**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

I just have one question. To the people saying Rock is "stepping down" his mic skills or only wrote his promo notes on his wrist so Cena could have something to go on. What is the point. Cena doesn't need a rub from the Rock. Rock didn't a rub from Hogan for there feud so why does Cena.
Ok. I hear you. But what exactly tonight was exceptional? I keep rewinding it to see where he really did damage. Because when I look at it, he addressed the chicken thing, by saying you see that at every Chinese restaurant you go to...a man called you a bitch and that's what you came up with? I see that at every chinese restaurant? Then again, he mentions, the millions eating from the plam of his hand (this is the third or fouth time he's said that, so clearly he repeats himself as well) then he said he doesn't like Dwayne Johnson because he's this and that. Okay...you're point? I just don't get how that's exceptional. I'll admit he does get his points across here and there, but he just tries too hard. Either to be funny, or have some bass in his voice.

LOL alright I know what you mean. He isn't funny or clever but he's stern, says what he means, doesn't mess up much, looks comfortable, and delivers his lines well.

Ok I've given him way too many compliments now. Time to stick my head in a deep fryer.
You people have to go easy on the Great One. Trust me!!! They say that the last thing to go on a basketball player is his jumper. Well the last thing to go on a professional wrestler is their mic skills.

The Rock could easily come out and make everyone else in the WWE look like they're standing still when it comes to mic work. Hell; he did it when he returned a year ago. Alas; we all do miss that version of the Rock; however, he can't do that right now. He has to stay on a somewhat even playing field with Cena. There has to be that illusion that Cena is on the Rock's level. We all know better; but they're billing this has icon vs. icon.

A lot of people are behind the Rock as it is; if you cut him loose on Cena; however, then most everyone will be behind The Great One.

I understand your position here, but, it just isn't plausible in this topic. You cannot excuse Rock's lame promos based on his past greatness. If that's the case, then anyone who is ever famous will quit trying, stop evolving, and stop delivering. What then? A very stale product, that's what.

While I do think Rock still adds to the show, it isn't nearly on the same level of any of his past material. When you stop delivering, it's time to get out. People will cheer him against Cena just because they are tired of Cena and not necessarily because any of what he's saying is great. Basically the nostalgia effect. Which I enjoy too. I won't excuse suck ass promos and a very underutilized feud just because The Rock was once great. My view is that if it sucks, it sucks. Don't try to sugar coat it. Tonight Rock basically drowned verbally against Cena. Who is quite possibly the worst of the routine mic workers in history. That's the equivalent of a basketball player losing the whole nine yards, jumper included......
This whole thing has been a bust so far. Just because they are both very talented I'm hopeful that they can pull something out. They can't sell the match on in ring work like a CM Punk/Bryan match every week. I can watch that every week and enjoy what they do in the ring. Cena and Rock don't have that type of skill set. What they can do is tell a great story and make it psychologically interesting. So far they haven't. Steamboat/Savage had the steak but Andrea/Hogan brought the sizzle. Right now Cena/Rock aren't bringing the sizzle.

Cena is spending too much time on how the rock isn't there, and the rock is spending too much time with trending this and that. It's the same two minute segment over and over and over.

HHH/Taker have stepped it up and made what I felt was a disappointment into a big event. Jericho/CM Punk with all the battle royals and crap did a lot to finally sell their match tonight. Those guys are building a story and developing it into a match. The Rock and Cena are riding the coattails of the "biggest wrestlemania match ever" and twitter.

The Rock can deliver some good lines, like the kung pow chicken slap, but then it's kung pow 15 more times. The Cena jab about the notes on his wrist was funny. I normally don't find him funny but that was a good one. I dunno what they should do but right now they're both trying to play the same character and it's not working. Cena dislikes the rock because he left and cena entertains the fans now. Rock dislikes cena because the rock entertains the wwe fans and cena doesn't. It's like voting between george bush and al gore again.
Ok. I hear you. But what exactly tonight was exceptional? I keep rewinding it to see where he really did damage. Because when I look at it, he addressed the chicken thing, by saying you see that at every Chinese restaurant you go to...a man called you a bitch and that's what you came up with? I see that at every chinese restaurant? Then again, he mentions, the millions eating from the plam of his hand (this is the third or fouth time he's said that, so clearly he repeats himself as well) then he said he doesn't like Dwayne Johnson because he's this and that. Okay...you're point? I just don't get how that's exceptional. I'll admit he does get his points across here and there, but he just tries too hard. Either to be funny, or have some bass in his voice.

I think the best part of Cena on the mic has been, everything he says about Dwayne is fact. On the other hand the Rock just mentions that Cena is not a "man" because he wears bright colors and doesn't curse like a sailor. I mean those comments were cool when I was in high school not as an adult.
lol the Rock fans admit they were bored by Rock but refuse to admit the obvious and say Cena won the promo war. Cena is cutting better promos right now, whether you like him or not, his promos are better than the phoned in, catch phrase filled, listen to the fans chant while putting over twitter instead of your match crap that the Rock has been giving us every time he shows up.

I'm bored of both at this point. I've been bored of Cena forever and if Rock is gonna cut these half assed promos when we all know he can do way better than I'm gonna divert my focus on Punk/Jericho more. At least they are keeping things interesting.
I think the best part of Cena on the mic has been, everything he says about Dwayne is fact. On the other hand the Rock just mentions that Cena is not a "man" because he wears bright colors and doesn't curse like a sailor. I mean those comments were cool when I was in high school not as an adult.

Don't forget that cena was on a fruity pebbles box. Which happened to promote make a wish but I guess that's not cool either. I don't care how "not cool" that is to some people to me it's pretty freaking awesome and I'm not a cena fan.

That is a perfect example of where cena missed the boat. Yes I was on fruity pebbles. Guess what it was for dying kids. What were you doing, promoting fast and the furious? Kiss my ass movie star.

Instead he delivers I'm gonna beat you up. And the wrist thing. The wrist thing was good. I gotta give him credit for that. I dunno how many guys do it or how common it is but it was still funny.
is everyone realy going to cry about this, realy. to be honest i love the wwe but the way the fans are complaining about everything the wwe does they should just get rid of the show sell it a get rid of it, they dont deserve the complaining it is just a show. ive been waiting for the rock and john cena to be in the ring for a long time but they dont deserve this.
Rock looked legit pissed at the end of raw. But i honestly believe that rock is going to come back at cena with a vengeance next week. None of his catchphrases or trending b.s just going to rundown cena. And yeah maybe rock did have notes on his wrist but let's not forget that other than last year he hasn't cut a live promo for 7 years so he needs to ease back into it whereas cena does it night after night. Am not just saying this as a rocky fan but i honestly believe rock will eventually win the war of words. But unfortunately cena will win their match at mania which i cannot stand to happen.
I understand your position here, but, it just isn't plausible in this topic. You cannot excuse Rock's lame promos based on his past greatness. If that's the case, then anyone who is ever famous will quit trying, stop evolving, and stop delivering. What then? A very stale product, that's what.

While I do think Rock still adds to the show, it isn't nearly on the same level of any of his past material. When you stop delivering, it's time to get out. People will cheer him against Cena just because they are tired of Cena and not necessarily because any of what he's saying is great. Basically the nostalgia effect. Which I enjoy too. I won't excuse suck ass promos and a very underutilized feud just because The Rock was once great. My view is that if it sucks, it sucks. Don't try to sugar coat it. Tonight Rock basically drowned verbally against Cena. Who is quite possibly the worst of the routine mic workers in history. That's the equivalent of a basketball player losing the whole nine yards, jumper included......

How can my position not be plausible here?

When the Rock returned one year ago; 99% of everyone that posts here came online that night and 99% of the people that posted that night could only talk about how great the Rock was and still is. How he made everyone else in the WWE look so horrible on the mic and how that could be a bad thing because he's so good and everyone else is just blah.....

I'm saying that we're not getting the Rock of old because of 2 reasons. WWE won't cut him loose and; I hate to say this, but it just wouldn't be fair to Cena(and that's the reason the WWE won't cut him loose).

As long as he's getting his sing-a-longs, his chants, and the live crowd is into it; who could ask for much more?
I think the best part of Cena on the mic has been, everything he says about Dwayne is fact. On the other hand the Rock just mentions that Cena is not a "man" because he wears bright colors and doesn't curse like a sailor. I mean those comments were cool when I was in high school not as an adult.

But again what did he say was true? Or exceptional? My thing is, last week Cena complained YET again. Rocky isn't here, he's hollywood. Like this is all kayfabe, but in real life..if a man was to ever bitch about another man like that you'd questioned his manhood wouldn't you?

Okay so now we have tonight, Dwayne addressed Cena's complaints. Like a man. Explained to him, what most leveled headed people knew. Didn't mean he was a full time wrestler again, but he's back. WWE his home. Not only that, he gave more details, as to how the man has his number. And has CALLED HIM TO BITCH SOME MORE...me I'm looking at this like, Cena's a stalker at this point...

Now besides that, yes Rocky belittles Cena, because he stating how everyone else feels. Who walks around dressed like he does? He wears Team Jordans for crying out loud. He's boring, he's this, he's that. He has no swag. So yeah he's going to pick on him to let him know he's not the shit as much as he believes he is or how much the WWE has made him believe he is. Bring him down a notch. Outside of kayfabe again, if two men are cutting ass on each other, and the other one makes the other one ook like a bitch, the people watching that aren't gonna laugh? You're not gonna laugh? Like honestly. Teen or adult. If you're a punk bitch, you're a punk bitch. Point blank. And yet again Dwayne pointed out the obvious. I only wished he had more time to belittle him some more.
It's the same with Rocky. Rock's promos since 2003 have BLOWN. He forces. new "catchphrases" down our throats, as opposed to letting them happen organically.
You sound incredibly stupid. It isn't shoving down your throat when his catchphrases are chanted amongst a good percentage of the audience. It isn't shoved down your throat when the crowd chants whatever the fuck The Rock wants them to chant. Part of being a good mic worker is getting the crowd to react to you - positively or negatively. The Rock does that and has done that since day one. Not one member on these boards can come up with a logical argument for The Rock sucking tonight because he didn't. He connected with the fans just as good, if not better than he ever has before. There isn't a single wrestler that can hold the audience in the palm of their hands like that. If you ask me, this generation can take a few notes on how to deliver a damn promo like him.
I think the biggest problem was booking this match a whole year in advance. Hell, they book most matches month to month and by the time the PPV comes around we're tired of the talk. The Rock and Cena are good on the mic, but I don't know if anyone is good enough to drag it out for a whole year. Besides that, they say pretty much the same thing on Twitter as they do in their promos. They needed more physicality between the two, perhaps even have Rock have some match/matches on Raw. At this point, the match is so hyped up, I'm fearing that it will turn out to be like Goldberg vs. Lesnar. Let's hope not.
The fans lost eh,such a bold statement. I suppose my ears must have been jammed with a biased collective earwax known as the IWC, because clearly, nobody in that arena gave a damn about the Rock. Yes, that is clearly the sound of people who aren't winning.

The crowd was completely invested into Rocks promo the entire night,so much so that the crowd didn't know what to chant half the time. If they could,they'd spending the entire night chanting every word that came out of Rocks mouth, they just love him that much. Whether he was there to say a few catchphrases,hype twitter or even to promote a movie, it doesn't matter. Rocks job aside from hyping his match with Cena is to engage the crowd and that is exactly what the man does best. They don't call him the most electrifying man in entertainment for nothing. If the crowd is engaged then I wouldn't say they aren't losing at all.

People spend too much time nitpicking and over analyzing things to the point of dissatisfaction. People to busy criticizing often are hindered from enjoying the product because they are to busy pointing out the flaws. I say just sit back and enjoy the ride. We still got 4 weeks left of build, I'm sure it will pick up in the coming weeks.

Both are amazing performers in their own rights and I assure you both will make every opportunity that comes their way to elevate their match at WM count. I know am a fan and I feel as if I'm truly the winner in all this.
Look maybe I'm biased, but I don't try to be I was genuinely entertained by the Rock's promo...

I actually thought Cena came out and killed the vibe, and it was the Rock's fault too, I felt like he struggled to get the energy back into the arena. But what are you guys talking about? Death of his mic skills? You guys sound like morons, the crowd was into it more than they were all show or for months... I actually enjoyed them chanting stupid shit.

Finally, the "promo war" I'm not sure how one could say Cena won. He was boring, uncreative, uninvolved with the crowd and all round rehearsed. The Rock, had points he was wanted to get to, punchlines and all that, but he incorporated the crowd and they fed off each other. I actually was dying during the part leading up to him talking about this is what Cena does, he changed his pants to camoflauge and the punch about not being able to find his balls... it is what it is, I actually get the vibe they don't like each other in my stomach even though my mind knows its all fake which is another indicator they are doing a decent job.

I'm really not sure how you could say tonight's promo was a failure, maybe the last 3 mins and the beginning was a little slow, I always think it is when the crowd when shut the hell up. But if you guys on here want to be the only ones who don't enjoy it, that's fine, I would consider it more of a self fulfilling prophecy than a judgement reflective of the product and average fans reaction.
I have truly seen it all, The Rock just got KO'd by John Cena in a promo! I can not believe my eyes or ears, I have never seen The Rock so tongue tied before! Rock just let John walk away, I have never seen Rock just let someone walk away after getting the last word. I'm not going to jump to conclusion thinking The Rock is starting to lose it, the problem maybe The Rock is doing to much at one time. Focusing his mind on filming & promoting movies all while coming back to WWE to entertain could be to much. I don't know what the deal w/The Rock was tonight after John came out, but what I do know is that Rock better stop playn w/Cena cause Cena made Rock look like a damn rookie tonight. Man I can't believe it Cena made Rock look like a bum!
The Rock, like a few of you, is my favorite wrestler of all time! He delivered some of the best promos, matches, interviews, etc of all time. But watching Raw tonight (2/27/12), I realized that The Rock is slightly losing "it"

The thing that made The Rock famous was his delivery on the mic. It seems as though he's slowly losing that golden magic. He didn't even do the "Finally, The Rock has come back. . ." thing. Does age have an effect? Yes. Ring Rust? Yes. But still, HE'S THE FREAKING ROCK!

The entire promo all he did was repeat himself. He kept saying "the fact of the matter is this". At times, his delivery wasn't "on point" as usual and didn't make sense. Hell, he even had notes on his wrist! I noticed it way before Cena mentioned anything about it.

I still love The Rock, and will forever. But it seems as though Cena may be surpassing him on the stick. The Rock is losing his golden mic work. . . and that's bothering me.

He never has been to Portland... I can't believe you guys are talking about his mic work, his mic work will be fine, and I think has only gotten better since he became an actor. His ring work will deteriorate before you more people come to this conclusion. It won't even be close.
just a wee side note on this argument the commentry team pointed out he had never been to this arena before, so that would probably explain the lack of "finally" catchphrase... as funnily enough that wouldn't make sense if he hasn't been there before lol

(forgive me if i am off the ball there, i am just going on what was aired on the show)
You people have to go easy on the Great One. Trust me!!! They say that the last thing to go on a basketball player is his jumper. Well the last thing to go on a professional wrestler is their mic skills.

The Rock could easily come out and make everyone else in the WWE look like they're standing still when it comes to mic work. Hell; he did it when he returned a year ago. Alas; we all do miss that version of the Rock; however, he can't do that right now. He has to stay on a somewhat even playing field with Cena. There has to be that illusion that Cena is on the Rock's level. We all know better; but they're billing this has icon vs. icon.

A lot of people are behind the Rock as it is; if you cut him loose on Cena; however, then most everyone will be behind The Great One.

I agree completely. I've been quiet about this situation for long enough.

I've been on Twitter, and I must say, as much as I LOVE The Rock, tonight did just what it was meant to do....GET CENA OVER.

They want to make Cena look as strong as possible heading into Mania that even Rock Fans will start to doubt themselves. Tonight was a GREAT first step. If you don't believe me, go on Twitter, you'll see the crazy amount of people badmouthing The Rock.

I actually loved Rock's promo. There wasn't a boring thing about it to me. Then again, I grew up with The Rock, so this is just my opinion.

If WWE REALLY wanted The Rock to shoot on Cena and let loose, it would not be pretty.
How can my position not be plausible here?
What I'm saying is that your position in the context of what happened tonight isn't plausible to excuse Rock's suck ass promo.

When the Rock returned one year ago; 99% of everyone that posts here came online that night and 99% of the people that posted that night could only talk about how great the Rock was and still is. How he made everyone else in the WWE look so horrible on the mic and how that could be a bad thing because he's so good and everyone else is just blah.....

Being popular and trending on Twitter isn't the equivalent of being great or even good. The Rock is a household name recognized because of his past accomplishments. And let's really revisit last year, shall we? What exactly did Rock deliver? Fruity Pebbles? That was about it. His stuff then & now is still lame. Everyone else is blah, you are right. Which was exactly my point. Everyone else ISN'T The Rock. Compare Corporation Rock or Just Bring It Rock to 2012 Dwayne. Sorry brother. No comparison is warranted because the two are separate. Old Rock was hungry and needed wrestling to survive. He had a legit need to suceed and had fire. 2012 Dwayne doesn't depend on wrestling as a sole profession and it reflects in his piss-poor promos. Are his promos passable? Yes. Passable isn't good enough for this. Expectations are too high for smart fans in this feud. Add the fact that Rock & Cena have both had over a year to prepare and you get utterly pathetic.

I'm saying that we're not getting the Rock of old because of 2 reasons. WWE won't cut him loose and; I hate to say this, but it just wouldn't be fair to Cena(and that's the reason the WWE won't cut him loose).

Again, this is debateable. At times, WWE lets Cena say things that aren't exactly PG and so has Rock. WWE pretty much lets them go out and shoot. Fair to Cena? :lol: At this point, Cena is owning The Rock. Or should I say Dwayne? Because any traces of The Rock are long gone. Which is sad, because The Rock was innovative and creative. Dwayne is phoning it in and actually looking quite phony. Like the actor playing the character and less the man being the character like he once was. When Cena kicks your ass on the mic, you know you suck.

As long as he's getting his sing-a-longs, his chants, and the live crowd is into it; who could ask for much more?

I could, for one. Of course, I'm expecting something more of substance and less of nostalgic returning to promote something else. Yes, The Rock will always have the sing-a-longs, chants, and the support of the live crowd. But, so can Santino Marella. What does that say about what The Rock isn't and what Dwayne currently is?
I like how Rock fans gets so butt hurt. You're pain and denial makes my day. I'm loving this feud. Hopefully they one-up each other leading to Wrestlemania.

Rock fans, just admit, Cena owned Rock tonight...
But again what did he say was true? Or exceptional? My thing is, last week Cena complained YET again. Rocky isn't here, he's hollywood. Like this is all kayfabe, but in real life..if a man was to ever bitch about another man like that you'd questioned his manhood wouldn't you?

Okay so now we have tonight, Dwayne addressed Cena's complaints. Like a man. Explained to him, what most leveled headed people knew. Didn't mean he was a full time wrestler again, but he's back. WWE his home. Not only that, he gave more details, as to how the man has his number. And has CALLED HIM TO BITCH SOME MORE...me I'm looking at this like, Cena's a stalker at this point...

Now besides that, yes Rocky belittles Cena, because he stating how everyone else feels. Who walks around dressed like he does? He wears Team Jordans for crying out loud. He's boring, he's this, he's that. He has no swag. So yeah he's going to pick on him to let him know he's not the shit as much as he believes he is or how much the WWE has made him believe he is. Bring him down a notch. Outside of kayfabe again, if two men are cutting ass on each other, and the other one makes the other one ook like a bitch, the people watching that aren't gonna laugh? You're not gonna laugh? Like honestly. Teen or adult. If you're a punk bitch, you're a punk bitch. Point blank. And yet again Dwayne pointed out the obvious. I only wished he had more time to belittle him some more.

Nothing exceptional but again fact is what Cena is going on. The Rock is not a full time wrestler/sports entertainer he is an actor first and foremost. He comes in and goes until it is time for a movie or if the WWE is in the same city as a movie shoot. That is all fact and everything Cena is saying.

Rock just goes off calling Cena not a man or not-cool for being goofy/cheesy to entertain. It's old if you Rock wants us to believe he really hates Cena he has to move past the high school insults and start putting in facts about Cena.
Wow, I'm getting to the point where I'm turning my back on Cena to back up The Rock.
I have truly seen it all, The Rock just got KO'd by John Cena in a promo! I can not believe my eyes or ears, I have never seen The Rock so tongue tied before! Rock just let John walk away, I have never seen Rock just let someone walk away after getting the last word. I'm not going to jump to conclusion thinking The Rock is starting to lose it, the problem maybe The Rock is doing to much at one time. Focusing his mind on filming & promoting movies all while coming back to WWE to entertain could be to much. I don't know what the deal w/The Rock was tonight after John came out, but what I do know is that Rock better stop playn w/Cena cause Cena made Rock look like a damn rookie tonight. Man I can't believe it Cena made Rock look like a bum!
Sorry Broski, but dropping the mic after talking then leaving the ring before The Rock gets a chance to say something doesn't mean he won the promo war tonight. Lets say for one second, Rock would kept talking as Cena walked off - how would that make Rocky look? Remember two weeks ago, CM Punk trolled Jericho and walked out as Jericho bitched, now replace Punk with Cena and Jericho with Rock- it wouldn't have turned out as good. Rock carried on as usual, called Cena out on the Dwayne/Rocky bullshit and that was it. I fail to see how Cena did anything tonight that proves he won the promo war. He didn't.
Everyone's now promo police. Get over yourselves. Don't know why you're expecting Rock promo ability from the past when his circumstances and current position is totally different? I'd rather Rock be wrestling leading up to WM28. I'd rather have him rusty on the mic but ready to go in the ring than anything else. I've never cared for Cena like I've never cared for Hogan. No further comment on him. Wish more fans will demand better and more wrestling matches instead of extensive promos and soap opera stories. Champions are decided on merchandise sales - that's wrong.
The Rock was one of my favorite wrestlers. Cena's been one of my favorite wrestlers for a long time. Rock/Cena was a dream feud for me. Two of the great mic workers in a battle of wit.

The reality has been...so-so. Cena has shown moments of brilliance at times, and Rock's gotten a couple of decent catchphrases, but damn has this feud been disappointingly mediocre. It's felt half-assed and tired, especially on Rock's side.

Instead of two guys just tearing each other apart in promos, we've gotten two guys sniping at each other like teenage girls. It's pathetic. :disappointed:

A lot of fans have gotten into it, but I still believe it could've been better.Both wrestlers are capable of much more than this.:banghead:

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