IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.15.11

I haven't figured out why people want to judge a match like this on pure wrestling as if both of the competitors were on the AJ Styles level. Sometimes you have to appreciate something for what it is instead of complaining because it isn't something it was never going to be to begin with.


This is about story, not ring ability.
This isn't anywhere near as bad a match as the "not suitable for television" bullshit that hyped it.

This is totally fine for a main event.
I wonder if I would be able to find a VHS tape of this match, so I could put it in my VCR and watch it :lmao:

It's on DVD and I think it's on Hulkamania Volume 3 (GREAT tape and easily could be turned into a 9 hour DVD with a few matches being extended). It originally aired on February 5, 1988 in Indianapolis Indiana on a live special called the Main Event (not to be confused with Saturday Night's Main Event) on NBC and it still holds the record for the highest rating ever for a wrestling broadcast at a 15.8.
Kind of irrelivent to the match discussion, but I love when people talk about how Sting's in such good shape. He's only 52. Flair looked pretty good when he was 52 too. Now he's only 10 years older and looks 10x worse.

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