IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.15.11

Yeah, so apparently you are a moron.

Do you notice the difference? Or do I need to point it out? I'll tell you what, since I have no confidence in your mental abilities, I'll point it out.

Notice the difference in the following letters "e-x-c-i-t-i-n-g" and "g-o-o-d"? Now, do you notice the difference? Not once have I said that if a crowd finds a match exciting it's good. Seriously, go back and read the thread. I know that will probably take a while for you, given your limited ability when it comes to reading comprehension, but take a shot at it, at the very least.

No where did I say exciting=good, despite you trying to attribute me to that comment. So, when I said:

I was usual. Which makes you wrong.

You should take KB's advice and just run now. Your stupidity is starting to frustrate me, and while I'm working to be more civil in my debating, nothing pisses me off like stupidity, and your stupidity is reaching record levels for this thread.

Oh look at that little ole me has managed to irritate the Almighty Slyfox. I guess I miss understood you slightly. You said that was a damn good tv match I believe I said that was a bad match that wasn't exciting and then I believe you said the crowd found it exciting for which I assumed you were saying that made it a good match. I guess you may have gotten me this time Sly.
Oh look at that little ole me has managed to irritate the Almighty Slyfox. I guess I miss understood you slightly. You said that was a damn good tv match I believe I said that was a bad match that wasn't exciting and then I believe you said the crowd found it exciting for which I assumed you were saying that made it a good match. I guess you may have gotten me this time Sly.

Cremation or burial?
I guess I miss understood you slightly.
If by "slightly" you mean "completely", then yes. I accept your apology, and your statement of inferiority.

You said that was a damn good tv match I believe I said that was a bad match that wasn't exciting and then I believe you said the crowd found it exciting for which I assumed you were saying that made it a good match.
I gave many reasons as to why it was a damn good TV match, and excitement was one of those many reasons. You said it wasn't exciting, I said the crowd indicated otherwise, you tried to convince me your opinion is more important than the opinion of 700 others, I pointed out how silly you looked, and then you completely lost track of the argument, and we now find ourselves here.

I guess you may have gotten me this time Sly.
Your concession is the smartest thing you've said in this thread. I suggest you keep this in mind next time you want to argue with me.
And the SuperBrawl tag team match between Steiners and Luger/Sting wasn't clean, but it was still one of the best tag matches I've ever seen.

Clean is overrated. Story of the match is far more important. The story of the Hogan vs. Andre match, aside from the passing of the torch, was whether or not Hogan could actually slam Andre. He failed earlier in the match, Andre worked the back for most of the match, Hogan got his second wind and finally slammed him. But what if Hogan got that second wind, went to slam him, but failed miserably? The story of the match would basically be for naught, and the whole Hulk-Up routine would have suffered. The air would have gone out of the Silverdome, and the pinfall would have been anti-climatic.

The story of the Sting vs. Hogan finish was the screw-job count, which Bret Hart (having been recently screwed himself) wasn't going to allow. Yes, it would have been nice to know why Bret had that power, but if Patrick had done one of his patented fast counts, no one would have questioned what Hart was doing, the fans would have known instantly why he was doing it, and it would have all made perfect sense. The story of the finish would have made perfect sense (even if you don't agree with the idea of it in the first place). But when Patrick screwed up the count, it just threw the entire match into oblivion.

See that's just it though. The story of the match, as built up for over a year, was that the man Sting felt he had to end was Hogan. He refused to fight anyone but Hogan. On the other side, Hogan was freakin terrified of Sting. The guy kept surprise attacking the group and Hogan ran scared like a bitch.

The story of the match was that after all this time, Hogan was going to get what was coming to him. The screwjob stuff was NEVER needed. What was needed was for the heel to get his ass kicked and have his shoulders on the mat for 3 seconds. It's sort of like JBL in 2004. He somehow kept holding the title and all the fans wanted was for someone to kick his ass. Enter John Cena. While no one would argue that Cena's first title win was a 5 star match, it did its job in the Cena just flat out kicked JBL's ass. Heels are supposed to lose clean and he did. So too should Hogan, but he didn't. That's where the match fails for me. Fuck Bret Hart, you could have done anything else with him. Granted, he probably should have gotten another match, but even if you don't do that, you didn't need to invoke Montreal on this night. That night needed to be about the nWo going down but it wasn't and a lot of that was on Hogan/Bischoff. Hogan didn't want to lose cleanly so he didn't, and thus the nWo dragged on like a dog's ass on a white carpet.
See that's just it though. The story of the match, as built up for over a year, was that the man Sting felt he had to end was Hogan. He refused to fight anyone but Hogan. On the other side, Hogan was freakin terrified of Sting. The guy kept surprise attacking the group and Hogan ran scared like a bitch.

The story of the match was that after all this time, Hogan was going to get what was coming to him. The screwjob stuff was NEVER needed. What was needed was for the heel to get his ass kicked and have his shoulders on the mat for 3 seconds.
I agree completely, and have many times throughout this thread. All I'm saying is if Patrick had done what he had supposed to have done, the match wouldn't belong in the infamous category, but rather in the forgotten category.

With the match they had, Sting vs. Hogan was never going to be viewed in the same air as Hogan vs. Andre and Hogan vs. Warrior or even Hogan vs. Rock. Like you said, it was the wrong story for the match, considering the buildup. But Sting vs. Hogan is infamous for the botched ending and how stupid it made the entire thing look that came after it. It made it look like Hogan could beat Sting clean, which went against everything that had the story had been building too. It made it look like Bret Hart was just a whinebag, still smarting from what happened in the WWF. It made it look like Sting was beatable (which didn't fit the story either).

The ending ruined the match. Not that it was a good match before, or the right story for that match, but the ending ruined it to the point we still mock it to this day for how badly it was pulled off, and point to it as the turning point for WCW's slide into oblivion.

Heels are supposed to lose clean and he did. So too should Hogan, but he didn't.
But he would have if Patrick hadn't screwed up. That's the point.

Hogan didn't lose clean, because Hogan had already WON clean. If Patrick does a 3 second count in the span of 1 second, then it's classic nWo cheating tactics, and just like last night when Sting beat Flair, when Sting finally beat Hogan, it WOULD be clean, just like it was a clean win for Sting last night.

The importance of the Patrick screw-up cannot be understated.

Fuck Bret Hart, you could have done anything else with him.
Given the circumstances, if you were going to have him interfere in the match, that was a great way to do it...if Patrick hadn't screwed up.

Here you have Bret Hart, one of the hottest names in wrestling, siding with THE hottest name in wrestling, against the biggest superstar in wrestling history? That's instant credibility for a guy who is new to the company after heading up a previously inferior product.

Now instead of just having one foil for the nWo, you have two. And these two guys could carry the WCW torch and have the credibility to finally kill the nWo, something no other worker on the WCW roster had (thanks to the nWo running roughshod over everyone else for a year and a half).

Again, I agree this should have been a simple one sided match with Sting dominating Hogan. No argument from me on that. But given the way things DID play out, Nick Patrick screwing up the fast 3 count completely butchered EVERYTHING else.

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