IMPACT Wrestling LD for 08.31.11

Just out of curiosity, why the lol at the drug trafficking comment? Last time I checked, these allegations were still on the table and I think if I were his employer, I would want some resolution to this, one way or the other, before throwing him back into the fray.
Legal jargon. He was charged with that based on the quantity they found. I would be sincerely fucking shocked if there were evidence that Jeff Hardy was ACTUALLY selling drugs.
All I was saying is that there are allegations on the table, serious ones at that, and with these allegations still very much on the table, he hardly seems to be a great candidate to bring back, on top of the assortment of other red flags he presents.
To be fair, the only thing we know in regards to rehab and Hardy (and his brother for that matter) is that they were publicly offered rehab by the WWE (as they do with all former employees) and they both refused. So, they refused FREE rehab but because we don't know for sure if they found other rehab, we should hold out the illusion that he or his brother might have done so? Why would you pay for something you can get for free? I think logic dictates that neither Hardy has done anything significant towards improving their respective lives. In fact, you could argue their lives have gotten worse.

No, I don't know anything 100 percent, but I can certainly use the information in front of me to come to an informed conclusion on the guy. My informed conclusion is that Hardy still needs help and that bringing him back at this time before he has gotten that help into an environment that is clearly not the best for an addict or a recovering addict (giving the benefit of the doubt on that one) seems like a ticking time bomb to me. Very dangerous and incredibly stupid in my opinion. No perceived draw could potentially be worth this.

Maybe I'm weird in that I care about people's well-being, but I'd rather Jeff get help and never wrestle again than see him wrestle a few more matches and become the latest wrestling tragedy.
I trust those closer to the situation are better judges than you or I. After all, they could tell the difference between Matt and Jeff's situations. They aren't afraid to cut ties.
To be fair, the only thing we know in regards to rehab and Hardy (and his brother for that matter) is that they were publicly offered rehab by the WWE (as they do with all former employees) and they both refused. So, they refused FREE rehab but because we don't know for sure if they found other rehab, we should hold out the illusion that he or his brother might have done so? Why would you pay for something you can get for free?
You don't know that they haven't accepted the offer since then. You know NOTHING.

No, I don't know anything 100 percent, but I can certainly use the information in front of me to come to an informed conclusion on the guy.
No you can't.

My informed conclusion
Stopped reading. You clearly don't know what "informed" means.

And now I'm going to take the high road and leave you to pick at scraps of a story and use them to "support" a point of view you've clearly already set your hearts on. kthxbye
Fair to say that no one knows anything about the Hardy situation for sure, not even you. But as JJ suggests, it is a logical assumption that if he was offered free rehab by WWE and has said no, in all likelihood, he's not pursued it himself. He has consistently publicly stated that he neither wants nor needs rehab, yet all of a sudden, he has gone ahead and done so? He has had ongoing drug issues, to varying degrees, for six years or more, and he has not been able to solve them on his own, and he has refused help in doing so. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to believe that he has either magically rid himself of his demons, or has undergone spontaneous and independent rehab, a fact which TNA would supposedly know and not make very public? What was that word you called me a few minutes ago?
Fair to say that no one knows anything about the Hardy situation for sure, not even you. But as JJ suggests, it is a logical assumption that if he was offered free rehab by WWE and has said no, in all likelihood, he's not pursued it himself. He has consistently publicly stated that he neither wants nor needs rehab, yet all of a sudden, he has gone ahead and done so? He has had ongoing drug issues, to varying degrees, for six years or more, and he has not been able to solve them on his own, and he has refused help in doing so. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to believe that he has either magically rid himself of his demons, or has undergone spontaneous and independent rehab, a fact which TNA would supposedly know and not make very public? What was that word you called me a few minutes ago?

It was made public that the WWE offered the Hardy brothers rehab and they refused. That is absolutely public knowledge. It's about the only fact we have in this whole story. Based on that one fact alone, we can ascertain that the Hardys refused rehab. If they went to rehab on their own, power to them, but I do wonder why you'd turn down free rehab and then weeks later PAY for your own when the free offer will always be on the table. If they had taken WWE's offer up, that would have been made public knowledge as the WWE is big on showing their ability to help former employees. Undoubtedly, if the Hardys went to rehab, we would know about it. Plus, if Jeff did something notable to fix his life, TNA would play that up if they are going with the story that he's better. They would talk about the steps he took to get better but that's not happening as of yet. If he really did something, it would come out right away.

The bottom line is that while people can tell me until they are blue in the face that "we don't know anything", believing that Jeff Hardy has done something significant to handle addiction in the past few months is hard to believe. I gave what I have in terms of showing that he did NOT do anything. I challenge anyone to give me reason to believe that he has done something to clean up his life.
Fair to say that no one knows anything about the Hardy situation for sure, not even you. But as JJ suggests, it is a logical assumption that if he was offered free rehab by WWE and has said no, in all likelihood, he's not pursued it himself. He has consistently publicly stated that he neither wants nor needs rehab, yet all of a sudden, he has gone ahead and done so? He has had ongoing drug issues, to varying degrees, for six years or more, and he has not been able to solve them on his own, and he has refused help in doing so. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to believe that he has either magically rid himself of his demons, or has undergone spontaneous and independent rehab, a fact which TNA would supposedly know and not make very public? What was that word you called me a few minutes ago?
You're still the one making assumptions here. I didn't say I believe he's gone to rehab. All I'm saying is that you should kindly shut the fuck up with your speculative nonsense.
It was made public that the WWE offered the Hardy brothers rehab and they refused. That is absolutely public knowledge. It's about the only fact we have in this whole story. Based on that one fact alone, we can ascertain that the Hardys refused rehab. If they went to rehab on their own, power to them, but I do wonder why you'd turn down free rehab and then weeks later PAY for your own when the free offer will always be on the table. If they had taken WWE's offer up, that would have been made public knowledge as the WWE is big on showing their ability to help former employees. Undoubtedly, if the Hardys went to rehab, we would know about it. Plus, if Jeff did something notable to fix his life, TNA would play that up if they are going with the story that he's better. They would talk about the steps he took to get better but that's not happening as of yet. If he really did something, it would come out right away.

The bottom line is that while people can tell me until they are blue in the face that "we don't know anything", believing that Jeff Hardy has done something significant to handle addiction in the past few months is hard to believe. I gave what I have in terms of showing that he did NOT do anything. I challenge anyone to give me reason to believe that he has done something to clean up his life.
I don't need to do anything until I'm blue in the face. All I need to do is shrug with indifference and call you a moron and you'll continue making an ass out of yourself for paragraphs at a time.
You're still the one making assumptions here. I didn't say I believe he's gone to rehab. All I'm saying is that you should kindly shut the fuck up with your speculative nonsense.

I have already admitted to the fact that we are making assumptions here as no one can know for sure. But common freaking sense would dictate that someone who has been battling drug related demons for six plus years, unsuccessfully on his own as his track record would indicate, and has turned down free goddamn rehab from the only place he has ever had a shred of success, and has consistently and adamantly and publicly refused to go to rehab because he insists he does not need it, common sense, apparently lacking amongst some of our forum members,would indicate that he has not sought help. Do I know this for sure, of course not. But it is common belief around here that you are an intelligent guy. I imagine if you used this intelligence to rationally think out what you are saying, rather than resorting to lame insults and colorful comments, even you would have to admit that what myself, JJ, KB and others are saying is a logical conclusion.

One thing I can say for certain, though, is I'll not shut the fuck up for you or for anyone else.
Well you should. To not do so at this point is to piss in the face of the conventions of polite society.

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