**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

The Rock, never had any real talent except on the mic, his moves were VERY SUB PAR. and Still are, now his mic skills are horrid because we've heard it from him ALL before. Cena on the other hand at least tries to add new moves to his arsenal, all be it it has been a while since he added anything new, I would rather this match not take place, especially at WM since its going to be a very boring match.

Agreed Rock doesn't have to wrestle, but if he is going to come back and make a run of it, don't just wrestle one match a year, thats for old people like Taker. I will say the Rock left WWE during his prime, thus being said, its years later Rock hasn't wrestled since WM XX 2004, he is far past his prime.
I think the problem with all you Rock fans is that Cena is a bigger WWE superstar than The Rock could have ever dreamed to have been and I think that pisses you off just a little bit. Hogan may have passed the perverbial torch to The Rock and that's all well and good but Stone Cold Steve Austin (Who in my opinion is the greatest WWE superstar EVER) passed the torch to Cena which I think is bigger than Hogan passing the torch to Rock.

I am bored here lol so i am actually going to respond to this. John Cena is not a bigger star than The Rock and i assuming you just said that just to troll so i'll leave that where it is.

As far of this passing of the torch business. Stop just stop. Hulk Hogan did not pass a torch to the Rock. The Rock was already a legend and one of the biggest stars in wrestling when they faced each other. Passing a torch was not needed. That match was simply a dream match in which the younger and more believable wrestler won the match.

John Cena has been in a championship match for the last 7 years at WrestleMania, with only one of them not being for a World Title and one of them he actually lost. He has Main Evented nearly every PPV in the last 5 years and he is the face of the company. Now i know you didn't say anything about this, but others have. John Cena does not need a god damn torch passed to him! If Cena after 7 years of rarely losing clean, Main Eventing almost every PPV known to man, receiving the biggest constant push since Hulk Hogan cannot get people to take him seriously as the "man". Then there is no way beating The Rock will do that.Then he is a lost cause. But he is not, so this is not a passing of the torch match. This is a what if match. Please people leave it at that.
I find this to be the dumbest post in the history of WZ. And that's saying something. You talk about little substance and then put over the Rock's promos? The Rock talks about putting things up people's asses and compares people to breakfast cereals. That's substance? The fact that you're name is "I hate Cena" shows exactly where you are coming from. Your mind can't be changed and that's fine. But before you start talking about how dumb people are you should make an effort not to sound so dumb yourself.
Well I find your post to be the dumbest post in WZ history. What's so substantial about cena's promos? They are all lame. How do you define "substance" when it comes to wrestling promos? The Rock is entertaining in his. cena is cringeworthy when he is on the mic.

My mind can be changed, I wouldn't hate him if he wasn't so lame. You're the one who sounded dumb by saying cena's promos had substance. They don't.

Here is the radio interview John Cena did FOUR years ago that pretty much started this whole thing http://youtu.be/Vg0qbfI1a9g was Vince telling him what to say then. Here is Cena on Kimmel FOUR years ago saying the same thing http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/03/john-cena-disses-dwayne-rock-johnson but I suppose Vince was in the back somewhere telling him what to say as well.

I think the problem with all you Rock fans is that Cena is a bigger WWE superstar than The Rock could have ever dreamed to have been and I think that pisses you off just a little bit. Hogan may have passed the perverbial torch to The Rock and that's all well and good but Stone Cold Steve Austin (Who in my opinion is the greatest WWE superstar EVER) passed the torch to Cena which I think is bigger than Hogan passing the torch to Rock.
Well, then Cena is an even bigger jackass if he truly feels what he said in his promo. He's acting like a jilted ex-gf. Waaa!! Waaa!! Stay and entertain us even tho you have bigger fish to fry!! Waaaa!!!

And no, Cena IS NOT a bigger WWE Superstar than Rock. It's not even close. When you put the pantheon of all time greats, you will have Hogan, Flair, Hart, HBK, SCSA, Taker and THE ROCK. Cena will be nowhere to be found. Ask anybody.
Well I find your post to be the dumbest post in WZ history. What's so substantial about cena's promos? They are all lame. How do you define "substance" when it comes to wrestling promos? The Rock is entertaining in his. cena is cringeworthy when he is on the mic.

My mind can be changed, I wouldn't hate him if he wasn't so lame. You're the one who sounded dumb by saying cena's promos had substance. They don't.

Well, then Cena is an even bigger jackass if he truly feels what he said in his promo. He's acting like a jilted ex-gf. Waaa!! Waaa!! Stay and entertain us even tho you have bigger fish to fry!! Waaaa!!!

And no, Cena IS NOT a bigger WWE Superstar than Rock. It's not even close. When you put the pantheon of all time greats, you will have Hogan, Flair, Hart, HBK, SCSA, Taker and THE ROCK. Cena will be nowhere to be found. Ask anybody.

You want substance? Ok, well first I'll have to explain to you what substance actually is seeing that your grasp on the english language is tenuous at best. Substance in a wrestling promo would be anything that promotes your storyline and highlights both your character's personality and motivation. The Rock ignores storylines and talks about shining things up and well, you know the rest. He doesn't explain why he's angry or try and put his opponent over as a threat. He just makes fun of them. Cena on the other hand does put his opponent over on the mic. He explains his motivation and what his intentions are. That is substance. Content and delivery are another issue. You can dislike what he's staying, but atleast he's saying something (Unlike the Rock). I'm sorry you feel my post was the dumbest you've ever read, but hey... I've seen your other posts. You're an idiot. What do I care, right?
You want substance? Ok, well first I'll have to explain to you what substance actually is seeing that your grasp on the english language is tenuous at best. Substance in a wrestling promo would be anything that promotes your storyline and highlights both your character's personality and motivation. The Rock ignores storylines and talks about shining things up and well, you know the rest. He doesn't explain why he's angry or try and put his opponent over as a threat. He just makes fun of them. Cena on the other hand does put his opponent over on the mic. He explains his motivation and what his intentions are. That is substance. Content and delivery are another issue. You can dislike what he's staying, but atleast he's saying something (Unlike the Rock). I'm sorry you feel my post was the dumbest you've ever read, but hey... I've seen your other posts. You're an idiot. What do I care, right?
You're the idiot for taking this shit so seriously.

This shit is entertainment, it's not trying to win an Emmy for Best Drama. The Rock insulting his opponents is all you really need to promote the storyline and to highlight the motivation involved. You think it needs to be deeper than that?

All I've seen from cena's promos is nonsense. He told HHH that HHH needed to beat him to be the best. Even tho HHH already had wars with the VERY BEST. Wow, so substantial. He called y2j y2Cheap. WOW! Robert De Niro has nothing on him! He called JBL a poopyhead. OMG!!! Rename the Emmy the Cena!!!

You don't need much to sell these stories of these cartoon characters kicking each other's asses. The Rock sold it well with his insults. Yes, they had substance. Whenever he was scheduled to face anyone, he'd tear them apart verbally, while punking out his interviewer as well. That was awesome. When cena starts his rants, I have no choice but to change the channel or I'd fall asleep.

You can dislike what he's staying
I see your grasp of the English language is impeccable.
You want substance? Ok, well first I'll have to explain to you what substance actually is seeing that your grasp on the english language is tenuous at best. Substance in a wrestling promo would be anything that promotes your storyline and highlights both your character's personality and motivation. The Rock ignores storylines and talks about shining things up and well, you know the rest. He doesn't explain why he's angry or try and put his opponent over as a threat. He just makes fun of them. Cena on the other hand does put his opponent over on the mic. He explains his motivation and what his intentions are. That is substance. Content and delivery are another issue. You can dislike what he's staying, but atleast he's saying something (Unlike the Rock). I'm sorry you feel my post was the dumbest you've ever read, but hey... I've seen your other posts. You're an idiot. What do I care, right?

Not exactly though. Ive seen Rock sell a storyline and do it just like Cena. Rock's promo right before facing Austin at Mania XIX is a great example of this. Rock's promo at Mania 2000, his sit down promo with Austin/JR. I know there are others. Rock has had his share of those type of promos, he is just known for the jokes and stuff and people just say that's all he did, but he can and has turned up the heat and got serious.
MPWFchairman you and every other Rock fan on here are a bunch of ******s. Nobody is talking about what The Rock did in the attitude era because he was one of the superstars that helped propel the WWE even further into the future. We are talking about what The Rock has done since then and you people are so STUPID that you just want to live in the past. AdrianCLE the only reason Cena gets booed all the time is because of idiots like yourself who don't realize that Cena is the best worker that the WWE has right now.
I am so sick of every Rock fan saying this whole thing is keyfabe or a work. Here is a radio interview Cena did a full THREE years before Rock came back and started this whole thing on RAW. http://youtu.be/Vg0qbfI1a9g and If you want more proof here is John Cena on Jimmy Kimmel also from THREE years ago http://youtu.be/-jqVhsMpQE4. Listen to what Cena had to say and then tell me if this whole thing is still keyfabe or a work. Cena wasn't saying those things as John Cena "The Wrestler" he was saying that stuff as himself.

LMAO!! It's been reported that vince was behind that shoot interview. He was in a tough situation, and he wanted to bring Rock back by any means neccessary. So, he told Cena to make all those comments.

Well I find your post to be the dumbest post in WZ history. What's so substantial about cena's promos? They are all lame. How do you define "substance" when it comes to wrestling promos? The Rock is entertaining in his. cena is cringeworthy when he is on the mic.

My mind can be changed, I wouldn't hate him if he wasn't so lame. You're the one who sounded dumb by saying cena's promos had substance. They don't.

Well, then Cena is an even bigger jackass if he truly feels what he said in his promo. He's acting like a jilted ex-gf. Waaa!! Waaa!! Stay and entertain us even tho you have bigger fish to fry!! Waaaa!!!

And no, Cena IS NOT a bigger WWE Superstar than Rock. It's not even close. When you put the pantheon of all time greats, you will have Hogan, Flair, Hart, HBK, SCSA, Taker and THE ROCK. Cena will be nowhere to be found. Ask anybody.

I hate Cena you are a MORON. Cena has done more while in the WWE than The Rock ever did I will say Rock had more competition because let's face it Cena really dosen't have that much competiton. Cena's only competition at this moment is CM Punk and Randy Orton everybody else is on the verge of hitting it big or are career midcarders. The fact remains Cena is a megastar and Rock never hit megastar status until the very end of his career. Rock was a great entertainer but let's not go overboard because as much as he tried he was never able to become the top superstar of his time.
You're the idiot for taking this shit so seriously.

This shit is entertainment, it's not trying to win an Emmy for Best Drama. The Rock insulting his opponents is all you really need to promote the storyline and to highlight the motivation involved. You think it needs to be deeper than that?

All I've seen from cena's promos is nonsense. He told HHH that HHH needed to beat him to be the best. Even tho HHH already had wars with the VERY BEST. Wow, so substantial. He called y2j y2Cheap. WOW! Robert De Niro has nothing on him! He called JBL a poopyhead. OMG!!! Rename the Emmy the Cena!!!

You don't need much to sell these stories of these cartoon characters kicking each other's asses. The Rock sold it well with his insults. Yes, they had substance. Whenever he was scheduled to face anyone, he'd tear them apart verbally, while punking out his interviewer as well. That was awesome. When cena starts his rants, I have no choice but to change the channel or I'd fall asleep.

I see your grasp of the English language is impeccable.

Aww, picking at typos? Nothing you say makes any sense and broken english seems to be your forte. You came riding in on a high horse made of B.S. and I knocked you off of it. I'm done with you.

Going back to the topic at hand. And to a previous poster who unlike Mr. I Hate Cena is not a complete moron. Yes, the Rock isn't incapable of cutting a good story telling promo. He just hasn't in a very, very long time and it isn't really in his nature to do so. Not to mention, wouldn't you think he'd turn it up for what is being billed as the biggest match ever? If he can't cut an inspired promo for this match what is he saving them for? My reason for posting in this thread to begin with was to give another reason for not caring for the Rock other than the tired "He lied" dead horse that is beaten every time the pro-Rock crowd wants to marginalize the anti-Rock crowd. Some people may feel let down by the Rock, and they have the right to feel however they want. Just as Mr. I hate Cena has the right to feel however he wants. But none of them have the right to their own facts, nor do they have the right to frame their opponent's arguments for them. The OP wants to know why people don't like the Rock. I've listed my reasons. His shtick didn't appeal to me in the 90's, why should it now?
lmao that made me chuckle,Cena comes out every week and says the same stuff Hustle,Loyalty,Respect just put your foot in it there abit.

how is it the truth exactly? the rock said that he is back and is never going away again,has he gone?No hes signed on for Mania 28,Summerslam and Mania 29,nowhere did he say he was going to appear on raw every week and to every Fan who understands wrestling as a whole will know this so your argument is redundant.

:worship: Look at your incoherence. What you fail to comprehend is that my argument is more valid than yours. You say John says about HLR every week huh? I didn't hear it last week. I didn't hear it two weeks before and certainly I haven't heard those three words since the "Embrace the Hate" thing.

What does Rock do? *Music hits* "Rocky walks out to the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and raises his hands to the fans. He gets a mic and insults John Cena with a different name and makes crowd chant it. He then goes into that thing more deep and gives a series of his 1999 Catchphrases". Now tell me who is more stale,boring,repetitive?:disappointed:

I know you are a Rock mark but no way you tell others boring even though your fave is borin'.
I hate Cena you are a MORON. Cena has done more while in the WWE than The Rock ever did I will say Rock had more competition because let's face it Cena really dosen't have that much competiton. Cena's only competition at this moment is CM Punk and Randy Orton everybody else is on the verge of hitting it big or are career midcarders. The fact remains Cena is a megastar and Rock never hit megastar status until the very end of his career. Rock was a great entertainer but let's not go overboard because as much as he tried he was never able to become the top superstar of his time.
cenationseattle, YOU are a MORON. Cena may have done more, but how much of it was of Rock's quality? Hardly any. Quality over quantity.

Cena a megastar? Among the little Jimmies. The Rock in 1999 had already hit a higher megastar status than Cena will ever reach. The mainstream hardly knows about Cena. Just wrestling fans. By 1999, Rock was a household name. Then he hosted SNL in early 2000. Will cena host it rather than make a small cameo?

Aww, picking at typos? Nothing you say makes any sense and broken english seems to be your forte. You came riding in on a high horse made of B.S. and I knocked you off of it. I'm done with you.

Going back to the topic at hand. And to a previous poster who unlike Mr. I Hate Cena is not a complete moron.
Since you felt the need to flame me, I'm obligated to respond to this. Otherwise I wouldn't.

You haven't knocked me off any high horse. You said cena's promos were substantial, but you haven't proven it. What I've seen from him has been rubbish of a level of a high school drama class. And I proved that with examples.

Only a complete moron gets impressed by cena's mic work.
cenationseattle, YOU are a MORON. Cena may have done more, but how much of it was of Rock's quality? Hardly any. Quality over quantity.http://forums.wrestlezone.com/images/icons/icon8.gif

Cena a megastar? Among the little Jimmies. The Rock in 1999 had already hit a higher megastar status than Cena will ever reach. The mainstream hardly knows about Cena. Just wrestling fans. By 1999, Rock was a household name. Then he hosted SNL in early 2000. Will cena host it rather than make a small cameo?

Since you felt the need to flame me, I'm obligated to respond to this. Otherwise I wouldn't.

You haven't knocked me off any high horse. You said cena's promos were substantial, but you haven't proven it. What I've seen from him has been rubbish of a level of a high school drama class. And I proved that with examples.

Only a complete moron gets impressed by cena's mic work.

Give me a break! Cena is a megastar. He is truly an icon of the WWE. I will tell you how. It's not because of the li'l jimmies thing. Cena is more known to the people outside the USA. When you keep the Asian and some of the European countries in mind, Cena is more popular than Rock. Rock was over with the crowd in 1999. He WAS over then. He is still over with fans but do you think the modern generation i.e kids know The Rock well than Cena? But for the internet they would not even know who Dwayne was unless they saw his movies that means as an ACTOR not a WRESTLER. You can argue about Cena's fans being kids and women but do you realize what demographic WWE is targeting? They are making their products watchable for the children and women. That is why Cena is more of a household name than The Rock in the South East Asia, The Pacific and some other places.

I don't mean to say he's the best on the mic but if you say he is stale and repetitive as well as boring on the mic I'll still remind you how The Rock is worse than him.
I hate Cena you are a MORON. Cena has done more while in the WWE than The Rock ever did I will say Rock had more competition because let's face it Cena really dosen't have that much competiton. Cena's only competition at this moment is CM Punk and Randy Orton everybody else is on the verge of hitting it big or are career midcarders. The fact remains Cena is a megastar and Rock never hit megastar status until the very end of his career. Rock was a great entertainer but let's not go overboard because as much as he tried he was never able to become the top superstar of his time.


Are you serious bro?

*looks at username*

Oh now it makes sense.

With ROCK as face of WWE=BUSINESS THRIVED, as popular as ever
Cena as the face=ITS GONE DOWNHILL

Cena would have been a mid carder at best in the attitude era.
Give me a break! Cena is a megastar. He is truly an icon of the WWE. I will tell you how. It's not because of the li'l jimmies thing. Cena is more known to the people outside the USA. When you keep the Asian and some of the European countries in mind, Cena is more popular than Rock. Rock was over with the crowd in 1999. He WAS over then. He is still over with fans but do you think the modern generation i.e kids know The Rock well than Cena? But for the internet they would not even know who Dwayne was unless they saw his movies that means as an ACTOR not a WRESTLER. You can argue about Cena's fans being kids and women but do you realize what demographic WWE is targeting? They are making their products watchable for the children and women. That is why Cena is more of a household name than The Rock in the South East Asia, The Pacific and some other places.

I don't mean to say he's the best on the mic but if you say he is stale and repetitive as well as boring on the mic I'll still remind you how The Rock is worse than him.
Cena is NOT iconic, he's been pushed and shoved down our throats for 8 years because he's the image WWE wants to put out there. But when over half the audience completely hates you when you're a babyface? HA!

Rock/HBK/Austin/Hogan/Undertaker, THOSE ARE ICONS, Cena does not belong in that tier he belongs in the Triple H/Mick Foley tier
Cena is NOT iconic, he's been pushed and shoved down our throats for 8 years because he's the image WWE wants to put out there. But when over half the audience completely hates you when you're a babyface? HA!

Rock/HBK/Austin/Hogan/Undertaker, THOSE ARE ICONS, Cena does not belong in that tier he belongs in the Triple H/Mick Foley tier

You probably don't comprehend my fact and I understand it considering you are one of those so called IWC guys. Cena is ICONIC. Cena is in the same tier as Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan and Austin. Why? They were representing the WWWF/WWF early in their career and became repetitive,stale and boring like you said. Austin was not boring though.Hogan had a heel turn which solidified his legacy even more but what would've happened if he hadn't turned heel? He'd be the same Hulk Hogan we have been seeing for 10 years. Cena is in the same state. He is THE babyface of the WWE. Who the hell told that half the crowd hates him? LOL. Only 5-10% of population like IWC rip on him. Children love him, girls love him. I even see guys wearing Cena's shirts and booing him. What does that mean? He ain't a heel. People boo him because they like to. They love that dueling chant. I even see some children doing the "Cena Sucks" chant with "Let's Go Cena" chant. If your basis of Cena hatred is on dueling chant or booing, it's wrong.

Even Hogan was once shoved in YOUR throat. Austin was shoved in YOUR throat as well in early 2001 where he was getting a bit stale. Sheamus is getting shoved in YOUR throat. CM Punk will be getting shoved in YOUR throat. IWC mentality," Root for a guy sometime and hate on him later". You don't like Cena but it is not necessary that others have to do as you do.
You probably don't comprehend my fact and I understand it considering you are one of those so called IWC guys. Cena is ICONIC. Cena is in the same tier as Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan and Austin. Why? They were representing the WWWF/WWF early in their career and became repetitive,stale and boring like you said. Austin was not boring though.Hogan had a heel turn which solidified his legacy even more but what would've happened if he hadn't turned heel? He'd be the same Hulk Hogan we have been seeing for 10 years. Cena is in the same state. He is THE babyface of the WWE. Who the hell told that half the crowd hates him? LOL. Only 5-10% of population like IWC rip on him. Children love him, girls love him. I even see guys wearing Cena's shirts and booing him. What does that mean? He ain't a heel. People boo him because they like to. They love that dueling chant. I even see some children doing the "Cena Sucks" chant with "Let's Go Cena" chant. If your basis of Cena hatred is on dueling chant or booing, it's wrong.

Even Hogan was once shoved in YOUR throat. Austin was shoved in YOUR throat as well in early 2001 where he was getting a bit stale. Sheamus is getting shoved in YOUR throat. CM Punk will be getting shoved in YOUR throat. IWC mentality," Root for a guy sometime and hate on him later". You don't like Cena but it is not necessary that others have to do as you do.

I'm sorry I just don't put John Cena in the same class in terms of status as Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock. Part of the problem is not really Cena's fault and that is that Hogan, Stone Cold, Rock, were all legends at a time when WWE was immensely popular. WWE had mainstream popularity and was "cool." EVERYONE knew who Hogan was. Parents, grandparents, kids young and old, all know who Hulk Hogan is. Stone Cold and Rock both gained mainstream popularity as well to the point where mainstream media, non-WWE fans, knew who they were and thought they were cool. I knew people that hated WWE but loved Stone Cold and Rock.

Fast forward to now. Is Cena popular? Hell yeah he is. However, does he really have the mainstream popularity that makes Rock and Austin and Hogan popular? No he does not.

Rock is all over Sportscenter and latenight talk shows. Mainstream media wants to talk to him about movies and wrestling. No one is clamoring to talk to John Cena. Popularity is what it is. The Rock is a worldwide icon. So is Stone Cold, so is Hogan. If you randomly picked any country in the world and asked a sample of say 100 or 200 people (all ages)who The Rock is and who John Cena is, I bet a higher percentage are going to know who The Rock is. Cena is huge among the wrestling community and big amount young kids that aren't necessarily diehard WWE fans. The Rock is popular among people all over the world, WWE fans or not, of all ages, races, etc. That is what makes someone an icon.
You probably don't comprehend my fact and I understand it considering you are one of those so called IWC guys. Cena is ICONIC. Cena is in the same tier as Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan and Austin. Why? They were representing the WWWF/WWF early in their career and became repetitive,stale and boring like you said. Austin was not boring though.Hogan had a heel turn which solidified his legacy even more but what would've happened if he hadn't turned heel? He'd be the same Hulk Hogan we have been seeing for 10 years. Cena is in the same state. He is THE babyface of the WWE. Who the hell told that half the crowd hates him? LOL. Only 5-10% of population like IWC rip on him. Children love him, girls love him. I even see guys wearing Cena's shirts and booing him. What does that mean? He ain't a heel. People boo him because they like to. They love that dueling chant. I even see some children doing the "Cena Sucks" chant with "Let's Go Cena" chant. If your basis of Cena hatred is on dueling chant or booing, it's wrong.

Even Hogan was once shoved in YOUR throat. Austin was shoved in YOUR throat as well in early 2001 where he was getting a bit stale. Sheamus is getting shoved in YOUR throat. CM Punk will be getting shoved in YOUR throat. IWC mentality," Root for a guy sometime and hate on him later". You don't like Cena but it is not necessary that others have to do as you do.


Cena has not revolutionized the business in any way do not put him in this name bracket, PS, Hogan and Austin got over with the vast majority of the audience
I'm sorry I just don't put John Cena in the same class in terms of status as Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock. Part of the problem is not really Cena's fault and that is that Hogan, Stone Cold, Rock, were all legends at a time when WWE was immensely popular. WWE had mainstream popularity and was "cool." EVERYONE knew who Hogan was. Parents, grandparents, kids young and old, all know who Hulk Hogan is. Stone Cold and Rock both gained mainstream popularity as well to the point where mainstream media, non-WWE fans, knew who they were and thought they were cool. I knew people that hated WWE but loved Stone Cold and Rock.

Fast forward to now. Is Cena popular? Hell yeah he is. However, does he really have the mainstream popularity that makes Rock and Austin and Hogan popular? No he does not.

Rock is all over Sportscenter and latenight talk shows. Mainstream media wants to talk to him about movies and wrestling. No one is clamoring to talk to John Cena. Popularity is what it is. The Rock is a worldwide icon. So is Stone Cold, so is Hogan. If you randomly picked any country in the world and asked a sample of say 100 or 200 people (all ages)who The Rock is and who John Cena is, I bet a higher percentage are going to know who The Rock is. Cena is huge among the wrestling community and big amount young kids that aren't necessarily diehard WWE fans. The Rock is popular among people all over the world, WWE fans or not, of all ages, races, etc. That is what makes someone an icon.
Bro, this is WWE not hollywood. The Rock represents Sports Center as Dwayne Johnson not The Rock. Cena represents John Cena of WWE and I am comparing them on this behalf not popularity by movies. Rock is popular because he is an actor more than a wrestler while John Cena is a wrestler. If you take this into account, Cena is an Icon... a wrestling Icon!
So you quote your signature
“Why don't all the haters enjoy the current product and just keep quiet?”

We have to accept what there is and deal with it? So by this, accept cena and just hope for no better.

I think CM Punk said it best when he said “I don’t hate you John, I hate this idea that you’re the best”

To what I am about to say there can be no arguement cena has been force fed to the WWE universe, to the point you can’t ignore him, love or hate him. Hence to the point of what Punk said, and a justifiable reason as why he is hated.
Just watched Cena's shoot promo on youtube. It was as electric and as scintillating as it could be.

It got me thinking about what Rock will say next week on RAW. If I remember correctly that Cena said last year (next week after wrestlemania event), that his match with Rock will be for WWE championship. I guess Rock can ask Cena that he doesn't see the belt around Cena's waist. He can mock Cena around that fact, and we know that Cena's bashers seem to enjoy that pretty well.

This Cena-Rock feud promos is gonna be one hell of a ride leading up to wrestlemania and I am totally looking forward to it.
Bro, this is WWE not hollywood. The Rock represents Sports Center as Dwayne Johnson not The Rock. Cena represents John Cena of WWE and I am comparing them on this behalf not popularity by movies. Rock is popular because he is an actor more than a wrestler while John Cena is a wrestler. If you take this into account, Cena is an Icon... a wrestling Icon!

Dude, even before he went to hollywood, Rock then(2000) was more popular than Cena ever will be. So, the acting issue is not a factor. When it comes to mainstream popularity, no can touch Rock..well, other than Hogan. Again, keep in mind, I'm talking about 2000 Rock(Before he started his acting career).

Cena might be a wrestling icon (just like HBK, Flair, Undertaker, Sting, and the list goes on), but Rock is a pop culture icon and there are only two other wrestlers that I consider as pop culture icons and those two are Hogan and Austin.
I use to be a fan of cena but this is why i hate him. This whole suck up to the crowd bullshit i hate. Why should loyalty to the wwe be a reason for the fans to like you? WWe spent years feeding kayfabe and with this heel/ face thing. So if loyalty is a reason for fans to like you then Michael Cole should be one of the most loved employee. And vickie guerrerro should get more respect and shouldn't be booed.
I use to be a fan of cena but this is why i hate him. This whole suck up to the crowd bullshit i hate. Why should loyalty to the wwe be a reason for the fans to like you? WWe spent years feeding kayfabe and with this heel/ face thing. So if loyalty is a reason for fans to like you then Michael Cole should be one of the most loved employee. And vickie guerrerro should get more respect and shouldn't be booed.

The suck up to the crowd "bullshit" is all part of the angle, and Cena's using it because Rock has left him nothing else to say to this point because he rarely shows up (understandable), but having said that Cena's promo did it's job in spades. It made me want to watch next week. Again the whole loyalty to the fans is all part of the angle, and btw Michael Cole and Vickie Guerrero are two piss poor examples to your point.
Even if any of these allegations are true no one here especially Cena of all people have any right to speak on reminding people where they come from. Cena is in a position where he can't leave under the wwe banter. He's stuck as a wwe "superstar" for life. So for him to say "oh you left us and now you're all hollywood on us Rock" comes off like a childish little prick who just found out that santa isn't real and now has to spoil it for everyone else because they're upset.

Your still missing the point though. It's still not about who went where. It's about losing that most important piece to a person's personality. Thats being humble. With all the criticism that Cena takes from so many people out there, he's a truley decent guy outside of the ring. It'd be easy for him to give the fans the finger after how he is treated in many cities around the nation. The man has been spit on for crying out loud, but yet he still does multiple fundraising and charity events, and is always out there involved with the fans. Cena's problem with The Rock is his attitude now. Looking down on the other guys in the back, the attitude that he is better than those guys because he accompolished something outside of pro wrestling. How much involvement does the Rock have with his millions now? If he isn't promoting a movie somewhere then you hardly see the guys face.

Thats what Cena was touching on when he said you pretty much have to go through like three or four people just to get to The Rock.

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