IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.15.11

Well my first problem (and this is more personal taste than a criticism of the match) was there was no real reason to believe that Flair was going to win as Sting vs. Hogan or some form of it seemed set in stone. That's the biggest problem I can have with a match but again, personal preference.

The run-in does make sense, although I'd rather see a clean ending. Either have the run-in or the weapon shot. The on your toes part I'd disagree with for the first thing I said.
So the biggest problem you have with the match is you read dirtsheets and spoilers online? Sounds like more of a personal problem to me.

And the weapon shot and run-ins make sense. Sting has been one of the top guys in the company for years now. Flair hasn't been a consistent winner in a long time. Flair's reputation was as the "dirtiest player in the game". Hogan is obviously ducking Sting, scared of him like he was back in '97. It all made sense and worked out great.

What's the problem? Perhaps if you'd quit reading dirtsheet and spoilers, you'd enjoy it more?
Until the PPV when he smiled and strutted out to the ring and didn't show any fear at all and proceeded to beat up Sting like he was Lenny Lane.

False bravado...hardly inconsistent with Hogan's character at the time, and was pointed out by numerous times by the commentary. :shrug:

By the way, who left that PPV the World Champion?
So the biggest problem you have with the match is you read dirtsheets and spoilers online? Sounds like more of a personal problem to me.

And the weapon shot and run-ins make sense. Sting has been one of the top guys in the company for years now. Flair hasn't been a consistent winner in a long time. Flair's reputation was as the "dirtiest player in the game". Hogan is obviously ducking Sting, scared of him like he was back in '97. It all made sense and worked out great.

What's the problem? Perhaps if you'd quit reading dirtsheet and spoilers, you'd enjoy it more?

I wouldn't say it was from spoilers. I saw zero logic at all behind Sting losing from the minute it was announced. All signs pointed to Sting winning. That's what I meant. It's very similar to the argument I had with someone over HHH vs. Undertaker at Mania this year. Coming into the match I never had any feeling that HHH had a chance. For Taker's first Mania match with Shawn I wasn't sure at all. That's what I'm talking about.

Yeah like I said they made sense, I just don't like seeing two things like that in a row. It's not a huge complaint though.

What you're saying makes sense, I just don't really agree with it.
False bravado...hardly inconsistent with Hogan's character at the time, and was pointed out by numerous times by the commentary. :shrug:

By the way, who left that PPV the World Champion?

I'm not sure I'd call it consistent with his character in regards to Sting. Like you said earlier he had been scared of Sting for months. Why now would he be unafraid when he finally had to face him for the title?
What you're saying makes sense, I just don't really agree with it.
People can watch the same thing and enjoy it to different levels.

However, quality and enjoyment/preference are different. Something can be good, but you not find it enjoyable. This match was a very good TV match, one in which I enjoyed very much and you didn't enjoy much at all.

But just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it wasn't a good match.
People can watch the same thing and enjoy it to different levels.

However, quality and enjoyment/preference are different. Something can be good, but you not find it enjoyable. This match was a very good TV match, one in which I enjoyed very much and you didn't enjoy much at all.

But just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it wasn't a good match.

I wouldn't call it a good match either. It's a match I've seen from these two time and time again and this time it was slower (as in they were moving slower) with less drama (for me) and a lot more basic, which isn't a good thing to me. Granted it if were me, I wouldn't have put them out there in the first place.
I'm not sure I'd call it consistent with his character in regards to Sting. Like you said earlier he had been scared of Sting for months. Why now would he be unafraid when he finally had to face him for the title?

You quoted me, so you should already have your answer.

It was false bravado. Hogan was an ego maniac, so when he walked to the ring, he wanted everyone to think he was in control, that he wasn't trembling in his wrestling boots. But it was just a facade, and the commentary team pointed it out right from the beginning.

It'd be like if I challenged Michael Jordan to a game of HORSE. I'd go out there, talk some trash, but fully expect to get my ass handed to me. False bravado.
The run ins make sense, and is consistent with the same fear Hogan showed back '97 about facing Sting.

I didn't say it was a match of the year, I said it was one of the best TV matches of the year. Big difference.

TV matches and PPV matches are much different, and they should be, especially for your main-eventers. Only on the rarest of occasions do you give a PPV style match on free TV, and a month away from your biggest PPV of the year is not the time to do it.

Considering how the crowd was into the match the whole way through, I dare say you are wrong. :shrug:

Your telling me that a crowd that will just about chant anything was into the match so that makes it good? Obviously you enjoyed it a hell of alot more than I did. What I saw tonight was two guys no two legends that should hang it up.
Your telling me that a crowd that will just about chant anything was into the match so that makes it good? Obviously you enjoyed it a hell of alot more than I did. What I saw tonight was two guys no legends that should hang it up.

No, I'm telling you that you look stupid when you say it wasn't exciting, when the crowd obviously showed it to be otherwise.

You're not a bad poster, but I suggest you take a little more time to comprehend what I'm posting next time.
You quoted me, so you should already have your answer.

It was false bravado. Hogan was an ego maniac, so when he walked to the ring, he wanted everyone to think he was in control, that he wasn't trembling in his wrestling boots. But it was just a facade, and the commentary team pointed it out right from the beginning.

It'd be like if I challenged Michael Jordan to a game of HORSE. I'd go out there, talk some trash, but fully expect to get my ass handed to me. False bravado.

So it was still false when he proceeded to beat Sting down and pin him practically clean (referee's fault partially) with the leg drop in five minutes? That sounds like positive/legit bravado to me.
So it was still false when he proceeded to beat Sting down and pin him practically clean (referee's fault partially) with the leg drop in five minutes? That sounds like positive/legit bravado to me.

You're talking about two different things. If I go into that game of HORSE with MJ, talking shit but expecting to lose...and then he misses his first three shots, and I'm up an H to nothing, then all of a sudden, I think I have a chance.

When he walked to the ring, the smiles were an ego protecting facade. But just because he was legitimately (relatively speaking of course) intimidated by Sting, that doesn't change the fact Hogan was still the most dominant wrestler in history, and thus completely within the realm of reason to see him take control of the match against Sting, a guy who hadn't wrestled a match in over a year.
People can watch the same thing and enjoy it to different levels.

However, quality and enjoyment/preference are different. Something can be good, but you not find it enjoyable. This match was a very good TV match, one in which I enjoyed very much and you didn't enjoy much at all.

But just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it wasn't a good match.

I guess, though, the reverse is equally true. Just because you did like it doesn't automatically mean it was a good match either.

The only real problem I had with the match was that the outcome was never in doubt. Forget spoilers and dirt sheets, everyone knew there was no way in hell that Flair was beating Sting tonight, resulting in Sting retiring and the Hogan/Sting "main event" at BFG not happening. Now I know this is very common in pro wrestling today, where the outcomes of matches are predictable. Just don't try to convince me that this match was dramatic or suspenseful.

Hopefully for TNA, nostalgia sells. It just doesn't work for me. Personal preference I guess.
You're talking about two different things. If I go into that game of HORSE with MJ, talking shit but expecting to lose...and then he misses his first three shots, and I'm up an H to nothing, then all of a sudden, I think I have a chance.

When he walked to the ring, the smiles were an ego protecting facade. But just because he was legitimately (relatively speaking of course) intimidated by Sting, that doesn't change the fact Hogan was still the most dominant wrestler in history, and thus completely within the realm of reason to see him take control of the match against Sting, a guy who hadn't wrestled a match in over a year.

I'd question the use of reason in pro wrestling but I get the idea.

I still think it was totally wrong, especially after the year and a half of faces being decimated by the NWO (save for that very odd Luger 5 day title reign) and the months of saying THIS is the one time Hogan can't get out of it. I would have done things very, very differently as I've explained to you before.
I guess, though, the reverse is equally true. Just because you did like it doesn't automatically mean it was a good match either.
No, but I never claimed it was a good match because I liked it. I actually gave reasons to support why it was a good match earlier in the thread.
No, I'm telling you that you look stupid when you say it wasn't exciting, when the crowd obviously showed it to be otherwise.

You're not a bad poster, but I suggest you take a little more time to comprehend what I'm posting next time.

In fairness, we are talking about the Impact Zone crowd. You could argue that the Roode/Kazarian match was much more exciting but based on crowd reaction, you wouldn't know it.

Ordinarily, I'd be right there with you, but in this case the crowd we are talking about has been proven to be something you don't measure anything wrestling-wise on.

Plus, this was TNA's BIG match of the day and month. I'm sure some of the noise (AKA Flair's boos at the beginning) were both piped in and done by plants.
Glad I watched the match. Not sure how some people enjoyed it as much as they did but I am happy for them.

If you did enjoy it please don't read any further.

To me it was nostalgic but not much anything else. While the run in made sense it seemed disjointed and the timing was off. Shouldn't Flair have just been DQ'd? The knucks make sense as well but shouldn't brass knuckles have a greater effect when you get hit square in the face? It would have worked better with just a clean finish. Those guys deserve to do their thing at this point without the other crap.

Still glad I got to watch the match. Thanks to Sting and Flair for 23 years. -old guy

P.S. - Fuck Gunner
I'd question the use of reason in pro wrestling but I get the idea.

I still think it was totally wrong, especially after the year and a half of faces being decimated by the NWO (save for that very odd Luger 5 day title reign) and the months of saying THIS is the one time Hogan can't get out of it. I would have done things very, very differently as I've explained to you before.

I have no problem with Hogan's entrance. It was perfectly in line with his character. However, I do agree the match should have been booked differently, it should have been an ass-kicking to the utmost by Sting. However, the booking of the actual match has nothing to do with Hogan's facade coming to the ring, the facade which masked his intimidation of Sting, an intimidation which obviously still exists to this day. Hence the run-in.
No, I'm telling you that you look stupid when you say it wasn't exciting, when the crowd obviously showed it to be otherwise.

You're not a bad poster, but I suggest you take a little more time to comprehend what I'm posting next time.

I see what your saying but again your wrong. Your saying since the crowd found it to be exciting that it was exciting. Well guess what I don't agree with them. I'm sure you found the 8 person mixed tag exciting also because the crowd was into it. Right?
In fairness, we are talking about the Impact Zone crowd. You could argue that the Roode/Kazarian match was much more exciting but based on crowd reaction, you wouldn't know it.

Ordinarily, I'd be right there with you, but in this case the crowd we are talking about has been proven to be something you don't measure anything wrestling-wise on.

Plus, this was TNA's BIG match of the day and month. I'm sure some of the noise (AKA Flair's boos at the beginning) were both piped in and done by plants.

Understand that, but unless TNA planted most of the fans in the audience, and not just the hot girls in the front row, then most of the crowd was legitimately into it.

And I didn't see the Roode vs. Kazarian match, but just because one match is exciting, or more exciting, it doesn't mean the second match cannot be exciting as well.
To me it was nostalgic but not much anything else. While the run in made sense it seemed disjointed and the timing was off. Shouldn't Flair have just been DQ'd? The knucks make sense as well but shouldn't brass knuckles have a greater effect when you get hit square in the face?

See, this is why I'm not sure the run-in was supposed to break up the pin. Since no one interfered in the match, why would Flair get DQ'd? It seemed as if the run-in was more to distract the referee from the fact Flair was going to use brass knuckles.

As far as having a greater effect, unless you expect Sting to retire tonight, they had the greatest effect they could possibly have.
I see what your saying but again your wrong. Your saying since the crowd found it to be exciting that it was exciting. Well guess what I don't agree with them. I'm sure you found the 8 person mixed tag exciting also because the crowd was into it. Right?

So what you're saying is your opinion is more correct than the opinion of 700 others. Is that really what you're telling me?

Perhaps I was wrong when I said you weren't a bad poster.

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