IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.15.11

AJ's accent is irrelevant. He doesn't get pushed because he has been bumped down the pecking order by the influx of former WWE guys. As he said himself, he's been busting his ass for nine years, and along comes Jeff Hardy who takes his spot. End of story.
See to me, there are two types of southern twangs. AJ's which you can understand what he says yet still has a draw, and James Storm who I can't understand half the time. Have a slight accent is fine and I'm fine with it when it comes to AJ, but Storm I can't do. It's too much and he has to tone down the southern-ness. I think I figured out that his accent is one of the things that I dislike about him most.

Storm has more of a a Tennessean "twang" to his voice, which makes sense considering he's billed from there. Jarrett shares it, and he's from Tennessee, too.

Styles has that Georgia, smooth-talking accent, which is what makes him easier to understand, but also what hinders him from really sounding "angry".
What is so moral about building your character around the reality that you metaphorically screwed one of your employees?

What is so bad about addressing what everyone spent a ton of time discussing and knows about?

In that case, there was something that happened that was real and came off as real that we saw. Montreal was a real screwjob in which feelings were hurt. No lives were in danger and the only person hurt was the guy who did the screwing who got punched in the face.

The other case is that a person literally put other people's lives in danger by doing what he did. He tried to go to a ring and wrestle under the influence of drugs to the point where everyone in attendance could see it. The fact is, he should be fired for that and never brought back. Instead, he is back and his first story is trying to garner sympathy for doing one of the worst things you could do inside a ring? It's disgusting and it's a stain on TNA's history. They would be better off moving forward from it, and preferably without Hardy. If he's going to be there though, you don't run this story. Remember when Orton said to Rey that Eddie went to hell? That was disgusting too. There are times when wrestling crosses the line in a bad way. This is one of those times.

It's not compelling and I honestly do not care that Jeff wants forgiveness. It's sickening to me that he's still employed and more sickening that he's there for the sole purpose of reminding people on a weekly basis how bad he fucked up.
AJ's accent is irrelevant. He doesn't get pushed because he has been bumped down the pecking order by the influx of former WWE guys. As he said himself, he's been busting his ass for nine years, and along comes Jeff Hardy who takes his spot. End of story.

Who said anything about his accent being why he isn't pushed? You're going off on an tangent again.

I said his accent is what garners him the complaints about his mic work. It had/has nothing to do with his position in the company.
Welcome to my world, dude. I've been screaming that for months. You know what I don't like? WWE programming. You know what I don't watch? WWE programming. Why? Because I don't like it. I see no reason to go against what my own brain tells me not to do just so I can complain to a bunch of people who do like it that I don't. That's what I call a logical failure.


What I think is that they like certain parts of TNA, such as the wrestlers, but don't like the directions. Maybe they just watch and hope it goes in the direction they want to see. I don't know though. That's just what I came up with.

Still wanting to know why that was a submission match.

They said Samoa Joe wanted a return match, so it makes sense to me that he'd want a submission match to help himself out some.
Welcome to my world, dude. I've been screaming that for months. You know what I don't like? WWE programming. You know what I don't watch? WWE programming. Why? Because I don't like it. I see no reason to go against what my own brain tells me not to do just so I can complain to a bunch of people who do like it that I don't. That's what I call a logical failure.

The thing is, IDR, that most of us "whiners" watch the show and participate in the LD's because we really want TNA to be good and to succeed, and we get frustrated when Hogan, Flair, and Sting usurp the positions of Styles, Crimson, Morgan, and Joe.

Plus, if we didn't participate in the LD's, and only the positive guys did, there'd only be about 3-4 guys participating on any given week.
Since this applies to me, I'll repeat what I've said time and time again: why in the world would you assume I was a logical person?

So you're not? You're illogical, yet demand logic from shows you hate, but watch willingly?

You're right... that doesn't sound like the request of a logical mind at all.
The thing is, IDR, that most of us "whiners" watch the show and participate in the LD's because we really want TNA to be good and to succeed, and we get frustrated when Hogan, Flair, and Sting usurp the positions of Styles, Crimson, Morgan, and Joe.

Plus, if we didn't participate in the LD's, and only the positive guys did, there'd only be about 3-4 guys participating on any given week.

LD's aren't what will make TNA a success or not.

I'd buy your statement, too, if what I was reading wasn't irrelevant commentary on the color of someone's tights.
I'd explain it to you but what's the point?

Well I'd bet the point of this is posturing on your part since you don't know either yet you put up this front of knowing a lot more than you think you do because you know your opinions are flawed. Either that or you're actually as stupid as I think you are.
LD's aren't what will make TNA a success or not.

Obviously, I'm just saying why there are so many "whiners" on any given TNA LD. It would either be whiners, frustrated by the product, or just you and about three other guys, all talking about the product positively but with no balance.

We're the voice of reason, IDR. Face it ;)
So you're not? You're illogical, yet demand logic from shows you hate, but watch willingly?

You're right... that doesn't sound like the request of a logical mind at all.

I work at the office of a political party for no pay, talk about wrestling all day and review wrestling PPVs while cheering for the Cleveland Indians.

How logical can I be?
I'm still not sure about this Jeff thing. It has a lot of ways it could go though and some could be good.

I dunno, dude — I think they're handling it right. It's a matter of humbling Hardy back to square one, in a sense, which could do a lot to re-gain a lot of the respect he legitimately lost with the boys in the room.

Even if all of these interviews are works, if Jeff can really pull through them and follow through on this whole thing he's likely to regain a number of supporters behind the scenes.

Either way, the fans want to see Jeff Hardy, so if he's coming back regardless I'd love to see TNA take what was obviously a major stain on their history and turn it into a positive redemption story.
Maybe there'd be more positive posters if they didn't have to worry about getting chewed out by the usual suspects for saying something positive. Yes, I know it's a message board, but come on.
Obviously, I'm just saying why there are so many "whiners" on any given TNA LD. It would either be whiners, frustrated by the product, or just you and about three other guys, all talking about the product positively but with no balance.

We're the voice of reason, IDR. Face it ;)

LOL. Sorry, not buying it. I still think a couple of you just enjoy complaining, especially if it means getting to use generic rhetoric to slag on the company that's cool to hate.

I work at the office of a political party for no pay, talk about wrestling all day and review wrestling PPVs while cheering for the Cleveland Indians.

How logical can I be?

:lmao: Well played, sir.
Second hour has been much, much better than the first. Too much Knockouts for my tastes tonight, but the Hardy/Styles and Hardy/Devon segments really helped to salvage kind of a weak first hour.
Well I'd bet the point of this is posturing on your part since you don't know either yet you put up this front of knowing a lot more than you think you do because you know your opinions are flawed. Either that or you're actually as stupid as I think you are.

I'll pretend this makes any sense (ignoring logical contradictions in the first sentence) you are wrong and a crappy gambler.

Submission match favors Joe. Chance to build up Joe for his run into BFG and give some flexibility on this Morgan-Joe stuff if they want to focus on Crimson without killing the feud or burying Morgan with a straightforward defeat. Among other things.
I work at the office of a political party for no pay, talk about wrestling all day and review wrestling PPVs while cheering for the Cleveland Indians.

How logical can I be?

Dallas Cowboys would have been a better example. ;)

I've watched maybe a total of 20/30 minutes of tonight's show and from what I saw it's alright. Nothing really good, though nothing bad either.
Roode has got so much going for him, but his spinebuster IMO is kind of a weak finisher. It seems to me more of a set-up type maneuver to lead into his finisher.

The pefect-plex he used to use was much better, IMO.
Dallas Cowboys would have been a better example. ;)

I've watched maybe a total of 20/30 minutes of tonight's show and from what I saw it's alright. Nothing really good, though nothing bad either.

Let's see if you still feel the same way after the Sting/Flair main event.
This is a nice little match-up. This whole Roode v. all the members of Fortune thing IMO is really gonna pay off in making Roode look like a superstar heading into Bound For Glory.

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