**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

To say people are hating on the Rock because of his race is ridiculous. I know racism still exists certainly, but don't try to make it sound like a group of people don't have legitimately valid points just because of the Rock's colour. This has nothing to do with race, it has to do with the actions of Dwayne Johnson/Rock.
The Rock said he was never leaving, I took that to mean that he was always going to have a role in wrestling, I'm really, really surprised that anyone took it in a way other than that. Did you really think Rock was going to be on Raw every week? Did you really think Rock was going to be at each PPV?

There's two ways to think about it. Either he said he was never going to leave and meant it as he was going to be at every Raw and PPV, knowing full well that he wasn't and it would only take a week to find out he's a liar; OR, Rock meant it as he was never leaving for good, and even though he was gone for seven years he was always going to be a part of the wrestling business.

Seriously people?

EDIT: Long story short - the man didn't lie. Either you knew what he meant when he said it, or you deluded yourself into thinking he was back full-time, which was stupid to think.
The Rock said he was never leaving, I took that to mean that he was always going to have a role in wrestling, I'm really, really surprised that anyone took it in a way other than that. Did you really think Rock was going to be on Raw every week? Did you really think Rock was going to be at each PPV?

There's two ways to think about it. Either he said he was never going to leave and meant it as he was going to be at every Raw and PPV, knowing full well that he wasn't and it would only take a week to find out he's a liar; OR, Rock meant it as he was never leaving for good, and even though he was gone for seven years he was always going to be a part of the wrestling business.

Seriously people?

EDIT: Long story short - the man didn't lie. Either you knew what he meant when he said it, or you deluded yourself into thinking he was back full-time, which was stupid to think.

OMG thank you for simplifying this. People just wanted The Rock back in a full time, see you every week, can we please go back to how things used to be? fashion, and the fact is thats not happening, so people are going to bitch, because honestly thats what they do. The fact of the matter is we should all be happy that a year ago there was not even a thought of the Rock back on our WWE tv screens, and we ALL wished he was, and now he is, but half of us apparently want more.
The Rock is a liar plain and simple.

He says he's very passionate about wrestling, would someone so passionate leave while they're in their prime and while they are one of the biggest stars of all time? He turned his back on all the fans that made him who he is so he could persue acting - his real passion apparently.

Then the passionate one doesn't make an appearance until 7 years later. He lied he is not passionate about wrestling, actions speak louder than words and the fact that he left and didn't bother to even make a few appearances here and there until 7 years later proves it.

1: For 8 Years The Rock bleed and sweated for the WWE. He travelled the roads, he worked the house shows, he got hit with the chairs, he did it all. Now instead of ending up like Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan who don't know when to let go, or like Edge who is one false step away from permanent neck damage, or like Darren Drozdov who is a paraplegic and can't feel a thing from the neck down, he took the HBK route, knew that he had accomplished everything he could in the world of Professional Wrestling, and moved on to a new chapter in his life. Is HBK not passionate anymore because we all know that he can still "go" and he chooses to sit at home instead? No, he is smart for knowing the right time to walk away, and The Rock is the same way. Now, just because he walked away to a movie career, that doesn't make him a sell-out, or a liar, or anything else you want to call him. It makes him a man who moved on to a new job after he had exhausted everything he could from an old one.

Now, you say he should have made some appearances from time to time, but how would that have looked huh? You guys would have said then exactly what you are saying now: "He is just coming back to promote a movie. He really doesn't care. blah, blah, blah". No, if you watch The Rock's new DVD, you will know exactly why he didn't come back for seven years: because he wanted to make it in Hollywood, really make it, without the help of the WWE and their help promoting his next movie. It was a choice Dwayne had to make, and it was the right one.

Then when he does return, he says "I am NEVER leaving AGAIN". Two key words there never and again. Never means he is back for good that's what it means, if you don't mean it then don't say it. And the word again also implies he is back for good.

Nobody is misguided when they rip the Rock for what he has said in the past, realistically though, you'd know that was bullshit the moment he said it. There was no way he was going to leave acting to return and be a full time wrestler again. But his words are his own and he said he was never leaving again but he did.

Actually, what he said was "and it is because of you, and I give you my word, I am never ever going away" Seriously, go back and watch that first promo he did on February 14, 2011. That is the exact wording, the exact thing he said on that night. There is no "leave", there is no "again" he simply said he was never going away. Now, of course, even that phrase leaves room for interpretation, and of course, some morons can believe that he is still saying that he is going to work a full time schedule, or be back every three months or so, or whatever. It is clear from what The Rock said exactly though, that he obviously meant he was never going to leave for seven years again, that from here on out he is always going to be around, and like HHH, and like the Undertaker, and like HBK, he is going to be back to work a show occasionally, like he has earned the right to do.

I don't know why he can't wrestle 4-5 matches per year from now on, that would be the realistic expectation to have, but you can't blame people for calling him out on his words, fact is he is a liar.

I don't know why The Undertaker, who is under contract with the WWE, can't work even two matches a year, and not just show up for Mania, get his paycheck, and then leave for a year. Oh yeah, because he has earned the right, after years of service, and after years of working the road, to do that sort of thing, just like The Rock has. Fact is, The Rock doesn't need to work 4-5 matches a year. He can work one match a year, plus several RAWS beforehand to build up the feud, and we should all be grateful that he is doing it, instead of whining like 5 year olds.
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But that's exactly why people are singling Rock out, because there's more of a case against him than anybody that he did it for the "money and fame." I don't necessarily believe this, but you can't deny that people can make a bigger case for him than anybody else. As far as the second part goes, yes you're right, but then nobody would be doing anything if there wasn't any money in it and we would all be bums. Also, there is such a thing as volunteer work. Why do people do that then?

People do volunteer work for various reasons, but in most cases, I imagine it's because they want to help others.

Most volunteer work isn't detrimental to your long term physical health/life expectancy they way professional wrestling is. Big difference there.

The only way people could make a bigger case for The Rock is jealousy/envy. He put in his time in the business and worked the roads just as hard as everybody else. The one thing he managed to do, that just about everybody else in wrestling has failed to do, is get out of the grind while he was still in good health, and was able to parlay his successes in the ring into a legitimate (and lucrative) career.

Now he's back, when he really doesn't need the money or the fame, because he's flush with both, probably more so than any other pro wrestling talent ever. Sure, he's getting paid for his current work, because that's the nature of the business. You don't think Stone Cold gets paid for the work he does for WWE these days? Of course he does. The possibility that The Rock doing it simply because he loves wrestling is very high, but there's a fairly large contingent of folks around here, generally the type of folks who refer to themselves as part of the IWC, who don't want to believe that. '

What makes that pretty sad is that so many of these IWC types believe all this stuff coming out about "Hollywood Rocky" and Dewayne Johnson from WWE talent is legit, when it's painfully obvious that it's the storyline fueling the Cena/Rock feud (and I think turning Rock into a cocky heel makes sense. His best work was done in that role. I mean, he was cheered as a heel) For people who claim to understand the business so well, being so naive to believe kayfabe to be reality makes them look beyond full blown stupid.
Cena dull and boring? Yes, he does repeat stuffs about The Rock but that's the truth. It doesn't matter how many times he tells it because it is correct. But no way John is tedious and boring. And no way Rock is creative at this point. In every promo he goes from his breakfast to his work and the same 1999 catchphrases. Every single time since Feb 2011. Want to argue? I am on. This is what you think. If Cena is tedious Rock is his father on this.

lmao that made me chuckle,Cena comes out every week and says the same stuff Hustle,Loyalty,Respect just put your foot in it there abit.

how is it the truth exactly? the rock said that he is back and is never going away again,has he gone?No hes signed on for Mania 28,Summerslam and Mania 29,nowhere did he say he was going to appear on raw every week and to every Fan who understands wrestling as a whole will know this so your argument is redundant.
The problem with the definition of "left/leaving" that you have there JSaturn is a guy like HBK. HBK "quit" professional wrestling permanently when he retired, but if he ever did come back to wrestle a match or two or three does that mean he never left. No not exactly.

and IF, a HUGE and TITANIC IF, HBK ever wrestles another match, then your point would be valid. Right now it is just a speculative nothing that has no relevance to this conversation. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
Listening to Labars show right now and callers and even wrestlers are saying Rock didn't keep his word when he said he wasn't leaving.

It's a total logical fallacy and I'm going to tell you why.

-ROCK IS A SPECIAL ATTRACTION, if he's on TV every week it DIMINISHES the attraction value. When Rock is supposed to be on RAW, it's "MUST WATCH" well if he's there every week, it's not long before it loses luster, and he's in some stupid storyline with Vickie Guerrero.

-Alot of people are JEALOUS Rock has succeeded outside wrestling, this includes fans, and wrestlers. Rock is an A-List star, he doesn't even need to be wrestling! He is set financially for the rest of his life, he's come back because he WANTS to, unlike Cena/HHH etc, he has succeeded outside the wrestling business.

-If you were THE ROCK, Would you want to wrestle full time? LOL of course not.

He's not a liar, he hasn't broken any promises. He didn't need to wrestle at Survivor Series, he looked great, as if he never lost a step, he is not NEEDED weekly, Does anyone remember when Stone Cold was the GM? He lost some of his specialness, by being on TV every week, but never wrestling. I don't see any fans ripping on Stone Cold for not being around. I think alot of people are bitter Rocky succeeded outside of Pro Wrestling, we wanted him to come back, he has, so stop whining with illogical arguments

I have to agree and disagree... When you're building to potentially the largest match in WWE history, both players need to be on the show to promote. Yeah, Rock has moved on but its a defining moment for Cena and the WWE. So his added star power on the shows pushing to Mania needs to happen regardless of what anyone thinks. He is needed to build a story and no bs catch phrases either. Straight talk.

I'm sure a lot of people are jealous of Rock's Hollywood success. Very few can do that transition. He's the first one of the modern era I can think of that's done it well. Rock doesn't need to be in wrestling but it is his family business so the fire does burn in him still.

If I were The Rock I wouldn't be on this forum right now... Just saying...

He isn't a liar either. He could have left in 2003 and never looked back. Yet he did. I do recall him being quoted at some point that he didn't ever plan on going back to wrestling and he was retired etc. He also didn't want to be called "The Rock". Things have changed on that bit... That's where people get the "Rock's a liar" stuff from. I honestly could care less about petty things.

The reason why people never ripped on SCSA is because he's done a lot of just being in WWE. He is a WWE guy first and actor second. That's how it goes.

As the saying goes, haters gonna hate.
Anyone claiming that racism doesn't exist in 2012 is fucking stupid, or naive. All you have to do is go look at the Chris Brown/ CM Punk story on the main site to see that.

That's not racist. Punk's picking a fight. Chris Brown is a punk. If he was white CM Punk would do the same thing.

Why is it that Chris Jericho didn't catch any heat for leaving? Oh yeah, because he left to make Rock music- something you white boys can identify with. Why is Chris Jericho given a pass for his TERRIBLE return?

Racist much? Everyone knew Jericho was going to promote Fozzy more and tour. The man has a talent and the fans can respect that honesty.

Why is he considered the BEST on the mic, even surpassing the Rock by many people (a statement that is blatantly untrue?) Because these white boys identify with anyone with blonde hair. Nevermind that Y2J would still be gone if his game show had been successful.

This is true. Jericho is very technically sound. Something that The Rock is not. Jericho and The Rock are on the same level on the stick. Rock is a lot of catch phrases. Jericho trolls the audience frequently.... but yeah, he would be gone if the show was successful. Your body can only take so much punishment.

Are you fucking kidding me? Believe what you want, but the pro-wrestling audience is still dominated by inbred rednecks- regardless of what country you're from. Honestly, I find you euro-trash to be worse.

Still racist much man? Seriously, do you have a chip on your shoulder? Blatantly racist here. Not all of us are inbred rednecks and "Euro-trash". I happen to not be inbred nor trashy. I might be of Western European descent but that doesn't make an excuse for this... and you've never seen Japanese Puroresu? That's all Japanese with some foreign talent. Have you seen Lucha Libre? That's Mexican and South American... Think before you speak.

TLDR: There is a lot to be said for the color of The Rock's skin being the reason people believe the worst about him right off of the bat. If you think that it doesn't exist, go die in a fire for your ignorance.

Bullshit. Excuse my language but I call total bullshit. When I see The Rock I don't see a half Samoan half Black man. I see a man that gave his all for the business and moved on. I'm on the fence with the guy as far as "he abandoned the fans" and "he moved on good for him" I lean more towards the latter and I'm a white kid.
You know what, forget about the definition of "leave" that I provided for you morons. How about this: The Rock NEVER SAID HE WAS NEVER GOING TO LEAVE AGAIN! Yeah, that's right, I said it. If you actually go back and listen to his promo on February 14, 2011 again, the exact, EXACT, thing he says that night is: "and it is because of you, and I give you my word, I am never ever going away." That is what he said. There is no "leave" there is no "again" he simply said he was never going away. Of course, this wording still leaves room for interpretation, and of course people still have every right to believe that he is saying that he is going to be back every three months, or work a full time schedule, or whatever. However, this wording makes it much harder to believe that because "going away" simply means he is never going to leave for an extended period of time, meaning that the schedule he has worked over the last year has been perfectly acceptable, and perfectly in line with what he said, and therefore he never lied. Of course, what is an acceptable schedule is up to interpretation again, so I fully expect that somebody is going to argue with me on this, but we will see. :p
and IF, a HUGE and TITANIC IF, HBK ever wrestles another match, then your point would be valid. Right now it is just a speculative nothing that has no relevance to this conversation. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.

There are a thousand others besides HBK as well. What about Michael Jordan? The first time he retired he tried to make a baseball career out of it, but it doesn't mean he never left the NBA.
LMAO!! Clearly, there are alot of idiots have fallen into this.

It's all a work. From Cena whining about rock for leaving, to punk calling Rock a sellout, it all a work. People need to realize we're moving into a new era, and appearently this era is all about shoot type of storylines. The WWE are using this new technology(Twitter, facebook) to further this business. IWC has beed a big reason for WWE's down fall in recent yrs, but it seems to me they finally found a way to use it for its benefit. How? by mixing storylines with reality, and I have to give it to them, they're doing a great job. Just like bischoff said "Controversy creates cash".

The point of this whole "You left us" nagging by WWE's top faces(Orton, Punk, Cena) is to make the crowd split 50-50 in this Rock-Cena fued, if that didn't work then "Passing the torch" won't work, because no one will buy it.

You don't believe it's a work? Watch rock's new DVD and you'll know exactly what I mean(Cena and Punk making some nice comments about Rock:wtf:)
didnt anybody watch that video where the rock explains what he meant by that? yeah ill agree at first it threw me off but what the rock means is that we are going to see him a lot more now. he said he is never going away as in we are going to hear from about the wwe etc and thats fine. everyone should know that the rock is an actor now and thats fine. its his life and i as a fan appreciate that he makes a few appearances now. he is apart of the wwe and he is a main attraction now. just like the undertaker and triple h. we dont see them every week and they are on the roster. the attitude era wrestlers are up there in age and can only do so much. if you dont like the rock fine, but understand everything that he has said about his status in the wwe before judging the guy
There are a thousand others besides HBK as well. What about Michael Jordan? The first time he retired he tried to make a baseball career out of it, but it doesn't mean he never left the NBA.

Now we are getting into intention. You are right, when Jordan left the NBA, he really left, and one can assume that he had every intention of staying gone for good and play Baseball. I believe that is exactly what he said when he had his press conference announcing his retirement. However, we are not talking about Jordan, or HBK, we are talking about The Rock. What were The Rock's intentions when he left. From his new DVD, he says that he left and didn't come back for so long because he wanted to make it in Hollywood on his own, without the help of the WWE, but does that mean that he fully intended to NEVER come back to wrestling? I don't know, and unless you are a mind reader, you don't know for certain as well. All I know is that The Rock did come back, which means he didn't leave permanently, and that he has been making a string of appearances since then which means he hasn't left again as some people claim. Those are the facts as I see them.
LMAO!! Clearly, there are alot of idiots have fallen into this.

It's all a work. From Cena whining about rock for leaving, to punk calling Rock a sellout, it all a work. People need to realize we're moving into a new era, and appearently this era is all about shoot type of storylines. The WWE are using this new technology(Twitter, facebook) to further this business. IWC has beed a big reason for WWE's down fall in recent yrs, but it seems to me they finally found a way to use it for its benefit. How? by mixing storylines with reality, and I have to give it to them, they're doing a great job. Just like bischoff said "Controversy creates cash".

The point of this whole "You left us" nagging by WWE's top faces(Orton, Punk, Cena) is to make the crowd split 50-50 in this Rock-Cena fued, if that didn't work then "Passing the torch" won't work, because no one will buy it.

You don't believe it's a work? Watch rock's new DVD and you'll know exactly what I mean(Cena and Punk making some nice comments about Rock:wtf:)

Kid it's not all a work. There is some genuine distaste for the Rock backstage.
HBK said some great things about Hulk Hogan for WWE DVDs. We all know that HBK/Hulk do not get a long in the least. They are TOLD to say good things in the DVD to help make the person appear to be great. The only DVD I have found where people weren't afraid to remotely speak the truth was the Ultimate Warrior's DVD. But that was basically just a long ripfest. But there is some legitimate tension in the back because lets face it. Rock has been gone for what 7 years? 1 match in 7 years and he's thrown into the main event spot light of WrestleMania. And of course this just happens to coincide with his new DVD release, and the fact that he's in between productions of Fast 6.
Kid it's not all a work. There is some genuine distaste for the Rock backstage.

You're not backstage. You can't say one way or the other.

Believing all of what you read on dirt sheets on da innerwebz is pure stupidity. Especially when the WWE is in the so called Reality Era. The writers and talent are almost assuredly feeding these "reporters" kayfabe info and passing it off as reality.

Apparently it works brilliantly because you ate it up.
Wasn't Cena a failed bodybuilder before becoming joining the WWE? Hell Stone Cold initially wanted to be a pro footballer as well he just couldn't carry it as far as the Rock. I think what matters is that when Rock was there he represented the company well for seven years without complaint helping carry the company to success during the attitude era. He has more than paid his dues.

I've watched the John Cena DVD and in it you see clips from his childhood, he is wrestling with his brothers. Cena loves wrestling and loves the WWE. He has loved it since he was a kid.

I'm pretty sure Rock has loved it since he was a kid too, but he did however wanna be a football first... which is fair enough to be honest!
This doesn't change the fact that he's got a good point about the WWE DVD's. You can almost be 100% certain that Cena and Punk were told to say good things. Not saying either of them have a strong dislike for the Rock/Dwayne, but if they did they wouldn't be allowed to say it on a WWE DVD.
This doesn't change the fact that he's got a good point about the WWE DVD's. You can almost be 100% certain that Cena and Punk were told to say good things. Not saying either of them have a strong dislike for the Rock/Dwayne, but if they did they wouldn't be allowed to say it on a WWE DVD.

But then, if they did have a dislike, why even use them? Why not Austin and HHH, I mean they were alongside the Rock during his heyday. People from current day? Miz, he idolized him. Jericho, was alongside him then AND still active (again), he probably has the BEST viewpoints on the Rock, alongside HHH. By best I don't mean nicest, I mean most insight. Could use Mick Foley, Undertaker (though they've never had any outstanding fueds that I can recall at this moment, a few minor ones over the title or something, awesome match at I think Summerslam with them 2 and Kurt Angle). They could use HBK who would have more of an observer perspective. There's no need to use these people who dislike the Rock and MAKE them say nice things.

Not to mention, besides AAALLLL of this, I can't recall when Cena made his comments, but when Rock spoke at the HoF however many years ago, I think when he put in his father and grandfather, no one seems to remember the Rock saying he wishes he could fued with HBK, cuz they never have. The Rock ALSO said then, that if he could, he would LOVE to fued with John Cena, and Cena I BELIEVE gave him a little praise bow thing, I can't remember and I'm on a computer that can't handle video to watch exactly how it had gone down. But either way, when Rock made his return last year, and called out John Cena, I thought "thats not coincidence". Rock probably WANTED to come put over Cena, and have a program with him. Hell he said as much out loud before. So thats where I believe this is all a work. Maybe not from Punk, because though he's my current favorite we all know he's got a little skewed perspective from the rest of the locker room, good or bad. But from Cena, I have a hard time believing he hates... ahem, I hate saying this... "Dwayne".
Kid it's not all a work. There is some genuine distaste for the Rock backstage.
HBK said some great things about Hulk Hogan for WWE DVDs. We all know that HBK/Hulk do not get a long in the least. They are TOLD to say good things in the DVD to help make the person appear to be great. The only DVD I have found where people weren't afraid to remotely speak the truth was the Ultimate Warrior's DVD. But that was basically just a long ripfest. But there is some legitimate tension in the back because lets face it. Rock has been gone for what 7 years? 1 match in 7 years and he's thrown into the main event spot light of WrestleMania. And of course this just happens to coincide with his new DVD release, and the fact that he's in between productions of Fast 6.

Well, "kid", this is CM Punk we're talking about not HBK, which means what you see is what you get, the hell with rock's DVD, in austin's DVD, Punk also made some nice comments about rock, not to mention tweeting rock about how he loved the G.I joe commercial, how you explain that, "kid"...matter of fact, I don't remember HBK rippin Hogan in any shoot interview, he always gave HOgan his props, till this day.

You guys were complaining about how poorly the WWE been building-up Rock-Cena WM match, well guess what, you got your wish, after Cena's segment this past monday, I believe the shit is on!

Like I said, it is a work, and you, just like alot of people here, ate it up.

This could lead to a Rock heel turn(I hope), ONLY if Cena could get half the fans behind him.
This doesn't change the fact that he's got a good point about the WWE DVD's. You can almost be 100% certain that Cena and Punk were told to say good things. Not saying either of them have a strong dislike for the Rock/Dwayne, but if they did they wouldn't be allowed to say it on a WWE DVD.

His point was blown out of the water when he mentioned that the only real DVD was The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior. That was the most obvious case of the WWE telling their employees what to say.

I'm not saying that Cena and Punk don't like The Rock, because in all honesty, NONE of us know. It's entirely possible, but saying one it's positively one way or the other because of Twitter, dirt sheets and DVDs is pure stupidity. That assumption can't be made positive unless you're CM Punk, John Cena or The Rock. Nobody here can say one way or the other.

Thing is, the putting on blast of the supposed "real" feelings is so obviously the storyline leading up to Wrestlemania XXVIII, Summerslam and Wrestlemania XXIX. They're setting up solid feuds, and that's a good thing. With most of the ******ed bullshit I see posted here, it's definitely working perfectly. Best storyline maybe ever.
I don't hate The Rock, but to me he is the heel in this angle. I anticipated his return for weeks, thought he would give the occasional satellite promo but nothing really substantive came from him other than the Survivor Series match.

I can respect The Rock for making it big in Hollywood and I don't blame him for retiring. Hell, I'm glad he's coming back for WM. But he's been absent for most of this feud, while Cena has given me a lot of reasons to support him. We'll see if The Rock can change my stance in the coming weeks, but, as it stands currently, I'm 100% behind Cena.
But then, if they did have a dislike, why even use them? Why not Austin and HHH, I mean they were alongside the Rock during his heyday. People from current day? Miz, he idolized him. Jericho, was alongside him then AND still active (again), he probably has the BEST viewpoints on the Rock, alongside HHH. By best I don't mean nicest, I mean most insight. Could use Mick Foley, Undertaker (though they've never had any outstanding fueds that I can recall at this moment, a few minor ones over the title or something, awesome match at I think Summerslam with them 2 and Kurt Angle). They could use HBK who would have more of an observer perspective. There's no need to use these people who dislike the Rock and MAKE them say nice things.

Not to mention, besides AAALLLL of this, I can't recall when Cena made his comments, but when Rock spoke at the HoF however many years ago, I think when he put in his father and grandfather, no one seems to remember the Rock saying he wishes he could fued with HBK, cuz they never have. The Rock ALSO said then, that if he could, he would LOVE to fued with John Cena, and Cena I BELIEVE gave him a little praise bow thing, I can't remember and I'm on a computer that can't handle video to watch exactly how it had gone down. But either way, when Rock made his return last year, and called out John Cena, I thought "thats not coincidence". Rock probably WANTED to come put over Cena, and have a program with him. Hell he said as much out loud before. So thats where I believe this is all a work. Maybe not from Punk, because though he's my current favorite we all know he's got a little skewed perspective from the rest of the locker room, good or bad. But from Cena, I have a hard time believing he hates... ahem, I hate saying this... "Dwayne".

Well don't ask me why they don't use those guys. Take that up with the "E." I agree with what you're saying because I know for a fact that he said that at the HOF ceremony in (I believe) 2008. I'm not "falling" for the this is reality thing. It is a work, but that's why I'm enjoying taking Cena's side from a storyline standpoint.
Let it be known that I'm a hater who is trying to be civil.

The Rock is crossing into a very stupid and very gullible fan base, the dreaded Cenation.

Do I have a good reason to hate Rocky? Indeed I do. Would I share any insightful reason to hate Rocky knowing that some over-privileged fourteen year old is going to use it as a means to shill on behalf of Cena? Fuck that.

What if *gag reflex* The Marine was a huge blockbuster? Cena would be waving his hand in front of his face all the way to a full time career in Hollywood. He failed more times than I care to fully recognize, in that I don't want to think of some of his movies, at being a famous movie star/gangster rapper.

How did Cena succeed? By failing as a wrestler but falling back on the few pockets of fans that still piss away money for his wrist bands, he's loyal to the few idiots who think three successive shoulder blocks are an example of performance versatility.

Rock may have had The People's Elbow, but at least he wasn't stonefaced when he performed it like Cena during the five knuckle shuffle.
Now HOOOOOOLLLLLDDDDDD on a Second.........When the Hell did Dwayne become and A-List celeberty??????

I would NOT put him in line with DeNero, Depp, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Jack Nicholson, Tommy Lee Jones and their like. Those are A-List actors

I would not even rate him with the likes of John Cusack, Jack Black,Adam Sandler, Kevin James, James Spader, Billy Bob Thornton and their like are B list actors

Then you have peeps like Brendon Fraiser,Sean William Scott and a host of others that are C-List at best. Dwayne is C list at the best not even close to A-List.

Grab some reality man wow

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