IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.15.11

When in the history wrestling has something that garnered that much attention not become a story? WWE is practically founded on the montreal screwjob. If you want morals join a support group. This is wrestling.

BIG difference between Montreal and Victory Road. VR was a guy going out there in no condition to wrestle and ruining a main event. That would be like WWF making a storyline out of Owen's death. There are certain things that just shouldn't become stories. This is one of those things. It's absolutely disgusting and the fact that you are saying "this is wrestling" just reminds me how shitty wrestling fans can be at times. I know it's not exactly a place for a moral code, but this is beyond horrible.

WEEK after WEEK Morgan gets HUGE pops!!! WHY isn't he in the world title picture!!!

Crimson has gotten a bit more interesting since he's had time to talk. Imagine that.

Wait, so what you're saying is that when you put time into developing the characters of new wrestlers, we might actually find reason to care about them? And if that happens, they might even become people that fans pay to see? That's impossible!
I live around country and southern accents and AJ's is pretty mild. I understand him fine and it's never bothered me.

I understand him fine, too, but there's nuances to how he speaks that just don't translate. He's got that soft southern speak to him, so much to the point that even when he's angry it's hard to really interpret his anger as full-force as it's always coming across from a guy who doesn't really look to be as angry as he apparently is.

He's an adequate speaker, but he just doesn't seem to have that ability to really dig down and find that something extra that you see guys like Sting, Foley and even guys like Samoa Joe do.
If this weren't a weekly thing, you'd have a point, but we have a couple users who participate in these things who seemingly only do so to complain about everything happening on the screen 30 seconds at a time. To me, that's whining, especially when it's the same nonsense every week.

I'm tellin' you, dude — it's the southern accent.

To be fair, I don't participate in TNA LDs as often as I'd like, so I'm not entirely sure how it usually is in here. So maybe if it's a week after week thing, then it could get a little grating. But I don't think it's whining. I think they are giving their actual opinions on the product. But that raises the why they watch it if they're just going to complain question.

I don't think AJ's accent is that noticeable.
See, I don't know how typical my tastes are compared to others, but I really enjoyed those Styles segments tonight. I liked that Crimson promo. I liked the Fourtune stuff. But I hated all the Flair, Hogan, Sting, Angle nonsense. Give me the young guys over the old fogies any day of the week.
What is so moral about building your character around the reality that you metaphorically screwed one of your employees?

What is so bad about addressing what everyone spent a ton of time discussing and knows about?

WEEK after WEEK Morgan gets HUGE pops!!! WHY isn't he in the world title picture!!!


Because he was legit injured mid-way through the BFG series and the BFG series was building toward pushing a guy into the main event. He very well might have been there had he not torn his pec.
I understand him fine, too, but there's nuances to how he speaks that just don't translate. He's got that soft southern speak to him, so much to the point that even when he's angry it's hard to really interpret his anger as full-force as it's always coming across from a guy who doesn't really look to be as angry as he apparently is.

He's an adequate speaker, but he just doesn't seem to have that ability to really dig down and find that something extra that you see guys like Sting, Foley and even guys like Samoa Joe do.

See to me, there are two types of southern twangs. AJ's which you can understand what he says yet still has a draw, and James Storm who I can't understand half the time. Have a slight accent is fine and I'm fine with it when it comes to AJ, but Storm I can't do. It's too much and he has to tone down the southern-ness. I think I figured out that his accent is one of the things that I dislike about him most.
Yeah but AJ's not really the kind of guy that talks to get his point across. He gets his point across by being the most athletic guy on the roster. he doesn't need to talk to get over, which is why him as a heel was perhaps the dumbest thing TNA could have tried.
To be fair, I don't participate in TNA LDs as often as I'd like, so I'm not entirely sure how it usually is in here. So maybe if it's a week after week thing, then it could get a little grating. But I don't think it's whining. I think they are giving their actual opinions on the product. But that raises the why they watch it if they're just going to complain question.

I don't think AJ's accent is that noticeable.

Welcome to my world, dude. I've been screaming that for months. You know what I don't like? WWE programming. You know what I don't watch? WWE programming. Why? Because I don't like it. I see no reason to go against what my own brain tells me not to do just so I can complain to a bunch of people who do like it that I don't. That's what I call a logical failure.
There's something soothing about a southern drawl resonating in my eardrums.

Damn iPhone making me type way behind everyone else and cutting my post off halfway.
Welcome to my world, dude. I've been screaming that for months. You know what I don't like? WWE programming. You know what I don't watch? WWE programming. Why? Because I don't like it. I see no reason to go against what my own brain tells me not to do just so I can complain to a bunch of people who do like it that I don't. That's what I call a logical failure.

Since this applies to me, I'll repeat what I've said time and time again: why in the world would you assume I was a logical person?

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