**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Sweetheart the simple fact that you think your bothering me us hilarious. I'm not old at all babe, 24. Also I never said Cena was a real man either. Like most fans I would have rather seen both of them fight right there but it was waste WM. You must clearly have my statement of owned confused. I'll break it down for you since you seem a lil dumb. By me, and several hundreds of other ppl online, saying Cena owned him, I'm saying with all the talking Rocky did, Cena came out and in 3 minutes or so gave a more meaningful jab at Rock. All Rock did was play to the crowd, YAY. Lets chant and trend. Cena gave more reason to say DAMN than Rock did his whole promo. Now do you understand? Sweety I'm not going to sit here and internet argue with a lil girl all night. I'm not the one wearing rose colored glasses about the situation. You say what you will about me and my user name, but at the end of the day it is what it is and Cena left a bigger impact than Rocky did. Take care now hun.
Saw this on a friend's twitter, thought I should share.



It looks like to me the second line says "KPC - KPB", which would be a reference to Kung Pow Chicken to Kung Pow Bitch.

The third line looks like it says "Fight 4 Them", which is obviously from Rock contrasting that Cena fights for the wrestlers, but The Rock fights for the fans.

The rest is a bit harder to figure out...
It's just like giving a presentation at work.

Except your co-workers and boss don't number in the thousands, repeat choice phrases you use in enormously loud chants or boo the living hell out of you if you screw something up. I can see why he'd have notes.

Honestly, I think Cena got sent out there because Rock was stalling. No, I don't think it was planned, because Rock went into Steiner-mode, thinking furiously while talking nonsense and then reverting back to "it doesn't matter what you say, I'm gonna kick your ass, if ya smell...". That was weak.

This was the one way to turn at least parts of the viewership in Cena's favor. I for one am looking forward to their match and I think Cena has legit beef with Rock, even if Rock seems kind of clueless. Rock is in over his head on this one, all he does is get chants going, coming up with catch phrases and reusing old catch phrases. That's it. The nostalgia factor is starting to wear awfully thin, with me.
And HAM I disagree with you to a point. This a business first and foremost, I understand that. Why not bring in someone that's gonna rake you in billions for WM. But I don't think its right. You have guys who are there day in and day out busting their asses and they get snubbed for a guy who would rather make movies than be there. Now I get it, move on and make more money in the movie biz. But on the same note, a lot of ppl have moved on as well. You can't just come back and act like all is well. That's like screwing your girl's mom and then acting like nothing was wrong when you saw her again. And as far as the Rock name not being taken seriously, he's the Rock, the directors should have already known his name as Dwayne the rock Johnson prior to them even considering him for a part. If he was as great as everyone says he is, which he was back then, then that shouldn't have mattered.
All I'm going to say is, that's not reading lines, its just topics to hit on on a long promo.

When people do presentations they have index cards with bullets to cover what they want to say. Not the same as reading off a piece of paper or a teleprompter.

Just food for thought for people who want to argue.
For the sake of context, I rewatched Rock's post-Cena promo. It wasn't pretty:

I really tried to break that second paragraph down more, but it would have given rock more credit than was due. that second paragraph was one jumbled series of thoughts put together.

You know what makes this entirely irrelevant; the crowd ate it the fuck up. Especially when he says "The rock, dwayne johnson, dwayne johnson, the rock, the people's champion, the great one, the most electrifying man in all of entertainment... it doesn't matter john! it doesn't matter." The crowd got louder and louder. On paper it looks shitty, but in a video - no. Delivering a promo is about connecting with the audience. I don't give two shits if Rock can't say his lines or not, the crowd ate it up which makes it a successful promo.
Rock looked legit pissed at the end of raw. But i honestly believe that rock is going to come back at cena with a vengeance next week. None of his catchphrases or trending b.s just going to rundown cena. And yeah maybe rock did have notes on his wrist but let's not forget that other than last year he hasn't cut a live promo for 7 years so he needs to ease back into it whereas cena does it night after night. Am not just saying this as a rocky fan but i honestly believe rock will eventually win the war of words. But unfortunately cena will win their match at mania which i cannot stand to happen.

Cena's mainly good when he has to be or when as someone else pointed out The Rock is there. But do you think Rock will let Cena beat him? That's the million dollar question. This guy at one point said he'd never face Cena so why now. But next time Rock is on raw I think he will drop the dumb twitter crap as twitter is extremely stupid and pointless and come hard.
^ Granted, but I've followed pro wrestling for 25 years and I've never seen this before. And we're not talking about some random jobber, we're talking about a headlining main eventer.

So take that for what it's worth.
Why are people so hung up on the fact that he had points written on his arm? What exactly are you trying to get out of this? Cutting a promo should be all about connecting with the audience and The Rock did that; why does it matter what is written on his arm? It doesn't matter in the slightest. Not to mention, but did anyone actually see him reading whatever was on his arm? I didn't. Even if he did, does that make him a bad promo cutter? Or would you rather him forget his lines/points and stand there looking like a moron?
Except your co-workers and boss don't number in the thousands, repeat choice phrases you use in enormously loud chants or boo the living hell out of you if you screw something up. I can see why he'd have notes.

Honestly, I think Cena got sent out there because Rock was stalling. No, I don't think it was planned, because Rock went into Steiner-mode, thinking furiously while talking nonsense and then reverting back to "it doesn't matter what you say, I'm gonna kick your ass, if ya smell...". That was weak.

This was the one way to turn at least parts of the viewership in Cena's favor. I for one am looking forward to their match and I think Cena has legit beef with Rock, even if Rock seems kind of clueless. Rock is in over his head on this one, all he does is get chants going, coming up with catch phrases and reusing old catch phrases. That's it. The nostalgia factor is starting to wear awfully thin, with me.

I think your right about the stalling part, but what would Rock be in over his head on? Old catch phrases, that's a part of the Rock character, what is he suppose to do drop them? Maybe that's your way of saying he's stale. If so hell the viper garbage been stale, Cena's been stale, Kane was stale for eight years until recently, Rated R was stale, Mark Henry was stale for years, Sheamus only been in WWE for 2.5 years he's stale, Kofi's getting stale, so I don't really get your point.
Sweetheart the simple fact that you think your bothering me us hilarious. I'm not old at all babe, 24. Also I never said Cena was a real man either. Like most fans I would have rather seen both of them fight right there but it was waste WM. You must clearly have my statement of owned confused. I'll break it down for you since you seem a lil dumb. By me, and several hundreds of other ppl online, saying Cena owned him, I'm saying with all the talking Rocky did, Cena came out and in 3 minutes or so gave a more meaningful jab at Rock. All Rock did was play to the crowd, YAY. Lets chant and trend. Cena gave more reason to say DAMN than Rock did his whole promo. Now do you understand? Sweety I'm not going to sit here and internet argue with a lil girl all night. I'm not the one wearing rose colored glasses about the situation. You say what you will about me and my user name, but at the end of the day it is what it is and Cena left a bigger impact than Rocky did. Take care now hun.

I never did thought I was bothering you. See the difference between me and you is. I didn't just join a forum, and decided to call someone's name out. You did, love. So clearly I was getting under your skin from the get. But that's neither here or there.

Clearly. I'm not the dumb one here. I didn't realize that I needed to clarify, when I said old and grown. So I guess let me break it down for YOU, sugar lips. As an older person. An adult. Someone who is not a child. Or adolscent, Dwayne's career choices really shouldn't make you lose sleep at night, the way you went in about it. What's done is done. I hope that was more clear for you. I apologize if my post earlier, was THAT complicated.

And don't worry love, I'm far from being dumb. I'm on my way from graduating from one of the top business school's in the country. But since you were so kindly to break it down. Let me explain this to you. No one cares about what you and several people online have to say. TRUST. Hell no one cares what I have to say. Some of you people actually really think people outside the IWC care that The Rock, Dwayne Johnson, The Rock (a little something something from Raw ;)) care he left for so long and shows up here and there. Majority clearly ruled, even after Cena "owned" him. You feel one way THOUSANDS and MILLIONS feel another way. Rock owned Cena. Whether you think so or not. You heard the crowd reaction. Cena got him at the end. You can have that. But with that said, the reaction you heard tonight? When you have the ability to sway an audience's opinion 180...THAT'S OWNING. Cena did no such thing. Just got booed. That's why the WWE is going to keep bring Dwayne back, till it makes you sick to your stomach. Because unlike John, his words pentrate the crowd and they eat it up. All. The. Time. And so be it if I'm still riding him. You ain't saying shit to me. Now I know you smell that.

So with that said, your name is suggesting you either need a hug, or you're probably hungry. Either or. Run along boy and you take care.
Ok i think the post should be "Rock stepping it down on purpose." Obviously with tonights promo between the two and cena looked strong at the end.

Rock was stepping it down to allow cena get the upper hand. Vince is not gonna make his company man look completely owned by rock throughout the program. To clamin the rock is loosing an edge and cena is suddenly better based on tonights promo is far fetch if you ask me.

I was quite bore with the repetitiveness of mentioning twitter, getting crowd doing chants and slapping cena with dozens of nickname. It doesnt add up at all of why rocks promo was so stale and repetitive tonight. When thinking back, Rock's return promo of last year was regarded as one of the best promo that any typical wwe guys can ever imagining of cutting one. His boston promo and His survivor series prematch promo were electrifying and nailed on the spot.

SO WHY WAS TONIGHTS PROMO SO WEAK? The Rock stepped down for cena. Thats why. Feel free to disagree.
And HAM I disagree with you to a point. This a business first and foremost, I understand that. Why not bring in someone that's gonna rake you in billions for WM. But I don't think its right. You have guys who are there day in and day out busting their asses and they get snubbed for a guy who would rather make movies than be there.
How about these so called guys who are there day in and day out get off their asses and try to become something big like The Rock? Don't blame writing for Superstars not having strong personalities when you can shine through every superstar if there was something truly remarkable about you.
Now I get it, move on and make more money in the movie biz. But on the same note, a lot of ppl have moved on as well. You can't just come back and act like all is well.
Why not? The crowd ate it up. That's all that matters.
That's like screwing your girl's mom and then acting like nothing was wrong when you saw her again.
No it's not. It's not even comparable. People still care and want The Rock on their TV screens - ratings prove that.
And as far as the Rock name not being taken seriously, he's the Rock, the directors should have already known his name as Dwayne the rock Johnson prior to them even considering him for a part. If he was as great as everyone says he is, which he was back then, then that shouldn't have mattered.
Except that he wanted to get away from his wrestling personality. He wanted to succeed on Dwayne Johnson's merits not The Rock's.
Why are people so hung up on the fact that he had points written on his arm? What exactly are you trying to get out of this? Cutting a promo should be all about connecting with the audience and The Rock did that; why does it matter what is written on his arm? It doesn't matter in the slightest. Not to mention, but did anyone actually see him reading whatever was on his arm? I didn't. Even if he did, does that make him a bad promo cutter? Or would you rather him forget his lines/points and stand there looking like a moron?

Yea I saw him look down 1 time at them when he turned his back to the camera. He kinda of smiled, looked down, and glanced at them it was pretty obvious.

I agree with you though I don't think it matters either but it is extremely odd, He has never done that before. Why the hell would he make them that large? I noticed them almost immedately and was sitting there thinking what the fuck is this. He didn't seem as smooth as usual with his timing either.

I'm starting to think he showed up with a really harsh promo prepared but was told he had to go light on Cena, then tried to throw something together very fast. Its really the only thing that would make sense to me.
I saw the promo and while it wasnt bad.....it wasnt that good.....The Rock kept repeating himself over and over and over again, and this promo was different, it was slower than usual, calmer than usual, it didnt have a classic feel of intensity from the rock, maybe its just me but the whole Kung Pow Chicken thing was dumb and i was actually started to get bored until the Rock started making people chant because i started watching in 98 and the rock´s promos have always been about including the people, but i was relieved when Cena came out,he acknowledged that the Kung Pow thing was dumb, landed a blow by calling out the rock for writing his promo on his wrist and actually made the rock look not that good to say it simply and then we walked away while the Rock STARED AT HIM WALKING AWAY WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING..... then he messed up lis lines.... and started repeating himself.....
Like I said, it wasnt a bad promo, and no one won the war, but Cena looked better than the Rock tonight, plain and simple. those are my 2 cents....
Horse shit. The crowd doesn’t get totally invested in something unless there’s a real payoff. Each and every fan tonight was on the absolute edge of their seat and ate up every word that left both Cena and The Rock's mouth. Through reaction alone, you can tell the crowd is fully invested into this match up. Both Cena and The Rock have done exceptional jobs hyping the shit out of their match at Wrestlemania though online exchanges, social networking, videos, promos and even physical contact. They're damn good at what they do. They're doing a phenomenal job at selling their Wresltemania match and nothing proves otherwise.

Then what's the pay off? The rock wins and goes back to doing the rock stuff? Cena wins and goes back to doing cena stuff? Screw job finish with brock lesnar doing a run in? Okay there is a pay off with that one.

I don't think the live crowd is invested in the match. They cheer for the rock because it's his return. They boo cena because that's what the cool kids do these days. Stone cold steve austin could come out next week and the crowd would go nuts. That doesn't mean the fans are invested in his wrestlemania match.

There's no evidence to support that they aren't selling the match, that's correct, but there's also no evidence that they are doing anything to sell the match. The fans were nuts about the rock before survivor series and that didn't manifest into great interest in the match. The rock and cena were the big selling points of that match, they're the big selling point of this match. Not a lot has changed.
Also, I don't believe someone who speaks as quick and on point and spontaneous as the Rock needs anyone to write his lines. There's a difference between memorizing and just going out there and saying stuff. He just goes out there and says stuff.

Just thinking coincidentally... this happens the same time John Cena mentions it. Could be a work.
Ok i think the post should be "Rock stepping it down on purpose." Obviously with tonights promo between the two and cena looked strong at the end.

Rock was stepping it down to allow cena get the upper hand. Vince is not gonna make his company man look completely owned by rock throughout the program. To clamin the rock is loosing an edge and cena is suddenly better based on tonights promo is far fetch if you ask me.

I was quite bore with the repetitiveness of mentioning twitter, getting crowd doing chants and slapping cena with dozens of nickname. It doesnt add up at all of why rocks promo was so stale and repetitive tonight. When thinking back, Rock's return promo of last year was regarded as one of the best promo that any typical wwe guys can ever imagining of cutting one. His boston promo and His survivor series prematch promo were electrifying and nailed on the spot.

SO WHY WAS TONIGHTS PROMO SO WEAK? The Rock stepped down for cena. Thats why. Feel free to disagree.

Your spot on now that I think about it, if you go back and listen or watch the other promos your were talking about it's clear Rock stepped it down for Cena. It's also clear that the notes on the arm was pre- planned.
I want to address this idea that the Rock "half-assed" his promo tonight, most importantly this idea that it was on-purpose.

The Rock didn't half ass his promo. It was just a good promo that didn't further the story. It had its moments, but it was incredibly cheesy. Some people like that, its a throwback to the attitude era. It was also a whole lot of the same old.

Whats boring though isn't just the Rock coming out and doing the same old, its that he doesn't have a story arc. He has a character and its very bland because he isn't doing much to convince us that he isn't even at least somewhat the person who John Cena says he is.

John Cena on the other hand has gone through his entire "Embrace the Hate" story, and last week came out further creating a persona for the Rock... a persona the Rock is not only not embracing (not that he has to), but practically ignoring, or to better put it... changing the subject or improvising when it comes to his character being in question. But that is a part of his connecting with the audience schtick that -I HAVE- grown to become bored with since his return (and I'm sure many others have to, hence the complaining).

And so people who like the Rock (and dislike Cena, despite him being the more sympathetic personality) are going to keep cheering for the Rock. People who like John Cena will keep cheering for John Cena. Thats the way its been since the beginning of the feud, which is why this feels like such a stand still story that peaked off when they agreed to compete last year. So what should be a very interesting feud has been more stand offish, with a tug-of-war battle to see who has more fan support.

And obviously the Rock has won that battle despite his half-hearted return and entirely goofed up story.
FIRST OF ALL IM NOT BUYING INTO THIS TATTOO. ITS A WORK. Rock is an actor so there should be doubt to his memorization ability. For god sakes, who would be dumb enough to have notes on their wrist on live TV, HIGH DEFINITION by the way, and think they would get away with it? Rock is not that stupid enough to dress in tank top and waving around his hand every few second in front of a close up camera and expect no one to notice his notes. Give me a break

Cena needed a subject to get over the rock. Rock, after seven long years, returned and cut one of the best promo ever that a typical wwe guys would dream of doing one. His boston promo and pre match survior series promo were spot on and were typical rock promo. Im not buying into this. This is just an attempt by creative to make cena look strong and get the people be on cena side so he wont look bad on mania.
So, the Rock appeared to have promo notes on his arm last night. If last weeks Cena promo didn;t guve a cear indication of the direciton they are geading in, surely this does.

I struggle to believe that after years of performing to live crowds and acting for million dollar movie roles that Dwayne Johnson suddenly struggle to remember a few lines.

It seems to me that this is nothing more than acontinuation of the theme that Rock doesn;t really care, is nothing more than a 'perfomrer', wehereas Cena is a 'wrestler' and loves the whole of the WWE Universe in a way Rock never can.

I can only assume that they are seeking (and rightly so) another Rock Vs Hogan moment. They want the Rock to be surprised with the ssplit of the crowd and they want to work fans against the Rock as much as possible, becaus they realise there is a strong chance that Cena will get booed out of the building and a Cena win could result in the most displeasing WM ending of all time (from a fans perspective).

So, what do you think? Part of the buildup? Or is Dwayne really that damn lazy?
Then what's the pay off? The rock wins and goes back to doing the rock stuff? Cena wins and goes back to doing cena stuff? Screw job finish with brock lesnar doing a run in? Okay there is a pay off with that one.
Don't know because it hasn't happened yet. The way the WWE is putting everything on the line proves there will be a big payoff after their match at Wresltemania. They aren't wrestling just to wrestle, something will eventually happen.
I don't think the live crowd is invested in the match. They cheer for the rock because it's his return. They boo cena because that's what the cool kids do these days. Stone cold steve austin could come out next week and the crowd would go nuts. That doesn't mean the fans are invested in his wrestlemania match.
What is there to prove the crowd isn't invested into the match. Because the trending on twitter, the Fruity Pebbles chants, and the ooohhhh whenever something offensive is said proves they care about this match. Because YOU aren't invested into the match doesn't mean others won't be. Crowd reaction and the hype surrounded the match is enough of a point for me to accept that they are invested into this match.
There's no evidence to support that they aren't selling the match, that's correct, but there's also no evidence that they are doing anything to sell the match. The fans were nuts about the rock before survivor series and that didn't manifest into great interest in the match. The rock and cena were the big selling points of that match, they're the big selling point of this match. Not a lot has changed.
I didn't see the interest in Rock/Cena teaming together and The Rock wasn't there at all to really hype it up. He's back and he'll likely stay until Wrestlemania comes. Rock vs. Cena is a huge match. A huge match that doesn't need any build up to actually sell PPV buys and tickets. The fact that these two are two of the biggest names the WWE has ever created is enough for this match to sell. Casual fans are eating it up.
Then why hasn't there been a big change in the raw ratings?
Go look at the segment by segment break downs of some of his returns.
I just checked out the promo and i'm not sure if that was scripted or not but Cena got under the Rock's skin, you could see it in his eyes. But i think it's what was needed, i'm a huge rock fan but he needs to step it up. This should make the weeks leading to wrestlemania awesome, they should make Rock look more vulnerable and cena more like a threat. I'm glad that cena called him out because i was starting to not give a shit about their match. The Rock needs to not leave until after mania for this to work, it makes no sense to have a long distance fued. The Rock needs to lay hands on somebody before mania, give him a quick match to showcase his moveset. Have him and Cena one up each other until mania, this fued is only a pissing contest anyways soooooo.....
i agree. the rock is awesome but he didnt seemed to fired up. we know he was nervous or something because those goosebumps dont lie. rock kept pacing around 2 when cena was in the ring. almost seems like the rock actually wants to fight cena for real and just shut him up. i hope vince isnt telling the rock to go easy but it would make sense because you can tell they are trying to make cena more of a good guy even though he is going to get booed no matter what. be interesting to see how the next few weeks go
So, with weeks left till Mania, the fans lost out because of one lack-luster promo from The Rock? My fricking arse!

Could it be that Cena's promo last week was that good that The Rocks reply was, no matter what he did, always going to be a let down?

One week does not a defeat make. If it's the same every week from now then, yes, we've lost.

Fucking knee-jerk reaction like "we watched the full-on death of The Rock" last night is the reason that I lose my smile sometimes

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