**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Cena's problem with The Rock is his attitude now. Looking down on the other guys in the back, the attitude that he is better than those guys because he accompolished something outside of pro wrestling.

Um, The Rock has accomplished more as a wrestler than 99% of the current roster. So, Cena's little diss doesn't hold a lot of water. So, if he looks down on the younger guys, he has every right to. They would piss their pants to ever set foot in the same ring with him.
Dude, even before he went to hollywood, Rock then(2000) was more popular than Cena ever will be. So, the acting issue is not a factor. When it comes to mainstream popularity, no can touch Rock..well, other than Hogan. Again, keep in mind, I'm talking about 2000 Rock(Before he started his acting career).

Cena might be a wrestling icon (just like HBK, Flair, Undertaker, Sting, and the list goes on), but Rock is a pop culture icon and there are only two other wrestlers that I consider as pop culture icons and those two are Hogan and Austin.

That is IN YOUR VIEW. This is PG-TV and Cena is more popular than The Rock among children. He has granted the most wishes in the make-a-wish foundation. Why would he grant wishes? Because the children want to see him right? So he is an icon among children. When you consider the current state Cena is an icon. When you think of the past or the attitude era The Rock and Austin were way to popular but since you have taken this into account, the only real POP ICON in this wrestling world is Hulk Hogan brother! No one will even be more popular than him, dude! He owns everyone in crowd reaction even at 58, brother! He is an Icon..a true Icon.
I think that it is the only angle they could take for this match ... and it definitely has some legs.

Lets be honest ... MANY MANY wrestling stars have come back for sporadic appearances in the past ... but outside of Hulk Hogan, none had the star power outside of the ring like The Rock does.

The major difference in The Rock and Hulk Hogan ... Hogan never disappeared from wrestling for a really long time like The Rock did.
Why would he come back? He was doing well. He IS doing well. Hogan and others came back after shorter periods of time because their movies CRAPPED OUT. Rock is in high demand. It makes NO sense for him to come back.

This is a tough topic. I marked out just like everyone when The Rock came out as the guest host last year. I was thrilled to get promos from him and know we were getting a match this year from him. But I was not thrilled with the way he has been presented. He flat out said he would never leave again ... and then was gone.
booooorrrriiinnggg...booooorrriiinnngg....really yall, you're gonna have to do better. Anyone with half a brain knew he wasn't coming back on a full time schedule. Those who did were not being realistic as he has a legitimate career outside of wrestling. What part of that don't you understand?

He keeps harping on what the WWE has become without him, but does NOTHING to help it become anything else.
Why should he. WHY. He did everything he was supposed to do while he was a full time wrestler. He put over plenty of talented people. If you think for one moment, he was coming back to put over some of these new cats who can't get over on their own, you're crazy. So he's gonna sully his legacy puttin over people who wouldn't make the best out of the rub regardless?
Yeah right.
I would have no problem with him showing up as guest host. Saying he was going to be at WM 28, coming back just to do the build up for this month and a half and then being gone. [Cue the violins] But telling us he was never going to leave.(sniff sniff) Doing crappy ass promos via satellite (where he can do multiple takes mind you). Doing dumb catch phrases like Boots to Asses while in fact putting no boot to no ass ... it just makes him look fake.(sigh)

That is my impression at least. (wiping away tears)
So...yeah...you took the whole "never leaving again" extra personal.
You should probably stop watching wrestling for a while.
Love him or hate him ... John Cena leaves it all in the ring. He won't leave wrestling.
Cena won't leave wrestling for his wonderful acting career. I mean he has been extremely successful and has had plenty of box office hits. John Cena is a pretty hot commodity in Hollywood right now so its pretty cool that he CHOOSES to be in a WWE ring rather than continue making great movies..........OR

His movies suck, and he has no actual acting talent, everything he stars in bombs like pearl harbor and the reality is he's leaving it all in a WWE ring and will never leave wrestling BECAUSE HE CAN'T.

Your still missing the point though. It's still not about who went where. It's about losing that most important piece to a person's personality. Thats being humble. With all the criticism that Cena takes from so many people out there, he's a truley decent guy outside of the ring. It'd be easy for him to give the fans the finger after how he is treated in many cities around the nation. The man has been spit on for crying out loud, but yet he still does multiple fundraising and charity events, and is always out there involved with the fans. Cena's problem with The Rock is his attitude now. Looking down on the other guys in the back, the attitude that he is better than those guys because he accompolished something outside of pro wrestling. How much involvement does the Rock have with his millions now? If he isn't promoting a movie somewhere then you hardly see the guys face.

Thats what Cena was touching on when he said you pretty much have to go through like three or four people just to get to The Rock.

Prove it.
Cena has to go through 3 or 4 people to get to the Rock? Probably.
If you and I had beef you'd have to go through more than that to get to me.
People in the back from my understanding have been talking crap about the Rock since he left right along with Cena so why the heck would he talk or hang out with anyone in the back? Why? Many of them have allegedly voiced their opinion about him coming back and supposedly are upset by it. So....why would he give them a rub? Why would he converse with them and give them pointers?
Tell you what I DO know. I do know that he didn't have to have Miz and Truth fly to Louisiana to train with him. Why did he fly them in? Because he had a SS match with them? Maybe. But they have also expressed gratitude for having him back and not been in the back like a bunch of pansies talking crap about their spot being taken. To be honest, I wouldn't give them cats the time of day either if they were really that petty.
He owes us NOTHING. He spent 260 days a year on the road giving and giving and giving to the WWE universe and decided to call it quits to do something less strenuous. If people cant understand that then I got two words for you:
Grow up.

Do I hate the Rock because he left for Hollywood...no. Do I hate Cena because he has an annoying choir boy gimmick that goes beyond stale...no. I respect both guys for what they have done. What you don't realize though is it seemed alot of Cena's problem with him was more than him leaving for Hollywood, it's the fact that his ego became Hollywood.

There has been numerous reports through the years of when the Rock would make his little surprise visits here and there and would isolate himself and not speak with anyone at all. Many people felt snubbed by him with an "I'm better than you" type personality. That is what Cena was saying last night. That the Rock went off an became a big hollywood star and now has fully embraced all the rich, arrogant pleasures that come with it. Sitting on set with a delicious mixed drink with a little umbrella in it. Getting your own trailer. Things to that nature and Cena was making it out like the Rock forgot what put him in that position in the first place.

So do I know if any of thats true...no. However it would fit the bill of many people that do become Hollywood stars then it changes that person's ego for the worst.

You become a mega star in one genre of entertainment.
Leave that genre and become a star in another area of entertainment.
See if that doesn't boost your self-esteem a bit.

Whether he's a jerk or not is subjective. I'm one of the nicest people you'll meet but catch me on the wrong day and I might not be. Its subjective.
If I know theres a locker room full of young talent trying to get to where I've been, and they idolized me and wanted to get knowledge from me, nothing could stop me from talking with them and giving them advice.
BUT if I know theres a locker room full of disgruntled employees mad because I'm back talkin major noise, yeah, you'll have to go through my "people" to get to me.
The Rock paid his dues. Everything Cena is doing, The Rock has already done. What does he have to prove to anyone?
Nothing. You're LUCKY he's on TV again.
Be satisfied.
Know your role and....
you know the rest.

I find it funny that all these performers (including Cena) wonder what The Rock has done to "make anyone a bigger star", I guess they never watched wrestling back when the Rock was doing exactly what they're doing, busting his ass every night in the ring. Everyone suddenly forgets all the jobs he did for Austin back in the day? And Triple H? And Goldberg? And some rookie named Brock Lesnar? I mean, c'mon, this isn't Kevin Nash we're talking about here...

I think this all stems from jealousy for most of the performers. Obviously, Cena and Rock have some level of respect for one another, or else they wouldn't be working a program together. I think The Rock will do the job as he may feel he owes it to Vince, which is ridiculous as he owes nothing to the WWE at this point. He helped them as much as they helped him. People forget though, at one point there was legit heat between Cena and Rock when Cena ran his mouth in an interview about The Rock and his love for the business. Who is Cena to question that? The Rock grew up in the business and for Cena to question that is wrong and insulting to the whole Johnson/Maivia family.

In the end, the guys who feel Rock is just taking a spot from someone else should all line up and do what they do for every other legend in the business, say "thank you".

I read today that some wrestler wanted to remain anonymous when reporting something about the Cena promo tonight.

What happened to respecting the guys who came before you, the guys who allowed you to make a living? Rock is being crapped on. (Although, I doubt he cares.) He doesn't have to do this, period. I do agree he used the WWE to restart his acting career...but everyone benfited. What these guys need to worry about is getting themselves over and putting asses in the seats like Rock did for years. As for the text message....it was probably Punk, Orton, Cena, or Ziggler. The usual suspects. This shooting BS has gone too far...there's a real danger in hurting the main event of Rock and Cena by doing this crap, and that hurts EVERYONE'S paycheck. I don't get this. You don't like Rock, that's great. Take it up with him like a man, not e-mailng a dirt sheet.

Rock put over Lesnar when Austin wouldn't.
Rock put over Goldberg huge when others wouldn't.
Rock ever put over Hurricane Helms which nobody ever did again.

None of us have any idea what Rock is like backstage, but I do agree, it's tough to promote this feud from the Titantron. I was really excited for it initially, but it's boring now. I love the Rock, and he has given back more by putting over more stars than ANY major star I can think of.

-Austin both with their Wrestlemania battles, but don't forget the time between Survivor Series 97 and Royal Rumble 98 over the IC belt which was an important bridge for Austin until he won the Rumble.
- HHH many times, Summerslam 1998 ladder match comes to mind.
- Hurricane (enough said).
- He let Goldberg DESTROY him when Goldberg debuted
- Lost cleanly to put over Lesnar.
- Was very important in Foley's rise to the main event
- Jericho, Angle, Benoit, the list goes on.....

The way I see it from looking at the stuff I've been reading online from "anonymous" WWE wrestlers ever since Rock returned last year, the current roster are nothing more than a bunch of self important, ignorant, ungrateful bitches.

It's due to people like The Rock that they even have jobs to go to. Along with Austin, he revolutionized the business in the late 90's and early 2000's and actually put wrestling on the map again, on a worldwide scale. Also, as someone else has already pointed out, the reason they need people like Rock to come back in order to sell a PPV is because nobody is interested in seeing this current bunch of halfwits, with the obvious exceptions of Punk, Cena, Orton and Sheamus. It's due to The Rock that they surpassed 1million buys last year and it's due to Rock wrestling that they will surpass 1million buys again this year.

I seem to remember years ago at another time that Rock came back for a short while as a hollywood bigshot heel, he layed down for a clean pin loss to the f'n Hurricane on Smackdown too.

Again this would have been as big as Attitude era, and no doubt where the money would have come from. So there you have it you could have swaped the other pieces of the attitude era but with out Austin/Rock there would be no WWE it would be WCW.
And there is no denying that the Rock is the most entertaining superstar period and is a good wrestler check: Rock/Austin, Rock/Benoit, Rock/Angle, Rock/taker, Rock/Lesnar, Rock/Hogan, Rock/Jericho, Rock/Foley and even Rock/Rikishi.
Then about making stars:

Kurt Angle-Yes angle had feuded with UT and HHH, but The Rock was the one who gave him the belt, and lost to him prior to his title reign, Angle even says they still keep in touch, Rock put angle over in a big way at No Mercy 2000 and even at No Way Out 2001 though Angle lost Rock made him look like a machine.

Chris Jericho-The Rock put over Jericho huge y2j even says so in his book, Rock singled him out as the guy he wanted to put over, and he didn’t just do it once he did it 5x, The Rock really boosted Jericho, and awarded him for his talents unlike Triple H who only puts his friends over properly.

Brock Lesnar-Stone Cold walked out when he was asked to put over Lesnar, The Rock put over lesnar happily before the undertaker, and was made to look like a walk over by Lesnar, when the rock put over lesnar, lesnar became huge, triple h putting over batista was not as big, and Cena had to go through the whole roster.

Chris benoit- Benoit even mentions how great the rock is on his dvd, and though he lost to the rock, he was made to look amazing by the rock in their match, as rock actually did lose the title to him, but not it was reversed this happened twice, and one the rock did actually put benoit over on SD.

The Rock’s put people like RVD and The Big Show over. My God he’s even put the hurricane over, even the hurricane for peaks sake. He has lost all three his wm matches that were last on the card putting over triple h and Austin, Cena has won 2 and lost 1 of the three matches which were last on the card and has won 5 world/wwe title matches and lost 2 at wm…the rock derserves the win at WM in his hometowwnn…especially since he’s most likely going to be at summerslam 2012 and wm 29. He can put Cena over then.
Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper have been in movies but no where near the level of The Rock. The Rock is one of the biggest actors in the world…he has legit made it in Hollywood and is probably earning 20x more than the biggest wwe stars atm, he does not need to come back to wwe at all, there’s nothing in it for him, he is giving back in a big way, its amazing that he’s even come back after having such a big movie career

, by saying he’s back and is never going away, does not mean he needs to be there everyday, that’s stupid why would a movie star of his calibre do that, john cena’s movies are below soap opera level, their wwe movies, you can’t compare. The Rock is schelduled for possibly summerslam 2012 and definitely wm 29 so he probably meant he is going to keep doing big matches. It is great for WWE, Flloyd Mayweather, snooki, Mr T all took ‘superstars spot at WM’ no they helped Wrestlemania be Wrestlemania..the superbowl, it made it feel special, they don’t work the road the rock is in the same place, only its even better as he’s also a legend, they all went over the people they were wrestling, and it only helped the wrestlers Big Shows career was saved by it, so The Rock just wrestling is good for Cena’s career. These superstars need to do something to make themselves valuable enough to mainevent like cm punk otherwise they should be respectful…ratings are down so it shows how great they are. Cena is a great wrestler and a big star, but The Rock just blows him out the water, but like I said it is all just probably a work…

Its all an act, you guys.

The Rock may not have made anyone lately but he sure put a lot of people over in the past... HHH/Foley/Austin/Goldberg/Brock
He used to put everyone over and STAY over (and not in a santino way). He is that good.

Fuck the haters. Rock doesn't need the money. He's not back for himself. Just cause Rock has more talent in his eyebrow than the wwe roster doesn't mean everyone has to be jealous.

The Rock has done it all for the WWE before. For people to even hate on him because he said "Im never leaving again" is outright ridiculous. He worked hard, gave us memorable matches, and hilarious promos.

Remember when Rock had to fight the Cooporation? Went up against Big Boss Man? Caught the club in mid air and hit boss man with it to secure the win.

The sliding peoples elbow. Enough said.

Stone Cold and The Rock, Rock vs Mick Foley, Rock vs Jericho and their amazing promos, Rock vs Triple H(Who tried in real life to put him down in the ranks of the wwe), Rock Vs Angle. Even that bullshit Hogan match was given flair with his presence. He always tried to give us something different.

Meanwhile, I can't remember a legitimate fued with Cena outside of Batista. Thats not to say hes not good, but theres always been an entertainment factor when watching wwe/f. Cena had it early on in his career. Now, hes as stale as ever.

All of you Cena lovers, need to read this post.
I'm going to come around every once in a while and re post this. Because all of you who continue to vomit Cena'isms on a regular basis (via satellite, i'm here you're not, blah blah blah) need to this post in your life.
Also, for your viewing pleasure, I'll be adding the critically acclaimed 11 minute Bash Cena fest Rock interview.

I'm sure after reading this a million times, you'll finally get what we've been trying to say.
Cause everytime I read some whiny Cena fan garbage, i'm going to repost this very long post.
Cause...seriously. I'm sick of it.

I partially answered this question in my previous post, but I need to respond to you directly.

I understand where you're coming from and it's a very good point, but when it comes to this topic at hand, you are completely wrong. An ordinary job we have and a professional wrestling career are two different things. The main reason: Passion. I can confidently say very few of us are passionate about our every day jobs. If you are TRULY passionate about something, even if it's something that gives you 10 bucks an hour, then you wouldn't want to do anything else. If Rock was truly passionate about wrestling, he wouldn't have ditched it in his prime to pursue acting. He disrespects every past and present wrestler who has worked their ass off to succeed in this business. He was in a position thousands of wrestlers all around the world would kill to be in...and he ditched it like he could care less. Plain and simple.

Why is it, that in your mind, passion is limited to one thing per person?
Passion is not limited to one thing per person. Passion is what you have when you want something REALLY REALLY BAD. He wanted to pursue wrestling and do everything there was to do in wrestling. He did that. There was nothing left for him to do. So...he pursued his other passion. If he wasn't passionate about wrestling, nothing would get him to come back and put his body on the line when he could be somewhere in a trailor getting ready for his next MULTI MILLION dollar film scene...Passion is not limited to ONE thing per person. He had a passion to entertain be it wrestling or acting, and he's doing that.
Um, The Rock has accomplished more as a wrestler than 99% of the current roster. So, Cena's little diss doesn't hold a lot of water. So, if he looks down on the younger guys, he has every right to. They would piss their pants to ever set foot in the same ring with him.

Sorry but I disagree. The Rock puts his pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else and is no position to look down on anybody. Thats like saying your boss has the right to treat you like crap because he or she has apparently accompolished more than you or they wouldn't be your boss.

[cL];3736128 said:
You become a mega star in one genre of entertainment.
Leave that genre and become a star in another area of entertainment.
See if that doesn't boost your self-esteem a bit.

Whether he's a jerk or not is subjective. I'm one of the nicest people you'll meet but catch me on the wrong day and I might not be. Its subjective.
If I know theres a locker room full of young talent trying to get to where I've been, and they idolized me and wanted to get knowledge from me, nothing could stop me from talking with them and giving them advice.
BUT if I know theres a locker room full of disgruntled employees mad because I'm back talkin major noise, yeah, you'll have to go through my "people" to get to me.
The Rock paid his dues. Everything Cena is doing, The Rock has already done. What does he have to prove to anyone?
Nothing. You're LUCKY he's on TV again.
Be satisfied.
Know your role and....
you know the rest.

This isnt like he had one day where he apparently acted like this. It's been a reported issue for the last seven years. And to be honest it doesn't faze me one way or the other that The Rock is back. Sure it's nice to see him but the business survived before him and has after him and the same goes for my personal enjoyment towards the product.

On a sidenote, If thats his attitude, he created the whole disgruntled employee outlook towards himself. The way you worded him hiding behind his "people" kinda makes look like a coward. Not starting anything with you, just saying.

[cL];3736115 said:
Prove it.
Cena has to go through 3 or 4 people to get to the Rock? Probably.
If you and I had beef you'd have to go through more than that to get to me.
People in the back from my understanding have been talking crap about the Rock since he left right along with Cena so why the heck would he talk or hang out with anyone in the back? Why? Many of them have allegedly voiced their opinion about him coming back and supposedly are upset by it. So....why would he give them a rub? Why would he converse with them and give them pointers?
Tell you what I DO know. I do know that he didn't have to have Miz and Truth fly to Louisiana to train with him. Why did he fly them in? Because he had a SS match with them? Maybe. But they have also expressed gratitude for having him back and not been in the back like a bunch of pansies talking crap about their spot being taken. To be honest, I wouldn't give them cats the time of day either if they were really that petty.
He owes us NOTHING. He spent 260 days a year on the road giving and giving and giving to the WWE universe and decided to call it quits to do something less strenuous. If people cant understand that then I got two words for you:
Grow up.

First off, I'm not saying I disagree with you. My initial post was trying to rationalize Cena's point of view. I'm on the fence here buddy, I don't give a two cents who wins the match or if the match even happens to be honest. Your basing your opinion about people talking on the Rock from the moment he left on reports just like me, and you ask me to prove it. And if the the reports are true, people are just as much upset at his higher stature attitude as they are him taking their spot. Is it all juvenile, yes. I never said I agreed with it.

Where our opinions differ though is if I had beef with someone, I'm not going to hide behind three or four people. Give them my phone number, leave the door open, I don't care. With that said, did The Rock pay his dues, yes. Do I hold a grudge one him for doing something else, no. However I don't know too many people that if somebody they know went off and did something else and all of a sudden they didn't think their you know what stunk, that wouldn't rub me or them or most people the wrong way.
This isnt like he had one day where he apparently acted like this. It's been a reported issue for the last seven years.

I have never. Ever heard that. That's absolute bs. From Austin to Jericho, you never heard such a thing about the guy. Maybe with the losers now, but from the past 7 years? That's a stretch.
I have never. Ever heard that. That's absolute bs. From Austin to Jericho, you never heard such a thing about the guy. Maybe with the losers now, but from the past 7 years? That's a stretch.

When he gave his hall of fame induction speech for his father four years, there were those that said he made it too much about himself. And I have seen many wrestling sites reporting over the years when he first starting appearing again about his attitude. So please do not attempt to tell what I did and did not read, when you were not there. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it's bs. You can believe me if you want, I will not lose sleep one way or the other.

Again I stress to some of you people, that these are "reports", I have no idea nor care if they are true or not.
[cL];3736110 said:
Why would he come back? He was doing well. He IS doing well. Hogan and others came back after shorter periods of time because their movies CRAPPED OUT. Rock is in high demand. It makes NO sense for him to come back.
If Hogan could have been as successful as the Rock making movies, I believe Hogan would have stayed in movies. And I'm saying this as a huge Hogan fan.

I think it's silly for people to be upset that Rock went to go do movies. There are plenty of other reasons to be critical of the Rock, without having to discuss the personal choices he made.

Why should he. WHY. He did everything he was supposed to do while he was a full time wrestler. He put over plenty of talented people. If you think for one moment, he was coming back to put over some of these new cats who can't get over on their own, you're crazy. So he's gonna sully his legacy puttin over people who wouldn't make the best out of the rub regardless?
Yeah right.
I'm not sure where the person you're responding to gets that the Rock has been harping on what the WWE became without him, but if Rock truly has said that, then it's a fair statement to say Rock should do something to fix it.

It's always easy to criticize, much harder to actually do something about it. And for the record, I'd take the current era of wrestling over the Attitude Era every day of the week, especially on PPV Sunday.

Cena won't leave wrestling for his wonderful acting career. I mean he has been extremely successful and has had plenty of box office hits. John Cena is a pretty hot commodity in Hollywood right now so its pretty cool that he CHOOSES to be in a WWE ring rather than continue making great movies..........OR

His movies suck, and he has no actual acting talent, everything he stars in bombs like pearl harbor and the reality is he's leaving it all in a WWE ring and will never leave wrestling BECAUSE HE CAN'T.
There is a gaping flaw in your logic. You're assuming Cena WOULD leave if he could. Cena CAN leave, he could leave and seek out better and more promising movie producers and better and more promising directors. Let's face it, do you think The Rock would have shined in 12 Rounds? Of course not.

If Cena truly wanted to be an actor, he could easily do better than WWE Films. But he doesn't, he wants to be a pro wrestler. Cena's movies may not have done well, but I dare say those movies had far bigger flaws than Cena's acting...like, for example, the fact the scripts were terrible, the production was sub-standard, the other actors were not very good, etc.

Oh, and it's not like the movies Rock's been the star in have done that well. Rock's biggest successes come when he's in the supporting cast role, not the main character.

I seriously doubt that. In wrestling, always assume everything is a work. Especially when two guys are working a program with each other. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Rock called Cena up every once in a while and said, "hey, how about you say something like this in a promo, and I'll say this in a tweet". Not saying he does, just saying it wouldn't surprise me. The Rock grew up in wrestling and was a pro wrestler...he understands you always put business and making money first.

People in the back from my understanding have been talking crap about the Rock since he left right along with Cena so why the heck would he talk or hang out with anyone in the back? Why? Many of them have allegedly voiced their opinion about him coming back and supposedly are upset by it. So....why would he give them a rub? Why would he converse with them and give them pointers?
Because if he would hang out with the guys and would give them some pointers, then they wouldn't be saying that stuff?

I doubt Rock cares, like he said in the interview or tweet (whichever it was), the people who are grumbling anonymously are the same people who will probably never make it. But if he did care, that's why he would.

He owes us NOTHING.
You and I agree on this.

All of you Cena lovers, need to read this post.
I'm going to come around every once in a while and re post this. Because all of you who continue to vomit Cena'isms on a regular basis (via satellite, i'm here you're not, blah blah blah) need to this post in your life.
This is the biggest reason I replied to your thread. Why should we read that post? It's full of ridiculous statements, inaccurate portrayals, conjecture and falsehoods.

Why should we read that post?

I'm sure after reading this a million times, you'll finally get what we've been trying to say.
Cause everytime I read some whiny Cena fan garbage, i'm going to repost this very long post.
Cause...seriously. I'm sick of it.
Yes, but in fairness, you're not very knowledgeable on how pro wrestling works, so you're not a big fan of Cena. The fact you get sick of Cena fans is heavily tied into your lack of knowledge.

Why is it, that in your mind, passion is limited to one thing per person?
Passion is not limited to one thing per person. Passion is what you have when you want something REALLY REALLY BAD. He wanted to pursue wrestling and do everything there was to do in wrestling. He did that. There was nothing left for him to do. So...he pursued his other passion. If he wasn't passionate about wrestling, nothing would get him to come back and put his body on the line when he could be somewhere in a trailor getting ready for his next MULTI MILLION dollar film scene...Passion is not limited to ONE thing per person. He had a passion to entertain be it wrestling or acting, and he's doing that.
You COULD be correct, but if you think the Rock was passionate about pro wrestling, I think you're wrong. I think Rock LIKED pro wrestling, I think Rock ENJOYED pro wrestling, but the first chance he could get OUT of pro wrestling, he took it. That doesn't scream passion to me.

Again, like I said, I don't have a problem with it. I think Rock made the right move. The wrestling business is a shady business, full of liars, druggies, cutthroats and thieves. It uses people like tools, working them until they break down and can no longer perform their function and then they are cast aside for the next shiny tool. I've never once criticized Rock for leaving to do movies, he made the best decision possible, in my opinion.

But don't try and sell me on him being passionate about pro wrestling. Because the evidence just doesn't support it. Cena seems to be extremely passionate about pro wrestling. The Rock doesn't. Which is one of the biggest reasons this feud works, and has so much anticipation to it.
Again I stress to some of you people, that these are "reports", I have no idea nor care if they are true or not.

Some people will believe anything they read. It's called media propaganda.

Funny thing is if the rock came and spoke with guys in the back they would have been like "Who the f*** does he think he is". He keeps to himself and they are like "He thinks he is better than me". WTF???

I don't see people complaining about HHH attitude. Or randy orton pompous attitude. Or Cm punk self righteous prick attitude. Even punk said he doesn't like most of the guys in the back. And Cena is one fo the few he has no problem with.

But no, no problem with the white guys. But the successful black samoan, f*** him, He owes us.
It's funny though that dwayne never complained of being held back by triple h and shawn michaels. Or punk isn't complaining that HHH pissed on his steam.
Rock's response on Twitter was perfect. He said that the one's complaining about Rock's return are the ones that will never get over anyway because they're too busy complaining.

Dwayne Johnson is multi-millionaire. He is now a bonafide movie star. He does not need Vince McMahon's money. If he never returned, he would be in the exact same place he is in Hollywood right now. Whatever Vince is paying him now is chump change compared to what he brings in, in the movies.

Yet, he decided to come back and risk injury, to once again entertain us. I don't know why you Little Jimmies can't see that? I would agree with Cena, IF, all of Rock's movies tanked, he had no cred in Hollywood and needed the recognition again, to jumpstart his movie career. That's not the case here though.

He's come back for us and he's come back for the thrill of performing in that ring.

You bashed him when he was gone and now you bashed him 'cause he's back. I guess he can't win.
I am a huge fan of both these superstars.

No one was happier than me when the Rock's music hit last year.

And I have a hard time imagining the WWE without Cena.

To tell the truth, I kinda agree with both sides.

What I can't understand is why so many here want to put down one to build up the other.

What all the Rock fans are wrong about, however, is that they think Cena fans are mad at the rock because he pursued an acting career.

I have absolutely no beef with what the Rock did. He had accomplished everything that there was to accomplish in the WWE. What else was left to do? Win the WWE Title a few more times? Put over some other guys? Plus he had a passion for acting so he pursued it. Nothing whatsoever wrong with that.

What I do have a problem with is the same thing Cena had a problem with. And yes Cena made a very good point. If the Rock was sooo passionate about this business, why did he completely ignore it for 7 years?

I know he may have been busy but do you really expect me to believe that he couldn't at least pop in now and then just to say a catch phrase or two, give the fans something to talk about, and then go back to make a movie? He could have, at the very least, showed up to the RAW anniversary show.

Now he's back and all is forgiven as far as I concerned. I think he came back for that instant gratification of a live audience. I also think that's part of the reason that Cena has never left. Cena loves the business.

Those who say Cena CAN'T make it in acting are wrong, IMO. I agree with Sly Fox when he says that if Cena really wanted to pursue an acting career, he could find better scripts as well as better directors.

As far as Rock vs Cena goes, I could care less who's right or wrong. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride.... and it should make for one hell of a ride!

I can't wait for Rock's response to Cena this Monday!
I am a huge fan of both these superstars.

No one was happier than me when the Rock's music hit last year.

And I have a hard time imagining the WWE without Cena.

To tell the truth, I kinda agree with both sides.

What I can't understand is why so many here want to put down one to build up the other.

What all the Rock fans are wrong about, however, is that they think Cena fans are mad at the rock because he pursued an acting career.

I have absolutely no beef with what the Rock did. He had accomplished everything that there was to accomplish in the WWE. What else was left to do? Win the WWE Title a few more times? Put over some other guys? Plus he had a passion for acting so he pursued it. Nothing whatsoever wrong with that.

What I do have a problem with is the same thing Cena had a problem with. And yes Cena made a very good point. If the Rock was sooo passionate about this business, why did he completely ignore it for 7 years?

I know he may have been busy but do you really expect me to believe that he couldn't at least pop in now and then just to say a catch phrase or two, give the fans something to talk about, and then go back to make a movie? He could have, at the very least, showed up to the RAW anniversary show.

Now he's back and all is forgiven as far as I concerned. I think he came back for that instant gratification of a live audience. I also think that's part of the reason that Cena has never left. Cena loves the business.

Those who say Cena CAN'T make it in acting are wrong, IMO. I agree with Sly Fox when he says that if Cena really wanted to pursue an acting career, he could find better scripts as well as better directors.

As far as Rock vs Cena goes, I could care less who's right or wrong. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride.... and it should make for one hell of a ride!

I can't wait for Rock's response to Cena this Monday!

In dwayne's defence he did make "via satellite" messages. With the donald trump, bobby lashley and umaga vince mcmahon match. Remember Umaga means shrivelled up monkey penis? Then he was on smackdown saying it was time for the rock to guest host raw and there were rumours that by then they were in talks for dwayne to host raw but it eventually turned out him hosting wrestlemania.
And if dwayne did show up and just left in that time span people would have been saying the exact thing cena is trying to make people believe now. They would think he is just using the wwe and popping in for relevance and then hitting the road.
Logically dwayne let his disney contract finished before he returned to the wwe. He did all his kids friendly crap and when he returned to the action scene he thought it fit that this would be time for the rock to return. Did you see him in be cool? And dressing up as hannah montana or some shit?? I don't think he would want to carry that to the rock character in the wwe.
As for cena pursuing an acting career, sure maybe he can. BUT, dwayne transitioned to hollywood when scropion king made a hit. He had the highest salary for an actor in his first starring role. Made guiness book or records.
Now john cena's marine flopped and hence he could not transition into hollywood. Maybe he can do straight to dvd flicks like steve if he wanted but why would he choose that over wrestling?
That is IN YOUR VIEW. This is PG-TV and Cena is more popular than The Rock among children. He has granted the most wishes in the make-a-wish foundation. Why would he grant wishes? Because the children want to see him right? So he is an icon among children. When you consider the current state Cena is an icon. When you think of the past or the attitude era The Rock and Austin were way to popular but since you have taken this into account, the only real POP ICON in this wrestling world is Hulk Hogan brother! No one will even be more popular than him, dude! He owns everyone in crowd reaction even at 58, brother! He is an Icon..a true Icon.

That's not just my opinion, that's a proven fact. Saying that Rock and Austin are not pop culture icon is stupid, in thier prime EVERYONE knew who they were, whether you watch wrestling or not, P.S they were as popular as Hogan. Rock was ranked 4th in "the most popular celebrities in the U.S" list, back in 2000. He guest hosted SNL that year, and it ended up as the most viewed episode of that season. He was literally everywhere. Not to mention the show(Raw and Smackdown) ratings of that year....2000 was by far the most profitable and successful year in WWE history, and Rock was the main reason for that. Hell one of his famous phrases "Smackdown" was inducted into the english dictionary. Austin on the other hand, broke every record Hogan held. From selling out arenas, to selling merchandise. His 1997-1999 run was by far the hottest run in WWE history. He turned the business upside down. He led the company to the victory during the monday night wars. Austin is without a doubt the most popular superstar in wrestling community.

"This is PG-TV and Cena is more popular than The Rock among children. He has granted the most wishes in the make-a-wish foundation. Why would he grant wishes? Because the children want to see him right? So he is an icon among children. When you consider the current state Cena is an icon."

..but we're not just talking about the kids here, we're talking in general. In general cena is nowhere near prime Rock in terms of popularity, not in wrestling community or the mainstream. LOL Cena is granting all those wishes because 70% of his fans are kids, unlike Rock, Hogan, and Austin, thier fans are of all ages and genders. So, what's the point with this make-a-wish foundation?

Again, Cena is a wrestling icon, Rock is a pop culture icon. Pop culture Icon>Wrestling Icon. End of.
There is a gaping flaw in your logic. You're assuming Cena WOULD leave if he could. Cena CAN leave, he could leave and seek out better and more promising movie producers and better and more promising directors. Let's face it, do you think The Rock would have shined in 12 Rounds? Of course not.
Ok. I'll admit that it definitely is an assumption.
I dont know that he'd leave if his acting or music career was a success, but the reality that can neither be confirmed or denied due to the fact that it wasn't successful enough to be pursued. Doing more than one movie doesn't an acting career make. I think that Cena has a passion for the business. I dont doubt that for one minute. So, I agree that I assumed, though, I dont think it can be truly disputed either way. Not with pure facts anyway.

Cena's movies may not have done well, but I dare say those movies had far bigger flaws than Cena's acting...like, for example, the fact the scripts were terrible, the production was sub-standard, the other actors were not very good, etc.
I'll concede to this.

Oh, and it's not like the movies Rock's been the star in have done that well. Rock's biggest successes come when he's in the supporting cast role, not the main character.
Gotta crawl before you walk...I'm not sayin he's Deniro or Denzel by any stretch, but his success in hollywood far outshines any other wrestler turned actor...Thank God for the supporting role Oscar category though....lol

I seriously doubt that. In wrestling, always assume everything is a work. Especially when two guys are working a program with each other. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Rock called Cena up every once in a while and said, "hey, how about you say something like this in a promo, and I'll say this in a tweet". Not saying he does, just saying it wouldn't surprise me. The Rock grew up in wrestling and was a pro wrestler...he understands you always put business and making money first.
If this is the case, and i'm kinda on the fence with this, then they are both better actors than I originally thought.

Yes, but in fairness, you're not very knowledgeable on how pro wrestling works, so you're not a big fan of Cena. The fact you get sick of Cena fans is heavily tied into your lack of knowledge.
And, THIS is the biggest reason why I replied. Sly, more than anyone else on these threads, I respect your knowledge and pure genius when it comes to the world of wrestling at large. I actually DID learn a lot during some of our conversations about wrestling. So, though i'm not a big Cena fan, I don't think it at all ties into my knowledge or lack thereof of wrestling. I know what Cena does for the business. I don't have a taste for the "john cena" character, but that doesn't dilute my understanding of how good he is for the business and for the FACT that without John Cena coming in after the attitude era was over, we'd probably be watching House on monday nights. So...yeah, I have knowledge. I'm gonna always give props where props are due, like him or not.

You COULD be correct, but if you think the Rock was passionate about pro wrestling, I think you're wrong. I think Rock LIKED pro wrestling, I think Rock ENJOYED pro wrestling, but the first chance he could get OUT of pro wrestling, he took it. That doesn't scream passion to me.
I understand what you're saying. I think though, the word "think" makes both of our arguments subjective. I think the Rock is passionate about wrestling but had done all there was to do, and you believe that he lacks passion because he left it. I don't think we'll ever have the true answer to that unless the Rock flat out confirms it one way or the other.
[cL];3737160 said:
Ok. I'll admit that it definitely is an assumption.
I dont know that he'd leave if his acting or music career was a success, but the reality that can neither be confirmed or denied due to the fact that it wasn't successful enough to be pursued.
But again, you can't say they weren't successful enough to be pursued, because he didn't pursue them.

Cena made movies from the WWE. His rap album was released by the WWE. The quality of Cena's products were heavily impacted by who was releasing them. That's not really a reliable argument.

I'll concede to this.
I was sure hoping you would.

Gotta crawl before you walk...I'm not sayin he's Deniro or Denzel by any stretch, but his success in hollywood far outshines any other wrestler turned actor
Absolutely it has. But the point I'm making is that acting ability isn't the only difference between Rock's movies and Cena's movies. And until Cena takes a few more "real" movies, it's always going to be hard to compare.

For the record, I don't think he's as good as the Rock, but he's never wanted to be. If Cena really wanted to be an actor, he could make a decent living at it. Probably not as nice as the Rock, but he still could. Cena would rather stay a pro wrestler though.

If this is the case, and i'm kinda on the fence with this, then they are both better actors than I originally thought.
Always assume everything is a work in wrestling. I remember reading from someone (perhaps Jim Ross), that the biggest money angles come from guys who do have a slight beef with one another, but are willing to put it aside for whatever makes the most money.

And, THIS is the biggest reason why I replied. Sly, more than anyone else on these threads, I respect your knowledge and pure genius when it comes to the world of wrestling at large. I actually DID learn a lot during some of our conversations about wrestling.
If only more people would do the same.

So, though i'm not a big Cena fan, I don't think it at all ties into my knowledge or lack thereof of wrestling. I know what Cena does for the business. I don't have a taste for the "john cena" character, but that doesn't dilute my understanding of how good he is for the business and for the FACT that without John Cena coming in after the attitude era was over, we'd probably be watching House on monday nights. So...yeah, I have knowledge. I'm gonna always give props where props are due, like him or not.
But the problem you have with Cena fans is how they constantly proclaim how good he is, something you don't agree with. And if you truly understood pro wrestling, you'd know Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. And you wouldn't be so upset with Cena fans say so.

I understand what you're saying. I think though, the word "think" makes both of our arguments subjective.
Well, it's impossible to know. The only person who truly knows for sure is Rock, but he's never going to say he DOESN'T love pro wrestling, because wrestling fans are a big part of his fanbase. So we'll never know for sure.

the Rock flat out confirms it one way or the other.
The Rock can only confirm he doesn't love pro wrestling. If he says he does, then it's easily argued he's doing that to keep fans. There's no reason for him to come out and say he doesn't love pro wrestling, so if he ever did say that, then we'd know.

But, like I said, if he did say that he'd lose fans, so I doubt he ever will.
But again, you can't say they weren't successful enough to be pursued, because he didn't pursue them.

Cena made movies from the WWE. His rap album was released by the WWE. The quality of Cena's products were heavily impacted by who was releasing them. That's not really a reliable argument.
Again, Touche...

Absolutely it has. But the point I'm making is that acting ability isn't the only difference between Rock's movies and Cena's movies. And until Cena takes a few more "real" movies, it's always going to be hard to compare.
I agree. Let me ask you this. Seeing that he's made such a big stink about Rock being a movie star, what does that do for him and future scripts? How does he play that without looking like a hypocrite? I know he wouldn't be LEAVING wrestling to do movies, but how does a person who bashed Rock about his movie career, even take movie scripts ever again without looking like, "that guy"? Wouldn't it seem that he's pretty much pigeonholed himself at this point? Its not like people are gonna forget this happened...

Always assume everything is a work in wrestling. I remember reading from someone (perhaps Jim Ross), that the biggest money angles come from guys who do have a slight beef with one another, but are willing to put it aside for whatever makes the most money.
Makes sense to me.

If only more people would do the same.
...i know i know, the world would be a better place...blah blah blah...lol

But the problem you have with Cena fans is how they constantly proclaim how good he is, something you don't agree with. And if you truly understood pro wrestling, you'd know Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. And you wouldn't be so upset with Cena fans say so.
no no no, you got me all wrong. I'm not upset with how his fans feel about him. I dont' disagree that he's a good worker. I don't disagree that he's the face of the company and the biggest full time name in the business today. I don't disagree with stats. I can't dispute them at all. I'm not a fan of his character but I can not argue his contribution to the business. You see what I mean? I'm not the guy to follow the crowd and hate Cena because everyone else hates him, I actually liked an earlier version of Cena. I'm just not into the guy he is NOW. But facts are facts. You can't dispute truth. I just hate the "idea" that he's the best. Very CM Punk of me...but yeah. Thats really it. As far as his fans are concerned, I, like you, go after fabrications of truth and make believe. I dont' go after Cena fans who think he's the best and things of that nature. Its when they attack Rock with subjective truths and hyperbole that I get involved.

Well, it's impossible to know. The only person who truly knows for sure is Rock, but he's never going to say he DOESN'T love pro wrestling, because wrestling fans are a big part of his fanbase. So we'll never know for sure.

The Rock can only confirm he doesn't love pro wrestling. If he says he does, then it's easily argued he's doing that to keep fans. There's no reason for him to come out and say he doesn't love pro wrestling, so if he ever did say that, then we'd know.

But, like I said, if he did say that he'd lose fans, so I doubt he ever will.
Might as well hand him a gun and ask him to shoot himself.
We'll never know exactly whats what...

se la vie.
I think both have a point in all this. Cena's been working for the wwe 24/7, 365 days a year ever since like 2003, whereas The Rock's been off making movies & sending a satellite message every couple of years. But, Rock doesn't need the money from WWE, he came back for the fans. So in a way, Cena & the Rock have a point. Cena feels that Rock is drifting more & more from being a wrestler, & Rock is trying to prove him & everyone else wrong. It all makes sense.
You know you must all remember this. No matter what is said, tweeted, quoted etc etc. These two guys do get along and I am sure discuss things about what to say to draw for the match and wrestlemania.

Many years ago WCW and WWE made the decision to not pair up guys who really hated eachother in the ring together. One reason was the Benoit/Simmons Incident where Benoit grabbed Simons wrist and pulled it over the rope and dropped to the floor. He never let go causeing Simmons to have a major Shoulder Dislocation.

A second one was Foley/Vader with the ear ripping off incident as well as other injuries that would occur when they got in the ring.

Kevin Sullivan / Benoit were kept on opposite sides of the building and not allowed to have matched due to Woman. Benoit stole her from KS.

Over the years many matches wer nixxed due to this.

You have to remember you are putting your life and lively hood in the hands of the person you are in the ring with. If they hate eachother accidents happen. Woops another Droz.

Add to this that they practice thir matches prior to the show and work on them during the week or if its a PPV month. Has no one seen The Wrestler or seen them talking during a match? Or how bout Beyond the Matt?

Reality Check Time
The Rock, like a few of you, is my favorite wrestler of all time! He delivered some of the best promos, matches, interviews, etc of all time. But watching Raw tonight (2/27/12), I realized that The Rock is slightly losing "it"

The thing that made The Rock famous was his delivery on the mic. It seems as though he's slowly losing that golden magic. He didn't even do the "Finally, The Rock has come back. . ." thing. Does age have an effect? Yes. Ring Rust? Yes. But still, HE'S THE FREAKING ROCK!

The entire promo all he did was repeat himself. He kept saying "the fact of the matter is this". At times, his delivery wasn't "on point" as usual and didn't make sense. Hell, he even had notes on his wrist! I noticed it way before Cena mentioned anything about it.

I still love The Rock, and will forever. But it seems as though Cena may be surpassing him on the stick. The Rock is losing his golden mic work. . . and that's bothering me.
I think it was just a different type of promo, Cena's promo last week attacked Dwayne the man so he had to come out and adsress that primarily. It was more a defence of his own virtue than an attack on Cena. I'd expect to see a more energetic, in character attack on Cena next times hes on Raw.
I don't know about anyone else, but as of the last 2 weeks, John Cena has suddenly became interesting again. I've always had mad respect for the guy, but never really been a huge fan. But recently, I've found myself really enjoying watching his promos. During The Rock's 20 minute snore-fest tonight on Raw, John Cena's bit was extremely refreshing. Not to mention his promo last week, which in my opinion, blew The Rock's from tonight out of the water. He has really gained some edginess and an attitude. He's dropping the cheesy, hero of the WWE act a little bit. Letting his guard down, breaking his own mold.

This isn't intended to be a Rock slam, by any means. More of a notice of John Cen's recent work.

Have you noticed a shift in John Cena in recent weeks?
If so, have you enjoyed it?
Is anyone's overall opinion of John Cena changing?
Im refering to the promos which have been tossed around by The Rock and Cena of course. You can honestly make just about a even debate on who the fans are behind. Cena only get's a good reaction when Rock's not there and Rock can only get a good reaction when he's trending worldwide. Im starting to think it's because he's done it so long that's the only thing fans can expect. But anyway, while I enjoyed Rock and Cena's promos to a degree I can't help but feel we just deserve more. They both have been basically saying the same thing for an entire year now with none of them looking as though they will switch it up. Jericho/Punk had a way better promo which is essentially making me think they should get the main event slot, but im not stupid, I realize Rock/Cena will make more money regardless. What Im saying is this match is so much more than a dream match now and I think it's depressing as a fan for me to just want this to happen already and get it out of the way instead of savoring every sweet moment. As fans I honestly think we deserve more then the whole Dwayne's not here/People hate Cena because he's for kids thing. I know I might get hate for this but I just wanted to know what you guys thought on this.
He is losing "it" because that is what is suppose to happen. The Rock is doing his job by putting Cena over by any means necessary and it is working because people are starting to side with Cena. That is what WWE wants because Cena will be with the WWE for years to come, The Rock will be gone at the end of the month. The Rock is bringing the best out of Cena as far as mic work goes.
Maybe Rock will do better next time...he's certainly capable. BUT..until then..Cena just SUNK the Rock on the stick. Cena came out to the ring and in 3 minutes made the Rock's entire 20 minutes on the mic look weak and lame as hell. He SUNK Rock. And did it in 3 minutes. And when you add on last week's scathing promo that was one of the best Cena promo's Ive ever seen...Rocky now has to play catch-up. He's getting out classed by Cena right now.
Now is when things are going to get real with these 2. They cant say the same stuff about eachother anymore. Hopefully we see them both do different things now. I personally cant take Cena seriously though when he sits there and changes his accent when he tries to be serious. Thats as fake as they come in my eyes. Dont talk crap about Rock if your gunna change your style up when you talk about him.

I also have to say it seemed Cena didnt know what to say either with his whole kung pao is in every restaurant B.S

I didnt think it was the Rocks best tonight because Ive heard it before. I can say the same about Cena also. So now the next time these 2 are around, I expect something completely different. Still alot more time left until Mania.

I dont think anyone OWNED anyone. They both need to do more work in the coming weeks.
He is losing "it" because that is what is suppose to happen. The Rock is doing his job by putting Cena over by any means necessary and it is working because people are starting to side with Cena. That is what WWE wants because Cena will be with the WWE for years to come, The Rock will be gone at the end of the month. The Rock is bringing the best out of Cena as far as mic work goes.

Unfortunately, that is true. the Rock's nervousness at the end there was pure acting. Expect the same, then Rock shaking cena's hand at WM. LAME.

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