**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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Personally I don't care one bit if he fights Cena or anyone for that matter, I'm just so damn happy to see him back on WWE television.

That pop was probably the biggest pop anyone has gotten in the WWE over the last 5 years which shows just how much The Rock meant to the WWE, the fans, and wrestling in general, truly one of the all time greats.

No one, and I mean NO ONE could absolutely own the audience like the Rock could and still can. Whether its in the ring or on the mic the Rock is absolutely golden and just listening to him cut promo's is more than enough reason for me to watch RAW and to order Wrestlemania. He doesn't need to been in a program with anyone, his presence alone is good enough.

Welcome back Rock and I am going to truly enjoy every second this guy is on WWE television while it lasts.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!

My all time favourite wrestler returning after 7 years, it doesn't get any better than that!!

He looked awesome, and genuinely happy to be back.

Whether we only see him at WrestleMania, or after that it doesn't take anything away from his return.

Cena/Rock would be awesome, as would Miz/Rock, Orton/Rock, Del Rio Rock etc.....(would love to see some sort of interaction between Rock and Santino too), but whatever happens we should just enjoy one of the all time greats in the history of wrestling being back on tv.

Best WWE moment in years!!!
Well, what can I add?

Like everyone else I marked out like a little girl over the Olsen Brothers, punching the air and generally trying to not wake the baby up; I can't believe he just went out there and nailed it after seven years. And I mean nailed it. No hesitation (that's right, Miz), no monotonous voice (that's you, Randy Orton), no weird mumbling (I'm looking at you, John Morrison) and no corny, forced jokes (that's right, Cena).

The best promo in seven years, and he didn't even really say anything. The Miz is a decent talker, John Cena may have had something going with the rapper gimmick, but good God almighty, good God almighty, as God is my witness, The Rock is in a league of his own.

Now all that remains to be seen is where they're going with this and I for one will be glued to the screen in the weeks to come. Ever since the old school RAW, the WWE has been putting on great show after great show. Whoever is producing now is doing something right and now, with the return of The Rock... well... it's must-see TV!

There really isn't much to add.

The rock returned, cutting as intense of a promo as he's ever had.

Haven't heard a nearly as good of a promo since... hmm, I guess since Y2J was allowed to cut a script-free promo of his own, which was a really long time ago.
FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..The Rock has come back to Monday Night Raw!!!

I loved the part when he mocked the hell out of Cena.
The Rock is one of my favorite legends even though I'm only 13 and not old to see him but I've researched him and the guy is good. He's got the charisma still some of it may veen be gained from Hollywood. Its a shame he left when he still had some years ahead of him but he done all he could, he entertained the fans (including me last night), he got the money, he put on good matches and is truly a veteran of this business. He took the broad, slept with it and moved on.

It was obvious these kids didnt know who Rock was given most of the people cheering didnt have no little high pitched voices singing Cena but it was cute when I saw him touch the head of that little kid. I think Rock took a step insulting Michael Cole and most of all Cena. Stuff like this would be good if he ever did a talk show or interview on the IWC. He basically made Cena into a joke and how did the crowd react? The crowd had nothing to do but shut the hell up. I can honestly say I dont remember hearing a single boo. That shows the type of respect he's earned. Rock blatantly bashed Cena's catchphrases saying "it went from Austin:3:16, The Rock is cookin" to a ******ed hand in the phase sayin you can't say me. That was straight up the truth and I'm sure if Cena wasnt the face Vince with agree with him. Vince is obviously sucking up to Rock though if hes having him cuss like this on PG. Rock may just save Wrestlemania and Raw. Oh and lets not forget Rock started out discussing Cena's t-shirts till he finished off saying right now Cena looks like a piss out of Barney...............Wow. It only took Rock about 2 lines to destroy Cena's 9+ year career. I don't even expect Cena to reply next week because this is the Rock we're talking about. With Cena there's alot of criteria coming out. I'm just saying though this may sound fanboyish which I am but the Rock has gone against the best of the best. SCSA, Mankind, Jericho, etc. (And not the new Jericho you see no I'm talking about the Jericho old Y2J that made him famous and pushed Rock to his limits)

His promo was amazing, it was obviously not off a script and this is a way more legit appearance than his little "meet and greets" he's done in the past. His last appearance was at the Smackdown Anniversary and even that promo wasn't the best nor was something I was interested in given that this wasn't a Rock Promo this was just well "i've been in smackdown a while so let me tell of its history and my legacy on it while saying my name in third person"

Rock thank you, even in my small years of knowing about wrestling you made it fun for me and I hope to see more.
man, I have never ever been this Electrified in years. in just 20 minutes, The Rock took all that PG garbage agony out of me.

btw: who else wants to see The Rock trash that hideous looking WWE belt ?
Nah he can't trash the WWE Belt given its a gimmick belt. It would look like a hypocrite given that he had the Braham Bull belt. i think Rock trashed Cena just for the fans that have known him. I'm sorry but with the way The Rock trashed Cena, WWE better be careful with him. Words can do alot.
The real question is, who is going to be on the receiving end of the Rock Bottom & People's Elbow at Wrestlemania?

Leading candidates are: The Miz, Michael Cole, all of Nexus, John Cena, Santino, Vince McMahon.
Wow..well iv said on here many times in past threads bragging bout howmy boy The Miz was the GREATEST mic wirker in WWE history ahead of the The Rock. And yes, I am a product of the AE and never missed a episode since before the AE so i do knopw my history. But last night i was re-awaken...I had forgotten just how AWSSOME The Rock is on the Mic.

Last night i literally almost popped the top off my head marking out so hardf when the Rocks music hit and he came out. That was possibley the BEST promo i have seen since the AE.

I only wish i could laugh in the face of the people that said no form of the AE would EVER AND THE ROCK MEANS EVVER be seen on wwe tv again!!!
I'm still marking out a bit, but right now I'm laughing my ass off at all the people pissed at the kids for booing him when he started going after Cena. Jesus Christ.
Since I already replied about this in the WrestleMania 27 section, I'll reply again since I don't mind talking about The Rock, whether it's 3 or 7 times lol...

But this right here is your reason to order WrestleMania. The Rock is basically the focal point of the show, which is what you need at this point. You can't have Cena, Randy Orton, or The Miz being the ones to be the draw for the show; It won't be good enough. With The Rock there now, it'll probably be raining money and increase buy rates a lot more than usual. I'm not a WWE fan, but right now is a good time to be one for others.
WWE need to be careful with the Rock. Right now these little kids see Rock as a legend that probably could beat Cena. If they have him go trashing the WWE this can cause peeps to start leaving.
When I saw The Rock it was a big breath of fresh air. When he talked about Cena he owned his ass. Even when he listed the eras. It goes like this
Austin>Rock>Cena- yeah that doesn't work!:disappointed: Plus who thought the annoymous GM would get dissed the way Rock did. He went "Vintage" on Michael Cole's candy ass like in the old days. Anyhoo that was one of the best Raw's I've seen in a while.
I want to share a little story about last night.

During the commercial break before Miz and Bryan's match, I fell asleep on my couch lol. I was really tired. My grandpa woke me up to go to bed and then, Miz had just won. And I went to bed. My alarm is at 6:25 AM to go to school, but I put it at 6:00 so I could catch the 1/3 of Raw that I missed (I record every Monday Night Raw). I mainly wanted to stay up to see how was guest host of Wrestlemania. So, I woke up at 6:00 and watched the rest of Raw. When The Rock came out to a huge pop, I was totally marking out like Matt Striker, and I ended up marking out more when he cut his promo, and all this at 6 in the morning lol.

It was a great return, very long anticipated. What an amazing promo The Rock did. And man, he cussed like 15 times. Awesome moment, loved every second of it. Looks like The Rock kept up on his promise after all.
I feel like a little japanese school girl. The Rock and Austin were my idols as a kid, seeing them involved in WWE programs makes me so happy.

When I heard about the Rock's return, I made damn sure I was tuned in. Before that initial moment, I stopped whatever I was doing and just sat there. Waiting. Then, I heard that lovable catchphrase, "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?!" I smell it and let me tell ya, that shit smells good as fuck. As for the promo, it was a typical Rocky promo. Meaning it was amazing. I felt like a 8-10 year old child again.

During this promo Dwayne had something very important to say. The reason he was returning was for the fans that stuck by him through thick and thin. That right there made me smile and almost shed a tear. I believed every word he said. Afterall, his hoolywood carreer is quite successful and I'm willing to bet he gets paid more as an actor, rather than some gig as a wrestler. He came back because he wanted to and now all those idiots who said, "teh rockz beetraid uz!!!! he donte care bout us no moez!" can politely shut the hell up! Even if he never came back, The Rock has done great things for the WWE and the fans that should always be appreciated and cherished. I can't wait to see what lays ahead in the future.

As for Rock vs. Cena... We shall see.
I quite actually stood up and did his one armed pose for like 10 mins straight LOL
I'm digging what everyone is saying (to some extent), it was brilliant for VKM to bring back a man who obviously is an incredible draw. Factor that in with the Streak match and the other title matches and you potentially have a showstopper of a PPV that's guaranteed TONS of buys.
At the same time though, he really should be a tad careful, we wouldn't want him Rock Bottoming 1/2 the locker room by WM because then the whole locker room just looks weak. I'm sure he'll be a great supporting role but at the same time he'll probably step back a tad and let the usual guys do they're thing while giving some comedy relief.
Of course he'll Smackdown a few people but I'm pretty sure they won't overstep any lines so let's all just enjoy the moment here LOL
We got what we wanted so let's just relish it for a bit
I don't post here that often and I don't want to come off as some stupid mark, but The Rock's return last night literally sent goosebumps down my spine and that was most certainly the best Raw in at least 7 years. Just seeing the crowd's reaction was electrifying in itself. I haven't seen a WWE crowd amped up like that in yes, at least 7 years. Sure, people cheer Cena, Morrison and Orton, but seeing The Rock back in the ring made me realize that none of the current crop of main eventers (including Cena) can even hold a candle to the likes of Rock or Austin, in terms of cutting an amazing promo. The Rock making fun of Cena, Miz and Michael Cole was priceless. It was like the Attitude era, back with a vengeance, making a mockery of the PG era that has blighted WWE for far too many years and has made WWE programming far too "kid" oriented.

If The Rock is truly back, it marks the dawning of a new era in WWE. WWE cannot remain "PG" as it stands as you can't make someone like The Rock conform to that. Also, it will be interesting to see if a Rock/Cena feud is on the horizon. Cena has carried WWE for so long and has feuded with many opponents, but never has he feuded with someone who is electric on the microphone as The Rock. Far from bury Cena, a feud with The Rock may actually help him and may allow WWE to finally turn Cena heel and have what would be an extremely entertaining feud between these 2.

Having The Rock around will also help the likes of Miz and Morrison. The timing also couldn't be better, being as Undertaker is close to retirement, HHH isn't too far off and Jericho is gone for the time being. This also signifies a big departure from PG programming (IMO), leading to a WWE product that is somewhere between PG and Attitude (a happy median).

I also don't believe this is just a one-off. As stupid as it may sound, WWE would not waste time giving Rock new entrance music and a new shirt, if this were just a short-term thing. Obviously, this "hosting" deal is just to break him back in slowly as he probably has a great deal of ring rust. He will most likely get involved with Cena/Miz in a match, leading to a feud with one of the two (most likely Miz first, then maybe Cena at Summerslam).

This is a great time for WWE and for Raw right now. Rock's back; Nexus is actually better with Punk at the helm, Cena could possibly become entertaining again (against Rock). At this stage, Orton is screaming for a heel turn. Whether you like Cena or not, I personally would give my right arm to see Rock and Cena feud (preferably Cena turning heel out of frustration and jealousy, maybe even aligning himself with Nexus). Rock would be great going against Nexus + Cena. It would be reminiscent of the days when he feuded with DX & HHH. I can't wait to see how they'll have Cena respond to this and how Cena will feud with someone of The Rock's caliber, as Rock is unlike anyone Cena has feuded with in the past (Orton, Batista, Barrett, Sheamus).
If I was booking Mania, here's how I would do it. In order to give "The People" Cena/Rock, we have to have Cena lose TEC. I think Sheamus should win TEC. After that, have Lawler beat Miz when Cole's interference backfires. Next night on RAW, have Sheamus declare he wants the title shot that night, have Cole get revenge on Lawler, & Sheamus is Champ. Then when the 2-21-11 promo pops up afterwards, have it be HHH, saying he's waited for this moment to get revenge for what Sheamus did to him, and what grander way to do it than by beating Sheamus for the title. Sheamus won't agree unless HHH puts his career on the line, of course HHH does so. SO we have Cole/Lawler, HHH/Sheamus, when Cena realizes he isn't headling WM, he turns his attention to The Rock, calls him out & tells TGO to bring it @ WM. Rock agrees & that is set. As far as 'Taker goes, have Diesel show up on SmackDown & call him out, saying he isn't happy HBK was forced to walk away by him. Have Taker accept the challenge, but Diesel sneaks in a clause that says if Diesel wins, HBK can return, playing off on how Nash loves politics, plus give fans hope Diesel will win. I don't see why 'Taker retires HHH when Sheamus would benefit so much more from it. So we would have HHH/Sheamus, Cole/Lawler, Edge/Del Rio, Diesel/'Taker, MITB, & Rock/Cena. A very loaded line-up indeed.
If I was booking Mania, here's how I would do it. In order to give "The People" Cena/Rock, we have to have Cena lose TEC. I think Sheamus should win TEC. After that, have Lawler beat Miz when Cole's interference backfires. Next night on RAW, have Sheamus declare he wants the title shot that night, have Cole get revenge on Lawler, & Sheamus is Champ. Then when the 2-21-11 promo pops up afterwards, have it be HHH, saying he's waited for this moment to get revenge for what Sheamus did to him, and what grander way to do it than by beating Sheamus for the title. Sheamus won't agree unless HHH puts his career on the line, of course HHH does so. SO we have Cole/Lawler, HHH/Sheamus, when Cena realizes he isn't headling WM, he turns his attention to The Rock, calls him out & tells TGO to bring it @ WM. Rock agrees & that is set. As far as 'Taker goes, have Diesel show up on SmackDown & call him out, saying he isn't happy HBK was forced to walk away by him. Have Taker accept the challenge, but Diesel sneaks in a clause that says if Diesel wins, HBK can return, playing off on how Nash loves politics, plus give fans hope Diesel will win. I don't see why 'Taker retires HHH when Sheamus would benefit so much more from it. So we would have HHH/Sheamus, Cole/Lawler, Edge/Del Rio, Diesel/'Taker, MITB, & Rock/Cena. A very loaded line-up indeed.

Undertaker versus Diesel at Wrestlemania has been done before. To throw it together too quickly probably wouldn't work.

Undertaker vs. Rock though, that's a different story. Do you think Rocky could actually be allowed to break the Streak? Not necessarily at this WM, but in future WM or sometime down the road.
I was surprised to see so many negative responses about the return of the Rock. There is a lot of resentment towards the man moving on, but I can't say its unjustified. Cena pointed out many things in that old interview that were true. I don't care what the Rock is doing, Im sure he could have come around a little more. That is what made the return so enormous though. The promo was huge and funny. Its bad that he could undermine Cena's entire supercena gimmick so quickly, but lets not forget that Cena is actually better on the mic than given credit for.
When Cena was a rapper heel, he used to write those raps himself. They were always creative and funny and pissed off his opponent. It is creative that holds back their talent nowadays. Before a wrestler could do and say what came into his mind. Austin, Rock, Y2J, and Angle (when he was angry) would cuss and say things that were very raunchy by comparison to todays standards. Cena got fined for cussing a couple months ago. If the Rock was still on tv he would have lost a paycheck Monday.
Wade Barret said in his interview that Cena is one of the best people at ad libbing during a promo when things dont go according to plan and I believe him. I dont hate Cena himself, I hate that creative is holding back a person who actually has the potential to be another Austin of Rock but isnt allowed to do so. Rock vs Cena in any shape or form will be great as long as they are given leeway to do what needs to be done.
So what did he mean when he said that he is never going away? It doesn't make sense! He can't and will not always be there, so why did he say it? was it just to get the crowd going or did he actually mean something by it? Does this mean he's going to be more involved? even before Mania?

So what do you guys think about it? Do you think he'll be staying for longer then expected?? will he be more involved?
I think he means he will always try and make the odd appearance every couple of years or so, and will never offically retire from the business or make his offical "last appearance" with the WWE.

It just keeps the door open for any other possbile returns he may make in the future. The Rock loves the business and will never want to be apart from it for good
I think he means he will always try and make the odd appearance every couple of years or so, and will never offically retire from the business or make his offical "last appearance" with the WWE.

It just keeps the door open for any other possbile returns he may make in the future. The Rock loves the business and will never want to be apart from it for good

This is exactly what I took it to mean as well. After he first left, he distanced himself from WWE and pro wrestling in general saying he wanted to be called Dwayne Johnson and not The Rock and basically said he was done with WWE.

The other night when he said he is "never going away" I took it to mean that he'll make himself more available to WWE and will keep "The Rock" character alive. I do believe he'll never wrestle in a match again however now he's open to appearing for WWE so don't be surprised if we see him every once in awhile on an anniversary show or special edition of RAW or whatever.
(please move if you think it should be)

not many wrestlers have had decent movie careers, yes they get parts for name recognition but they hardly get the careers stallone and arnie had. digressing wrestlers are big men and probably suited to the 80s action genre but those films are dated now and are not that sucessful

hulks movies sucked and most of the wwe films with cena, scsa, kane etc are nothing more than straight to dvd with a limited theatre release.

in my opinion the rocks film career has not been that great

the mummy 2 and scorpion king were sucessful because they were part of a major fim franchise and he was still a major active wrestling superstar but since then his films have not really been massive because outside of the wrestling business he is not that big a star

most of his films are similar to the Mr Nanny type that hulk did just with a bigger budget. hes had his fare share of supporting roles but when he is the main actor they are not that great and most of his acting work has been geared towards the child/younger end of the market, sure they have made money but as far as the box office goes he isnt a cruise, pitt or sandler. he a guy that can do a job and put a few bums on seats, maybe a jason statham or martin lawrence. solid but not spectacular

and you know your star is on the wane when you are in a fast and furious sequel.

my point is he says he is never ever going away, we all doubt that but isnt there any reason why at 38 he cant do both

the wrestling promotes the films and the films promote the wrestling

maybe just maybe depending on how this run goes, the GM angle etc we could see him back full time, with a limited schedule and time off for the movies.

as the GM does most of his work by email that would work when he is on a film set so that role could work but there are still believable dream matches out there for him, cena, edge, orton, punk and unfinished business with jericho and hhh.

a pipe dream maybe but one to think about

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