "leave"? I don't think so, and thats a type of role I see the Rock taking in the future, show up sometimes, push some stuff sometimes, help some superstars along sometimes, but in his case he can even FUED sometimes. So relax and enjoy the fact that The Rock is back, just not in the capacity you want him.
Of course some (most even) do it because they love it...


They DO get PAID to do it, and the whole business is about getting FAME. Singling out one guy doing it "because of the money and fame" is fucking ridiculous.

NOBODY would be out on the road 4 days a week if there was no money in it. Period.

Levity, you needs it.

But that's exactly why people are singling Rock out, because there's more of a case against him than anybody that he did it for the "money and fame." I don't necessarily believe this, but you can't deny that people can make a bigger case for him than anybody else. As far as the second part goes, yes you're right, but then nobody would be doing anything if there wasn't any money in it and we would all be bums. Also, there is such a thing as volunteer work. Why do people do that then?
Heres where Rock fucked up,as an independent wrestler once told me years ago, never ever eeeeeeever promise wrestling fans something you know you cant deliever on because they will never let you forget.The only thing a wrestler owes the fans is that they get their moneys worth. Rock knew this,how long has he been in this business he opened the door so for people saying you can't bring up that he said he would never leave, uhm yes you can. Rock wrote a check with his mouth that he knew his ass could not cash. Don't blame Cena,Don't blame other posters for bringing it up,blame Rock he should have never said something so stupid because all he has to do is give us his best.

You leave your house open for attack it gets attacked.
Here is the dictionary definition of the word "leave" which is the present form of the word "left". Now, there were a couple of definitions to chose from, but because we are talking about The Rock leaving the profession of Professional Wrestling behind, I feel that this is the best definition for this situation:

"leave [leev] Show IPA verb, left, leav·ing.
verb (used with object)

2. to depart from permanently; quit: to leave a job."

I think we can all agree that the most important word in the definition of "left" is PERMANENTLY. The Rock hasn't gone from wrestling permanently, has he? Did he not just guest host last year's Wrestlemania? Was he not just a part of Survivor Series, as well as several Raws before those events? Is he not taking part in this year's Mania, and several Raws beforehand? Did he not just say that he is going to be a part of next year's Mania as well? The Rock hasn't left at all, no matter how much people want to believe he has. The Rock has simply earned the right to come back and work an event on occasion, just like HHH, just like The Undertaker. Yeah, funny how nobody is pissed off how Taker leaves for a year and comes back for Mania so he can get that big paycheck. Funny how that works out.

Now, you can say all you want that you are angry because you actually believed that The Rock meant he was going to be working full-time again. That is a perfectly valid emotion to feel. However, you guys are really just making yourselves look foolish when you say that "Oh, he said he wasn't going to leave and then he left. THAT IS FACT!" because as I just pointed out leave implies that he is never going to come back, which he is.

Oh, and for the idiots who are saying that The Rock is coming back for the money: BAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHaHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Rock's Net Worth, meaning how much money he has right now, is 82 Million, and while I can't find any info before 2004 on how much he makes per movie, for 2004's Walking Tall, he made 15 Million. I can only assume that this number has either stayed the same, or gone up, as his fame in Hollywood has grown, and especially now that he has a Worldwide SMASH like Fast Five under his belt now. So please, stop spouting off this ridiculous argument like it is valid at any level. The Rock is doing just fine, and doesn't need any amount of money that the WWE could possibly give him. He is doing this to give back to the people who made him, and to entertain the fans as only he can. It is that simple.
Right - I have wanted Rock to come back for years, always got excited with talk/rumours of a return.

The night he returned I marked out like never before, it was probably the best 'wrestling' moment of my life, absolutely loved it and Rock had me in the palm of his hand.

I never expected Rock to come back full time and expected him to appear every now and again like he has done.

I wanted him to put his boot to Cena's ass at Mania.


Here's the thing, after watching the Cena/Rock videos that have been playing on WWE TV recently and after seeing John Cena's promo on Monday Night Raw, I am now leaning towards supporting Cena in this match.

I feel like I relate to Cena a lot more than The Rock. Cena is representing all the boys in the back, he is there every night entertaining the fans and doing so much charity work it's unreal. Why should I support The Rock?

If an outsider who didn't know Cena or Rock looked at this feud up to now... you'd have to say that they would side with Cena. All Rock has done is come back and cost Cena his WM match last year. Cena hasn't been portrayed as a heel, if he had been i'd be siding with The Rock, but storyline wise, Cena is the face for me.

WWE NEEDS to put some real heel heat on John Cena for me to support The Rock, or Rock has gotta come out with an insane promo on Monday to get my back on his side.

Advantage Cena.
The Rock never wanted to be a wrestler in the first place. He wanted to play football. And when he couldn't even hack it in the CFL it was then he decided to become a wrestler to elevate himself into a star. The first chance he had he was gone to Hollywood. It wouldn't be such a big deal if he didn't repeatedly come back and talk his BS about how he's never gonna leave but he does. People can argue that Cena would do the same but I disagree. Cenas dream is to be a wrestler. Not to be in corny Disney movies. I agree with JR about that being Cenas best promo last night. Cena> Rock. Just saying:)

Wasn't Cena a failed bodybuilder before becoming joining the WWE? Hell Stone Cold initially wanted to be a pro footballer as well he just couldn't carry it as far as the Rock. I think what matters is that when Rock was there he represented the company well for seven years without complaint helping carry the company to success during the attitude era. He has more than paid his dues.
The Rock is a liar plain and simple.

He says he's very passionate about wrestling, would someone so passionate leave while they're in their prime and while they are one of the biggest stars of all time? He turned his back on all the fans that made him who he is so he could persue acting - his real passion apparently.

Then the passionate one doesn't make an appearance until 7 years later. He lied he is not passionate about wrestling, actions speak louder than words and the fact that he left and didn't bother to even make a few appearances here and there until 7 years later proves it.

Then when he does return, he says "I am NEVER leaving AGAIN". Two key words there never and again. Never means he is back for good that's what it means, if you don't mean it then don't say it. And the word again also implies he is back for good.

Nobody is misguided when they rip the Rock for what he has said in the past, realistically though, you'd know that was bullshit the moment he said it. There was no way he was going to leave acting to return and be a full time wrestler again. But his words are his own and he said he was never leaving again but he did.

I don't know why he can't wrestle 4-5 matches per year from now on, that would be the realistic expectation to have, but you can't blame people for calling him out on his words, fact is he is a liar.
"Then when he does return, he says "I am NEVER leaving AGAIN". Two key words there never and again. Never means he is back for good that's what it means, if you don't mean it then don't say it. And the word again also implies he is back for good."

First off I am pretty sure your definitions are a little off there. Secondly, please for the love of GOD, someone, ANYONE explain to me how the Rock has LEFT AGAIN. Please. Do you mean he went back to... WORK... and didn't appear on Raw, but was still around and talked about, doing "via sattelite" because he was filming a movie and couldn't exactly spend an entire day off set for a 15 minute appearance, but was more than willing to oblige via sattelite? And then came back to Raw sometimes, and wrestled a match that he DIDN'T HAVE TO at Survivor Series, and has a match and a slew of appearances coming up, followed up by Summerslam, and at LEAST Wrestlemania 29 NEXT YEAR. Those. Are. The. Facts. Please someone tell me how he "left again"

"I don't know why he can't wrestle 4-5 matches per year from now on, that would be the realistic expectation to have, but you can't blame people for calling him out on his words, fact is he is a liar."

How do you know that ISN'T the plan? In the course of a year: Survivor Series, Wrestlemania, Summerslam. One more match and we've hit your "4 match" for a realistic expectation. Not to mention I'm sure Hollywood studio's are less than thrilled he's going to have a match he could potentially injure himself in and halt or stop production on upcoming films, which will pay him more than these matches will.
The problem with the definition of "left/leaving" that you have there JSaturn is a guy like HBK. HBK "quit" professional wrestling permanently when he retired, but if he ever did come back to wrestle a match or two or three does that mean he never left. No not exactly.
Anyone claiming that racism doesn't exist in 2012 is fucking stupid, or naive. All you have to do is go look at the Chris Brown/ CM Punk story on the main site to see that.

Why is it that Chris Jericho didn't catch any heat for leaving? Oh yeah, because he left to make Rock music- something you white boys can identify with. Why is Chris Jericho given a pass for his TERRIBLE return? Why is he considered the BEST on the mic, even surpassing the Rock by many people (a statement that is blatantly untrue?) Because these white boys identify with anyone with blonde hair. Nevermind that Y2J would still be gone if his game show had been successful. Are you fucking kidding me? Believe what you want, but the pro-wrestling audience is still dominated by inbred rednecks- regardless of what country you're from. Honestly, I find you euro-trash to be worse.

TLDR: There is a lot to be said for the color of The Rock's skin being the reason people believe the worst about him right off of the bat. If you think that it doesn't exist, go die in a fire for your ignorance.

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