**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

So jericho takes ziggler spot for a shot at the title at wrestlemania and involve in a feud with punk that IS going to hurt punk (as clear by the Y2J chants) and NO ONE is bitching about it???
And after Jericho cashes his big mania paychek he rides off into the sunset for his fozzy tour.
Please do explain why this relic jericho who is a lesser star than dwayne can get away with it unscathed but we must criticize the rock??

You seem to have misconstrued my post. I wasn't making the case that there wasn't a double standard; my personal opinion is that there is, but to a lesser extent than people would have you believe. I was making the case that it was ludicrous to make the case that people were prejudiced against The Rock because of the colour of his skin. Forty minutes later, still ludicrous.
The Rock is out there talking about WWE on Twitter, Facebook, during interviews (saw him on Leno recently and he talked about Wrestlemania). This is good for WWE and for the WWE universe. He's promoting the product. I bet a lot of people that had outgrew WWE, are now tuning back in or will buy WM (and maybe stick with it after WM) because they see that The Rock is back associating himself with the product and maybe, just maybe, those people will tune in and other superstars will catch their eye and so they'll decide to start following it again.

It wasn't that long ago when The Rock wanted nothing to do with WWE and even wanted his name as Dwayne Johnson in credits (and not Dwayne "the rock" Johnson) so now he's back promoting the product that got him to where he is today. How can we hate him for that? His presence is helping WWE, the fans, the entire roster. If the superstars in the locker room can't see that, then they're either too stupid or too arrogant to realize it.
PS cena vs the rock were in for a hellava ride.

You are a GENUINE living example of why "Cenation" is a pejorative term.

Here's hoping that Cena vs Rock is so awesome that it tears the fabric of our dimension and sucks them both into the Netherworld.
Slyfox. So you are gonna judge the man's love for the business because he moved on to other things?
What? Did I say anything to suggest that at all? Did you even read what I wrote?

I would say that dwayne is a better role model for showing that you work hard toward your dream and you can achieve it.
That's great, what does that have to do with our conversation?

What is cena gonna do when he retires??? Is he going to stay in the wwe forever? and be another hulk hogan and flair???
You'll have to ask him. But I do know that there is a much greater chance for Cena to stay in the business than there is for Rock.

I'll make a wild guess and say cena is going to make movies.
It's possible. Again, I don't see what this has to do with anything.

He did NOT USE the wwe to get success.
Uhh...yes he did. Not that I have a problem with it, but that's EXACTLY what he did.

The rock never called out austin for taking his ball and going home, that was part of story line.
You obviously didn't read what I wrote.

Would cena ever job to Santino??
If he was asked to, he would. That's the thing about Cena, he's there for the company, and will do whatever they need him to do. That's what people see as the primary difference between Cena and Rock.

And i don't have time to read your posts
Obviously, since you clearly did not read my last post, else I have to believe you wouldn't have posted such an idiotic rambling response.

i have a wife to fuck and a kid to raise
I'm sure your wife would love to know you just referred to her as your sex object, and the thought of you raising children makes me truly feel sorry for your children.
I have no problem with him going to make movies and coming back randomly and make an appearance. But what bothers me is the term coming "home". just say its good be back. The rock has brought nothing to the table in terms of his feud with cena. picking on his clothing? ok? the fact that only little kids and girls like him? ok rock pretty sure u were boo'd at sumerslam 2002 which forced ur charcter to turn heel... i just wanna say I HATE john cena (his character) but everything he said during his promo on raw was right. the next week after mania the rock will be gone... but he might come back at summerslam.... then be gone again. what he did at survivor series was perfect. come back team up have ur big match back and go do what u do in hollywood. the rock going to main event mania is dumb. summerslam ok not as bad, Sseries not as bad but mania is taking away a spot on the card that people have worked very hard for all year. imagine the rock at wm 16 and the wwf says hey rock sry some1 else is comming back to the company FOR ONE NIGHT and were gonna bumb you down the card. he'd be pissed. ive never been a cena or rock fan but i agree with cena and i think alot of ppl will also
People just wanna bitch about the Rock imo. They bitch when he leaves then they bitch when he comes back and takes other guys' "spots".

Wrestling fans can be selfish. They want the Rock to do this and that for them. Well I genuinely believe he does what he can with his busy schedule.

People don't seem to understand the Rock also needs to do what he can to better himself and his career. If that means leaving the squared circle for a few years to act, then so be it.

The guy is an international superstar and paved the way for a lot of "sports entertainers" so why not be proud of him?

He's one of our guys that made it big.
Even if he was able to get half the fans behind him a Rock heel turn would be utterly ******ed and downright detrimental for WWE. Why would a beloved legend come back to the ring in his hometown in the main event at Wrestlemania to be a heel just to gravitate to Cena? Especially if Cena's gonna get booed anyways? If that were to happen or if WWE was going in that direction it wouldn't surprise me if Rock walked out on this feud before Mania. Though it's not like WWE can say crap to the Rock anyways, he's not an employee.

All Rock has to do is come out and seriously BURY Cena in a worked shoot on Monday. A heel turn isn't needed; just come out, keep the comedy at bay, and EXPOSE Cena and make him feel legit embarrassed, yet stand up for himself by actually addressing Cena's claims; perhaps talk about the so-called resentment from the younger wrestlers(if that story is true). No "boots to asses", no manginas or ladyparts. His one-liners aren't gonna cut it this time. I'm not one of those idiots who think the PG rating is why the WWE sucks but because of what may potentially happen(depends on the Rock) they might want to bring back the TV-14(DLV) rating for next week.

Well, that's the only way for Rock to respond to cena's "You left us for 7yrs" nagging. As a babyface, especially in this era, Rock is way too limited on the mic. The fact is, Rock has done it all, and he left to make more money with less health risk, there is no way in hell rock would come out and say this as a face, but as a heel he can go there, not only that but he can also bring some real heat, cause at the end of the day, Rock has always been better as a heel, IMO. Plus, You need to remember that this whole fued is about putting Cena over, so it wouldn't make a difference If rock turned heel. Again, this can only work if Cena could make the crowd split to his side(atleast 50-50).

And by the way, Rock isn't getting booed in Miami, that's for sure, but keep in mind that the big picture is to have a series of matches btw the two, so...that may help in the future.
I really wonder how many of the people siding with the Rock are genuine Cena haters. I feel a lot of these opinions coming from an already biased mindset...and to respond to someone..it doesn't matter how long you have been watching wrestling, that doesn't mean you know more than someone who has been watching it for less. That's a damn fact. I watched wrestling for over 10 years and still didn't know jack shit compared to what I know now.
i have read most the posts on this forum and the posts here show how idiotic wrestling fans can be. Today i will talk about the issue of "the Rock leaving the WWE in his PRIME and didn't help anyone out!!!!!"

Firstly did The Rock leave in his prime? That is an arguable point(If you stopped watching wrestling after WrestleMania 17 and witnessed him leave to do the Scorpion King then yeah i guess you can say he left in his prime. If you were to go with when he officially left in 2003 then eh not so much)

Secondly people complain that The Rock left in his prime and left an entire generation with nothing. This statement is just pure ignorance! In 2002 before The Rock left on his hiatus he put Brock Lesnar over cleanly in a WWE Championship Match at Summer Slam 2002 thus setting up the leader of the next generation. When he returned he had side feuds with the likes of The Hurricane and Jeff Hardy. The Hurricane would not have had nearly the amount of popularity he did if he didn't feud with The Rock. The Rock then had Goldberg punk him out and whip his ass all the way up until there match at Backlash 2003 in which again The Rock lost cleanly putting Goldberg over as a top talent on RAW. And then he returned in 2004 and wrestled at WrestleMania 20 where he again lost to Evolution giving them especially Randy orton the rub that he needed to be a top player. (Although Mick Foley was the biggest part of Randy Orton's push)

The Rock set up a whole new generation before he left the company. It is not his fault that Goldberg and Brock Lesnar peaced out and left the WWE in shambles. So today this post just shambles the idea that The Rock left the company in his prime to its near death, as well as prove that The Rock has never put anyone over. You tell me one person Cena has put over except for maybe The Miz (and even that is arguable)
gotta laugh at someones thinking on here,they believe people are being biased lol yeah right,listen people have the right to make there own minds up weather they like or dislike someone,so don't claim to think you know that people are doing it on purpose because you don't,also yes i obviously i will have a wider knowledge of the wrestling business ive been following it for 20 years wwe,tna,roh,czw ect so yeah im going to know more than someone whos only been following it 10 years logic really.
Let people think whatever they want. They have their own views and opinions and many people are stubborn as fuck. There is no point in trying to debate logic reason with them. It's a pointless battle that will end up in a continued cycle.

Rocky left, he's back and said he won't ever leave and he's kept that promise. He's going to appear here and there like Austin foes. That's what he meant and if people think otherwise, they're stupid beyond belief. His full time wrestling days are over, but he still wants to give back to his fans when he has the time. He's moved onto a new chapter in his life. If people can't accept that, well then that's just flat out pathetic.

Like I first stated, everyone has their own views and opinions. This is mine and it doesn't make me stubborn because my views are logical.
gotta laugh at someones thinking on here,they believe people are being biased lol yeah right,listen people have the right to make there own minds up weather they like or dislike someone,so don't claim to think you know that people are doing it on purpose because you don't,also yes i obviously i will have a wider knowledge of the wrestling business ive been following it for 20 years wwe,tna,roh,czw ect so yeah im going to know more than someone whos only been following it 10 years logic really.

Maybe so, but I would be careful trying to discount someones opinion on a current topic just because you watched wrestling for 20 yrs and somebody else watched it for 10.
To some degree, I can understand if some WWE wrestlers are put out over the whole situation with The Rock. I'd be completely shocked if there were reports that everyone was fine and it was like one big happy family. The WWE roster is full of talented wrestlers who work very hard, have been loyal and give all they've got, so I can't say that reports of some wrestlers being unhappy with all the special treatment The Rock has gotten are unexpected. Some wrestlers are jealous of this and it's hard to blame them for that. Everybody is human and I'd probably be a little irked too if some guy just waltzed in where I work and was suddenly being promoted ahead of me in spite of all my hard work.

At the same time, however, business is business and the fact of the matter is that The Rock is good for business. The fact that he's on the WM card will probably only mean that much more of a pay day for everyone involved. There's always going to be rumblings of discord backstage. Hell, how many of us have read reports or read rumors about former wrestlers going online & venting about how they weren't "used right" or weren't pushed to the full extent of their ability? I'm sure some people in the WWE locker room are probably hating on CM Punk & Daniel Bryan, even if it's just hate they're keeping to themselves and a few close colleagues, thinking or saying that it should be them in that role or getting that push or all that attention.
There was a time when people thought he would never come back at all. Can't people just be happy he's back in some capacity rather than not at all? And to be honest i think people have took the words he said in that first promo way out of proportion and way to serious. Just my opinion.
It's funny that people don't act like The Rock wasn't a company man while with the WWE. Who was the man doing everything he could to carry the WWE while Austin was out injured? Who was the guy that came back while filming a movie to help out because Austin literally quit the week before? Is it The Rock's fault the Hollywood took an interest in him and the WWE didn't sign him to a new contract?

Let's be real for a moment, Cena is just doing what others before him such as The Rock, Austin, HBK, Hogan, etc., did before him. As irish_glen said, can't we just be happy he is back and actually wrestling?

The talent and the fans need to stop blaming The Rock for taking spots because if they had been doing their job well enough, The Rock wouldn't have been brought in. It's funny they complain about The Rock but rarely heard any complaints about Mayweather, Snooki, Donald Trump, etc.
The topic is "I'm tired of misguided people ripping the Rock". Well i'm tired of thin skinned Rock fans starting threads complaining that some people are not fans of their beloved Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Who cares what someone's reason is for not liking the Rock? If he rubbed them the wrong way, that's their opinion. You've got 80% of this site ripping John Cena with baseless, untrue make believe, and yes you've got 1,000 annoying threads about that aswell. Perhaps there are legit reasons not to like the Rock or Cena, but it seems as though the loudest voices belong to the dumbest people arguing the weakest points.
People, this is a work. They are trying to make it personal so that it can be a huge match that is also personal.

The rock never owed the fans anything (and I was a huge fan when I was younger). Im sorry that the rock wanted to take a career that would allow him to see his family more, make him more money, and not jeopardize his health or body. Are wrestling fans so blood thirsty that they are not happy with a wrestler leaving until he has become like Edge, Eddie or Benoit?

If the rock didnt distance himself, he never would have been taken seriously in hollywood. Now that he has established himself, he has returned to his wrestling fans. Did he have to? Hell no. Vince couldnt possibly pay him in a year what he makes from one movie. And coming back could actually hurt his hollywood credibility. He did it because of his fans. So he said he was never leaving again. Did he really? He's not going to show up all the time. I imagine him being like Stone Cold. Come back for big important events to please the old school fans. He is not a WWE employee, but he has still returned.

I don't think that the wrestlers have any actual beef with the rock. Just because you hear it from dirt sheets or JR does not mean its real. It means the WWE is using different sources to push storylines. People can try to hate on the Rock, but his millions will still be louder than the whiny bitches who feel like he owes anything to them.
Rock addresses these issues in this promo:


Rock just needs to show this vid Monday, or say basically the exact same thing.

He does a good job of owning Cena yet again. He shows just how foolish Cena is.
All the Rock haters and Cena apologists should watch this video again.

ROCK did his time, Cena FAILED at movies. ROCK is an overwhelming success!
People can rip on Rocks movies, well box office don't lie!

Cena wants to be the Rock and he's jealous he never will
Meanwhile we have Rocky talking about fruity pebbles and manginas. That's pretty corny too is it not?
Fruity Pebbles was original and funny, people chant it because of that. Cena never has an original thought that trends, or people chant or talk about, he only gets people to say Hoski when he rips it off a fans sign
That's because Cena's promos have a lot more substance to them than just repeating mindless catchphrases all of the time...Rock's promos value style over substance, Cena's promos value substance over style.

Thank you for proving my point.
Okay, I am literally laughing my ass off here. I've seen fucking stupid posts in my short time here but none more stupid than some of the shit in this thread.

The Rock is a movie star first and WWE wrestler-guest host-dude second. Is it really that hard to comprehend??? He's not a full time, legit professional wrestler anymore. Get the fuck over it or just don't watch, SIMPLE AS THAT, PEOPLE!!!

He's enjoying his career so can't we just be happy for the guy? He gave us years of quality entertainment and we will NEVER see a Superstar of that magnitude ever again. Had he retired and just gone home would you still complain? No, I don't think you would to be honest. It's all because he's not doing what YOU want him to do!

He doesn't need to be there all the time to promote WM29 and his feud with John, his name on the card is enough to draw thousands and thousands (maybe millions) of buys. As for him "never going away" I seriously think a lot of you misunderstood what he meant...I'm not even going to fucking explain it.
I think what this boils down to is your either a member of Cenation or your a member of #TeamFilmIt. The simple fact is Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson did lie. He came back last year cut a decent (albiet self serving) promo and left. The only reason he came back in the first place was to A. promote both his twitter and facebook accounts which he had just launched and B. promote Fast Five even though he wasn't one of the main stars in the movie (I don't even think he got top billing for the film). He came back a second time on RAW (the RAW before mania) to cut a even crappier self serving promo to move the storyline along and at Mania he cut a promo to (Suprise, Suprise) promote himself some more. He then came back to RAW a couple weeks later for his birthday and the whole damn show was about him and he cut a couple more self serving promos on that episode. He came back to RAW one more time last year before Survivor Series and cut another sub par self serving promo and to do a bad job of insulting Cena. Since the match at Survivor Series we haven't heard from him since in a WWE ring. All the promos he cut last year was the same old crap he used to say during the attitude era. He had no new material and when he was insulting Cena he used insults a 3rd grader could come up with. Cena on the other hand has never left at all. When Cena was filming The Marine or 12 rounds or whatever movie was filming at the time he might have cut his house show schedule down a bit but he was on RAW almost every single week during the filming of those movies and that is because unlike Dawyne Johnson, Cena actually cares about the fans. The WWE and The Make A Wish Foundation are business partners and Cena is thier Number 1 requested superstar and one of the top requested celebrities peroid, I would like to see Dawyne Johnson do that. I have never personally met Cena but I have friends that have met him in public (outside the ring) and from what I'm told he's a hell of a nice guy and very approachable. I've got a couple of friends in L.A. who have said they have seen him in public with an entourage of like 10 or so people and If you approach him his security staff tells you to take a hike (that's what I was told anyway). I thought Cena's promo the other night on RAW was awesome because Cena ment every word he said about Johnson and I think he is absolutely 100% right. Another thing that people don't realize is when Cena talks about Johnson he's not cutting any promo per say (with most promos being scripted to fit whatever storyline is going on at the time) Cena and Johnson do not like each other outside of the ring. Cena has gone on record saying as much and this is what started the whole damn thing in the first place. Should "The Rock" be on RAW every week of course not but if he's in a storyline with someone he should be on RAW a lot more often instead of bringing it Live Via Satellite. Austin shows up every couple of months to say hey so why couldn't Rock do it. Johnson may show up once or twice before Mania and then after Mania he won't be back until he has something else to promote.
People can rip on Rocks movies, well box office don't lie!

People can rip on the Twilight movies, but box office don't lie there either, right?

This whole thing brings me back to the CM Punk promo last summer. One of the reasons why it hit such a chord with people because they identified with Punk's frustration that comes when one shows great skill and dedication to his craft but gets ignored in favor of others that favor the boss' preferences. And though Punk's promo was mainly about Cena, he also said that "the fact that Dwayne is in the main event at Wrestlemania and I'm not makes me sick!"

People need to stop with the "you're just JELLIS" crap. I don't think any of them expect the Rock to be buddy buddy with them, but if what Punk has said in the past is true, he doesn't seem to make any effort to interact with the locker room or offer some advice. Other guys like Foley, Austin, and Piper don't seem to have this problem.
That's because Cena's promos have a lot more substance to them than just repeating mindless catchphrases all of the time...Rock's promos value style over substance, Cena's promos value substance over style.

Thank you for proving my point.

Cena's promos have little substance. He's unentertaining on the mic. Just listen to the crowd reaction.

The sad thing in all this is that there are people who didn't comprehend the context of "I will never leave". You can't take every word everybody says literally. Look up the word "context", people. Of course, cena fans haven't gotten that far in their vocabulary class.

It's cena fans who can't comprehend context, and it's cena fans who think cena's promo is a shoot. It's not a shoot, Vince is telling him what to say. There needs to be a reason for them to feud, and this is it.

Vince won't let his cash cow get booed out of Miami. He will try to get that crowd 50/50, and because the little Jimmies are so easily brainwashed, he might get his way.

Anti-cena signs were confiscated Monday. Don't be surprised if Rock turns heel next Monday. The Rock is the only wrestler who will try hard to get fans to hate him, despite their willingness to cheer him. Why? Because he's loyal to Vince, and to the business. How often did everyone try to cheer him in 2003, only for the Rock to tell them to stop cheering him, and hate him instead?

But after seeing how dumb many cena fans are, and how easily brainwashed they are... I hope Rock cancels his SummerSlam and WM29 plans, and leaves for good after WM28. He doesn't need wrestling, his best movies are still ahead of him. He doesn't need to be booed by misguided drones. He doesn't need to elevate a wrestler who woulda been a midcarder in the Attitude Era.

Then the Jimmies will see how WWE will return to being a niche product with low ratings and little buzz.

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