**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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I agree with most of that post rocksolidmark, I think that the chances of Rock having another match are very slim, although with him being in and around WWE again maybe he will become hungry for one more match, we can all wish for that anyway.

The bit about him saying he won't go away is pretty true too, although I think once or twice a month is a bit far out, it will more likely be once every 3-6 months, you could have him come back to host something(remember the diva search contest he did) or he could come back to save someone/an old friend(remember Eugene) or he could just come out because someone is talking trash, either in general, or at The Rock. Remember how Santino trashed Stone Cold's DVD for weeks and then Austin appeared and gave him a beer bath? You could do all of those types of scenarios in the space of 1/2 years, add into that his likely HOF induction next year and we ought to see him a few times over the next couple of years.
I doubt it will be in person. But i can easily him doing a video feed, interrupting Cena or the Miz. If they have a golden goose like the rock then not utilizing him again until WM is crazy. In just a few minutes he made everyone of the superstars look second rate on the mic...maybe its just me but...damn...that one promo made it obvious exactly how far the mic skills have gone down...But i guess everyone looks that way when compared to the BEST talker in wrestling history...made me miss 1999 something awful.
Hold on there, bud. The WWE is not in any need of being saved. Albeit, that promo that the Rock cut did raise the bar in terms of what people are to expect from promos from this day forward; but the fact is, just about all the talent that the WWE has is more than capable of handling their own and doing a fine job.

I think that the problem here is that many of always tend to compare the current guys to the likes of Rock, Stone Cold, all those huge stars with full knowledge that there will probably never be people as great as them with few in exceptions.

Eithery way, it doesn't matter as most of the people who make these comparisons are your everday whiners of the WWE.

I dont know, while i respect your opinion the fact is the wwe need the rock to save them. The perception of wrestlemania last week was considered lacklustre, after the return of the great one, atleast this years wrestlemania is saved. I really dont believe your typical Donald trump or mayweather could've draw butyrate given of the lack of epic match up for mania.

3.14 in ratings speak alot about the current state of the wwe. It is the road to wrestlemania, and the final raw before EC and yet the ratings dropped. Definitely not the rock's fault because of the poor advertising of the wwe.

thats just my general thought
It wasn't poor advertising, The Rock was supposed to be a surprise return. For those of you who think the WWE needs the Rock, you might as well just stop watching wrestling, because if you think for one second that a 20 minute time slot filled by a past icon is saving an entire company(that didn't need saving in the first place) then you need to go ahead and subscribe to classics on demand. There will always be a changing of the guard and whether you like it or not, it has nothing to do with the cultural impact of WWE, nay, pro wrestling in general on today's society(or TV ratings).
The Rock is indeed the saviour of WWE and Wrestlemania. After that epic promo. I hear The Rock is going to stay for awhile possibly the new GM after mania but i belive it might be cena and rock that would be awesome. Rock, HHH, and taker return. TNA REEEEEESSSSTTT IIIINNN PPPPEAAACEEEE. Also cena fans i think your dude just lost half his nation lol Rock is only 38 he has alot of ring life left in him. Finally WWe is back well they always were on top but now it could shut down the nay sayers lol.
I liked the Rock's return. It would have been better if he were wrestling a match at WM or smacked somebody down in the ring. Del Rio appearing in the ring and getting the People's elbow would've blown the roof off the building.

As far as Rock being the saviour for WWE. Of course he could be. Give him the right amount of writing and you'll see how much money he can rake in for the company. Let's also realize a few things: the Rock was called up because they were concerned they wouldn't make enough money without something to bring in the audience. As a result of that announcement tv ratings were the highest they've been in a long time. If he wrestles, it could be a historical one.

You can look at the entire roster and no one (yet) has the star power he has or they wouldn't have asked him to come host this WM. So there's no way he couldn't help the company. That being said, fans should be content with the little time he spends for WM, cuz he isn't giving up Hollywood for WWE. Vince is too cheap and the grind of wrestling is too rough compared to movie making.
unless they somehow book him in a match , i don't see him returning to raw anytime soon.
but if they do give him a match, they have to build it up at least a little...so maybe 2 or 3 raws he would attend if that was the case.
It wasn't poor advertising, The Rock was supposed to be a surprise return. For those of you who think the WWE needs the Rock, you might as well just stop watching wrestling, because if you think for one second that a 20 minute time slot filled by a past icon is saving an entire company(that didn't need saving in the first place) then you need to go ahead and subscribe to classics on demand. There will always be a changing of the guard and whether you like it or not, it has nothing to do with the cultural impact of WWE, nay, pro wrestling in general on today's society(or TV ratings).

I should have been more specific with the word "advertising." what i meant was the wwe should have done a better job of promoting the surprise. The wwe didnt expect a drop in ratings with the return of the rock, and obviously expected a big return.

I think you misunderstood the idea of the saving the wwe. That 20 minutes was a demonstration, an evidence that shows the rock's capability of what he can do to the wwe. His involvement with other superstar, his star power that can give alot young the rub they so needed are some of the shit he can bring to the table.
Cena and Miz will have their rebuttle next week. Also- Keep in mind Undertaker comes back next week so chances are they won't want to ruin that. The Rock will be on a few times before Mania.
@MizMark...your probably right, I'm sure it doesn't help that everyone these days has a script handed to them by writers either. The best promos have always been given by people who just understood their character completely. And if they use the Rock more then just twice then maybe creative will see that and let these guys use their own voice for a change.
I'm pretty sure he will be. I'm not sure yet. One is because they wouldn't list him in the WWE schedule, and Two i'm sure The Rock wants to take some time off once and a while, But i do note that he said he was never going to leave, but sure as hell i want him to stay.:lmao:
Right now at this point I want a Cena vs Rock feud. People have been bashing Cena for a while. But if the Rock passes the torch onto him (im talking legit not scripted) than people iwll finally just lossen up a bit and see this man for what he really is. Creative need to listen too.

The Miz should be taking notes. As someone who started out the same in his WWE career like Rock and has the similiar loudmouth gimmick than this woul dbe important.
I dont know, while i respect your opinion the fact is the wwe need the rock to save them. The perception of wrestlemania last week was considered lacklustre, after the return of the great one, atleast this years wrestlemania is saved. I really dont believe your typical Donald trump or mayweather could've draw butyrate given of the lack of epic match up for mania.

This years Wrestlemania wouldn't have been lack-luster even without the Rock. Not necissarily pointing my finger at you, but what many fail to see is that it's not so much about WHO's going to be at Wrestlemaina, but HOW they will be there. In other words, with the right builds, all of the matches that are pretty much set in stone for Mania are liable to make Mania just as great as any past Wrestlemania.

Think about it. Off the bat, you're getting Triple H vs. Undertaker - that alone should tell you: fuck this is going to be awesome. Granted, this match more relates to my "who" scenario, but I have a few more to show, no worries. The second most likely match would be Edge vs. Del Rio. In this match you have a fresh new face that is hot off winning the Royal Rumble. This Mexican eletist will, more likely than not, be facing a ten time world champion. While to the naked eye, this match might not be so great, you have to look passed that and see what potential this feud holds. It's more likely than not to be a an entertaining feud. Same goes for what will most likely be the Miz vs. Cena. Could you just imagine if Miz pulls off an upset and manages to beat Cena? Everyone is expecting the Miz to lose come Mania, but if the Miz wins - that will be a story to behold.

There. Without much thought, I've already showed you three matches that have potential to make this Mania great even without the Rock.

3.14 in ratings speak alot about the current state of the wwe. It is the road to wrestlemania, and the final raw before EC and yet the ratings dropped. Definitely not the rock's fault because of the poor advertising of the wwe.

Dude. It's a rating - not the end of the world. Besides, a 3.14 is good, you know. Countless shows would kill to have even a 2.0, let alone a 3.0.

thats just my general thought

Nothing wrong with that; just hope what I wrote clears a few things up for you. :)
"He is a genuinely nice guy and a fantastic human being. What I kind of get peeved about, is that I've wanted to do this my whole life. At one point he loved wrestling and wanted to do this all his life. So explain to me why he can't come back. Simply put it's because he wants to be an actor and there's nothing wrong with that. He's very good and very successful. Associating with sports entertainment doesn't do much for his acting career. Just don't f*** me around and tell me that you love this. That's the only thing that gets me really p***ed off. Our fan base have so much admiration for him, he's got to respect that. He doesn't give anything back."

This was done a few years back...so to spin this angle off of a real life incident makes this very interesting. If there were ANY plans to turn Cena heel...there is no better time (nor will there be) than now when the Rock is here. Use this angle and make the move....WWE needs to do this at Mania and the world will be talking again.
Just watched it again. It will never be this good again. Its sad but true. The Rock (7 yrs out of the business) on the mic by himself is top of the line now. This is no knock on The Rock because I love The Rock and wish to God that The Rock would be back on WWE for at least a 2 yr contract, I know its not happening. But The Rock on the Mic by himself used to be fun times and good enough to get through the night because he had feuds with HHH, Jericho, Benoit, Taker, etc and all those guys could provide something in response to The Rock. It wasn't always a funny comeback but everyone of those guys could provide a response that could fuel The Rock to another response and we as fans stayed intrigued. I hate to say it but even as a huge fan of The Rock, him alone can't keep us that interested for long. For a short time? Absolutely

I miss the days of The Rock vs Stone Cold or vs HHH or vs Jericho or whoever. We love The Rock and how great, and I mean GREAT he is during a promo, but he needs some kind of challenger. All good needs some kind of evil as an equilizer and as of today, The Rock has no equalizer. He is basically wasting his vast talent on nobody's
I dont know, while i respect your opinion the fact is the wwe need the rock to save them. The perception of wrestlemania last week was considered lacklustre, after the return of the great one, atleast this years wrestlemania is saved. I really dont believe your typical Donald trump or mayweather could've draw butyrate given of the lack of epic match up for mania.

3.14 in ratings speak alot about the current state of the wwe. It is the road to wrestlemania, and the final raw before EC and yet the ratings dropped. Definitely not the rock's fault because of the poor advertising of the wwe.

thats just my general thought

You do realise that for the 20 minutes that The Rock was on the ratings was about 4.0? And the average viewers went up from 4.7m to 5.7m? That is the drawing power of The Rock.

Just wait for next weeks rating, it will be a lot bigger than 3.14.
I don't think this years mania would have been bad without the rock. I guessing here but the card probaly will be Cena/Miz, Punk/Orton, Del Rio/Edge,Taker/HHH and MITB. It's a solid card but there's no must see attraction that's what the Rock adds. I'm predicting a record PPV buy rate this year.
After that promo I think it's fair to say The Rock came back and is once again the main guy and he did it in a matter of seconds.Cena and Miz's response will be lackluster no matter what the creative team comes up with.
First let me make one thing clear, I love the Rock, I love everything about the guy and sure as he'll marked out like crazy when he came out last Monday night.

But I do have an issue here with what I'm seeing plastered on every message board on wrestlezone! Just why are we all questioning the current roster in light of The Rocks first appearance in seven years?

Why are we asking questions such as 'why does the rock have such great mic skills' and 'did The Rock bury WWE'?

I don't raise these questions as my own but I'd rather address the sensitivity of our wrestling community to the Rock's return and put to you the fact that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't consider the current state of the WWE purely in relation to the great ones return.
First off, it's his first appearance in a RING in 7 years. He's made a few backstage videos over the years.

And I think it has to do with nostalgia. A LOT of people first started watching in the 90s. And when somebody is on top when you first start watching, that's usually who you hold as the standard. For example, I started watching in 2005 right before WM21, so Cena is my favorite wrestler. Everybody always wants to compare to present to the past, but they dwell on it so much that they are missing out on something we will be talking about in another 10 years.
i think its basically the rock is fucking entertaining to watch and if were honest most of the newish wrestlers are a little boring they are just generic oily men in underpants ive never heard anyone saying wow did you see or hear what ted dibiase did or said last night and even the champ the miz i never think wow i cant wait to see what hes gonna do or say next week.

while the rock came back and is pretty much the most popular guy in the company again after a twenty min return the quallity of the rock is what many of us have set the standard at and the new guys who are supposed to carry the wwe in future simply arnt that good compared to the rock unfortunatly
Well......I've been a fan of this sport for many many years. Theres been very few times when I've gotten goose bumps when some came outta nowhere or returned.....and The Rock's return did it. And I believe it was good for the ENTIRE industry. I think it was JR that said something along the lines of 'I hope all the young guys are pay attention'...

Wrestling has become boring. The mic skills are junk.....and even the in ring performances aren't great. Everyone wanted to give Goldberg hell.....but he was HIGH IMPACT. Austin, Taker, Rock....the attitude ara guys were HIGH IMPACT and GREAT on the mic or with their persona. We don't have any of that now. It's all watered down for whatever reason. And I hope that not only the guys in the back were paying attention, but I hope VINCE was paying attention.....when was the last time you watched an arena erupt like that??? Maybe when HHH came back last time.....

Vince has to ease off this gay PG crap. It doesn't need to be over the top. But at least all for a little language and some violent style hits and moves. The one things, other than goosebumps, that I got from the Rock's return.....is the attitude era guys stand alone, as Hogan and Flair used to. And Vince needs to get his new boys in line....I'm actually trying TNA out again....thank goodness for AJ! haha
We can be overreacting a little bit but this is a big deal. This could be a major turning point in WWE if they use the storyline well. I would love to see Cena vs The Rock but I know Cena would win if it was Wrestlemania.
The thing about this is that when Cena comes on RAW next week and does his little retaliatory promo to the Rock (undoubtedly he'll talk about the Rock's crappy movies), all the 8 year olds will cheer and then people will say "see the fans support Cena over the Rock." The telling moment will be at Wrestlemania when they are both in the ring at the same time. I think you're going to hear loud "rocky! rocky! rocky!" chants and "Cena sucks." The only ones chanting "Rocky sucks" will be the 8 year olds.

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