**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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Ive personally been a big fan since i could remember. All the way back to the begining of the new generation. Personally i loved seeing him back. He is just one of the best talkers ever. And I was questioning the roster a long time before the rock came back.

The roster is pure shit right now. When a guy like Jack Swagger gets a world title run, you know there is something wrong. That would never have happened before. You have a bunch of guys that were just considered "rookies" earlier last year become the most powerful stable in wwe. Most of the IWC are going gaga over Ted Dibiase, and they said he was the next main eventer. He is just a no personality guy thats not over.

Lets all face it, the wwe is in the shitter because of the talent, and it all starts at the top. When your top guy is making really corny jokes in the middle of what we are supposed to be taking seriously, and is always saying (i wish i could somehow put a clip of the rock saying it) you can't see me, then you know your company is doing bad.

Oh yeah and sorry for me getting excited over one of the best wrestlers in this industry coming back after 7 years.
I've now watched the promo about twenty times... it only gets better and better :)

Speaking of the ratings, they should be rounded up to 3.16 imo... ;)
When I first saw the title to this thread, I wasn't sure what it would be about but my first thought was "What? People on an internet forum overreacting? No way! Never!"

Heh, anyway, personally I think it was cool to see him back but yes, I have to agree that many folks are overreacting a little. Because we all know (or should know) that once wrestlemania is over, duane is going to ride off again into that proverbial sunset again and make movies, and then the WWE product is going to be back to the same spot it was before last Monday.

In another way, reading through the posts in this thread and others we have people whining about the PG product all over again. I completely understand that people miss the days when WWE wasn't PG but to be honest, I really am tired of hearing about it. It's not going to change, for pure business reasons. By keeping it PG, the WWE can build up a loyal, solid fanbase of kids now, many of whom will remain lifelong fans. Sure, people who miss the non-PG days will whine, but from a business perspective, so what? Vince and the WWE already has you hooked regardless, to quote someone from recent memory, "It doesn't matter what you think." Maybe you're complaining...but you're still watching, so he has you. Why in the world would WWE go to a non-PG product and alienate a bunch of potential lifelong future fans who wouldn't be able to watch if it wasn't PG?

All that aside though, I will admit that it is a shame that someone as good as the rock--both on the mic and in the ring--is rare. I can't count the number of times on this forum I have seen people who are good in the ring get blasted for being bad on the mic, or vice versa. Perhaps deserved, perhaps not, but unfortunately the current WWE product just does not have anyone as good as him.
The other thing that people hasn't paid attention that Rock completely didn't mind the PG rating.

As much as I hate to bash the PG rating , But It's crystal clear that IWC's members are in a age that they really appreciate reckless kind of promos , so because of A)The nostalgia B)An Attitude era type of promo , people are over-reacting , at that's kinda okay , unless it stops us from enjoying the current product and wrestlers.
The last few guys have picked up on what I was trying to suggest. Look, we all love The Rock, but I feel that we're expecting too much, allowing our hopes to cloud the reality. Unfortunately Dwayne will leave us, after putting on one hell of a WM, and then we're back to square one. I guess we should expect less.
I was never a huge Rock fan, but after seeing how intense (and how HE was genuinely enthusiastic to be back) and how insanely excited the crowd was for him--it got me pumped too! That was a terrific promo and can only see amazing things in the near future. It has me thinking too. At first I thought it was a sure thing Cena VS Miz @ Mania--but will it be the Rock vs Cena? Who knows? My question is, is a Cena heel turn incoming? Not because Vince wants it to happen, but because the Rock is making it happen. Cena got more heat than usual when the Rock called him out. This is going to be great and unpredictable!

I've predicted for a while now that they may do the rare switcheroonie at WM with Cena going heel and Miz going face, a bit left field i know, but what the hell? With The Rock possibly as the ref at Miz v Cena....it could be possible.
1st of all I have to say it is really great to see the great one in a wwe ring again, even thought I'm not a big fan of his decision to come back, especially at this stage of his life, and at this shitty era.

Before I start, let's take a close look at Rock's return speech:



Alot of questions run through my head.

1- He said he's back because of the fans and then he gave us his word that he won't leave?!(I swear to god after he said that I felt like a new era just began) Why would he say such thing if he's leaving after mania? Is it because they want to sell more tickets, considering the fact that the WM card is alot worse than the pervious years?

2- What's up with his new theme song? If he's leaving after mania why would he change his theme? I mean, he's been using his old theme(99-mid 01) since his last match at WM 20 up untill he left(I beleive his contract expired in mid 2004), and yes even in HOF 2008.

3- If it's a WM only or just hosting it, is it worth all the muscle he gained? Rock is clearly weighing over 250lbs, he even looks bigger than he used to back in 2002-2004. Take a close look at these two pics:



HOLY *****!

4- Why would vince allow rock to bury his poster boy like that? That's weired. Not only that, but he buried the whole era by mocking the "You can't see me" thing, because believe it or not this is the "you can't see me" era just like there was the "austin 3:16" era years back. After what rock said, I don't think people will imagine rock and cena teaming up against miz or the nexus if that's what he's planning for, no one will buy it. He even mocked the WWE champion the miz.

5- I've noticed that serious look on rock's face during that speech that I've never seen it for years(2003). After his last run as an active wrestler(ended at backlash 2003), rock had alot of those "For one night only" returns, and you can tell by the look at his face, he was having some fun. he question is, If he is not gonna get involved in a fued(or let's say just "hosting" why is he showing all that attitude and seriousness(He should be excited about hosting mania)?

6- If it's gonna be miz vs cena, will rock be the special guest ref? I believe most of the people here think he will, but I highly doubt it, You see being a ref is not an easy role, rock never been the ref in a big match, matter of fact he don't have any real experience on how to offiiciate(Like HBK or Austin), let alone being the ref of the main event at WM.

You see I don't have the answer for all these Q's, but I'll share some some of my thoughts:

1- Next year's WM will be in miami florida which is rock hometown, and I think rock is a guaranteed inductee in next year's HOF. So why not signing a 1 year contract with the wwe, and retire for good after performing your last match in your hometown
? Hell he wouldn't even have to worry about people asking him to come back anymore.

2- King winning the wwe title at EC and dropping it the next night on raw, and since both rock and cena are 7 times WWE champions, it would be a great storyline to have them fight each other to determine who will break hhh's record and go down as the 8 time WWE champion.

3- Since HBK is gone, and hhh and taker are almost at the end of their careers, the wwe need someone to bring the fans back and they also need someone who can elevate the young stars. I guess rock can do that..

4- With all the rumors flying around sting signing with the WWE, that got me askin myself "Is this why rock came back?" because, not many of you heared of that, but back in 2006(I believe), the rock said in an interview that he will only return to the ring if he would have the chance to wrestle sting.

5- Yes, rock did accomplish everything, but there is one thing left...He never won the WWE title at WM.

My final thought is: Rock could be staying for another year. I don't think he will face cena at this year's WM, but I have the feeling that this WM is the begining of thier feud(maybe cena turning heel).

Remember guys, these are just some thougths and ideas, this whole rock returning lines could be just a bunch of BS, it could be just a way to sell WM, And he could be leaving after mania.

Any thoughts?
Hey, I like where you're going with this but there a few points that need to be addressed.

1. The Rock in my opinion, didn't bulk up because he wanted to come back to wrestling he never needed or wanted to be a Batista or Steiner muscle wise in the ring. He got big possibly just to be in shape or maybe for film roles I don't think you can contribute the bulk to the ring.

2. I think the reason The Rock buried Cena, was because in our eyes, it was massive. It hasn't really been done before but I'm sure The Rock and the WWE were just having fun with it. Also I think The Rock probably said to Vince, that if he comes back he has control over his chararcter and can say whatever he wants. I don't think anyone not even The Rock thought his words would truly bury Cena like they did.

3. The Rock said he doesn't want to wrestle again and why should he? Financially I'm sure he's set for life, and he is in fantastic condition. I wouldn't take the ''never ever going away'' literally, but more metaphorically, as in he would always be The Rock and have that link with his fans.

I would love to see him wrestle again, but that would mean putting a hold on his film career, I do think we will see him again though down the road. It's not impossible to see him wrestle as we all know the wrestling business lives on three words... Never say Never.
the rock coming back on raw was the greatest feeling ive had as a wwe fan in a very long time.

you bring up some good points. Why would he say hes back for just leaving after Mania! i dont know but i really want to believe he'll be back for at least a year, but that voice inside my head is saying Dont get your hopes up!!!All i can say is i cant wait for wrestlemania!!!! even if the rock dosnt wrestle,which i hope he does, i just want him to rockbottom cena through a table :lmao:

now people say he wont being able to wrestle because hes out of shape, well judging be those pics it looks like he can still handle himself quite well. your right with all the major icon superstars being gone that this is a great revitalization for WWe fans who are tired of seeing the same old shit every week. Boring tag teams, boring main events;minus randy orton, boring story lines. The Rock being back full time would give the WWe a adrenaline shot it so badly needs!

This being said i hope were in for a fun year and i hope Rock stays true to his word and says for a bit. I really want to see Cena vs the Rock at 28 and i think if it all goes the way fans are hoping, it will be. The Rock being back is truly the best thing for WWe right now
Im very happy to see the rock again :)
im tired of seeing cena with his ugly shirts and whatever

and i do highly agree with most of the things u said
big change from 2004 to 2011
why would vince burry that pic
and i dont think there wil be a referee between cena miz match
but if there was it would probably be the rock
Yes the Rock said he'd never wrestle again...but they stopped calling it wrestling years ago, isn't it 'sports entertainment' now...just saying...
Another thing i wanna point out about what the original poster said. When the rock said he is never going away he said that he was talking as Dwayne not The Rock. It seems like when he said he wasn't leaving it wasn't a gimmick that he was personally talking to the fans.
It's plain and simple The Rock is back to do for Cena what Hogan did for him. How I figured this,simple:
1. Cena said "I need this", meaning wrestle-mania, he never mention the title.
2. The Rock is back and he breaks on Miz & Cena but mostly bother more by Cena.
3. Cena needs that defining wrestle-mania moment and beating Miz for the title is not it.
4. Cena vs The Rock is that moment.
At Mania 18 Rock vs Hogan, The Rock was Face & Hogan Heel but when they hit the ring that didn't matter and it won't matter in Rock VS Cena. And if nobody can smell what I just cooked, it means your nose is to up the Rocks Candy ASS.
Finally I get my dream face off or match whatever you want to call it Cena vs The Rock. It's about time The Rock has come back to WWE. The Rock will save WWE watch.
It's plain and simple The Rock is back to do for Cena what Hogan did for him. How I figured this,simple:
1. Cena said "I need this", meaning wrestle-mania, he never mention the title.
2. The Rock is back and he breaks on Miz & Cena but mostly bother more by Cena.
3. Cena needs that defining wrestle-mania moment and beating Miz for the title is not it.
4. Cena vs The Rock is that moment.
At Mania 18 Rock vs Hogan, The Rock was Face & Hogan Heel but when they hit the ring that didn't matter and it won't matter in Rock VS Cena. And if nobody can smell what I just cooked, it means your nose is to up the Rocks Candy ASS.

I don't think Rock will wrestle, one part of me wants him to stay as long as he wants, the other part of me seeing all the crap in the last few years is saying that Rock came to raise the hand of Cena. Cena's wrestlemania moment will be Rock raising his hand with the belt, making us believe even Rock thinks he is worth something (i won't buy it anyway). Its going to be what Tyson did to Austin at WM against Michaels. I expect something very similar.

Rock will increase the ratings, PPV buys, and WM ticket sales though. Now i understand better why Vince was already very happy with the ticket sales a month ago, with the sloppy card and low excitement.
I don't think Rock will wrestle, one part of me wants him to stay as long as he wants, the other part of me seeing all the crap in the last few years is saying that Rock came to raise the hand of Cena. Cena's wrestlemania moment will be Rock raising his hand with the belt, making us believe even Rock thinks he is worth something (i won't buy it anyway). Its going to be what Tyson did to Austin at WM against Michaels. I expect something very similar.

Rock will increase the ratings, PPV buys, and WM ticket sales though. Now i understand better why Vince was already very happy with the ticket sales a month ago, with the sloppy card and low excitement.

That's exactly what I was thinking. When tyson came in the wwe He and austin almost went at it, and since then he's been against austin alongside with DX, but for no good reason he turned his back on them in WM. This could be the case with cena and rock, we really don't know. As I said the way rock was talking about cena, tells us that he's gonna layeth the smacketh downth on his candyass.
It's plain and simple The Rock is back to do for Cena what Hogan did for him. How I figured this,simple:
1. Cena said "I need this", meaning wrestle-mania, he never mention the title.
2. The Rock is back and he breaks on Miz & Cena but mostly bother more by Cena.
3. Cena needs that defining wrestle-mania moment and beating Miz for the title is not it.
4. Cena vs The Rock is that moment.
At Mania 18 Rock vs Hogan, The Rock was Face & Hogan Heel but when they hit the ring that didn't matter and it won't matter in Rock VS Cena. And if nobody can smell what I just cooked, it means your nose is to up the Rocks Candy ASS.

2 different scenerios. You see when hogan came to the wwe in 2002, he had one goal and that goal is to get to the top as quickly as possible, and to turn face as quickly as possible, because he knew damn well that he was on his last leg and his days were numbered with the company. The original plan was austin vs hogan WM X8, but the two of them didn't reach for an agreement. That match didn't mean much for austin, since he was already on the top, but for hogan, that match meant everything. So...The Rock For Rescue!!!!
Since rock was the other top guy of the company, they replaced him with austin, but this time hogan didn't hesitate, he agreed on everything, wether he wins or loses, because as I said he needed it.

As far as rock-cena, get this straight, cena need this match BADLY, he need to face the rock at mania, he need a defining legacy moment, he he need to prove to everyone that he belongs to the list of the rock, hogan, and austin(And since austin is done with wrestling, and hogan is hmm...shot, that lead us to the rock), he need the rock's name in his record, as we all saw, he's been a pain in the rock's ass since he left the wwe, he's been trying bring him back by any means neccessary, and yes, he even bASHED FOR leaving(even thought it's none of his business). As far as the rock goes, he said it in 2003, he's done it all, and there is nothing left to prove, and facing cena wouldn't do much for his legacy. If rock will do it, he'll do it for the company and for he fans.
I would be mad as hell if he put cena over. First lesnar(A rookie beating a prime icon clean), then goldberg(Both of them slapped the wwe in the face and left), and then the evolution(I won't whine about this one, but foley should've at least have a win over orton after all the humiliation).
Just re-watched the entire segment just now - WOW

I don't know about anybody else, but I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a wrestling segment that much.

I marked out, genuinely felt nostalgic and emotional, I laughed, I listened and I was hungry for more. What else can any of us ask for in a wrestling show?

I am absolutely the biggest Rock mark in the world right now and I love it! Can't wait for his next appearance.
Enjoy it while it lasts. It's too bad that Rocky will be around for just a couple of months. The plus side is that maybe the fans will see the contrast between Rocky (flawless) and the current WWE product (absolute shit), and demand characters with similiar attitude and feel. Not saying Rocky copies, but larger than life individuals. WWE has zero of those now, not even Cena.

I thoroughly enjoyed Rocky on RAW. I'm glad he practically shat all over everything WWE's doing right now - PG Rating, Miz, Cena, more to come I hope so. It was THE ROCK, it wasn't PG Rock, it wasn't lame-ass heel rock, it was The Rock of old. And I loved it.

What's funny is that all the little WWE marks who constantly say how they don't need the Attitude Era anymore enjoyed Rocky as much as everyone else, with the vulgarity and everything, and The Rock is the attitude era. Whatever Vinnie says, eh?

I hope WWE will squeeze a match out of him at 'Mania against anyone. Personally, I don't want Cena versus Rock. I just don't give two shits about Cena. I wanna see a GOOD match, not a Cena match. Cena doesn't need the rub or the experience. WWE's doing a youth movement now, right? Why not pitch a young guy against him. Examples : Punk, Ziggler, Jo-Mo, Miz. Screw "passing of the torch", that torch is a torch no more. It's no longer passed from one great wrestler to the other, it's just given to Cena because he sells merchandise without having a drop of the wrestling ability and charisma of the previous top dogs in WWE/F.
Will he wrestle or will he just host mania and be inducted to the hall of fame next year.

Know i now that its been reported or said by the Rock wont wrestle but with him saying that he will see cena and miz at mania do you think the rock will wrestle.

i would love to see the rock wrestle cena in a face vs face type of match know i now people want cena to go heel but lets be honest not gunna happen.

if The rock and cena feuded who would win probably a draw or something i really dont know but whatever.

so i have 3 questions for you

1.Do you see the rock wrestling again or just hosting mania.

2.if he does wrestle do you see him facing cena at mania or backlash.

3. who do you think would win the fued.

NOTE: just answer the first if you think The rock will just host mania
Never say never but I would be very pleasanty surprised if The Rock does anything substantially physical. He's built a good career in movies and that means being insurable. If he were to get hurt doing a stunt or while filming a movie that's one thing but if he were to get hurt because of doing something high risk outside of movie-making, that could be taken differently. Then again, it also depends on how long The Rock intends to stay and how far he intends to "come back." He could also just slap the stinky-doo out of these people without getting in a full-blown match and that would be interesting, too. Whichever way it goes, it'll be interesting to see.
How many Rock threads do we need? Hes only been back barely a week and we've had a thousand threads on him already

1.Do you see the rock wrestling again or just hosting mania.

No I don't see him wrestling again, hes stated many times that if he ever decided to come back it wouldn't be to wrestle. While I won't rule it out I just don't see it happening. It would be nice

2.if he does wrestle do you see him facing cena at mania or backlash.

(quick note, backlash is no longer)That would be the most logical thing to do as he seems to have a lot of issues with cena. It would be an amazing feud in itself and would probably create moments equal to moments the Rock had with Hogan, but I just don't see it happening.
I'm honestly expecting to see The Rock pull off the Mike Tyson swerve and shake hands with Cena at Wrestlemania (as much as the idea of it makes me shake my head).

That being said I still think being back in the ring might tempt him into a match. Sooo

1.Do you see the rock wrestling again or just hosting mania.
As above. Yes, eventually.

2.if he does wrestle do you see him facing cena at mania or backlash.
Neither, I think maybe Summerslam with whoever he gets heat with (maybe Miz). Or if they can hang onto to him for long enough, at Survivor Series (SS98, Rock's first title win).

3. who do you think would win the fued.
If it's Cena, it could be either. if it's Miz, losing to The Rock I think would be too damaging so I'll say Miz wins.
1. He will host and wrestle at Mania, its the only way he can so call electrify the event.
2. Cena VS ROCK at Mania and depending on the quality of the match and crowd reaction the rematch or rubber match may happen at Summer Slam.
3. I never been a big fan of either but Cena has to win this feud because after all its said and done Cena will still be in the WWE and The Rock will be gone till next year when he will appear in Miami to get his HOF ring, plaque, or pie or what ever it is the WWE gives its inductee's.
I think he is gonna host mania and i also think he is going to guest ref cena/miz...if at all he does wrestle, he needs to wrestle cena at mania...backlash or SummerSlam arent big enuff for this match....

as big of a rock fan as i am and as much i would want him to win the feud, the better business decision is to have cena win. Cuz it doesnt make sense for the rock to come in, shit on wwe's biggest star and then leave again. it makes wwe look bad

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