IMPACT Wrestling LD for 08.31.11

All I'm saying regarding Hardy and those like him is that superstars are worth more headaches than non-draws or non-superstars. Yes, there is a breaking point, and that breaking point is different for every star depending on the severity of it, the fallout, the event it occurs in, the exposure, etc. etc. but no way in hell do I simply fire guys who do something wrong simply because they did something wrong.

Should Samoa Joe have been fired for his shoot at No Surrender 2006?
If they were drawing like they were? No. That's the thing though: what has Hardy drawn?

Enough for TNA (you know, the people who actually know the answer to that question) to want to bring him back after victory road.

Matt Hardy proves that TNA don't have a problem cutting people if they are judged to be risk over reward, they have made to opposite conclusion with Jeff. Other than being holier than thou, what is the logic behind you questioning their conclusion?
I suggest you do some research on your boy then, because HBK was the biggest scumbag in the locker room during the late 90's with WWE.

Its one thing to be "the biggest scumbag in the locker room", I wouldn't find fault with this statement. But I think I would take this over a guy who has an extended drug history, likely including trafficking (sure, yet to be proven), and a guy who shows up for the main event of a PPV too stoned to compete.
All I'm saying regarding Hardy and those like him is that superstars are worth more headaches than non-draws or non-superstars. Yes, there is a breaking point, and that breaking point is different for every star depending on the severity of it, the fallout, the event it occurs in, the exposure, etc. etc. but no way in hell do I simply fire guys who do something wrong simply because they did something wrong.

Should Samoa Joe have been fired for his shoot at No Surrender 2006? many more exposed and big situations have their been than Jeff's issue? I can't think of any.

Was that a shoot or a work? Legit question. Also wasn't that against Hall more than the company? (I legit don't remember it that well so I could be way off).
Its one thing to be "the biggest scumbag in the locker room", I wouldn't find fault with this statement. But I think I would take this over a guy who has an extended drug history, likely including trafficking (sure, yet to be proven), and a guy who shows up for the main event of a PPV too stoned to compete.

Which is why I said it's subjective and the decisions made have to be made utilizing BUSINESS strategy, which is why as fans we have no real say in it. Obviously TNA see's value in Jeff. Otherwise, why fire his brother for fucking up but not Jeff for fucking up worse? The answer is obviously that Jeff provides them monetary gain. I seriously doubt they are playing favorites here.
Enough for TNA (you know, the people who actually know the answer to that question) to want to bring him back after victory road.

Matt Hardy proves that TNA don't have a problem cutting people if they are judged to be risk over reward, they have made to opposite conclusion with Jeff. Other than being holier than thou, what is the logic behind you questioning their conclusion?

That Jeff's incident was much more public and publicly damaging than Matt's. Jeff's happened in front of the cameras, which isn't something that happens with most of these. That makes it different.
You are right Habs, Jeff Hardy was never an egomaniac asshole.

No, not an "egomaniac asshole", just an enigmatic asshole. And one with way too many skeletons in the closet to justify bringing him back to the forefront of the company, where you absolutely know he is destined to screw up. Again.
That your "no tolerance" rule to guys who screw up being fired would result in your company with a very thin roster.

Whoa whoa whoa. I never said anything about no tolerance. It should be a case by case basis of course, but I'd think Jeff's was worse than any I can remember.
If anyone here is honestly arguing that drawing power should make a difference, see Sheen, Charlie. HUGE draw on his show but his ass was canned when he started embarrassing the network and his show with his behavior. That's EXACTLY what Jeff Hardy did. He embarrassed the company by showing up and trying to compete in the condition he was in on a show that people paid good money to see. If there are people that honestly can't see that as grounds for termination, I can't help you.

While it's true that others have had problems that are generally accepted as true, how many truly made them public? Jeff should NEVER have been brought back, unless MAYBE he got proactive and the day after his debacle he checked himself into rehab. He didn't do that though (not to my knowledge anyway and I feel like if he did, it would have been reported), so he's being brought back with a court case still pending and no guarantee that his life is any better. Risk absolutely outweighs reward but with "new" guys in big spots on BFG, TNA didn't want to take chances by having all "non draws" so they brought back Hardy for the show. I personally find it appalling. many more exposed and big situations have their been than Jeff's issue? I can't think of any.

Angle getting arrested for DUI with prescription drugs in the car and having his mug shot show up on TMZ?

Same for Hall, though he wasn't busted for DUI, I don't think (not that time, at least).

I know Hardy's deal with the trafficking charge is worse, but it's a case-by-case thing. Yes, the fuck up was bad, and yes when combined with the impending charges you've got a bit of a powerder keg, but I'd trust TNA's judgement here more so than I would fans who don't actually know just how well he draws for them.

Was that a shoot or a work? Legit question. Also wasn't that against Hall more than the company? (I legit don't remember it that well so I could be way off).

The Joe thing was a shoot on Hall and to a lesser extent Nash and was from my recollection a shoot, not a work, because Joe yapped at Dixie who was not a "character" at the time and even told her to "fire me, I don't care" on live PPV. Either way, it was bad PR for them and as far as I know it wasn't scripted.

Without the internet or dirt sheets etc, how would we know about Shawn or any other issues? With Jeff, it was right in front of the people and the fans got cheated. At the end of the day, the fans are more important than anyone. Jeff has a history of issues and then screws up in the main event of a PPV. How is that not worse than any other major issue?
If anyone here is honestly arguing that drawing power should make a difference, see Sheen, Charlie. HUGE draw on his show but his ass was canned when he started embarrassing the network and his show with his behavior. That's EXACTLY what Jeff Hardy did. He embarrassed the company by showing up and trying to compete in the condition he was in on a show that people paid good money to see. If there are people that honestly can't see that as grounds for termination, I can't help you.

While it's true that others have had problems that are generally accepted as true, how many truly made them public? Jeff should NEVER have been brought back, unless MAYBE he got proactive and the day after his debacle he checked himself into rehab. He didn't do that though (not to my knowledge anyway and I feel like if he did, it would have been reported), so he's being brought back with a court case still pending and no guarantee that his life is any better. Risk absolutely outweighs reward but with "new" guys in big spots on BFG, TNA didn't want to take chances by having all "non draws" so they brought back Hardy for the show. I personally find it appalling.

Because he continued to, not because he flipped his lid the first time. He was SUSPENDED before he was fired. Try again.

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