IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.15.11

What IMO was worse was the idea of even letting him go out there. If he was that fucked up, they never should have let him go to the ring. They never should have let him walk out of the curtain. Send anyone out there in his place, even if it costs you viewers — worry about explaining what happened later.

Cut a promo and bury him before the match starts if you have to. The biggest failure was letting it happen.

Fuckin' A. I remember saying pretty much the exact same thing the night it happened.
JJ, you really think the courts are not testing him?

Who knows. They don't have to, though he has to not violate his parole which will undoubtedly mean stay sober. He's never shown he can before and he turned down rehab so why should I believe that he's going to do it. Honestly, the law only goes so far, but addicts only get healthy when they take step 1, admitting they have a problem. Jeff hasn't done that. He's asked for forgiveness on screen but even on screen, he hasn't admitted that he has a real problem. Do that both on screen and off and maybe we'll get somewhere.

I've been over this.

If we're never trusting an addict, dozens of the biggest superstars in history would never have been. By that logic, HBK, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, RVD, etc. etc. etc. would never have existed, because they'd have fucked up and have been cut for not being "trustworthy" because of the fact they are/were all addicts at some point.

Honestly, the only person on that list that deserved his chance was HBK because he legitimately changed his life and didn't come back until he did. When he came back in 2002, he was a new man, clean from drugs and different from the addict. Hall should have been canned in 1997-1998 and he's lucky to still be alive. I could go on with all your guys but I believe that you have to live your life right. Do you really want to see more wrestling deaths? Are a few matches the "fans" want to see worth a wrestler's life?

EDIT: To be fair, I do agree that TNA fucked up by letting that happen to begin with. They should have sent anyone else out there, but it followed the same logic I think "well people pay to see Hardy so they'll see Hardy". Fuck drawing power, you take the guy off the card, put ANYONE else on, and fire his ass. He's literally fucked your company over numerous times. I'd tell him that he's fired and the ONLY way he's coming back is if it's with a sponsor around him.
Honestly, the only person on that list that deserved his chance was HBK because he legitimately changed his life and didn't come back until he did. When he came back in 2002, he was a new man, clean from drugs and different from the addict. Hall should have been canned in 1997-1998 and he's lucky to still be alive. I could go on with all your guys but I believe that you have to live your life right. Do you really want to see more wrestling deaths? Are a few matches the "fans" want to see worth a wrestler's life?

You said it yourself, dude. Never trust an addict. HBK is an addict. Why the exception to the rule? What, never trust an addict, unless he converts to Christianity?

You realize that like 90% of professional wrestlers are addicts, right? You'd have the thinnest roster on earth if you canned every addict for having issues with drugs or alcohol.
I'm interested if this is as bad as it's said to be.

Sting isn't one of the people that can make pink/purple look tough.
Oddly enough he was the muscle of the team too.

No, he wasn't — A1 was the muscle of Team Canada.

I haven't figured out why people want to judge a match like this on pure wrestling as if both of the competitors were on the AJ Styles level. Sometimes you have to appreciate something for what it is instead of complaining because it isn't something it was never going to be to begin with.
Do yourself a favor and watch their match from 3/27/88 at COTC 1. It's 45 minutes but feels like it's about 20 and it's probably the best they've ever had. Probably the Match of the Year also.

Ok I might check it out. I've never seen a match that's taken place before I was born.
You said it yourself, dude. Never trust an addict. HBK is an addict. Why the exception to the rule? What, never trust an addict, unless he converts to Christianity?

You realize that like 90% of professional wrestlers are addicts, right? You'd have the thinnest roster on earth if you canned every addict for having issues with drugs or alcohol.

90 percent? Dude, this ain't 1998 anymore. There are rules against it (in most companies anyway) and not only that, seeing others DIE may have woken up the younger guys to not emulate the guys who they can't talk to anymore.

And yes, if you have ever been an addict, you are always an addict. That said, if you take the proper steps to bettering yourself, you are a recovering addict. When you are clean and understand how to stay clean and have taken steps to do that, then MAYBE you can be trusted with a job again. HBK did that. He had to prove even to his best friend (who was still top draw when he came back) that he was clean. Why? That friend told him off and they didn't talk for a year because Shawn showed up messed up when he was Commish. It's in HBK's book if you want a source. Even that didn't help HBK though. What did it for him was passing out instead of tucking in his son. He realized that having a child meant that he needed to be there for him, not dead somewhere. Thus, he tooks steps to get clean. Jeff had a kid but hasn't taken those steps. If he showed me that he's done ANYTHING to get clean, maybe I'd buy this, but he hasn't. Addiction is not something to fuck with man. I've lost people in my family because of it so I don't fuck around about it.

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