**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Let it be known that I'm a hater who is trying to be civil.

The Rock is crossing into a very stupid and very gullible fan base, the dreaded Cenation.

Do I have a good reason to hate Rocky? Indeed I do. Would I share any insightful reason to hate Rocky knowing that some over-privileged fourteen year old is going to use it as a means to shill on behalf of Cena? Fuck that.

What if *gag reflex* The Marine was a huge blockbuster? Cena would be waving his hand in front of his face all the way to a full time career in Hollywood. He failed more times than I care to fully recognize, in that I don't want to think of some of his movies, at being a famous movie star/gangster rapper.

How did Cena succeed? By failing as a wrestler but falling back on the few pockets of fans that still piss away money for his wrist bands, he's loyal to the few idiots who think three successive shoulder blocks are an example of performance versatility.

Rock may have had The People's Elbow, but at least he wasn't stonefaced when he performed it like Cena during the five knuckle shuffle.

You say you're a hater who's trying to be civil yet the rest of your post is very transparent. As for the whole Cena cashing in on movies thing. I won't even bother with this because I have about 20 posts on this forum and I'd say at least 5 of them make the same point.

Also don't pretend like all "Cena fans" are stupid. There are plenty of knowledgeable people taking Cena's side in this argument whether they're actually Cena fans or not, and please don't try and come up with some witty remark to this paragraph. It'll just make you look bad.
Now HOOOOOOLLLLLDDDDDD on a Second.........When the Hell did Dwayne become and A-List celeberty??????

Grab some reality man wow

Dude, reality to a wrestling fan is like is like rehab for a coke addict.

To people who jumped on the bandwagon and refuse to give up on their idiotid principles, Denzel doesn't have shit on Rocky.
Now HOOOOOOLLLLLDDDDDD on a Second.........When the Hell did Dwayne become and A-List celeberty??????

I would NOT put him in line with DeNero, Depp, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Jack Nicholson, Tommy Lee Jones and their like. Those are A-List actors

I would not even rate him with the likes of John Cusack, Jack Black,Adam Sandler, Kevin James, James Spader, Billy Bob Thornton and their like are B list actors

Then you have peeps like Brendon Fraiser,Sean William Scott and a host of others that are C-List at best. Dwayne is C list at the best not even close to A-List.

Grab some reality man wow

Well you have to measure A-list status with the amount of money the actor's films pull in as a whole. It should be measured in talent but that's just not the way it works. If it went by talent Billy Bob Thornton would be A-list and Will Smith would be D-list but it doesn't. Rock's movies have pulled in some serious cash in the last few years and I don't expect that to change anytime soon. Personally I think most of his movies are shit but that's just an opinion. Most of his movies being hugely successful is a fact.

I'm also not a Cena fan at all and the reasons why are exactly the same as everyone elses and I don't need to list them all again for the billionth time but at the same time you can't deny anything he's ever said about the Rock.
You say you're a hater who's trying to be civil yet the rest of your post is very transparent. As for the whole Cena cashing in on movies thing. I won't even bother with this because I have about 20 posts on this forum and I'd say at least 5 of them make the same point.

Also don't pretend like all "Cena fans" are stupid. There are plenty of knowledgeable people taking Cena's side in this argument whether they're actually Cena fans or not, and please don't try and come up with some witty remark to this paragraph. It'll just make you look bad.

You know what my problem is. I'm a nice guy. I wanted to believe for the longest time that Cena's fans were not stupid and that there was something there that I just wasn't seeing. Fans like you proved me wrong every time they spoke on his behalf.

Cena's pockets of loyal fans are the only thing he has, you're in denial of the fact that he wants more than just a belt and status as the greatest athlete of all time in the minds of some eight year olds.

Ask yourself this: When was the last time Cena gave up a clean win?
If I was The Rock I wouldnt have come back period. Wrestling fans are notorious for treating anyone whos not CM Punk like utter shit. The Rock took time out of his very very very very very successful life to give a D-List form of entertainment something to watch and this is the thanks he gets? He said he was never leaving us, not that he was going to be on RAW every damn night. Some of you are apparently hard of hearing. Hes been tweeting about his match constantly, making videos every month, and dropping in on RAW every now and then. Hell he even wrestled a match. When was the last time SCSA did that? I like how people hold Rock's promo against him but no one goes against Kane for saying that hate fuels the world, or Triple H for saying that he can beat Undertaker, or CM Punk for claiming to be the best wrestler in the world. Somehow the kayfabe switch in your minds goes off as soon as you hear the words "The Rock". Well good job, now when hes done he really wont come back.
Umm. I was on board until that statement. You honestly believe that Stone Cold chooses not to wrestle anymore because he doesn't care enough about the fans?
No, I'm just saying Rocky went an extra mile that some legends havent gone. and Dont give me the whole neck injury thing, plenty of guys have wrestled after suffering way worse injuries than SCSA. I'm not bashing SCSA, I'm just saying Rock has done more than the casual legend appearances we're used to.
You know what my problem is. I'm a nice guy. I wanted to believe for the longest time that Cena's fans were not stupid and that there was something there that I just wasn't seeing. Fans like you proved me wrong every time they spoke on his behalf.

Cena's pockets of loyal fans are the only thing he has, you're in denial of the fact that he wants more than just a belt and status as the greatest athlete of all time in the minds of some eight year olds.

Ask yourself this: When was the last time Cena gave up a clean win?

Ok there are a few things you should know here first. I think I'm a nice guy too. I'm 21 and I joined this forum because I was a member of another forum and just like discussing wrestling away from the "general population." I haven't watched a full RAW or SD or even followed it consistently since early 2007. And maybe that's the magic formula I don't know, because I "skipped over" the "PG" Cena that's probably why I don't mind him now.

Cena's rapper gimmick was my start to watching wrestling. I wouldn't call myself a casual fan who knows nothing just because I didn't see the attitude era live. Youtube has been good to me like that. I like the Rock too believe it or not, but I'm behind Cena's overall argument in this angle, and quite obviously I'm not one of his "kiddie" fans who wets themselves when he throws his sweatbands. People can say his argument is repetitive but that's simply because the Rock is barely ever around to give Cena something else to work with.

I'm a fan of the Cena we saw this past Monday, (and tbh it sounds like I'm not alone) not the one that makes corny jokes all the time. I realized when Rock said he was "never ever going away" that it didn't mean he was back full time, however Cena's done a good job in the promos he has made to convince me that that was entirely the wrong thing for The Rock to say storyline wise.
No, I'm just saying Rocky went an extra mile that some legends havent gone. and Dont give me the whole neck injury thing, plenty of guys have wrestled after suffering way worse injuries than SCSA. I'm not bashing SCSA, I'm just saying Rock has done more than the casual legend appearances we're used to.

That's fair. If I had Rock's money there is no way in Hell I'd do anything beyond a HOF induction.
Rock, as an actor, is quite terrible - just like Cena is.


Rock is a good actor and has gotten praise from critics, peers and fans alike. He has never turned in a "bad" performance, even when he was in a critically or commercially reviled film. He's often thought of as the best part of those films. He's shown versatility (appearing uncredited in a Tyler Perry movie), bravery (being a gay character), and range.

Cena is just a bad actor. He scripts have never and will never be stellar, but he couldn't even work with the material given.
Once again if your feeble mind cannot comprehend "I'm back and never going away" then you should be watching nick toons instead of wrestling. Because obviously if you can't follow something as simple as a wrestling program you are a mentally handicapped child.
Rock explained it before (which he shouldn't have to) and I'll explain it here for you again. He's back under the WWE umbrella again and never leaving again. See how simple that is? If not then continue basking in your ignorance because obviously it must be bliss.
Ok there are a few things you should know here first. I think I'm a nice guy too. I'm 21 and I joined this forum because I was a member of another forum and just like discussing wrestling away from the "general population." I haven't watched a full RAW or SD or even followed it consistently since early 2007. And maybe that's the magic formula I don't know, because I "skipped over" the "PG" Cena that's probably why I don't mind him now.

Cena's rapper gimmick was my start to watching wrestling. I wouldn't call myself a casual fan who knows nothing just because I didn't see the attitude era live. Youtube has been good to me like that. I like the Rock too believe it or not, but I'm behind Cena's overall argument in this angle, and quite obviously I'm not one of his "kiddie" fans who wets themselves when he throws his sweatbands. People can say his argument is repetitive but that's simply because the Rock is barely ever around to give Cena something else to work with.

I'm a fan of the Cena we saw this past Monday, (and tbh it sounds like I'm not alone) not the one that makes corny jokes all the time. I realized when Rock said he was "never ever going away" that it didn't mean he was back full time, however Cena's done a good job in the promos he has made to convince me that that was entirely the wrong thing for The Rock to say storyline wise.

You know what. You're smart. There I said it.

Now then. This last Monday didn't come off as a corny joke to you?

Zack Ryder became popular, no thanks to me by the way. They work an angle involving him so Cena can ride his draft all the way to a marketable WM appearance. Eve loves Zack, bit she just can't resist Cena. Cena plugs a low brow comparison of her and Rocky, and you have something dumber than Nattie crapping herself. There is no emphasis on Cena as a gifted athlete, it's all about arm twisting Ryder fans into thinking that Cena is a better man than him.

It was the same idiotic form of character assassination that the writers grant Cena to bump his popularity. I didn't see an athlete dig deep and through complex maneuvers and technical superiority get his due, I saw a rodeo of stupidity.
We're not misguided. It's called reality. First off, let me say that I love Rock the character. Now when it comes to Dwayne Johnson...I definitely don't hate him but I am not his biggest fan.

People aren't jealous of the Rock. HHH and Cena only produced WWE films. And although I can't prove this, I'm pretty damn sure HHH and Cena would choose a professional wrestling career over a Hollywood career any day. That's exactly where most of the hate comes from. Rock claims to be as passionate about the business as these guys, yet he's off doing other things. What people do outside this business (where you claim Rock has succeeded unlike others) is irrelevant. The people who are IN THIS BUSINESS are IN THIS BUSINESS to succeed IN THIS BUSINESS. They don't use it as a stepping stone to get somewhere else. That's beyond disrespectful and is equivalent to spitting in the face of every past wrestler who has WORKED THEIR ASS OFF to succeed in pro wrestling.

And it doesn't help at all that Rock was born into this business. That makes matters even worse and feelings even stronger. Rock didn't have to work as hard as others to make it to the WWE...that's a fact. And to have that shortcut to success and then use that success as a stepping stone into another career is what pisses people off the most. I would understand if Rock began an acting career after he truly retired from wrestling (like Stone Cold), but this guy ditched the company IN HIS PRIME to pursue a new career.

"Oh but who wouldn't prefer a movie career over a wrestling career, right?" No, that is not the damn point. It's not about who prefers what over what. It's about the people in this world who truly want to be a professional wrestler and work their asses off every day of their lives to get to the WWE and get to the top where everyone wants to be. Those are the exact people that Rock forever disrespected by ditching his wrestling career for acting.

There is not even a shred of truth to anything you just typed.

Take me for example. I'm an artist. I love to paint, draw and have made a living painting and drawing at one time. I'll never stop drawing. I am passionate about it, but there are things more important to me than art. My family for one thing. My friends for another. I can and will stop doing for commercial purposes if can't do it on my terms and that's just the way it is. I dare someone to criticize my passion for doing so too.

I don't owe anyone anything and if I got to a spot where I was established and comfortable licensing my own creations, I will draw for other people at the exact time and place of my choosing, exactly as often as I feel like it because I will have worked to be able to do that.

When I say I'll never stop drawing, if you think that means I'll never take my pencil off a piece of paper, you're a complete fucking moron.

The Rock doesn't owe anyone anything and when he says he'll never leave, he means he won't leave for good. If you don't get that, well....see above.
I've watched the John Cena DVD and in it you see clips from his childhood, he is wrestling with his brothers. Cena loves wrestling and loves the WWE. He has loved it since he was a kid.

I'm pretty sure Rock has loved it since he was a kid too, but he did however wanna be a football first... which is fair enough to be honest!

I think all kids love wrestling but the fact remains both tried to succeed at different professions before wrestling. Also, I believe The Rock's father tried to persuade him not to get into wrestling at all because of what he went through.

Rock is a good actor and has gotten praise from critics, peers and fans alike. He has never turned in a "bad" performance, even when he was in a critically or commercially reviled film. He's often thought of as the best part of those films. He's shown versatility (appearing uncredited in a Tyler Perry movie), bravery (being a gay character), and range.

Cena is just a bad actor. He scripts have never and will never be stellar, but he couldn't even work with the material given.

To me, Be Cool proved that Dwayne can act and is humble enough to work a scene where Travolta kicks his ass.

Cena has played, umm, oh yeah, a cocky idiot in every movie he's let escape. The only roles he's apparently able to play are that of a square jawed tough guy whose boring example of an existence is interrupted by some "bad guys", or he's an arrogant joke of an amateur wrestling instructor.
You know what. You're smart. There I said it.

Now then. This last Monday didn't come off as a corny joke to you?

Zack Ryder became popular, no thanks to me by the way. They work an angle involving him so Cena can ride his draft all the way to a marketable WM appearance. Eve loves Zack, bit she just can't resist Cena. Cena plugs a low brow comparison of her and Rocky, and you have something dumber than Nattie crapping herself. There is no emphasis on Cena as a gifted athlete, it's all about arm twisting Ryder fans into thinking that Cena is a better man than him.

It was the same idiotic form of character assassination that the writers grant Cena to bump his popularity. I didn't see an athlete dig deep and through complex maneuvers and technical superiority get his due, I saw a rodeo of stupidity.

Meanwhile we have Rocky talking about fruity pebbles and manginas. That's pretty corny too is it not?
I try to stay away from threads like this. Typically, it's just people spinning their wheels, repeating the same arguments ad nauseum. This thread wasn't much different; then I did a Scooby Doo style double take:

TLDR: There is a lot to be said for the color of The Rock's skin being the reason people believe the worst about him right off of the bat. If you think that it doesn't exist, go die in a fire for your ignorance.

Every now and then, somebody introduces something so irrelevant to an argument that you can't help but scrunch up your face and let out a high pitch confused yelp. For example, and stay with me here:

Question: Can Communism now be considered a defunct system because of Soviet Russia?

  1. Soviet Russia is the most historically significant example of a communist regime - a totalitarian dictatorship where thousands upon thousands lost their lives and had their basic human rights violated.
  2. Soviet Russia was not an example of "real" communism - it was a horrendous dictatorship thinly veiled under a poorly realised pseudocommunism.
  3. Soviet Russia was a bad place because they didn't have enough waffles. If Stalin had more waffles, maybe he wouldn't have been such a paranoid and incredibly dangerous individual.

Pick the odd one out. I'll take a leap and guess you got the right answer. Now that your brain's been exercised, we'll see if we can find the odd one out for the next question:

Question: Why do people not like The Rock?

  1. They consider The Rock to be a relic, a symbol of a time long past - a piece of nostalgia smothering the hard work that current wrestlers like John Cena, CM Punk and Rey Mysterio have put in over the past decade. To walk back in an be handed a main event at the biggest show of the year appears obnoxious.
  2. The Rock claimed he was never leaving, then appeared on a sum total of 0.001% of the shows from then on - his actions were completely at odds with his words.
  3. Racism! Racism still exists, and therefore deserves to be applied to every situation without thought. White people - who are evil racists - can't relate to acting; acting is the black man's domain. Why, let's just recall all the the great black actors, like Anthony Hopkins, Ben Kingsley, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton at al. Why wouldn't a white man be intimidated by such a who's who of African American talent? Whereas music - the white man loves music! From Jimmy Hendrix to Whitney Houston to Kanye West to Rihanna, the white man's always had a monopoly. Hence why Chris Jericho, famously white music man, gets a free pass.

Pick the odd one out.
This could lead to a Rock heel turn(I hope), ONLY if Cena could get half the fans behind him.
Even if he was able to get half the fans behind him a Rock heel turn would be utterly ******ed and downright detrimental for WWE. Why would a beloved legend come back to the ring in his hometown in the main event at Wrestlemania to be a heel just to gravitate to Cena? Especially if Cena's gonna get booed anyways? If that were to happen or if WWE was going in that direction it wouldn't surprise me if Rock walked out on this feud before Mania. Though it's not like WWE can say crap to the Rock anyways, he's not an employee.

All Rock has to do is come out and seriously BURY Cena in a worked shoot on Monday. A heel turn isn't needed; just come out, keep the comedy at bay, and EXPOSE Cena and make him feel legit embarrassed, yet stand up for himself by actually addressing Cena's claims; perhaps talk about the so-called resentment from the younger wrestlers(if that story is true). No "boots to asses", no manginas or ladyparts. His one-liners aren't gonna cut it this time. I'm not one of those idiots who think the PG rating is why the WWE sucks but because of what may potentially happen(depends on the Rock) they might want to bring back the TV-14(DLV) rating for next week.
I agree that people are totally misguided in what The Rock said...
But I don't think "special attraction" is the reason that not being there every week is a good idea.

It's simply because when The Rock said "I'm never leaving again", He didn't mean that he was gonna be wrestling every week as a full-time superstar... He meant that he's never leaving in the sense of being a stranger to the WWE fans!!

The man has already done it all! He has nothing left to prove. These few appearances he makes, especially due to a very busy schedule, is a good thing!

I don't understand why people get mad over this... He never lied! He kept his word & has remained vocal to the fans. Whether it's in the ring, on Twitter, or even via satellite... He talks to the people, instead of drifting off for a couple of years!!

If anybody really thought that he was returning as an active WWE competitor on a weekly basis... then they are just plain stupid! I understood exactly what he meant from the time he said those words, and so should have everybody else!!
Like most individuals, I haven't taken the liberty to read through ten pages of arguing who's participant's posts interest garnered from me slowly decays with every post. I'll just give my insight on this thing instead.

I don't hate Rock, in fact I really don't care that he never fulfilled his "promises to the WWE universe". I see him as a great superstar, a legend and a present day symbol of an era that captivated many people, and left a in impression of them that apparently last to this day. I do however agree with everything Cena said, the Rock fraudulently said "I will never leave again". We didn't see him the following week did we? Cena has made great points in every encounter with The Rock since then and humorous insults aside has won every arugement in my opinion. Rock came for a cup of coffee, then left us and of course many were upset by it. I personally knew he wasn't going to do it and just laid back and enjoyed the moments that we did get to see Rock on Raw. I also find Rock as a symbol for everything anti-Cena since 2005, calling him names and siding with "the real men" as opposed to Cena (with the help of the Wrestlemania theme song) who sells the rising above hate.

Does the Rock deserved to be bash? That's based on opinion only for what WWE superstar doesn't deserve to be bashed. Cena or Rock, Bring it or Cenation it's your choice but in the conclusion I believe Cena will gain the most out of this including a victory in regards to the entire feud.
Question: Why do people not like The Rock?


People do not like Rocky because he was force fed to us and was declared from day one to be a future superstar even though he looked like Bert from Sesame Street after a mid-life crisis and didn't actually become a fan favorite until the fourth or fifth time they tried to dump another face turn on us. He never grew out of his "I'm too shit hot for this crowd" phase and left his role as a prolonged elbow drop expert to do a Brendan Fraser flick.
I try to stay away from threads like this. Typically, it's just people spinning their wheels, repeating the same arguments ad nauseum. This thread wasn't much different; then I did a Scooby Doo style double take:

Question: Why do people not like The Rock?

  1. They consider The Rock to be a relic, a symbol of a time long past - a piece of nostalgia smothering the hard work that current wrestlers like John Cena, CM Punk and Rey Mysterio have put in over the past decade. To walk back in an be handed a main event at the biggest show of the year appears obnoxious.
  2. The Rock claimed he was never leaving, then appeared on a sum total of 0.001% of the shows from then on - his actions were completely at odds with his words.
  3. Racism! Racism still exists, and therefore deserves to be applied to every situation without thought. White people - who are evil racists - can't relate to acting; acting is the black man's domain. Why, let's just recall all the the great black actors, like Anthony Hopkins, Ben Kingsley, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton at al. Why wouldn't a white man be intimidated by such a who's who of African American talent? Whereas music - the white man loves music! From Jimmy Hendrix to Whitney Houston to Kanye West to Rihanna, the white man's always had a monopoly. Hence why Chris Jericho, famously white music man, gets a free pass.

Pick the odd one out.

So jericho takes ziggler spot for a shot at the title at wrestlemania and involve in a feud with punk that IS going to hurt punk (as clear by the Y2J chants) and NO ONE is bitching about it???
And after Jericho cashes his big mania paychek he rides off into the sunset for his fozzy tour.
Please do explain why this relic jericho who is a lesser star than dwayne can get away with it unscathed but we must criticize the rock??
It's only a simple tweet, but the words, "the truth comes out. John, you have no idea", comes across like he really has something different to say - more than just his usual stuff. Maybe a reasoning as to why he left in the first place, or maybe a new spin on what he said in his video promo. Either would be welcome. Either way, it's not going to be all jokes (although it never really was, people just never cared to pay attention).

There are only six weeks left until WrestleMania, so all the big stuff and promos are going to come out now. Cena and Rock are going to start bringing in their best promos now, when it actually matters.
so i was on here reading page after page of posts not just under this topic but other ones they all were just about the same things cena and the rock and some love cena or hate cena and some love the rock and hate the rock. now just to start off im a cena fan not to say i dont like the rock i respect him for what he has done. I think most people over react to these post. people rip on the rock because some want to and some a have a Legitimate beef with what says and has done. just like john cena has a legitimate beef with the rock. now i know most people think that the rock and cena hate each other because of the feud. and most people post we would be stupid to think that way. well i am here to tell that this story would not be as good as it is and have so many people in an up roar if the rock and cena did not have a Ginuwine dislike for one another. now you morons out there that say what cena said on Monday night raw was not from the hart or it was scripted are wrong and out of your dame minds because that came from his hart they dislike each other they know they have done and accomplished for the company. but the fact is the are for to different eras of wrestling and they have a Ginuwine dislike for each other. so weather your a rock fan or not or if you hate him or not and the same goes for john cena too this feud weather you like it or not is not just a story its really its dame really and you can see it your self from the promo john gave on Monday and the past promos the rock has given. i will tell you one thing weather we rip on the rock or hate cena or any combination of the two we do because we all have our reasons.
PS cena vs the rock were in for a hellava ride.

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