**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

After one whole year and you STILL think that when Rock said he's back and never going away, that he was going to be on a full time schedule or split his hollywood payday in two then it's your own damn fault for being so stupid. Simple. You're either naive or stupid. Because let's face ladys and germs, all of these Rock haters arguments don't have any legs to stand on. What else is there to say? Nothing. It's getting old and tired. Much like those Cena haters say he couldn't wrestle are the same idiots now saying Rock is a liar or sellout. Get a new shtick, because these comments are tired and worn. Just say you don't like the Rock. But don't hide behind made up rumors and and false facts. You look silly.
I'll tell you why to hate the Rock, because of everything John Cena has said. Does it mean you should like Cena? No, that's your call, but everything he says about the Rock is true. How do you claim you "love" wrestling only to leave for greener Hollywood pastures? Nobody would blame Dwayne if he'd come out and say "hey I did it to spend more time with my family and it was an opportunity to do that and make a better living." Nobody would've ever faulted him for that given that even the average fan knows the length of the WWE travel schedule, but he never even did that. The only thing he did was abandon the fans of an industry that he and Stone Cold put at heights of popularity not seen since the 80's. He was like a jailed drug dealer, got people hooked and then he's nowhere to be found. Wrestling fans don't care about the money, the fame, and everything that goes with it because they don't live that. All they live is the 2-5 hours a week watching those guys on tv every week. The average fan doesn't understand why Rock left, they just know he left. Cena was, at one time, that little kid who was a Rock fan. You can tell by the interview dialogue. Cena doesn't just do shoot interviews all the time. Yet, anytime the Rock is mentioned it gets personal and quickly. Am I saying you should hate the Rock and like Cena? No, that's your call, but Cena's points are valid. If there's one good thing I can say about John Cena it's that he speaks from the heart.

How can you honestly hate the Rock for leaving for movies?

Be upset because you wanted to keep seeing him wrestle? Yeah that's understandable. But hating him for getting out of wrestling for a career starring in major motion pictures? Really? That's honestly pretty selfish.

Would you rather he kept wrestling until he turned out like Austin? Like Edge?

Would you rather he kept going on well past his expiry date like a Flair? Like Hogan?

Or maybe he could have turned out like a Jake Roberts with drug issues after years of being on the road competing, or Greg Valentine taking bookings in a kids backyard to make ends meet (yes the Hammer has had to resort to that).

Come on. He was able to leave at the top of his game, with his health intact, and get into the Htype of career the majority of the world can only dream of getting into.

Honestly, hating him as a fan because he left for Hollywood is being selfish. Hating him as a worker for it, is being jealous, because as much as any of them love wrestling, they still wish they could have gotten out like the Rock did... healthy, rich, young, successful, and getting to do something extremely exciting still.
Quoted by Chrome.Meanwhile, I can't remember a legitimate fued with Cena outside of Batista. Thats not to say hes not good, but theres always been an entertainment factor when watching wwe/f. Cena had it early on in his career. Now, hes as stale as ever.

So I guess you don't remember feuds with Edge,Orton,Big Show,Angle,Taker,HHH&HBK(beat them at back to back manias) or JBL and Jericho.
I have no problem with Cena hating Rocky, or Rocky hating Cena. I think it brings more to a feud when a real life dislike is present. What Cena is saying is true, to an extent. However, nothing Cena does will ever put him at The Rock's level. I think this is what makes this rivalry so interesting. Cena, at his absolute best, still cannot compete with someone who really doesn't even care about wrestling (at least that is how I am seeing it played out). This drives Cena absolutely crazy, and brings out the best in him.

Personally, I'm just happy to see Rocky whenever he decides to show up, no matter how rare it is. Not only to see him, but to actually make everyone else (especially Cena) up their game to try and stay on pace with one of the greats. If people want to hate The Rock for choosing Hollywood over WWE, that's fine by me. If they want to hate Cena for being Cena, that's fine by me as well. It brings an interesting dynamic to this match.

It's even kind of cool to read the differing opinions on these two in this thread alone. Hell, we all have our opinions on the matter. Mine is pretty basic. Cena seems like he could be a pretty cool dude outside of wrestling, whereas Rock seems like he is/was an arrogant jock prick outside of wrestling/movies. Having said that, I'd take The Rock on his worst day over Cena at his best just because of that natural ability to entertain. I don't totally hate Cena (most of my problems with Cena stem from the poor state of the product with him at the helm), but The Rock is just too damn good. Passionate about wrestling or not, Rock is just simply one of the best ever.
I don't hate The Rock, but I am absolutely 100% behind Cena in this one. I dislike how disingenuous The Rock has become (always has been?). I don't like how Rocky rarely appeared throughout the past 11 months. Regardless if Hollywood has or hasn't been at his door, I don't think anyone can argue Cena has given his all over the past year to the WWE Universe. And I don't think anyone can say the have no respect for Cena, but I'm sure a few can argue that they have no respect for The Rock.

I am one of those people that have no respect for Doo-wayne. F*** him.
I hate The Rock now for the same reasons I hated him back then. He's a one note act. Every promo he ever did was "The Rock says I'm gonna lay the Smackdown and stick it straight up your roody poo candy ass and turn it sideways if you smellll what the rock is cookin'! Poontang pie, Monkey Nipple." All he does is sling corny catchphrases all designed to sell t-shirts.
The hate for the Rock is one of the many things that make the Internet fans look bad. How many times do we say so and so needs to get out of the way and stop hogging the spotlight. How many times have we bashed someone for that? The Rock is one of the few that did what the internet crowd wants so many to do he got out of the way and let the business move on. What more was there left for him to do? He had gotten to the top been in Many main events at Wrestlemania he had done everything you can do in the wrestling world. He moved on. If he were to come back for a run here or there he would have required a top spot not because he is greedy and would demand it because he's the Rock. He did the right thing for the other guys by not hanging on to be a part of WWE part time. He would have had to take someones spot when he would come back. The Rock did everything the internet fans have always asked guys to do and is still hated.He's going to put over Cena as Mania just like Hogan did for him. And he should be hated? Just doesn't make any sense to me.

As for him saying he's never leaving. Has he really? Hes been around. He never once said he would be there week in and week out. He has shown up a number of times in the last year. Including a match. He has never left he just not a WWE superstar along anymore he's a movie start and a WWE legend.
I think many fans feel The Rock was never as passionate about wrestling as he has said he is. He got into wrestling after his football career ended due to injuries and left to become an actor as soon as he got the opportunity. Not coming back for seven years and distancing himself from the Rock name and the wrestling business in general causes him heat from die hard fans as well. He was only a full time wrestler from Survivor Series 1996 to Backlash 2003, missing half of 2002 to film movies. After his match with Goldberg at Backlash in 2003 he only made a few appearances on Raw up until his last match at Wrestlemania in 2004.

Upon his return last year he stated that he would never leave again. Yet since last Wrestlemania he's had one match and only a few appearances. Most of his appearances have been coincidentally around the time he has a movie out to promote. I think many fans feel he's just using the WWE to promote his movies. Once Wrestlemania is over he'll disappear for good, or until he has a movie to promote.
I only hate the Rock now, because I don't like having an entire year of build up for someone who will make a grand total of 2 appearances in a year.

Rock will have via satellite spots filmed already, and make 1 maybe 2 RAW appearances, show up at Mania, and then disappear until he makes Toothfairy 2.

If he gave a fuck about the fans, he'd be more involved with the company, but he's using the company and his fans to push his own agenda. The promo last year for the RAW titled "Leave it to Beiber" where they announced Rocky as the host of WMania, was so inspiring, but it ended up being a 2 appearance deal that took the spotlight off of a fulltime worker like The Miz.

And here in lies my biggest problem with the Cena Rock match at Mania... You're letting a pointless match (seriously... Cena vs Rock, nobody cares who wins or why, there's no real heat and there's no real chance for continuation besides another year long 2 appearance fuckfest) overshadow the entire event. CM Punk, Jericho, Dbry, Sheamus, HHH, Taker, all are playing 2nd fiddle to the Rock... He's inadvertently burying the entire roster by headlining WM.
I don't hate The Rock, but I am absolutely 100% behind Cena in this one. I dislike how disingenuous The Rock has become (always has been?). I don't like how Rocky rarely appeared throughout the past 11 months. Regardless if Hollywood has or hasn't been at his door, I don't think anyone can argue Cena has given his all over the past year to the WWE Universe. And I don't think anyone can say the have no respect for Cena, but I'm sure a few can argue that they have no respect for The Rock.

I am one of those people that have no respect for Doo-wayne. F*** him.
Don't be brainwashed. First off, cena's promo was NOT a shoot. Vince won't risk his huge main event by letting his guys say what they want. So cena did not "speak from the heart". I'm sure the real cena doesn't care what the rock does.

I can't believe some people are stupid enough to think cena spoke from his heart. Are you kidding me? There are no shoots in WWE. CM Punk's famous promo wasn't a shoot. It is all planned.

Now, within kayfabe (which is what cena's promo was), cena was an idiot in that promo. The Rock doesn't need to wrestle. He's not doing it for the money. He's doing it for the fans. He's not gonna be here full time, that'd be idiotic. WWE pounds your body and pays less.

Cena's "loyalty" deserves no praise at all. Like a career McDonald's employee who was never able to get a better job. It's not loyalty, it's NECESSITY.

Fuck cena, seriously. He's trying to brainwash fans into liking him since he can't get love thru charisma. Don't be naive and fall for cena's idiocy.

Cena's not loyal, he's simply not talented enough to do better than WWE. LOL @ the poster earlier who thinks Cena would do better than Rock if he got cast in Disney flicks. Not at all. Cena is a HORRIBLE actor. Pathetic.

Cena's not mad because Rock left, he's mad because Rock is just plain better.
[cL];3731481 said:
I will admit no such thing.

If one year prior I say to you,
you're an idiot, and your teeth look like you have an all butter diet.

and then 2 months later I said
you're dumb and your teeth look like you got a mouth full of yellow tic tacs

and then 6 months later I said
Your stupid and you look like your brush your teeth with a can opener

and then last night on Raw I say in a very serious tone
You aren't smart at all and your dental hygiene is sorely lacking

...ultimately, i've said one thing 4 different ways...but at least I tried to make it interesting.
The issue with John Cena is, he's said the same thing, the EXACT same way for a year.
He didn't own the Rock. It wasn't even good.
It was the same old John.
Just a lil mo serious.


But that would require Rock to show up and give Cena something new to talk about. He hasn't appeared since Survivor Series. You can't fault Cena for his opponent not being around to play off of.
Yes, The Rock is not the first person to leave and make comebacks, but he is the first to leave and then brag about it, and then come back like he was there every single night since. He says he Brings It. He brings it via Satellite ... and maybe once every 6 months. SO, why hate Cena? John Cena hasn't done anything for us to hate him YET. He has been there every single night unlike The Rock. I don't hate The Rock, its just the truth. John Cena proves every night what he has in him and The Rock is here not even part time, or on a reduced schedule like Undertaker.
I hate The Rock now for the same reasons I hated him back then. He's a one note act. Every promo he ever did was "The Rock says I'm gonna lay the Smackdown and stick it straight up your roody poo candy ass and turn it sideways if you smellll what the rock is cookin'! Poontang pie, Monkey Nipple." All he does is sling corny catchphrases all designed to sell t-shirts.
Finally a true Rock hater. I applaud you good sir for standing up and speaking from your heart about your true feelings about Rock. No bullshit, no selfishness, not sounding obnoxious, just plain ol' distaste for his gimmick. That's what I like to see. You sir are way ahead of your peers regarding their hate for the Rock.:worship:
A point by point response to the numerous arguments by people who hate the Rock.

1. Yes the Rock left wrestling for seven years but surely thats his choice. He was able to leave with his health intact into an alternate career in which he could make money without risking his health.

2. The hate for him abanoding the name 'The Rock', is just ridiculous. Wrestlers nowadays do not live their character is Rock expected to go about for the rest of his life in character and referring to himself as 'The Rock or 'The Great One', of course not. I don't see any issue with him wanting to be known and respected as Dwayne Johnson the man.

3. Do not even get me started on the whole who has the Rock put over since he came back argument. Back in the day the Rock put everybody over Goldberg, HHH, Austin, Lesnar, Foley, Angle, Y2J, Jeff Hardy even Hurricane to name a few. He also put the majority of them over CLEAN, the Rock was never like super Cena he was always vulnerable and capable of losing matches. How people supporting Cena can slander anyone for not putting people over is absolutely beyond me who was the last person Cena put over clean... anyone?

4. The idea that Rock is using WWE to plug his mvies is absolutely ridiculous. Fast Five is already an internationall recognised franchise, perhaps the most popular driving series of all time. I highly doubt the producers needed the Rock to appeal to the WWE universe to promote that. Journey 2 has grossed 3rd highest in its opening two weekends in the US box ofice taking over 20 million dollars each time, ita taken more than the Phantom Menace in 3D for gods sake it seems to be doing just fine.

5.This idea that the Rock 'lied', to the fans by stating that he was never leaving is ridiculous. As has already been acknowledged he never said he was going to be there very week and nor should he, his seven years representing the company have been enough. Movies have to be his first priority as thats where his prime pay check is coming so he is appearing when his shcedule allows. He finished filming for a day took a long flight, did a Raw (last time he appeared), hopped straight back on a plane and was back filming again the next day if thats not commitment I don't now what is. By stating that he was never leaving again he obviously meant never leaving permanently rumours are strong that hes signed up for matches at Summerslam, Survivor Series and WM 29 already. That's more wrestling than Takers gonna do this year and possibly more than even HHH why is it ok for them to appear sporadically and not the Rock?

6. Finally the debate that hes stealing a spot from the current roster is ludicrous. he is the biggest draw in pro wrestling today, his very presence will increae the buy rates massively loads of guys who were fans back in the day will buy WM pretty much purely because the Rock is in it. A lot of my friends did it last year and will do so again this year in spite of not caring about WWE since around 2002. This combined with the mass media exposure which he has granted the company presents a great opportunity to the current roster to impress and makes themselves stars in the eyes of a casual fan base who would not be interested were it not for the Rock.

This is the best post I have read concerning the Rock out of all of these threads that are going on involving him! I agree with every single word.

I honestly do not understand how some people let the WWE "play" them the way they are right now through Cena...it is ridiculous!
I will never, ever doubt Rock's abilities as he does have what it takes to electrify. My issue with him stems from his hypocricy; his words never match his actions, as in saying "i'm never leaving" yet we never see him.

He returns to WWE mainly for him and the reality is there are plenty of talented stars that probably should take his spot because they are the future. Keep in mind, he hasn't done anything to in his 8-year hiatus to advance the careers of those very superstars.

I am an evolutionist I suppose and really enjoy how the times change. That's why I try to my hardest to appreciate the guys who do give it their all every single night of the year and not just a one-time wrestling appearance.

You can trust I'm going to be pulling for Cena at WM (live, in person by the way haha) because I know as the weeks, months, and years come around, he'll remain loyal to an equally loyal WWE fan like me.

I'd love to hear others' responses to my own post because I don't necessarily enjoy stressing negative parts about someone who, at one time, entertained me greatly. Convince me otherwise in 2012 that The Rock is "good for the future of the business."

... I'm also on Team Undertaker :) !
I see some people bitching that the rock is taking someone's spot at mania. WTF??
What about jericho taking dolph ziggler's spot. THE hottest rising star right now. Y2J just returns says nothing and is suddenly thrown into the title picture??? What abotu ziggler???? Where are all the bitchers now??
I'm sick of pple hating on dwayne. I swear it is cuz he is not white.
I generally think Cena has some beef with Rock in the sense that he left at his peak and Cena is a lifer, but Rock had the right to leave and do things, just like Cena has but for Cena to question Rock's love of wrestling is bullshit, Rock's grown up in the business and seen the bullshits and the beautfuls along with the heart ache of having no money so if he saw the chance to make a mint then good for him.

IF anyone else has beef with the Rock then fuck them, he's one of the top 4 of the most popular era in wrestling history, I bet more people if you asked people who The Rock is they'd know him by name than John Cena by name.

Anyways I like Rock, he's doing WWE a favor and why should he put people over when Super Cena rarely does????

Also Rock between 01-03 he out over Jericho, Test, Booker, RVD, Brock, Hurricane Helms and Goldberg (his WWE debut) even Orton/Batista at WRESTLEMANIA20 more so when it was their first flurry into the main event scene, so before anyone toasts on Rocky for not putting people over, do some research and you'll see he did, far more than Cena, and most of Rock's jobs were clean unlike a certain super Cena the movie star wannabe.
Yes, The Rock is not the first person to leave and make comebacks, but he is the first to leave and then brag about it, and then come back like he was there every single night since. He says he Brings It. He brings it via Satellite ... and maybe once every 6 months. SO, why hate Cena? John Cena hasn't done anything for us to hate him YET.
His lame personality and ring work is what he has done for us to hate him. He sucks.
I will never, ever doubt Rock's abilities as he does have what it takes to electrify. My issue with him stems from his hypocricy; his words never match his actions, as in saying "i'm never leaving" yet we never see him.

He returns to WWE mainly for him and the reality is there are plenty of talented stars that probably should take his spot because they are the future. Keep in mind, he hasn't done anything to in his 8-year hiatus to advance the careers of those very superstars.

I am an evolutionist I suppose and really enjoy how the times change. That's why I try to my hardest to appreciate the guys who do give it their all every single night of the year and not just a one-time wrestling appearance.

You can trust I'm going to be pulling for Cena at WM (live, in person by the way haha) because I know as the weeks, months, and years come around, he'll remain loyal to an equally loyal WWE fan like me.

I'd love to hear others' responses to my own post because I don't necessarily enjoy stressing negative parts about someone who, at one time, entertained me greatly. Convince me otherwise in 2012 that The Rock is "good for the future of the business."

... I'm also on Team Undertaker :) !

Cena isn't loyal to WWE, he's stuck in WWE. Show me proof of Cena getting the Hollywood offers that Rock has, and Cena turning them down so he can earn less money in WWE.

Everyone's gonna laugh at you at Sun Life Stadium for cheering on the loser that is "john cena".
A point by point response to the numerous arguments by people who hate the Rock.

1. Yes the Rock left wrestling for seven years but surely thats his choice. He was able to leave with his health intact into an alternate career in which he could make money without risking his a health.

2. The hate for him abanoding the name 'The Rock', is just ridiculous. Wrestlers nowadays do not live their character is Rock expected to go about for the rest of his life in character and referring to himself as 'The Rock or 'The Great One', of course not. I don't see any issue with him wanting to be known and respected as Dwayne Johnson the man.

3. Do not even get me started on the whole who has the Rock put over since he came back argument. Back in the day the Rock put everybody over Goldberg, HHH, Austin, Lesnar, Foley, Angle, Y2J, Jeff Hardy even Hurricane to name a few. He also put the majority of them over CLEAN, the Rock was never like super Cena he was always vulnerable and capable of losing matches. How people supporting Cena can slander anyone for not putting people over is absolutely beyond me who was the last person Cena put over clean... anyone?

4. The idea that Rock is using WWE to plug his mvies is absolutely ridiculous. Fast Five is already an internationall recognised franchise, perhaps the most popular driving series of all time. I highly doubt the producers needed the Rock to appeal to the WWE universe to promote that. Journey 2 has grossed 3rd highest in its opening two weekends in the US box ofice taking over 20 million dollars each time, ita taken more than the Phantom Menace in 3D for gods sake it seems to be doing just fine.

5.This idea that the Rock 'lied', to the fans by stating that he was never leaving is ridiculous. As has already been acknowledged he never said he was going to be there very week and nor should he, his seven years representing the company have been enough. Movies have to be his first priority as thats where his prime pay check is coming so he is appearing when his shcedule allows. He finished filming for a day took a long flight, did a Raw (last time he appeared), hopped straight back on a plane and was back filming again the next day if thats not commitment I don't now what is. By stating that he was never leaving again he obviously meant never leaving permanently rumours are strong that hes signed up for matches at Summerslam, Survivor Series and WM 29 already. That's more wrestling than Takers gonna do this year and possibly more than even HHH why is it ok for them to appear sporadically and not the Rock?

6. Finally the debate that hes stealing a spot from the current roster is ludicrous. he is the biggest draw in pro wrestling today, his very presence will increae the buy rates massively loads of guys who were fans back in the day will buy WM pretty much purely because the Rock is in it. A lot of my friends did it last year and will do so again this year in spite of not caring about WWE since around 2002. This combined with the mass media exposure which he has granted the company presents a great opportunity to the current roster to impress and makes themselves stars in the eyes of a casual fan base who would not be interested were it not for the Rock.

1. Yes it is completely his choice and I don't knock him for leaving but don't turn your back on what got you there in the first place. The Mummy Returns, Scorpion King, and The Rundown are nothing like his current movies and were not that great but the WWF fans flocked to go see it because of The Rock.

2. Nobody is saying he has to no longer respond to The Rock but you don't see Arnold Schwarzenegger going around and denouncing his character of the Terminator just because he is a politician. Yes people don't always call him the Terminator but people still make reference about it and you never hear him saying don't call me the Terminator.

3. I personally don't think that someone has to win clean to be put over. Barrett never won clean but he did look credible in his feud with Cena. Also let's not forget Edge got his rise by pinning Cena for his first WWE Championship, and went over a few other times in there feud. Orton and Cena both got over on each other and in a little bit of an ironic twist is the current version of Rock and Austin/HHH.

4. He may not have needed it for Fast Five but you have to admit some of the success for Journey 2 can point to his working with WWE. For example he was recently on ESPN to promote the Wrestlemania match first and foremost but of course there were some plugs for Journey 2. So the WWE is helping get to new channels such as ESPN that would not normally care about an actor and his new movie.

5. First the flight was on Vince's private jet it's not like its a commercial flight. Hell even I would take that plane around the world twice just to enjoy the luxury. To compare him to HHH and Undertaker isn't really fair because no one has a reason to question their passion. This would be a mute point if he didn't exaggerate just to get a reaction (that's what I see it as). Ausitn leaves and comes back all the time but he doesn't say give me a hell yea if you wanna see Stone Cold every week. Austin does his thing leaves a lasting memory and goes away.

6. I don't really dispute this point but how can the talent shine in the casual fan's eyes, if they are all in a dark match battle royal only seen at the event or on the DVD.
I dont see why people care about opinions of others from a internet forum. Let the people hate The Rock who cares. They do have a good reason to. I personally dont give a damn if The Rock left for 20 years and made a comeback I'd still be interested, but some people are more sensitive.

At the end of the day please let people have their own opinions. Opinions are never wrong they're just preferences no matter how farfetched they could come across.
His lame personality and ring work is what he has done for us to hate him. He sucks.

Cena isn't loyal to WWE, he's stuck in WWE. Show me proof of Cena getting the Hollywood offers that Rock has, and Cena turning them down so he can earn less money in WWE.

Everyone's gonna laugh at you at Sun Life Stadium for cheering on the loser that is "john cena".

Sorry to say, but your username essentially disqualifies you from this discussion because it's quite obvious to me that even if Cena did something that internally merited your approval you wouldn't be able to suck up your pride and admit it. I've seen some pro Rock people here give credit to Cena. I'm not doubting that what you say is truly the way you feel, but you're going to have a lot of trouble getting people to care about what you have to say with a username like that. It's hard to tell if you just won't give him credit for anything because you hate him or because you truly feel the way you do.
I honestly think people need to get over it. Would you guys rather have The Rock wrestled into his 60s like Flair and Hogan do?

They come and go as years go by. The Rock was not the only one that "left" to pursue more passions. JBL plays the stock market and is a analyst for Fox, Jesse Ventura went into politics, Shawn Michaels is doing a hunting show, Stone Cold is trying his hand in movies etc. Just because they moved onto bigger and better things doesn't mean they don't love wrestling or didn't give everything they had to wrestling.

The Rock owes us NOTHING. He gave us the best era in wrestling. Sure he wasn't the only one in the attitude era, but he was one of the biggest stars amongst many stars during that time.

The Rock gave us the best he had and entertained us night in and night out in the ring. Everyone has to hang up their ring gear sometime. Hell, Rock has had more matches and been on TV more than Taker has this year. Yeah Takers old, well Rock is a movie star. Neither has to do it, and both of them still do. So if you're not going to give Taker s***, then don't hate on the Rock.

Nation of Domination, Austin vs. Rock, amazing promos and memories, 9x world champion etc. just appreciate what he did when he was a full time star. Whether you do or not, doesn't change a damn thing; he is a future hall of famer and one of the best professional wrestlers ever.
Sorry to say, but your username essentially disqualifies you from this discussion because it's quite obvious to me that even if Cena did something that internally merited your approval you wouldn't be able to suck up your pride and admit it. I've seen some pro Rock people here give credit to Cena. I'm not doubting that what you say is truly the way you feel, but you're going to have a lot of trouble getting people to care about what you have to say with a username like that. It's hard to tell if you just won't give him credit for anything because you hate him or because you truly feel the way you do.

I liked Cena when he was the Dr of Thuganomics. If he becomes interesting and unhateable, then I will change my username.

Besides, I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before. It's all true that Cena's promo was based in idiocy.

If Vince lets Rock say what he wants, the Rock will destroy Cena next week. Unfortunately, WWE is trying their hardest to put Cena over. They even confiscated anti-Cena signs. Rock may cooperate with WWE for the sake of the business.

That's the sad issue of the past 6 years. WWE brainwashing fans by piping in cena cheers, and lowering the volume on cena boos. All the more reason to stick the middle finger to WWE by cheering Rock and booing cena.
1. Yes it is completely his choice and I don't knock him for leaving but don't turn your back on what got you there in the first place. The Mummy Returns, Scorpion King, and The Rundown are nothing like his current movies and were not that great but the WWF fans flocked to go see it because of The Rock.

2. Nobody is saying he has to no longer respond to The Rock but you don't see Arnold Schwarzenegger going around and denouncing his character of the Terminator just because he is a politician. Yes people don't always call him the Terminator but people still make reference about it and you never hear him saying don't call me the Terminator.

3. I personally don't think that someone has to win clean to be put over. Barrett never won clean but he did look credible in his feud with Cena. Also let's not forget Edge got his rise by pinning Cena for his first WWE Championship, and went over a few other times in there feud. Orton and Cena both got over on each other and in a little bit of an ironic twist is the current version of Rock and Austin/HHH.

4. He may not have needed it for Fast Five but you have to admit some of the success for Journey 2 can point to his working with WWE. For example he was recently on ESPN to promote the Wrestlemania match first and foremost but of course there were some plugs for Journey 2. So the WWE is helping get to new channels such as ESPN that would not normally care about an actor and his new movie.

5. First the flight was on Vince's private jet it's not like its a commercial flight. Hell even I would take that plane around the world twice just to enjoy the luxury. To compare him to HHH and Undertaker isn't really fair because no one has a reason to question their passion. This would be a mute point if he didn't exaggerate just to get a reaction (that's what I see it as). Ausitn leaves and comes back all the time but he doesn't say give me a hell yea if you wanna see Stone Cold every week. Austin does his thing leaves a lasting memory and goes away.

6. I don't really dispute this point but how can the talent shine in the casual fan's eyes, if they are all in a dark match battle royal only seen at the event or on the DVD.

I suppose I'll answer points 1 and 2 in the same paragraph saying as they are quite similar. I see what your saying and I think these points are the most subjective but in my opinion there was nothing wrong with wanting to distance himself from the Rock character. The preconceptions which follow him through his acting career are and always will be for the majority of us that he is the Rock, youl watch a movie that hes in and if the role differs from what the Rock character was like you won't really be able to take it seriously. This happens a lot when essentially a character becomes bigger than the person examples might include all the cast of Friends minus Jennifer Aniston, Seann William Scott never being able to get past the Stiffler character, Dan Radcliffe as Harry Potter the list goes on. What I think Dwayne Johnson was trying to do was in a sense to escape this so that he could be more diverse and be taken seriously in a wider range of roles in Hollywood , which after all he had to prioritise as his prime career path at that point. While I can completely understand why fans viewed this as abandoning the and the profession which was so good to him I personally think that he repaid us with th entertainment which he provided in his 7 year stint in the company, I don't believe he owes WWE anything.

3. Yeah of course you don't need to lose to someone clean to put them over, my point there got a little blurred by me throwing a little personal aggro at cena apologies. But what I mean is there is the argument that purely by working with up and coming superstars like Cena did with Barrett like you referenced and allowing them small if temporary victories Cena is putting people over. Yet not to the same extent as Rock who often lost not only matches but actual fueds as a whole eg Lesnar, Goldberg, Austin, HHH, Shamrock etc this makes his counterparts look an awful lot better than Cena's who to my recollection hasn't actually lost a fued in years. In any case that is all beside the point the fact is that Rock has put plenty of people over in his career, many superstars are actually on record praising him for it and for his understanding of the business. He will probably put Cena over at mania or subsequently anyway.

4. Yeah maybe in Journey 2's case a small percentage but when you consider the decreasing demographic that actually follow wrestling and the amount that would actually go and see it just because of the Rock his involvement isn't going to have that big of an impact on the success of his movie. I completely agree that the success of stuff like the Scorpion King was largely down to his popularity but that was at a time when wrestling was still huge and there was a novelty vaue which has long since worn off of actually seeing a WWE superstar in a big hollywood movie.

5. Yeah I think the difference between Rock's return promo and Austin's returns though is that people were questioning Rock's commitment to the fans and he was aware of this so he had to address it directly. In my view Rock makes plenty of money from his movies more than he will be getting for reappearing in the WWE. He's doing it for the fans, as a thank you and as an acknowledgement that their continued support as you mentioned helped elevate him as an actor. I don't see any other reason why he would need to return to WWE, his most recent movies have done very well, if anything his stock is rising in Hollywood and he is clearly financially secure.

6. Again I can see where your coming from but at the end of the day the Rock is taking up one spot on the card how many of the people in the dark battle royal would actually make the show even if he wasn't there? None would make the upper card anyway he's perhaps taking a spot form someone like Ziggler who's in the MITB but then he's still going to get increased exposure to a new audience along with all the other talent that makes the show.
I liked Cena when he was the Dr of Thuganomics. If he becomes interesting and unhateable, then I will change my username.

Besides, I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before. It's all true that Cena's promo was based in idiocy.

If Vince lets Rock say what he wants, the Rock will destroy Cena next week. Unfortunately, WWE is trying their hardest to put Cena over. They even confiscated anti-Cena signs. Rock may cooperate with WWE for the sake of the business.

That's the sad issue of the past 6 years. WWE brainwashing fans by piping in cena cheers, and lowering the volume on cena boos. All the more reason to stick the middle finger to WWE by cheering Rock and booing cena.

Well if Rock is to "destroy" Cena he'll have to stop being Rock for a second and be himself because saying candy ass and smackdown hotel a thousand times won't get it done. Truthfully, in all Rock's years in WWF/E I can count on one hand the amount of times the Rock really "owned" someone without just spitting out the same catchphrases.

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