**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Mr. mayor sir, i understand what your saying i do, and part of me wants to agree with you to the fullest extent, but, the undertaker is a special attraction, the rock is hogging the lime light. yes the rock did lots for the company, yes he made it big outside the wwe, but who is he helping by having a main event match at WM 28?? cena?? he is already the biggest star on raw (other then punk, and jericho for a short time after he returned), so the rock has drawing power, yet his first match back after 7 years drew low. sure we could blame the miz, but that would be rather stupid cause it couldn't be all the miz's fault.

what i'm trying to say is that the rock is helping himself more then anybody, and he isn't elevating anyone, i mean, piper has put guys over, sargent slaughter helped put some guys, jericho put bourne over, hogan and flair have even helped elevate guys before...... so whats the rock's excuse? he isn't bigger then hogan or flair (almost positive of that), sorry but i'm not buying WM 28 just to see the rock, lost's of other people are with me on that, what i'm saying is that rock is in it to get a big paycheque. say what you want about my opinion, but its true. it's not like rock is gonna stay with us for long, he will run back to holliwood with a big ass wallet.
John Cena is garbage. week after week, it's the same old shit. The Rock varied it up and was unique at all times

How did the Rock vary it up? He was the same as both baby face and heel. He's used the same jokes and slogans since 1997. The Rock has done absolutely nothing new with his character since he first started calling himself the Rock. Same moves, same promos, same everything.

Cena's promos have little substance. He's unentertaining on the mic. Just listen to the crowd reaction.

The sad thing in all this is that there are people who didn't comprehend the context of "I will never leave". You can't take every word everybody says literally. Look up the word "context", people. Of course, cena fans haven't gotten that far in their vocabulary class.

It's cena fans who can't comprehend context, and it's cena fans who think cena's promo is a shoot. It's not a shoot, Vince is telling him what to say. There needs to be a reason for them to feud, and this is it.

Vince won't let his cash cow get booed out of Miami. He will try to get that crowd 50/50, and because the little Jimmies are so easily brainwashed, he might get his way.

Anti-cena signs were confiscated Monday. Don't be surprised if Rock turns heel next Monday. The Rock is the only wrestler who will try hard to get fans to hate him, despite their willingness to cheer him. Why? Because he's loyal to Vince, and to the business. How often did everyone try to cheer him in 2003, only for the Rock to tell them to stop cheering him, and hate him instead?

But after seeing how dumb many cena fans are, and how easily brainwashed they are... I hope Rock cancels his SummerSlam and WM29 plans, and leaves for good after WM28. He doesn't need wrestling, his best movies are still ahead of him. He doesn't need to be booed by misguided drones. He doesn't need to elevate a wrestler who woulda been a midcarder in the Attitude Era.

Then the Jimmies will see how WWE will return to being a niche product with low ratings and little buzz.

I find this to be the dumbest post in the history of WZ. And that's saying something. You talk about little substance and then put over the Rock's promos? The Rock talks about putting things up people's asses and compares people to breakfast cereals. That's substance? The fact that you're name is "I hate Cena" shows exactly where you are coming from. Your mind can't be changed and that's fine. But before you start talking about how dumb people are you should make an effort not to sound so dumb yourself.
This post here shows the typical intelligence level of cena fans.

Rock is signed for 3 Raw appearances before Mania. He is also confirmed for Summerslam and Mania 29.

They may not be friends IRL, but there really isn't bad blood between them. They will be coworkers in a huge event. They don't dislike each other. Don't confuse kayfabe with reality.

And learn what a paragraph is. I doubt you're getting an A in English.

When you are done with your homework, watch Rock promos on Youtube. I doubt you were alive when Rock was wrestling. After you see what Rock was, you will see he is worthy of cheers, not cena. cena is 1/10 the entertainer Rock is. Rock is way better.

For your information I was alive during the attitude era and remember it well. Cena has gone on numerous talk shows and talked about his dislike for the Rock. This is the problem with all you Cena haters and that is you are so stupid you believe that because Cena says something in the ring than it must be fake. If you actually bothered to do some research you would realize they don't like each other. You can sit in the past if you want but I think Cena is one hell of an entertainer. His uses the same damn moves over and over but so did "The Rock" And Cenas mike skills can rival "The Rock" any day of the week. I don't know why you guys have a problem with Cena because all the guy has done is entertain the fans week in a week out and stayed true to himself but you guys will cheer for "The Rock" even though he sold out.
This angle has really hooked some people. Well done Cena, and WWE. I had my doubts they could stretch this angle out for a year, but they've done a pretty good job. Hope the great build-up continues.
I am so sick of every Rock fan saying this whole thing is keyfabe or a work. Here is a radio interview Cena did a full THREE years before Rock came back and started this whole thing on RAW. http://youtu.be/Vg0qbfI1a9g and If you want more proof here is John Cena on Jimmy Kimmel also from THREE years ago http://youtu.be/-jqVhsMpQE4. Listen to what Cena had to say and then tell me if this whole thing is still keyfabe or a work. Cena wasn't saying those things as John Cena "The Wrestler" he was saying that stuff as himself.
And Cenas mike skills can rival "The Rock" any day of the week. I don't know why you guys have a problem with Cena because all the guy has done is entertain the fans week in a week out and stayed true to himself but you guys will cheer for "The Rock" even though he sold out.

Blasphemy. Lmao I know you're a Cena fan, but c'mon. C'MON. Be honest with yourself. I know I know I'm a Dwayne Stan, but even if I wasn't I would never say that lmao. Cena? His mic skills rivals The Rock? That's borderline social suicide. He's not even the best at it right now lmao and he rivals Dwayne's? Stop it you're embarrassing yourself lol.

Oh and put down your skirt already. Some of you are ridiculous already. It's done with he left, he sold out to make more money fame blah blah blahhhhhh. SO WHATTT. Are you his ex girlfriend, did he scorn you that bad? I'm sorry. It must of been a really bad breakup. Get over it.
I am so sick of every Rock fan saying this whole thing is keyfabe or a work. Here is a radio interview Cena did a full THREE years before Rock came back and started this whole thing on RAW. http://youtu.be/Vg0qbfI1a9g and If you want more proof here is John Cena on Jimmy Kimmel also from THREE years ago http://youtu.be/-jqVhsMpQE4. Listen to what Cena had to say and then tell me if this whole thing is still keyfabe or a work. Cena wasn't saying those things as John Cena "The Wrestler" he was saying that stuff as himself.

Which makes Cena so much more pathetic if The Rock REALLY invades his thoughts outside of work, and got so much hatred in his heart. A grown ass man, just hates that another grown man, moved on with his life and followed his dreams. Pathetic. Think about it...a...grown...ass...MAN. I mean I know women can get catty, but some of you are...grown...ass..MEN and another man's success and absence to go follow their dreams got y'all mad. Wow. That's mind blowing.
People can rip on the Twilight movies, but box office don't lie there either, right?

This whole thing brings me back to the CM Punk promo last summer. One of the reasons why it hit such a chord with people because they identified with Punk's frustration that comes when one shows great skill and dedication to his craft but gets ignored in favor of others that favor the boss' preferences. And though Punk's promo was mainly about Cena, he also said that "the fact that Dwayne is in the main event at Wrestlemania and I'm not makes me sick!"

People need to stop with the "you're just JELLIS" crap. I don't think any of them expect the Rock to be buddy buddy with them, but if what Punk has said in the past is true, he doesn't seem to make any effort to interact with the locker room or offer some advice. Other guys like Foley, Austin, and Piper don't seem to have this problem.

When CM Punk becomes a mega-star like The Rock, then he'll have a legitimate complaint about not being in the main event at WrestleMania over The Rock. Rock is arguably a top 3 all-time wrestling superstar (Hogan, Austin, Rock), so it would be ridiculous to have anyone else in the main event instead of him. In reality however, I bet Punk is fine with it. He just "worked" marks like you.
Mr. mayor sir, i understand what your saying i do, and part of me wants to agree with you to the fullest extent, but, the undertaker is a special attraction, the rock is hogging the lime light. yes the rock did lots for the company, yes he made it big outside the wwe, but who is he helping by having a main event match at WM 28?? cena?? he is already the biggest star on raw (other then punk, and jericho for a short time after he returned), so the rock has drawing power, yet his first match back after 7 years drew low. sure we could blame the miz, but that would be rather stupid cause it couldn't be all the miz's fault.

what i'm trying to say is that the rock is helping himself more then anybody, and he isn't elevating anyone, i mean, piper has put guys over, sargent slaughter helped put some guys, jericho put bourne over, hogan and flair have even helped elevate guys before...... so whats the rock's excuse? he isn't bigger then hogan or flair (almost positive of that), sorry but i'm not buying WM 28 just to see the rock, lost's of other people are with me on that, what i'm saying is that rock is in it to get a big paycheque. say what you want about my opinion, but its true. it's not like rock is gonna stay with us for long, he will run back to holliwood with a big ass wallet.

Are you serious asking this question? He's helping the WWE make a ishload of $$$ by main eventing WrestleMania. No one except PG era fanboys would give a damn about it if The Rock wasn't involved. And enough with claiming Rock is doing it for the money. The Rock has made a TON of $$$$ in his movie career (and continues to do so), and anything he gets from the WWE will be chump change in comparison. It's not about the $$$$, it's him giving something back to the wrestling fans who still love him, and to help bring back the wider audience that stopped watching the WWE because it wasn't as entertaining after he left.
Okay, I am literally laughing my ass off here. I've seen fucking stupid posts in my short time here but none more stupid than some of the shit in this thread.

The Rock is a movie star first and WWE wrestler-guest host-dude second. Is it really that hard to comprehend??? He's not a full time, legit professional wrestler anymore. Get the fuck over it or just don't watch, SIMPLE AS THAT, PEOPLE!!!

He's enjoying his career so can't we just be happy for the guy? He gave us years of quality entertainment and we will NEVER see a Superstar of that magnitude ever again. Had he retired and just gone home would you still complain? No, I don't think you would to be honest. It's all because he's not doing what YOU want him to do!

He doesn't need to be there all the time to promote WM29 and his feud with John, his name on the card is enough to draw thousands and thousands (maybe millions) of buys. As for him "never going away" I seriously think a lot of you misunderstood what he meant...I'm not even going to fucking explain it.

Anyone of these clowns who calls out The Rock on this is either stupid, selfish, jealous, or some combination of those. People who can think should be able to figure out what he meant.
I just wanted to touch on the whole "rock worked his ass off to get to the top of WWE" myth. Dwayne didn't want to be a pro wrestler, he wanted to be a football player. He even says it in his book. He was an all american linebacker at University of Miame. His eyes were dead set on the NFL. Well, he didn't get drafted, so he played in the CFL. Short story short, that didn't work out. He was broke. Canadian football doesn't pay that well (at least according to him). So what did he do? He crawled back on his hands and knees to daddy and said I want to give this wrestling thing a shot. Did he pay the $1500 - $300 that we would all have to pay to get properly trained? No, he was trained by his dad and PAT PATERSON. Before he could slap his hand on his thigh to make it sound like a punch without anyone knowing like he does so well, he was signed to a WWE contract, and he had pat paterson drooling all over the peoples strudle the entire way through. He didn't have to do anything. Pat paterson designed all of his matches (don't believe me? Read chris jericho's newest book), they saw that the crowd weren't really feeling the "blue chipper", so they immediatly turned him heel, told him to be himself, and the rest is history.

What I'm getting at, is the rock never WANTED to be a wrestler. It was just a job to him. He got a taste of hollywood, bruce willis told him to stop wrestling (ask chris jericho) because there were better opportunities in hollywood for him, so he did. THAT'S why he gets the flak he does, he deserves it. He doesn't love us, he never did, and he never wanted us either. That why on april 2nd, never before, never again, ill be a full fleged member of the cenation.
This angle has really hooked some people. Well done Cena, and WWE. I had my doubts they could stretch this angle out for a year, but they've done a pretty good job. Hope the great build-up continues.

Agreed. All of this. Including Rock, from top to bottom is one giant work. The only thing that is not a work is Rock's absence for 7 years, however they have brilliantly worked it into the story. Also Rock saying he wasnt going away is the biggest piece to the fued and was just used for the story as well. WWE, Rock, Cena all knew that people would take three little words and hang onto it forever. Its been a year and people are still on about it. Bravo. This feud is working people so damn hard it is amazing.
Blasphemy. Lmao I know you're a Cena fan, but c'mon. C'MON. Be honest with yourself. I know I know I'm a Dwayne Stan, but even if I wasn't I would never say that lmao. Cena? His mic skills rivals The Rock? That's borderline social suicide. He's not even the best at it right now lmao and he rivals Dwayne's? Stop it you're embarrassing yourself lol.

Oh and put down your skirt already. Some of you are ridiculous already. It's done with he left, he sold out to make more money fame blah blah blahhhhhh. SO WHATTT. Are you his ex girlfriend, did he scorn you that bad? I'm sorry. It must of been a really bad breakup. Get over it.

If you don't believe me watch some of "The Rock's" old promos and then watch some of Cena's promos and then tell me I'm wrong. I'm not going to disagree with you but he did sell out and the problem I have with "The Rock" is every time he is on WWE Television he is making fun of somebody who has been loyal to the company. When he was at the HOF induction cermony to induct his grandfather and father most of his speech was him dissing superstars that stayed loyal to the company when he should have been talking about the two people he was there to induct. I personally don't think he's been that entertaining since coming back because in every promo he's cut it's been the same crap he used to say 10-15 years ago sprinkled in with some 3rd grade insults towards Cena. At least Cena has fresh material.
I just wanted to touch on the whole "rock worked his ass off to get to the top of WWE" myth. Dwayne didn't want to be a pro wrestler, he wanted to be a football player. He even says it in his book. He was an all american linebacker at University of Miame. His eyes were dead set on the NFL. Well, he didn't get drafted, so he played in the CFL. Short story short, that didn't work out. He was broke. Canadian football doesn't pay that well (at least according to him). So what did he do? He crawled back on his hands and knees to daddy and said I want to give this wrestling thing a shot. Did he pay the $1500 - $300 that we would all have to pay to get properly trained? No, he was trained by his dad and PAT PATERSON. Before he could slap his hand on his thigh to make it sound like a punch without anyone knowing like he does so well, he was signed to a WWE contract, and he had pat paterson drooling all over the peoples strudle the entire way through. He didn't have to do anything. Pat paterson designed all of his matches (don't believe me? Read chris jericho's newest book), they saw that the crowd weren't really feeling the "blue chipper", so they immediatly turned him heel, told him to be himself, and the rest is history.

What I'm getting at, is the rock never WANTED to be a wrestler. It was just a job to him. He got a taste of hollywood, bruce willis told him to stop wrestling (ask chris jericho) because there were better opportunities in hollywood for him, so he did. THAT'S why he gets the flak he does, he deserves it. He doesn't love us, he never did, and he never wanted us either. That why on april 2nd, never before, never again, ill be a full fleged member of the cenation.

LOL at this reasoning. John Cena, Randy Orton, and anyone else you think "loves wrestling" would do the exactly same thing The Rock did if they had the opportunity (which they don't), as would the vast majority of people. It's called doing what it takes to succeed. He did what he had to do, which included distancing himself from wrestling, and as a result he's now a major success in Hollywood. That doesn't mean he doesn't love wrestling or his wrestling fans, it just means that's what he had to do to succeed as an actor.

If he didn't love wrestling or his fans, he wouldn't EVER have come back.
Which makes Cena so much more pathetic if The Rock REALLY invades his thoughts outside of work, and got so much hatred in his heart. A grown ass man, just hates that another grown man, moved on with his life and followed his dreams. Pathetic. Think about it...a...grown...ass...MAN. I mean I know women can get catty, but some of you are...grown...ass..MEN and another man's success and absence to go follow their dreams got y'all mad. Wow. That's mind blowing.

You are totally right but my main point was that Cena made a bunch of comments three years ago and weather Cena was right or wrong then is irrelavant. Now that the WWE is using it for a storyline automatically people think that it's fake and that's the problem with most wrestling fans is that they are so stupid they can't tell reality from fiction. Personally I don't give a rat's ass what Cena or Rock does I just don't like ignorant people who talk like they personally know Cena Or Rock. The only time I say something is when I have something factually accurate to say and that is it.
For your information I was alive during the attitude era and remember it well. Cena has gone on numerous talk shows and talked about his dislike for the Rock. This is the problem with all you Cena haters and that is you are so stupid you believe that because Cena says something in the ring than it must be fake. If you actually bothered to do some research you would realize they don't like each other. You can sit in the past if you want but I think Cena is one hell of an entertainer. His uses the same damn moves over and over but so did "The Rock" And Cenas mike skills can rival "The Rock" any day of the week. I don't know why you guys have a problem with Cena because all the guy has done is entertain the fans week in a week out and stayed true to himself but you guys will cheer for "The Rock" even though he sold out.

cena enertains only kids and idiots. Rock "selling out" isn't a bad thing.

What cena said was a long time ago. However, if Cena truly feels that way, then he's a bigger idiot than I thought.

cena's skills can rival Rock's? Hahaha! Not even close. cena hasn't rocked a crowd the way Rock can, not even in his Thuganomics days. You must be deaf to not be able to hear crowd reactions.

Even when Rock tried his hardest to be a heel, he still got booed LESS than cena does.

Not only are you wrong in what you say, it's hard to take you seriously whenyoutypelikethiswithoutpausingtoformparagraphs.

The bottom line is: cena's argument is dumb if it's kayfabe. It's absolutely beyond ******ed if it's real. I'd rather the Rock cancel his WM28 plans, than deal with brainwashed drones.

It's interesting how cena's promo happened AFTER Rock signed on to Summerslam and WM29. So now, maybe, Vince has Rock by the balls. Vince will try to get his 50/50 crowd, and he has leverage now because Rock is legally committed to WWE.

It's an insult that a superior entertainer like Rock might get fans taken from him. But Vince is a ruthless S.O.B. He will try to steal Rock's fans unless Rock stops him.
If you don't believe me watch some of "The Rock's" old promos and then watch some of Cena's promos and then tell me I'm wrong. I'm not going to disagree with you but he did sell out and the problem I have with "The Rock" is every time he is on WWE Television he is making fun of somebody who has been loyal to the company. When he was at the HOF induction cermony to induct his grandfather and father most of his speech was him dissing superstars that stayed loyal to the company when he should have been talking about the two people he was there to induct. I personally don't think he's been that entertaining since coming back because in every promo he's cut it's been the same crap he used to say 10-15 years ago sprinkled in with some 3rd grade insults towards Cena. At least Cena has fresh material.

I understand, but that's his schtick. Like you said earlier, you watched wrestling during the attitude era, it shouldn't be mind boggling to you as to why he makes fun of people. When Dwayne turned into The Rock that was his persona. An asshole. A bully. A jerk that made fun of everyone. Men or women. You're telling me, he's suppose to change his persona that pushed him into super stardom? For what? Like put yourself in his shoes, the fans eat from out of your hand, no matter what. Catchphrases for years ago, people chant them like it came from the bible...why would you change that?

Now with that said that how in the same paragraph, you said Cena keeps it fresh? He's had the same persona for years now, and he still can't shake the boos and cheers. I mean the WWE has even exploited Cena and the fans with We hate Cena shirts...Vince would never everrrr have thought to do that with Dwayne or Austin. This is a clear indication that he's not fresh. He only shows energy or excitement when he's getting pushed by great wrestlers such as The Rock or Kane, and it shouldn't be that way as the face of the company.

Like I get it. Cena works hard, but you can remember a time where Dwayne was on Raw AND Smackdown, ppvs and house shows doing the same exact thing, but more. Cena doesn't do that. While Dwayne was perfecting his craft, Cena was trying to get into the WWE and get a shot. Dwayne has done it already. Why is that hard for so many to understand that? And it's not even like he was a bum back in the day, he was the IT wrestler besides Austin. He paid his dues.

There's going to be a time when Cena finally retires and goes on with his life. But he will come back to bring back excitement. It doesn't mean he hates the business, it just means his time has passed, but it doesn't hurt to make appearances here and there. Which is what Dwayne is doing. For a check or not, he's making his occasional appearances and using the persona everyone or the majority loves. What's wrong with that? And the way Cena and some of you go on and on about him not leaving the company and being there all the time, I pray his body doesn't break down or he becomes a has been wrestler that just doesn't know how to call it quits. We'll see how many fans are riding with him then.
Also some of you need to really think about it. If Austin never got injured, and Dwayne never went Hollywood and stayed in the WWE for all these years, more than half of you would not have Cena in your avatars, sigs an usernames. John would of been that dweeb who got bullied by Undertaker when he made his on camera debut on Smackdown. Some of your favorite wrestlers would have never got the pushed they deserve if the legends stayed. So cut it out already with this him leaving for 7 years and never leaving again nonsense.
If you don't believe me watch some of "The Rock's" old promos and then watch some of Cena's promos and then tell me I'm wrong. I'm not going to disagree with you but he did sell out and the problem I have with "The Rock" is every time he is on WWE Television he is making fun of somebody who has been loyal to the company. When he was at the HOF induction cermony to induct his grandfather and father most of his speech was him dissing superstars that stayed loyal to the company when he should have been talking about the two people he was there to induct. I personally don't think he's been that entertaining since coming back because in every promo he's cut it's been the same crap he used to say 10-15 years ago sprinkled in with some 3rd grade insults towards Cena. At least Cena has fresh material.

I understand, but that's his schtick. Like you said earlier, you watched wrestling during the attitude era, it shouldn't be mind boggling to you as to why he makes fun of people. When Dwayne turned into The Rock that was his persona. An asshole. A bully. A jerk that made fun of everyone. Men or women. You're telling me, he's suppose to change his persona that pushed him into super stardom? For what? Like put yourself in his shoes, the fans eat from out of your hand, no matter what. Catchphrases for years ago, people chant them like it came from the bible...why would you change that?

Now with that said that how in the same paragraph, you said Cena keeps it fresh? He's had the same persona for years now, and he still can't shake the boos and cheers. I mean the WWE has even exploited Cena and the fans with We hate Cena shirts...Vince would never everrrr have thought to do that with Dwayne or Austin. This is a clear indication that he's not fresh. He only shows energy or excitement when he's getting pushed by great wrestlers such as The Rock or Kane, and it shouldn't be that way as the face of the company.

Like I get it. Cena works hard, but you can remember a time where Dwayne was on Raw AND Smackdown, ppvs and house shows doing the same exact thing, but more. Cena doesn't do that. While Dwayne was perfecting his craft, Cena was trying to get into the WWE and get a shot. Dwayne has done it already. Why is that hard for so many to understand that? And it's not even like he was a bum back in the day, he was the IT wrestler besides Austin. He paid his dues.

There's going to be a time when Cena finally retires and goes on with his life. But he will come back to bring back excitement. It doesn't mean he hates the business, it just means his time has passed, but it doesn't hurt to make appearances here and there. Which is what Dwayne is doing. For a check or not, he's making his occasional appearances and using the persona everyone or the majority loves. What's wrong with that? And the way Cena and some of you go on and on about him not leaving the company and being there all the time, I pray his body doesn't break down or he becomes a has been wrestler that just doesn't know how to call it quits. We'll see how many fans are riding with him then.
Opinions are like assholes...everybody has one. You are entitled to your own opinion and I wont trash you for it.

I for one like some of his movies and understand WHY he did the majority of them. The disney movies he did because of his kids. He, like a lot of movie stars, wanted to do movies that his kids could watch. I am an aspiring filmmaker and run my own online web show. I look at movies differently than the general audience. Lets look at his movies...

"Gameplan" was a good family movie. Rock was right at home playing a star football player.
"Tooth fairy" was crap.
"gridiron Gang" was a good, wholesome true story. I happen to like those type of movies and I thought he did well in it.
"Walking Tall" was ok.
"Be Cool" showed that comedic side of him. Good for what he was involved in, but the movie sucked.
"The Rundown" was AWESOME. Loved every minute of it. Again, showed his comedic side.
"Doom" I loved. Rock was solid. Not the best script but the way it was shot was good.
"Faster" I skipped because I heard the reason the movie fell flat was lack of story and advertisement.

Loved "Fast Five", "The Other Guys" (his cameo role was amazing), "Get Smart", and "Southland Tales". "Race to witch mountain" was ok.

Im looking forward to "G.I. Joe 2", "Snitch", "Pain and Gain", and "Fast 6 & 7"

Yes Dwayne has made a name for himself. He might not ever win an Oscar for his movies (there are a ton of people that haven't in Hollywood), but he IS an A-list star.

Dude Seriously. I like some of the movies "The Rock" has done but let's not fool ourselves here. Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson has never done a movie where he is not playing himself in some sort of fashion and you know it works for him but I don't think you will ever see him in a movie that actually requires acting because the sad simple fact is he can't act at all. Let's look at some of those movies he did another way.

The Gameplan - He used to be a football player and he is a father so acting wise this isn't much of a strech

Gridiron Gang - As I said before he used to be a football player and he's playing a football player again not much of a strech for him

Walking Tall - Most of the movie required him to beat the crap out of people which really doesn't require much acting

Be Cool - Liked his charcter but in the end that movie had so much star power it would have been good with or without him.

The Rundown - Most of that movie also required him to beat the crap out of people and when he did speak he really wasn't that funny also he had better actors to pick up the slack

Faster - Again he plays a guy who beats the crap out of people. The only thing that saves this movie from being a total piece of crap is Billy Bob Thornton

Doom - Aside from the action scenes that movie was just an awful piece of crap and nobody did any acting in that movie

I fell asleep about 30 minutes into Southland Tales

Race To Witch Mountain - He played another tough guy role that didn't require much acting

Fast Five - Didn't really need him because it had Paul Walker and Vin Diesel and a bunch of other well known actors in it also he plays another tough guy role that dosen't require much acting.

The Other Guys - Yet another tough guy role plus it had Mark Whalberg, Will Ferrell and Samuel L. Jackson in it plus I loved Michael Keaton in it

Get Smart - Surprise, Surprise yet another tough guy role plus it had Steve Carrell, Ann Hathaway, Alan Arkin, James Cann and Bill Murray in it

G.I. Joe 2 Has Bruce Willis in it so I don't think it's going to be a problem selling it and again Johnson plays another tough guy in it

From what I read about Snitch and Pain And Gain he plays tough guy roles in those movies as well as far as Fast and Furious 6 goes from what I saw it's going to have Vin Diesal, Jason Statham and Paul Walker in them so I don't think his performance is going to make or break those movies.

You forgot to mention The Mummy Returns (which at the time already had a star studded cast before he came along) and The Scorpion King and even in both those movies he had tough guy roles.

I'm not going to say Cena is a better actor than "The Rock" because honestly neither of them are really very good at acting but I will say that at least Cena is trying diffrent ranges in his choice of movies. He has tried action movies, a drama or two and a couple of comedies so unlike "The Rock" he is not trying to play different versions of himself
Cena's promos have little substance. He's unentertaining on the mic. Just listen to the crowd reaction.

The sad thing in all this is that there are people who didn't comprehend the context of "I will never leave". You can't take every word everybody says literally. Look up the word "context", people. Of course, cena fans haven't gotten that far in their vocabulary class.

It's cena fans who can't comprehend context, and it's cena fans who think cena's promo is a shoot. It's not a shoot, Vince is telling him what to say. There needs to be a reason for them to feud, and this is it.

Vince won't let his cash cow get booed out of Miami. He will try to get that crowd 50/50, and because the little Jimmies are so easily brainwashed, he might get his way.

Anti-cena signs were confiscated Monday. Don't be surprised if Rock turns heel next Monday. The Rock is the only wrestler who will try hard to get fans to hate him, despite their willingness to cheer him. Why? Because he's loyal to Vince, and to the business. How often did everyone try to cheer him in 2003, only for the Rock to tell them to stop cheering him, and hate him instead?

But after seeing how dumb many cena fans are, and how easily brainwashed they are... I hope Rock cancels his SummerSlam and WM29 plans, and leaves for good after WM28. He doesn't need wrestling, his best movies are still ahead of him. He doesn't need to be booed by misguided drones. He doesn't need to elevate a wrestler who woulda been a midcarder in the Attitude Era.

Then the Jimmies will see how WWE will return to being a niche product with low ratings and little buzz.

Here is the radio interview John Cena did FOUR years ago that pretty much started this whole thing http://youtu.be/Vg0qbfI1a9g was Vince telling him what to say then. Here is Cena on Kimmel FOUR years ago saying the same thing http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/03/john-cena-disses-dwayne-rock-johnson but I suppose Vince was in the back somewhere telling him what to say as well. As far as his movies go the only time he has had worldwide success is by riding the coattails of people like Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Mark Whalberg, Samuel L. Jackson and every other big name actor he has been in a movie with. Cena worked for everything he got in the WWE, Rock wanted to be a Pro Football star and after he went undrafted in the NFL he went to the CFL and couldn't hack it and went into pro wresting knowing he had a job waiting for him and after he made it big in the WWE he left for hollywood to ride the afforementioned stars coattails and is still doing it to this day. When Cena started doing movies he didn't need to ride anybodys coattails as a matter of fact I think the biggest name in The Marine was Robert Patrick and Twelve Rounds didn't really have any big name actors in it.

I think the problem with all you Rock fans is that Cena is a bigger WWE superstar than The Rock could have ever dreamed to have been and I think that pisses you off just a little bit. Hogan may have passed the perverbial torch to The Rock and that's all well and good but Stone Cold Steve Austin (Who in my opinion is the greatest WWE superstar EVER) passed the torch to Cena which I think is bigger than Hogan passing the torch to Rock.
Trust me, Dwayne's laughing all the way to the bank with most of movies he has starred in.

And the fact that most people are pretty pissed about him not working as a full time pro wrestler makes them a bit self-centered. It's his choice to be whatever the hell he wants, hate him for all he's worth at this point.

But this guy has nearly done it all, no matter what anybody will try to tell you. I don't see why I shouldn't have respect for someone who's come this far and has made a name for himself everywhere. That's a pretty huge accomplishment, guys.

Unless you know him personally, there's no reason to hate the guy in my book.
I don't have a problem with The Rock personally, he did what he did and that's that. Your either going to root for Cena Or Rock and I don't care who you side with, I am a proud member of Cenation and all Of Rocks fans just continue to call Cenas fans stupid and ignorant is reason I came on the board in the first place. Just because people root for Cena dosen't mean that they are stupid. As far as The Rock "starring" in movies that's kind of a bit of a strech isn't it. When Get Smart came out the trailer didn't say Get Smart Starring The Rock did it? Yeah he has made a pretty penny doing those movies but he really didn't have a big role in them.
John Cena is bigger superstar what? John Cena is the only superstar in the history of the WWE to ever get booed as the face of the company and baby baby baby face....
I think what this boils down to is your either a member of Cenation or your a member of #TeamFilmIt. The simple fact is Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson did lie. He came back last year cut a decent (albiet self serving) promo and left. The only reason he came back in the first place was to A. promote both his twitter and facebook accounts which he had just launched and B. promote Fast Five even though he wasn't one of the main stars in the movie (I don't even think he got top billing for the film). He came back a second time on RAW (the RAW before mania) to cut a even crappier self serving promo to move the storyline along and at Mania he cut a promo to (Suprise, Suprise) promote himself some more. He then came back to RAW a couple weeks later for his birthday and the whole damn show was about him and he cut a couple more self serving promos on that episode. He came back to RAW one more time last year before Survivor Series and cut another sub par self serving promo and to do a bad job of insulting Cena. Since the match at Survivor Series we haven't heard from him since in a WWE ring. All the promos he cut last year was the same old crap he used to say during the attitude era. He had no new material and when he was insulting Cena he used insults a 3rd grader could come up with. Cena on the other hand has never left at all. When Cena was filming The Marine or 12 rounds or whatever movie was filming at the time he might have cut his house show schedule down a bit but he was on RAW almost every single week during the filming of those movies and that is because unlike Dawyne Johnson, Cena actually cares about the fans. The WWE and The Make A Wish Foundation are business partners and Cena is thier Number 1 requested superstar and one of the top requested celebrities peroid, I would like to see Dawyne Johnson do that. I have never personally met Cena but I have friends that have met him in public (outside the ring) and from what I'm told he's a hell of a nice guy and very approachable. I've got a couple of friends in L.A. who have said they have seen him in public with an entourage of like 10 or so people and If you approach him his security staff tells you to take a hike (that's what I was told anyway). I thought Cena's promo the other night on RAW was awesome because Cena ment every word he said about Johnson and I think he is absolutely 100% right. Another thing that people don't realize is when Cena talks about Johnson he's not cutting any promo per say (with most promos being scripted to fit whatever storyline is going on at the time) Cena and Johnson do not like each other outside of the ring. Cena has gone on record saying as much and this is what started the whole damn thing in the first place. Should "The Rock" be on RAW every week of course not but if he's in a storyline with someone he should be on RAW a lot more often instead of bringing it Live Via Satellite. Austin shows up every couple of months to say hey so why couldn't Rock do it. Johnson may show up once or twice before Mania and then after Mania he won't be back until he has something else to promote.

This post is just pure ignorance. Pure ignorance. As it is obvious from the many posters on this forum alot of you must not have actually watched The Rock from 1997-2004.

You can hate The Rock for saying he was never leaving(even though peoples arguments for that is a load of bull) but this constant whining of him taking the spotlight is just plain ridiculous. He and Cena are the Main Event because the WWE has failed to push anyone or anything that can beat a marquee match that big. A match like this was needed in order for them to make money from Wrestlemania. Look at the 2 World Title matches we have. I love all 4 guys in that match but if this was 5 years ago, Jericho vs Punk and Bryan vs Sheamus would be for the IC and US Titles. The Rock is one of the top 5 stars the WWE has ever seen and he deserves to "bring it via satellite" if he wants to. Most arguments are selfish and from blind Cena fans who think that everything Cena says is right. God some of these concepts are just so freaking hard for people to understand. For god sake you don't think Austin would want the Main Event if he returned for one match?

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