**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

I dont hate the Rock or bash him for what he did. There was NOTHING left for him in wrestling. Did anyone really think he was going to be one of those guys that sticks around until his 50s and 60s wrestling every other night (like some guys in TNA)? He moved on to a career where his body is better protected, better paycheck to take care of his family, and build a whole new fan base.

Sure you got Undertaker that still does this, but he doesn't NEED to, he has a side real estate business (he dealt Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt) that is doing really good. He does this cause he loves this business. Rock does to and so does Austin...they just found other career paths. Everyone does it.

Bitter fans need to get over the fact that Rock said he was never going to leave. He really hasn't, he just took a hiatus to do movies. Austin has done it, Cena has done it, Ryder is currently doing projects for the WWE network but no one is bashing him for "leaving"! Rock is coming back for a long while for WM and after. He is already booked to be part of WM29 in some fashion, whether its wrestling or promoting.

Everyone needs to back off and examine their own lives. Who hasn't quit a job in favor of another one that was probably better? I know I have.

Edit: This is a serious question...Why is there no thread bashing Jericho for taking time off to do TV shows or go on tour with his band? He is doing the same thing as Rock, only Rock as done it for longer. Maybe I missed it.
We're not misguided. It's called reality. First off, let me say that I love Rock the character. Now when it comes to Dwayne Johnson...I definitely don't hate him but I am not his biggest fan.

People aren't jealous of the Rock. HHH and Cena only produced WWE films. And although I can't prove this, I'm pretty damn sure HHH and Cena would choose a professional wrestling career over a Hollywood career any day. That's exactly where most of the hate comes from. Rock claims to be as passionate about the business as these guys, yet he's off doing other things. What people do outside this business (where you claim Rock has succeeded unlike others) is irrelevant. The people who are IN THIS BUSINESS are IN THIS BUSINESS to succeed IN THIS BUSINESS. They don't use it as a stepping stone to get somewhere else. That's beyond disrespectful and is equivalent to spitting in the face of every past wrestler who has WORKED THEIR ASS OFF to succeed in pro wrestling.

And it doesn't help at all that Rock was born into this business. That makes matters even worse and feelings even stronger. Rock didn't have to work as hard as others to make it to the WWE...that's a fact. And to have that shortcut to success and then use that success as a stepping stone into another career is what pisses people off the most. I would understand if Rock began an acting career after he truly retired from wrestling (like Stone Cold), but this guy ditched the company IN HIS PRIME to pursue a new career.

"Oh but who wouldn't prefer a movie career over a wrestling career, right?" No, that is not the damn point. It's not about who prefers what over what. It's about the people in this world who truly want to be a professional wrestler and work their asses off every day of their lives to get to the WWE and get to the top where everyone wants to be. Those are the exact people that Rock forever disrespected by ditching his wrestling career for acting.
Do people not believe The Rock worked HIS ass of to get to the point he was at in his career!?!? Off course he did, so what if he wanted to go and make movies to further himself, does he or did he constantly have to play to WWF/E fans as they "made" his career and who he is today? HELL NO.

Fans just have their backs up because he is coming and taking "the lime light" away from selected other stars, when in fact it's "good for business"

Sick of people saying cena, punk etc etc worked their asses off, as if The Rock didn't.
Everyone needs to back off and examine their own lives. Who hasn't quit a job in favor of another one that was probably better? I know I have.

I partially answered this question in my previous post, but I need to respond to you directly.

I understand where you're coming from and it's a very good point, but when it comes to this topic at hand, you are completely wrong. An ordinary job we have and a professional wrestling career are two different things. The main reason: Passion. I can confidently say very few of us are passionate about our every day jobs. If you are TRULY passionate about something, even if it's something that gives you 10 bucks an hour, then you wouldn't want to do anything else. If Rock was truly passionate about wrestling, he wouldn't have ditched it in his prime to pursue acting. He disrespects every past and present wrestler who has worked their ass off to succeed in this business. He was in a position thousands of wrestlers all around the world would kill to be in...and he ditched it like he could care less. Plain and simple.
You guys do realize that this is all a work right? Callers can call and complain all they want, but the wrestlers who say stuff are part of the story line. Do you guys really think Cena just had a shoot promo against the rock? Oh, and it just so happens to be before wrestlemania.

People bitching now about the rock have always bitched about him. good thing his fans fair outnumber any current wrestler, including the face of the company.
Do people not believe The Rock worked HIS ass of to get to the point he was at in his career!?!? Off course he did, so what if he wanted to go and make movies to further himself, does he or did he constantly have to play to WWF/E fans as they "made" his career and who he is today? HELL NO.

Fans just have their backs up because he is coming and taking "the lime light" away from selected other stars, when in fact it's "good for business"

Sick of people saying cena, punk etc etc worked their asses off, as if The Rock didn't.

You make a valid point that Rock did indeed work his ass off to get to where he was. But as I mentioned, he was born into business. If he wasn't practically guaranteed a look by Vince, do you think he would have pursued a wrestling career and start like scratch like most others?......And I think most would agree with your point that he didn't have to constantly be in the business just for his fans that made him. But the problem is he didn't make a single appearance for 7 LONG YEARS. That's a damn long time. Does that show how much he truly cared about his REAL fans?
Someone show me one bit of evidence the Rocks back just to better himself?

quite simply he doesn't need to better himself hes doing quite fine with his movie career.I do not blame Rock one bit for leaving to try and better himself ive done it in past jobs,so does that make me a sell out? hell no.

Cena is without doubt the most boring overrated WWE star ever,hes dull,stale and he couldn't sell a move if his life depended on it,he says the same thing about the rock in every promo its getting tedious now,at least Rocky is creative.

Cena is trying to hard to be liked but its failing big time,he has the cheek to say the Rock doesn't care about the business has he forgot what the Rocks family has done for the business?

the crowd are going to be white hot for Rocky at mania and Cena better get ready for the hostile reception he will get,i cant wait for the Rocks promo next monday in sure we'll get a serious no joking around Rocky who will as always deliver a top quality segment.
You guys do realize that this is all a work right? Callers can call and complain all they want, but the wrestlers who say stuff are part of the story line. Do you guys really think Cena just had a shoot promo against the rock? Oh, and it just so happens to be before wrestlemania.

People bitching now about the rock have always bitched about him. good thing his fans fair outnumber any current wrestler, including the face of the company.

No, those are Cena's true feelings. It may be a storyline and all, but the feelings are real. I think it's safe to say that's a fact. And when you bring up his fans...those fans are fans of his character. This whole argument isn't about "The Rock"...it's about Dwayne Johnson.
Cena is without doubt the most boring overrated WWE star ever,hes dull,stale...

And thaaaat's where I stop reading your post.

Grow up. Real knowledgable wrestling fans know that statement is nowhere near true. I understand people not liking John cena, but have the damn pride and knowledge to understand when someone is good at something and deserves to be where they are.
You make a valid point that Rock did indeed work his ass off to get to where he was. But as I mentioned, he was born into business. If he wasn't practically guaranteed a look by Vince, do you think he would have pursued a wrestling career and start like scratch like most others?......And I think most would agree with your point that he didn't have to constantly be in the business just for his fans that made him. But the problem is he didn't make a single appearance for 7 LONG YEARS. That's a damn long time. Does that show how much he truly cared about his REAL fans?

The Rock (as well as many a wrestling book/ documentary/ interview) has documented himself it was never easy, people didn't want him to succeed because of who he was, back then the business was so cut throat, a hell of a lot more competitive that it is now, the likes of HBK, Triple H (that little click of people) and most of the seniors in the dressing room didn't like the fact he was being given a chance because of his background and apparently screemed murder when was given a push, he never give up because that is the industry he loved and wanted to be a part of. For those (pathetic) cena fans you can draw some sort of comparison from this with cena not being accepted by the fans, but it is a hell of a lot harder when it is your peers who don't accept you.

The Rock worked his ass off to get to the point of where he wanted to persue what ever it was, whether it was movies, whether it was just to live of the money he had made, who are wrestling fans to jude that?? He is one of the best talents to ever emerge from the company, when he comes back it is a joy and a privilidge and I don't get why people get so tetchy and bitchy about it. I for one can't wait for The Rock to finalllllly headline Wrestlemania once more!
And thaaaat's where I stop reading your post.

Grow up. Real knowledgable wrestling fans know that statement is nowhere near true. I understand people not liking John cena, but have the damn pride and knowledge to understand when someone is good at something and deserves to be where they are.

That's a crock,ive been a watcher for over 20 years and not just WWE,and believe me i know the difference between a good and bad wrestler,Cena may show up every week,but he is NOT a good technical wrestler,his move set you can count on one hand,he never sells a move,take Mania 27 the Miz carried him through that match,Cena didn't even look like he wanted to be there,there's not just me who can see how terrible he is,he is on the decline that's a fact people are tiring of him,so don't tell me that i have no knowledge.
The Rock says it all in this promo:


Pay attention to what Rock says. cena is a phony and an idiot.
Ok, I'm going to say the same thing here I did in a TNA bashing thread afew days ago then I'm gonna ask a question before I say my piece. Opening up this thread, talking about people ripping on the rock is going to do nothing more then get more people to do just that. They will find more reasons to rip on the rock and will do it despite that you are tired of hearing it.

Now my question is this, are you hopping somehow that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson will read this and somehow offer you a lunch with him or maybe Wrestlemania tickets as his special guest? Maybe your trying to find a way to swing from the Rocks Boulders? Maybe your trying to get a taste of the people's strudel?

ok ok ok all joking aside You really need to look at everything. Rock could not have been so mad at Cena that it took 7 years for The Rock to come back to start dealing with this. Cena and the fans have a beef with him with him saying 'THE ROCK HAS COME BACK........HOME, And I'm never leaving again" LIER!!!!! Ok the rock is a part time WWE talent as of Last year before WM27. Don't get me wrong, In one night Rock turned quite the number of the Universe around on Cena. Love him or hate him Cena has come back and given the fans what they want even when he is in places that people don't like him. Rock is so worried about what Hollywood thinks that he can't fly out and get to a Raw show and face Cena, Nope, he has to bring it Via Satallite or send a Youtube video because he's too busy for 'THE MILLIONS' of Rocks fans. His movie career seems to be more important to him then those who cheered him and made him 'THE ROCK'.

You see I watched the Rock when he started, I am a fan of 'The Rock' of 2004-2005' I will always be that fan but I am not a fan of 'The Rock' 2012, I for one will be cheering for Cena to win at WM and hope that WWE doesn't embaress him like they have done to the Bigshow over the years at WM.
"Finally... The Rock has come home... and he is never, ever leaving..."
"...until the next week, when I leave again and don't return for 2 weeks!
Then I'll say I'll never leave, then, when I do return, I'll only be back via Satellite!"

Stone Cold has been around often over the past few years. Just recently, he hosted the 2-3 month Tough Enough program, and he appeared at several WrestleManias. For fucks sake, dude - Stone Cold was a special referee at WrestleMania 20 and 23, was involved in a Piper's Pit at WrestleMania 21, appeared at WrestleMania 25 for a great induction to the HoF and appeared at WrestleMania 27 and had an intense and surprising stare-off with The Rock.

You know what Rock did when he left for good?
Came back at WrestleMania 27. He only ever appeared on screen for a pre-WrestleMania clip for the Hall of Fame.
It's not an illogical fallacy because it's true...

ROCK IS A SPECIAL ATTRACTION, if he's on TV every week it DIMINISHES the attraction value. When Rock is supposed to be on RAW, it's "MUST WATCH" well if he's there every week, it's not long before it loses luster, and he's in some stupid storyline with Vickie Guerrero.

So your saying him appearing in the ring about thrice a year will further his feud? All him and Cena do is take shots at one another either in-ring promo (Cena) or Bringing It - Via Satellite!

-Alot of people are JEALOUS Rock has succeeded outside wrestling, this includes fans, and wrestlers. Rock is an A-List star, he doesn't even need to be wrestling! He is set financially for the rest of his life, he's come back because he WANTS to, unlike Cena/HHH etc, he has succeeded outside the wrestling business.
Technically, so has Cena. How many movies has he made that have made quite its fair share of money, regardless of quality?
The only reason Rock is an A-List star is because of the popularity he had during his WWE time. Rock, as an actor, is quite terrible - just like Cena is. They are both involved in the acting or production of atrocious movies.
The Rock came back because he wants to?
So Rock coming back had nothing to do with the fact that 1) he had launched his Twitter account 1 week prior (originally under "@DwayneJohnson", later changed in time for his WWE return), 2) he received a $2.2 million paycheck for February - WrestleMania (source: WrestleZone.com, LordsofPain.net, and PWMania.com after Rock's return in 2011) and 3) that Fast Five would be released shortly after.

-If you were THE ROCK, Would you want to wrestle full time? LOL of course not.
Why? Because Rock is in movies? You know what: John Cena still appeared weekly or bi-weekly while he was filming some of his movies. You know what Rock did? Left. You know what he did when he came back? Cut the same, although now overused catchphrases he did before he left. Oh, he also promoted his Twitter account and upcoming movies - every time. Oh, and for his own Birthday Party.
He hasn't left!

He committed to a match at WrestleMania! He simply cannot and SHOULD NOT be on TV often, it needs to mean something, and if he's on TV all the time it diminishes him as an asset.

If he was leaving, he would not acknowledge WWE or their fans, or wrestle at Survivor Series, or Commit to a big time match where everyone will be watching. He's trained his ass off to be in shape to perform.

When WWE needs him, he's there. Nobody has given me one good reason why he should be around all the time, not one!

LOL and Cena most certainly hasn't succeeded as an actor, and he was a failure as a body builder, The Rock was a star football player, a star wrestler, and a star on the Big Screen, he's everything Cena aspires to be.
The Rock comes back for money and fame. Not to do the business any good.


He can be in almost any movie he wants, he's made some great ones, that even most haters have to admit. He does not NEED WWE, him coming back HELPS WWE way more than it helps HIM
Do people not believe The Rock worked HIS ass of to get to the point he was at in his career!?!? Off course he did, so what if he wanted to go and make movies to further himself, does he or did he constantly have to play to WWF/E fans as they "made" his career and who he is today? HELL NO.

Fans just have their backs up because he is coming and taking "the lime light" away from selected other stars, when in fact it's "good for business"

Sick of people saying cena, punk etc etc worked their asses off, as if The Rock didn't.

I agree Rock did work his ass off when he was a full time wrestler, but I think the major problem here is that the fans really didn't get to say goodbye to the Rock the first time he left. If he wanted to leave early I think a lot of fans would've been fine with that at least after initial sadness as long as we (the fans) got to pay our respects.

Some sort of retirement angle would've been really nice I think. I can't speak for every wrestling fan, but I think the mentality of the average fan is that they always wanted to be a professional wrestler. It was a real dream. So for Rock to leave in the prime of his career, with no major injuries a lot of people don't understand that. Is it right or wrong? That's for you to decide, that's just my thoughts on it.

Also, I don't think the hollywood Rock gimmick in 2003 really helped his cause at all. Anybody with half a brain knew that was just a storyline yes, but when you live kayfabe in real life about a year later it looks absolutely terrible.

Anyway that's just my two cents.
Firstly who really gives a shit how much money Rock is getting? Who really cares how many times he appears in matches or in the ring cutting a promo?

All of that is completely irrelevant to his return in my opinion and let me try to explain why.

Who has John Cena got left to face that you can honestly believe he won't come out on top at the end of the feud? Only one name jumps to my mind and that's Undertaker, possibly CM Punk too but that's not the point. With Taker's days running out (I see HIAC being his last match!) it's not a good feud for Cena. That means you need to bring in someone who's already well established to further John Cena as the face of the company.

You look at Hogan vs. Rock, the crowd reaction was unbelievable, I remember when I watched it live and it just blew my mind. Cena needs to be in matches pulling that kind of crowd reaction.

But to further go in to Hogan vs. Rock. If you watch the story telling in the ring after they realised the split in the crowd and people seemed to want to cheer Hogan, Rock quickly took the heel role in the match. Ok Hogan did some heel things BUT Rock acted and behaved like a heel. 2 Rock Bottom's then a People's Elbow, cocky gestures, going to use the steel chair and he even used the weight lifters belt more than Hogan. If Rock could make himself the heel which further helped transition Hogan to a face then he can do the same for Cena.

But while still talking about Hogan vs. Rock how about the fact that Cena vs. Rock is just a modern day version of Hogan vs. Rock? Therefore do you want the same sort of thing, Rock comes in, Cena challenges Rock then they go at it until WM? I don't want a similar thing happening again because then people would be very quick to compare the two matches and what will happen.

Therefore in my personal opinion I think that all the wrestlers taking shots at Rock have been told to and what to say. Punk is my exception who I believe has been told to mention Rock but say whatever the hell he likes. The fact that The Rock is around after WM furthers me on my opinion. Hogan vs. Rock was a one time match where Hogan passed the torch to Rock. How do you make Cena seem bigger than Hogan and Rock? You have him beat Rock twice. Rock wins the first match acting heel pushing the crowd to get behind Cena. Cena then beats Rock at SummerSlam and Rock being a sore loser asks for one final match at WM in which Cena wins and Rock shows respect to Cena etc...
to be honest though,Rocky never actually said hes going to be on Raw every week,he makes his appearances when he can and i don't mind that,i'd much rather see him in that capacity than not at all.

the problem with Cena is people are getting tired of him and that was happening way before the Rock started ripping on him,don't get me wrong i met him at fan access when i went to Mania 23 and he seemed like a nice guy,but its how hes being potrayed,this super human character who can take a beating then all of a sudden be fine,its just no believable,hes been rammed down our throats for years and its getting tedious,id respect him more if they turned him heel but that will never happen.

as for The Rock hes one of my Fav all time stars,the buzz when he came back was amazing,he is good for business and i think people ripping on him are missing the point its good for business and because of the match there having the tickets have flown out.for me its great to have him back plus hes already signed to appear at Mania 29 if he was out for himself he could have just had this match then leave but hes sticking around,and il defo be rooting for Rocky over super hero Cena.
Rock addresses these issues in this promo:


Rock just needs to show this vid Monday, or say basically the exact same thing.

He does a good job of owning Cena yet again. He shows just how foolish Cena is.


He can be in almost any movie he wants, he's made some great ones, that even most haters have to admit. He does not NEED WWE, him coming back HELPS WWE way more than it helps HIM

I busted out laughing reading this...he has made some "great" movies? Really? Which ones? Did the Tooth Fairy win any Oscars? How about the Rundown? Have you read any of the reviews for Journey 2? How about the Gameplan? That was a fanfuckingtastic movie, wasn't it? Who could forget all of the accolades for Race to Witch Mountain either. Let's not forget the greatest action movie of all time, Doom!

Even if I accept that he is an A-list movie star (I dispute that notion, but let's pretend anyway), why did he get those opportunities? Because the WWE made him famous. Were it not for the WWE, Dwayne Johnson would be some unknown jackass living in Miami working as a salesman or something instead of a famous jackass making movies.

How has the Rock returning without actually returning really benefited the WWE? His first in-ring "action" since he returned, the Survivor Series, drew dreadful buy rates. If the Rock really had that beneficial of an effect, shouldn't they have been higher than they were? What tangible benefit has the WWE received in the past year? Their ratings are pretty much right where they were, the Rock hasn't brought any new fans to the WWE. Let me guess, because there is a "buzz" about Wrestlemania? Because other than this year, there has never been any interest in the WWE's biggest PPV of the year, right? Because the only reason anyone ever watches Wrestlemania is because of Dwayne Johnson, not because it's Wrestlefuckingmania, and everyone bitching about how they are only going to order it because the Rock is wrestling is going to still pretend that they weren't going to order it anyway, with or without the Rock...


You may be tired of misguided people ripping the Rock, when in reality, most of the misguided people are cheering him. The Rock is a me first kind of guy, always has been.
He hasn't left!

He committed to a match at WrestleMania! He simply cannot and SHOULD NOT be on TV often, it needs to mean something, and if he's on TV all the time it diminishes him as an asset.

If he was leaving, he would not acknowledge WWE or their fans, or wrestle at Survivor Series, or Commit to a big time match where everyone will be watching. He's trained his ass off to be in shape to perform.

When WWE needs him, he's there. Nobody has given me one good reason why he should be around all the time, not one!

LOL and Cena most certainly hasn't succeeded as an actor, and he was a failure as a body builder, The Rock was a star football player, a star wrestler, and a star on the Big Screen, he's everything Cena aspires to be.

This is what people don't get. All of it. OBVIOUSLY when Rock said "and i am never leaving again" he didn't mean "I'm going to be wrestling until I die, just like my buddy Ric Flair". He meant he had distanced himself from WWE in order to make a name for himself, wether on purpose or just by circumstance, but now he is back, he realizes why he is who he is, and he is not going to do that again. He signed on for multiple matches and appearances, he is giving the top star today quite possibly the match of his career, so don't for one second think John Cena would rather not be doing this and really wishes ill things on the Rock.

WWE today pushes stories over a 1 month period, entire fueds last for less than you can remember them. Did you really want The Rock on every episode of Raw for the last ENTIRE YEAR stating how he dislikes Cena? I mean with only one match to build up to, HOW MUCH BUILD UP DO YOU WANT? Yeah sure there hasn't been a lot to this point, but thats because CENA is still an active wrestler, and has had to build up other fueds during the year, like Kane, CM Punk, Del Rio, Awesome-Truth. If it was a year of stare-downs you would be bitching that "all Rock does is complain about Cena".

Also, to the people who claim "well Cena and HHH make movies and they dont' go anywhere!". First of all, Cena makes WWE films, its not hard, AT ALL, for them to A: schedule around Cena so he can get to Raw, and B: plan where future RAW's will take place and go with him. And do you REALLY think that if The Marine or 12 Rounds took off, and Cena came across as a grade A actor, and Hollywood was CLAMORING for him, that he would have said NO? Come on please. I respect the hell out of him, but I'd slap his momma if he turned it down. Why did you make the other movies in the first place? And when HHH made films that WEREN'T WWE films, like Blade 3, he WENT AWAY TO MAKE THE FILM. He wasn't on Raw, or Smackdown, or in PPV's. People seem to forget (somehow) that the Rock is an A-lister. Sure he may never win an oscar, but he is FAR AND ABOVE any other former wrestler-turned-actor in terms of ability and how sought after he is. He draws people to the theater, like he will draw them to Wrestlemania!

It doesn't matter how much the Rock got paid for last year's appearances, however "well documented" they are. In no way shape or form did he need ANY money, he didn't show up for money or fame, or to boost himself. He is plenty famous, the fact is Wrestlemania sold more then it would have thanks to The Rock. VKM wanted to eclipse 1,000,000 buys, and he did (I believe). Now he's hoping for more. Would your friend who hasn't watched wrestling since 2003 think about getting WM this year if it was Cena vs. Ziggler(who I am also a huge fan of)? HELL NO. Why would he? But I'm sure he considered it for The Rock vs Cena.

I respect both guys, I really do. And I can understand both viewpoints, from a story perspective. But you think IN REAL LIFE Cena doesn't understand why Rock is "via sattelite" or that he really only thinks Rock is in it for himself? They both understand the business, and they both understand Vince McMahon. The Rock is here for us, he is not going to disassociate himself from WWE again, and is going to put on one hell of a match with John Cena.
All the Little Jimmies and Rock detractors are filled with hypocrisy. Everyone bashed him for not coming back and distancing himself from WWE. Now he's back and everyone bashes him for coming back (since it's only sporadic).

Look, when he said he wasn't ever going away, what he meant was he will never completely distance himself from WWE like he did over the past 7 years. He's still a Hollywood actor but he will come back from time to time and try to make as many appearances as he can. From what we've heard, he's going to have a feud at Summer Slam and possibly even WM next year. You are a total moron if you think that he literally meant that he'd be back every single week.

I don't understand why it's ok for Undertaker to show up once a year. Why it's ok for Jericho to come back and then leave to go on tour then come back, then leave again. It's ok for retired wrestlers to come back sporadically. Yet, for The Rock, he has to come back full-time or you all hate him.
Ripping on Rocky for leaving is plain ridiculous the fact he was born into the business got him a foot in the door. HE worked his butt off to get to the levels he was at. If you remember he tried to get in using his family name and that bombed.
HE created The Rock and we the fans loved him whether he was heel or face because he was entertaining. The Rock along with Stone Cold brought in the casual fan and made WWE a global phenomenon and the highest rated its been in North America ever. So people using the `fans made The Rock bigger than life` get over yourself us long lifetime fans did not make him at all. Its clear as you can see by the ratings and the buyrates that without those 2 the casual fan who made WWE big is gone with the Rock and Austin.

The Rock is back to help VKM and thats that he doesn`t need Vince`s money and Vince doesn`t really need The Rock to make WM big but they both know business and this is big business.

like it or not this Twitter/Sattelite war is the best way to go it is the perfect work because they are going to make us wait for them to physical on an even level right now after watching the SS and seeing The Rock can still go you really have no idea who is going to win.

P.S Hogan, HH, Cena all came back from doing movies because none of their movies combined makes as much as The Rock's movies and HHH case he has the best reason to stay he is about to own a billion dollar company.
You know, there's a saying in this world and it's "Innocent until proven guilty" and not the other way around as so many people seem to want to believe when it comes to Cena making movies.

There is a funny thing called being a HYPOCRITE. You don't call out somebody for doing something in which it is the EXACT same thing U are TRYING to do but failed. Cena is not innocent. He is "wrestling" for the wwe cuz he wants to be a star and is getting paid to do it. I can guaran damn tee if vince said he is not paying him again cena will quit!

If you are so adamant about being a "professional wrestler" then why are you acting in movies that has NOTHING to do with WRESTLING.

Also Kurt angle said it well, Cena is not a WRESTLER. So don't bullshit me with the crap that "I am a Professional Wrestler". I'm sick of it. How fucking dumb do they think the fans are???
I partially answered this question in my previous post, but I need to respond to you directly.

I understand where you're coming from and it's a very good point, but when it comes to this topic at hand, you are completely wrong. An ordinary job we have and a professional wrestling career are two different things. The main reason: Passion. I can confidently say very few of us are passionate about our every day jobs. If you are TRULY passionate about something, even if it's something that gives you 10 bucks an hour, then you wouldn't want to do anything else. If Rock was truly passionate about wrestling, he wouldn't have ditched it in his prime to pursue acting. He disrespects every past and present wrestler who has worked their ass off to succeed in this business. He was in a position thousands of wrestlers all around the world would kill to be in...and he ditched it like he could care less. Plain and simple.

Huh? Are you telling me that you qouldn't quit a job that pays $10/hour for a job that will pay you $15/hour because you have a passion for the lower paying job? I've had passion for jobs, but if something BETTER comes along you can bet that Im going to take it. I can't feed my family on a full-time $10/hour job, but I can with a $15/hour job.

Im sure Hollywood wasn't his first career choice. He got bit by the "Hollywood bug" and found a calling for a better career.

Wrestling could only take the man so far. He didn't have a family when he got into wrestling. He married and had kids through his career, so Im sure he chose a different line of work so he could be in the best shape to watch his kids grow up. Being on the road 200+ days a year really takes a toll on family, being in Hollywood doesn't. Going into a Hollywood career allows him more time to spend with his family.

Rock wasn't in his prime when he left, he was JUST past it. Rock only had a maybe 1 or 2 more GOOD years left anyway. There are 2 old sayings that come to mind..."quit while you're ahead" and "always leave them wanting more". Two things Rock did.

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