IMPACT Wrestling LD for 10.13.11

It's their go home show to their biggest ppv of the year it better be good.

I know bro. This IMPACT! was one of the best ones of the year so far. Also, Raw has been lackluster as of late in my eyes and a tad uninteresting. Especially now with I just smoked a carton of cigarettes in 2 hours Johnny Laur-whatever his name is being in charge. I just lost all interest in the story line altogether.
Missed the entire second hour. The knockouts segment came on and I had to change the channel was flipping between cards brewers and those crazed tanned freaks that our society loves. From what I'm hearing it appeared to be a good show so I'll go check it out. Although I won't be purchasing Bfg I'll watch it the next day. I don't order ppv's haven't ordered one since the 2009 royal rumble although I might be purchasing ss.
Anyone else scared to death that Roode is losing at BFG after Hardy had to save him?

Regardless of that segment, I am always nervous that TNA is going to take something can't-miss and miss with it. I mean, this is THE opportunity to build a new face and a guy that can be at the top of the food chain. I am confident that the right thing will be done, but in the back of my mind I know that the morons who fucked up Starrcade 1997 are running this show (meaning Bischoff and Hogan) so I wouldn't doubt if the wrong booking is enacted.

Still, I'm going to hold out hope that the right thing will be done this time. I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE!
I fell asleep roughly 5 or 6 times while watching this show last night/this afternoon. And I wasn't even tired.

Not a bad show, but Christ, not an interesting one either. The only things that kept me awake were the two tag matches.

What the fuck is Hogan supposed to be these days anyways? Face or heel? Because he acts and talks like a face constantly while Sting acts and talks like a heel, but then last night the crowd was booing Hogan constantly while he was ironically talking about how the crowd all loved him. Man that match is going to be sad.

Rest of BFG looks good though. For the most part. The gimmick matches all sound fun.
TNA has usually been the most entertaining show these past few weeks. I have to give them props. I hope they can keep it up after Bound For Glory.
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