**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

I was actually entertained by The Rock to be honest until Cena came out and killed the promo. I found the early part of the promo was Dwayne and not the rock, and when he made the chicken Jokes he was turning into his Rock persona. Note Rock always talks in 3rd person, I don't think he made one 3rd person reference this whole promo. I also think The Rock was trying to get away from the usual promo work he's been using from 99. Cena made a joke about it on Twitter this week, and for some odd reason I think that had to do a lot with the Rock's promo tonight. Either way I enjoyed the Rock until Cena came out.
ueh Do some of you people think these are shoot promos and they are both allowed to just get out there or cut each other and say whatever they want without prior consultationn?? :suspic: Granted there certainly is some flexibility, the whole speak from the heart thing is bs...they are building Wrestlemania and those promos are planned layer by layer..come on,don`t be so naive.
The promo itself was ok both man said things they`ve said before...CM Punk/Jericho promo was better but I guess it still got overshadowed.
the notes on your arm line totally owned the rock...then wrestlezone has a picture of it...even rock reacted to it. Its a promo though but the way cena walked out on the rock made cena look good...i think the reason cena exposed his notes was because the rock exposed that cena has his cel phone number...which was funny as well.

Rock has been going below the belt saying cena has lady parts, missing balls...yet cena turned it around...when cena came out i woulda liked to see a ruthless angry cena who goes in and tries to FU the rock then security...real security comes out...but he did good none the less.
Cena came out and OWNED Rock tonight plain and simple. Rock came out to cut yet another self serving promo (surprise surprise) and then spent most of the time making fun of Cena and playing to the crowd. After Cena came out and left Rock stumbled and bumbled through the rest of what he had to say. These two genuniely don't like each other and that's what makes this fued even better, also I read a report that some WWE officials a fearful of what will happen when these two actually have thier match so that could be why Cena left after what he had to say.
What I'm saying is that your position in the context of what happened tonight isn't plausible to excuse Rock's suck ass promo.

You miss-understand me. I'm not excusing the Rock's promo because of his past greatness. I'm excusing the Rock's promo because Cena has to look somewhat relevant heading in to this match. Tonight's promo did that for Cena.

Being popular and trending on Twitter isn't the equivalent of being great or even good. The Rock is a household name recognized because of his past accomplishments. And let's really revisit last year, shall we? What exactly did Rock deliver? Fruity Pebbles? That was about it. His stuff then & now is still lame. Everyone else is blah, you are right. Which was exactly my point. Everyone else ISN'T The Rock. Compare Corporation Rock or Just Bring It Rock to 2012 Dwayne. Sorry brother. No comparison is warranted because the two are separate. Old Rock was hungry and needed wrestling to survive. He had a legit need to suceed and had fire. 2012 Dwayne doesn't depend on wrestling as a sole profession and it reflects in his piss-poor promos. Are his promos passable? Yes. Passable isn't good enough for this. Expectations are too high for smart fans in this feud. Add the fact that Rock & Cena have both had over a year to prepare and you get utterly pathetic.

Exactly. You hit the nail on the head here. We're not supposed to get the Attitude Era of the Rock. The version that was hungry and trying to succeed. We're supposed to get the version that is the veteran. The version of the Rock that has already been in the Main Event of Wrestlemania a few times. The version that has already been in a generation match when he faced Hogan at Wrestlemanai 18.

That's the version of the Rock that we're getting. Also; this goes back to what I was saying about the WWE not letting him cut loose. This is a new day and age in the WWE and when it's all said and done, the Rock will be gone after 'Mania and Cena will still be there. The Rock can't just put him over in the match. Cena has to look like he can hang with the best of old completely.

I could, for one. Of course, I'm expecting something more of substance and less of nostalgic returning to promote something else. Yes, The Rock will always have the sing-a-longs, chants, and the support of the live crowd. But, so can Santino Marella. What does that say about what The Rock isn't and what Dwayne currently is?

It says that he's entertaining. Whether you want to believe it or not, he had that crowd in the palm of his hand. He also had you; the viewer, in the palm of his hand. You were hanging on every word that man was saying just like I was and just like 99% of the fans that watched tonight were.
Nothing exceptional but again fact is what Cena is going on. The Rock is not a full time wrestler/sports entertainer he is an actor first and foremost. He comes in and goes until it is time for a movie or if the WWE is in the same city as a movie shoot. That is all fact and everything Cena is saying.

Rock just goes off calling Cena not a man or not-cool for being goofy/cheesy to entertain. It's old if you Rock wants us to believe he really hates Cena he has to move past the high school insults and start putting in facts about Cena.

Oh...okay...well...again...sooo.....what? I'm really not following you on that? We know that. WE'VE HEARD IT FOR THE PAST YEAR...HE even basically said that tonight. What's the problem? He used to be a full time wrestler, now he's not...I mean...does that really bother you at night? I'm kind of lost for words...I mean yeah it's a fact, but have we heard that already?

And again. The part about Cena being from suburban Massachuetts (NOT the hood might I add), attending private school, but being Dr. Thuagnomics, or how he has Dwayne's number, and has called him to bitch, wasn't facts? Ok so Dwayne gave you a new fact. Check. Not only Dwayne sprinkled some facts for you, but made it funny with a little same ol same ol Rock humor. Check. Over with the fans again. Check.

Now this is what I heard from Cena: *cries* "Oh I don't like you Dwayne, you're a big ol meanie, and self centered, why don't people like me like they like you? I try to tell them you're only here part time and you're a bully but they still boo me, why? Oh yeah I'ma show you Jack. Come April 1st I'm going to kick your ass big meanie. *runs away* That's what Cena basically said in a nutshell...

But yep you're right. Cena definitely murdered Dwayne tonight. Gave us gold.

ueh Do some of you people think these are shoot promos and they are both allowed to just get out there or cut each other and say whatever they want without prior consultationn?? :suspic: Granted there certainly is some flexibility, the whole speak from the heart thing is bs...they are building Wrestlemania and those promos are planned layer by layer..come on,don`t be so naive.
The promo itself was ok both man said things they`ve said before...CM Punk/Jericho promo was better but I guess it still got overshadowed.

Yes they are scripted but do you really think Vince is sitting back there and telling Rock what he can and can't say. "don't be so naive". My point was ever since he has been back Rock has said he loves the WWE and the fans but if all that is true and you have free range why not just come up with bullet points in your head and just speak from the heart while hitting your points. It's just like giving a presentation at work.
Using his return night as justification that he's phoning it in now doesn't really cut it.

First I don't care if he's phoning it in because he doesn't want to make cena look bad. If you half ass do something, you half ass do something, and right now he's half assing it.

Second it didn't matter what the rock said the night he came back. When Jericho returned the crowd popped like crazy and he didn't say a single thing. The Rock will continue to get great crowd reactions because every time he appears it's like another return. He could attend 20 raws in row and it would still be the first time he's been in that arena in years. He's going to get a reaction and the crowd will be excited to see him. He can be lazy and rely on that, or he can kick it up a notch and try to sell this match. So far he's been playing it safe.

The problem isn't that the guys aren't talented. They are both awesome. The problem is WWE started promoting this match a year ago as one of the biggest matches in mania history. It's so important that they announced it a year ago. The WWE did their part and set this up as a huge match for these guys. The two stars should bring their A game and do their part to sell this match. So far they haven't.
All these promos are done on purpose to make Cena look good and Rock look bad. They are trying to show that Cena is better than The Rock but most people know the truth that Cena is nowhere near the Rock's level.

In 2011 when the Rock returned he was owning Cena without repeating the same shit but now they are making Rock say scripted things thats why the promos haven't been that good. They are trying to show that Rock uses writers whereas Cena says his lines without being scripted. Its all scripted to look that way.
WWE is trying to make Rock the bad guy.
I just want to add one thing. You keep acting as though the Rock is GOD. Get over yourself and him and accept the fact that with all the ranting and "trending" and chant starting, the Rock talked about nothing. Its like he was out there only to bolster his twitter, something Cena has pointed out. With all his stupids comments, Cena comes in, points out how lame Rocky was being and simply says he doesn't need to trend or any of that crap, he's just going to kick his butt come WM. Thats all Rocky should have talked about but he didn't. He'd rather "trend" and start new chants and anything else. Cena owned Rock plain and simple. And yes, we have heard about Rocky not being there for a while now but you know what, HE'S NOT. Once every three months isn't cutting it if you're never leaving again. Im just saying.....take it or leave it as you wish but your comments Jenna are just comments of a Rocky "ball" hugger that refuses to come up for air and realize anything.
I cannot imagine how the fans are losing here; I really can't. The fans lost sounded catchy in the title and might be a solid argument for a feud that didn't feature two of the top wrestlers ever, but this is The Rock and Cena – two hugely over, mega icons in the wrestling world. Everytime they grace the ring, the fans are on the edge of their seats. Both The Rock and John Cena continue to deliver exceptional promos and the crowd eats up every single word of it - there's just no way we're losing here. We're damn lucky The Rock agreed to lace up a pair of boots again. We're damn lucky we get a Wrestlemania match out of him. We're damn lucky Cena is willing to work with The Rock. If anything, we're fucking winning with this phenomenal feud.
I just want to add one thing. You keep acting as though the Rock is GOD. Get over yourself and him and accept the fact that with all the ranting and "trending" and chant starting, the Rock talked about nothing.
  • He defended himself when he said he'd never leave.
  • He advanced the storyline between Cena and himself.
  • He put himself over.
  • He defended his decision to leave.
  • He got the crowd involved.
Its like he was out there only to bolster his twitter, something Cena has pointed out. With all his stupids comments, Cena comes in, points out how lame Rocky was being and simply says he doesn't need to trend or any of that crap, he's just going to kick his butt come WM. Thats all Rocky should have talked about but he didn't.
With four weeks until 'Mania, I'd imagine Cena will need some new material besides "I'll kick your butt."
He'd rather "trend" and start new chants and anything else.
Ah yes, The Rock should quit the very damn thing that makes him a great mic worker. Holding the crowd in the palm of your hands makes you a great mic worker. Starting chants and whatnot are the reason the Rock is so over.
Cena owned Rock plain and simple.
Says you. Cena has not managed to turn audience against The Rock so please tell me how he's owned Rocky?
And yes, we have heard about Rocky not being there for a while now but you know what, HE'S NOT. Once every three months isn't cutting it if you're never leaving again.
One of the points the Rock adressed tonight.
I just want to add one thing. You keep acting as though the Rock is GOD. Get over yourself and him and accept the fact that with all the ranting and "trending" and chant starting, the Rock talked about nothing. Its like he was out there only to bolster his twitter, something Cena has pointed out. With all his stupids comments, Cena comes in, points out how lame Rocky was being and simply says he doesn't need to trend or any of that crap, he's just going to kick his butt come WM. Thats all Rocky should have talked about but he didn't. He'd rather "trend" and start new chants and anything else. Cena owned Rock plain and simple. And yes, we have heard about Rocky not being there for a while now but you know what, HE'S NOT. Once every three months isn't cutting it if you're never leaving again. Im just saying.....take it or leave it as you wish but your comments Jenna are just comments of a Rocky "ball" hugger that refuses to come up for air and realize anything.

Lmao you mad hon? Cena could never. You know that. Stop it. I know you're not missing chromosomes babe. I mean he walked away after that...lmao. Dwayne got in his face and he ran. He owned him? Lmaoo. Told another grown ass man he doesn't like him, and then ran..No real man spits in someone face and then runs. C'mon son. But that's how you fight your battles huh Mr. Teddy Bear? Just a big ol softy huh? Now. With that said what you should do is, remove your mouth from Cena's testicles, because clearly you're cutting off the man's circulation. You don't want him to miss Wrestlemania now don't ya?

Now sit and run along like a good boy.
The fans are losing??? BAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAH You.... you're kidding me right? Please tell me you're kidding me here. How in the blue hell are the fans losing the promo battle between Cena and the Rock? How? I'll bet you're one of those fans that saw Jack Swagger get pinned tonight and think he's getting "buried" too aren't you?

Is Cena delivering with more edge? Yes. Is this EXACTLY what fans have been clamoring for out of Cena the last 4 years or more? Yes. Is this one of the best builds to a WM main event match ever? Yes. Is the Rock delivering when he's out on the mic and in the building? Yes. Is this one of the last "dream matches" we really have left? Yes. Is this match going to happen? Yes. Is the Rock in this match to line his own pockets? Yes. Is the Rock giving us this match we have been begging for the last 3-4 years? Yes. Is the Rock doing this match for the fans? Yes. Because let's be honest... if nobody gave 2 shits about the Rock and this match, I don't believe he would waste his time no matter how big the paycheck is if it was something nobody wanted. Does the Rock want to entertain us? Yes. Does Cena want to entertain us? Yes. Did you jizz a little when Cena called out the Rock putting notes for his promos on his wrist? Yes. Did you mark out a little? Yes. Are the Rock and Cena selling this match more and more every single week and doing it better every single week? Yes. Are you a complete and utter fool for saying "the fans lost" the feud between Rock and Cena THAT ISN'T EVEN OVER YET?!?!?!?!?!!? Sure are.
Funny. Not even a huge Cena fan. So my mouth is not even 300 miles near Cena. Sweety, you've clearly been sucking Rocky's balls since his birth. And when did he run? He calmly got out the ring and camly walked away. You wanna talk about real men, a real man would have grab Cena before he left and punch him in the face. Where was your real man sweetheart. And HAM, he defended himself, really? Well call me not convinced. You wanna do movies, great, get a career in the movie biz and call me later. You start in wrestling then dip on your fans. Then try to disassociate yourself from the Rock name? Really? You wouldn't be where you were without the Rock name. You ass clowns are funny. Now say Rocky's "cooking" line and finish up cuz I think he's about to bust from all yalls sucking. LMAO
I mean he walked away after that...lmao. Dwayne got in his face and he ran. He owned him? Lmaoo. Told another grown ass man he doesn't like him, and then ran..

I don't want to burst your bubble but wrestling is a series of scripted events. Cena said the lines he was supposed to say and left how he was told to leave. Rock bumbled his lines afterwards like he was told to do.

You can argue that neither guy is doing what they're told very well. Or what they're being told to do sucks. I'm not sure where to put the blame on this one, but the fact is neither guy is doing their part to sell this match at wrestlemania.
Originally Posted by H.A.M. Sorry Broski, but dropping the mic after talking then leaving the ring before The Rock gets a chance to say something doesn't mean he won the promo war tonight.

Rock didn't say anything cause he was tongue tied not because John left the ring. What John said must have caught him off guard because he couldn't even make a proper comeback to what John said after standing there watching John walk all the way back up the ramp & into the back. The promo war is far from over, but as for as tonight's battle go Rock was defeated. It really kills me to say that.

Lets say for one second, Rock would kept talking as Cena walked off - how would that make Rocky look? Remember two weeks ago, CM Punk trolled Jericho and walked out as Jericho bitched, now replace Punk with Cena and Jericho with Rock- it wouldn't have turned out as good. Rock carried on as usual, called Cena out on the Dwayne/Rocky bullshit and that was it.

See here's the thing, The Rock would have never let John continue to walk away. As soon as John left the ring Rock would have stop him in his tracks talk bad to him making him look like a fool then he would have ended w/If you smell what he is cooking. The Rock was speechless after John left he didn't have anything else to say which explains why he stumbled over his words. No one has never made The Rock stumbled over his own words.

I fail to see how Cena did anything tonight that proves he won the promo war. He didn't.

Cena didn't win the promo war he just looked better of the two tonight, it was just a one round victory nothing to go crazy about really. The Rock is still the man it was just shocking for me as a Rock fan to see him for the 1st time damn near speechless or at a lost for words. Specially by Cena of all people.
I'm not sure where to put the blame on this one, but the fact is neither guy is doing their part to sell this match at wrestlemania.
Horse shit. The crowd doesn’t get totally invested in something unless there’s a real payoff. Each and every fan tonight was on the absolute edge of their seat and ate up every word that left both Cena and The Rock's mouth. Through reaction alone, you can tell the crowd is fully invested into this match up. Both Cena and The Rock have done exceptional jobs hyping the shit out of their match at Wrestlemania though online exchanges, social networking, videos, promos and even physical contact. They're damn good at what they do. They're doing a phenomenal job at selling their Wresltemania match and nothing proves otherwise.
No he's not! I like John Cena but this is all for Rocky. I really don't understand why he has to all of a sudden become edgy while feuding with Rocky and go back to normal while facing R-Truth? The Rock back in the day was the same guy and acted the same way when he was at a house show and while main eventing Wrestlemania. It's just like last year, he started rapping all of a sudden for Dwayne.. Why didn't he start only for Rocky? Why didn't he rap during the time period for most of 2006- till current day?

The WWE has been toning down The Rock's character. He's not full 100 percent Rocky if he was he'd make John Cena look like a bitch. It's more like Rocky 60 percent and Cena all out to attempt to make Cena look like a star while he's facing Rock. But if it was Rocky all out Cena would look like a bitch seriously. I'm not saying Cena CAN be entertaining because believe me he can. But the keyword in this opinionated reply to this thread is CAN be entertaining. John Cena from 2003-2005 he showed that he CAN be entertaining. John Cena feuding with Edge he proved that he CAN be entertaining. John Cena has his moment every now and then when he is entertaining I'm not saying he is never entertaining because that would be a flat out lie. But usually on a weekly basis he's not and it's true that he isn't. Recently these past couple of months he has been (Summer 2011) and post Survivor Series till current he has been somewhat entertaining. But come April 2nd he'll be the same Cena that he was when he was feuding with R-Truth the same guy that we've all been complaining about for all these years... A superhero who's legendary push went over the entire raw roster's expense. It's sad how The Rock can come back for one night and instantly become the biggest star in the company.

The WWE is so stupid they should have turned John Cena heel and it would've given him an edgier character and made him look more like a star for Dwayne at Wrestlemania.
But hey it's the WWE we're talking about! The same company that tries to erase the fact that there was an epic Wrestlemania encounter between Triple H and Taker at WM 17. The same company that makes the World Heavyweight Championship a cancelled United States Championship match from last year. Shall I continue?

The Rock vs. John Cena will be an amazing match no doubt I like both men alot. But what about after Mania? The Rock will be involved in the WWE in some sort of capacity coming every few months and John Cena will go on beating each filler heel there is and going back to square 1 the Cena the kids love.

Hate what I'm saying? Too bad.
I think it was just a different type of promo, Cena's promo last week attacked Dwayne the man so he had to come out and adsress that primarily. It was more a defence of his own virtue than an attack on Cena. I'd expect to see a more energetic, in character attack on Cena next times hes on Raw.

I agree with this. The Rock doesn't completely forget to say 'Finally' and talk in the 3rd person for the ENTIRE promo. No way.
Funny. Not even a huge Cena fan. So my mouth is not even 300 miles near Cena. Sweety, you've clearly been sucking Rocky's balls since his birth. And when did he run? He calmly got out the ring and camly walked away. You wanna talk about real men, a real man would have grab Cena before he left and punch him in the face. Where was your real man sweetheart. And HAM, he defended himself, really? Well call me not convinced. You wanna do movies, great, get a career in the movie biz and call me later. You start in wrestling then dip on your fans. Then try to disassociate yourself from the Rock name? Really? You wouldn't be where you were without the Rock name. You ass clowns are funny. Now say Rocky's "cooking" line and finish up cuz I think he's about to bust from all yalls sucking. LMAO

*yawns* Lmao was I suppose to be offended? Go play somewhere boy. Your first post, and you couldn't wait to type my name? I'm flattered, really. Thank you. Dude I can't even take you seriously. Lmao homie said a real man puts his hands on the guy without letting him get anyway? But Cena's a real man cuz he said what he had to say and took off? Come on now. Someone like Austin would of stunner Rock and gave him the finger and did his thing. Come on son, you're not going to talk shit and then leave. You're actually forming this idea that John Cena. (JOHN CENA) actually did something tonight? I'm in tears right now lmao. Like you got the notes thing. I give that to you. Even took Dwayne off his game at the end. Nooo problem...but he owned him? Lmao.

How old are you anyway? You got to be pretty old, so it's kinda crazy, you're really that mad Dwayne did all of that? I could understand if you were a child, but you're grown right? You must of hate hearing the crowd still chant his catchphrases huh? Sorry man I didn't realize him leaving and all that jazz was that deep. Lol oh so sensitive, aren't you Teddy bear?

Don't worry the fans at Portland did it for me even after Cena "owned" Dwayne lmao. Try again.
For the sake of context, I rewatched Rock's post-Cena promo. It wasn't pretty:

*wraspy voice* ... its like you john. its like you to come out, run your mouth and then walk away before i slap the lips off your face.

*calm voice* I'll tell you what, it doesn't surprise me. You come out here and now you confuse the world, you don't like the rock, you like dwayne johnson, you hate dwayne johnson, (unintelligible, sounds like whatchgu)... let me tell you something john, you're back there listening right now. you're back there listening right na... let me tell you this. john... the rock, dwayne johnson. dwayne johnson, the rock. that is the same man. the same man in here, he's the exact same man out there. the exact same man, the.. uh, the exact same man john... but the difference between me and you, you come out here, you run your mouth about being tough. you ain't tough. i know it, you know it. the bottom line is this, the rock, dwayne johnson, dwayne johnson, the rock, the people's champion, the great one, the most electrifying man in all of entertainment... it doesn't matter john! it doesn't matter. the only thing that matters, and you're back there listening, is that what i'm going to do on the biggest stage of the.. uh..the.. wrestlemania, the biggest match of all time, the rock, all the nicknames you wanna throw, team bring it worldwide, we're gonna kick your candy ass. all over wrestlemania.

I really tried to break that second paragraph down more, but it would have given rock more credit than was due. that second paragraph was one jumbled series of thoughts put together.
And HAM, he defended himself, really? Well call me not convinced.
Well, lets see if the crowd is convinced....oh that's right, they're too fucking busy chanting whatever the hell The Rock wants them to chant. So they're convinced - you know the one's that matter.
You wanna do movies, great, get a career in the movie biz and call me later.
Or he can do both. Pro Wrestling has always been about drawing and The Rock outdraws everyone on the current roster today. It doesn't matter how long you've been gone or how many steps you will or have lost - if you draw huge then you're deserving of a spot on a Wrestlemania card. It should be the WWE's honor to have The Rock lace up another pair of boots.
You start in wrestling then dip on your fans. Then try to disassociate yourself from the Rock name? Really? You wouldn't be where you were without the Rock name.
He moved on and tried (and succeeded) to make a name for himself in another form of entertainment. What the hell don't you people understand about that? What kind of casting director is going to take a guy named Rock seriously? He moved on and found another form of entertainment in which he was very successful.
Now say Rocky's "cooking" line and finish up cuz I think he's about to bust from all yalls sucking. LMAO
That would be a honor.
I agree. Cena showed some aggressiveness last year when he attacked ADR and people seemed to like it, but he slacked off immediately. The last two weeks however he's been on fire. Eve and "Dwayne" know first hand.

On fire? lol. He's been unentertaining as always. The skit with Eve was shameful. Trying to put the blame on her? Please.

cena isn't stepping it up. In fact, WWE is dropping the ball again. So much potential, but they blow it every time.

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